Monday, April 30, 2018

Jenelle Evans and Kailyn Lowry: Are They Actually Going to Fight?!

The next season of Teen Mom 2 hasn"t even started yet, and it"s already just filled to the brim with drama, huh?

Things are so good that we"re already on pins and needles waiting for the reunion.

With Teen Mom OG, all of the cast members have their own individual drama, and they"ve been dealing with some pretty heavy stuff — mental illness, drug addiction, worrisome pregnancies.

But for some reason, the Teen Mom 2 crew just loves getting involved in each other"s lives, for better or for worse.

Briana dated Javi, Kailyn"s ex-husband, and Kailyn and Leah went on a big vacation together — both of those things will be featured in the new season.

Another thing that will be featured?

The great big feud between Jenelle and Kailyn.

Let"s review how things got so bad between them, and while we"re at it, let"s see the latest updates on what"s shaping up to be a good old-fashioned throwdown!

1. A Long, Long Time Ago

Jenelle and kailyn

Believe it or not, back when Teen Mom 2 started, Jenelle and Kailyn were friends. Crazy, right? But there’s photographic evidence and everything.

2. Friends Become Enemies

Jenelle mug shot

We don’t know exactly what happened between them, but we do know that back when Jenelle was getting arrested every other day, Kailyn bailed her out once. It was before they made big money on the show, and Kail really struggled then, so this was a big deal. Jenelle never paid her back, and many people think that was where the feud began.

3. Getting Worse

Kailyn lowry death stare

A few years went by, and things were fine — or at least not terrible. But then Kailyn got pregnant with her third child, little Lux, and Jenelle somehow heard about it before Kailyn publicly shared the news.

4. Bad Move

Jenelle evans is thick

Jenelle tweeted about it, confirming what, at the time, were just rumors. It was low, even for Jenelle, and Kailyn was forced to announce her pregnancy.

5. Keeping It Classy

Kailyn lowry pink hair

The pregnancy announcement thing was bad, but things really heated up a few months ago when these ladies began trading insults on Twitter. During the Teen Mom 2 season finale, the episode that featured Jenelle’s wedding, Kailyn tweeted “What a sh-t show of a wedding.”

6. Yikes

Jenelle evans promoting lipstick

In a totally reasonable move, Jenelle hit back with “At least I didn’t go around telling everyone at the reunion a while back that you wanted divorce Javi to have a ‘black baby,’ like wow. Classy kail… right to me and my mom’s face lmao why didn’t they show that sh-t show?”

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