Showing posts with label Evans. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Evans. Show all posts

Friday, December 14, 2018

Monday, November 26, 2018

Monday, November 19, 2018

Jenelle Evans: Did She Create a Fake News Site Just to Defend David Eason?!

These days, most of the stories we hear about Jenelle Evans and David Eason are downright sad.
But the latest is pretty damn funny
Whether it’s Jenelle denying that David assaulted her, or David using made up facts to defend his bizarre obsession with the Confederacy, every recent...
Jenelle Evans: Did She Create a Fake News Site Just to Defend David Eason?!

Why Is Jenelle Evans Driving Across the Country? A Mystery Explained

As we reported earlier this week, Jenelle Evans is driving across the country along with her husband, David Eason. 
Curiously, Jenelle and David flew to California last week, but it seems they’ve decided to rent a car and drive home. 
And their choice of transportation isn’t th...
Why Is Jenelle Evans Driving Across the Country? A Mystery Explained

Friday, November 16, 2018

Why Is Jenelle Evans Driving Across the Country? A Mystery Explained

As we reported earlier this week, Jenelle Evans is driving across the country along with her husband, David Eason. 

Curiously, Jenelle and David flew to California last week, but it seems they"ve decided to rent a car and drive home. 

And their choice of transportation isn"t the only unusual thing about this coast-to-coast odyssey.

Check out what Teen Mom 2 fans have to say about Jenelle and David"s traveling sideshow:

1. On the Road Again

Jenelle and david hiking

Jenelle and David have spent the past week wending their way across our nation’s highways.

2. The Easons at the Canyon

Jenelle and david on vacation

They’ve been seeing taking the scenic route and enjoying some of America’s most famous landmarks.

3. Spontaneous — or Suspicious

Jenelle and david on vacation

Sounds like a lot of fun, to be sure — but the trip is also raising some major questions among Teen Mom 2 fans.

4. Like the Pioneers of Yore.

David eason picture

As anyone who’s done it can tell you, driving across the country is no mean feat. In fact, it’s incredibly time-consuming.

5. Two-Part Vacay

Jenelle makes like a bird

And the road trip is the second leg of Jenelle and David’s vacation.

6. California Girl

Jenelle evans a car selfie

First, they flew into Southern California for undisclosed reasons.

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Thursday, November 15, 2018

Jenelle Evans: Did She Abandon Her Kids to Go on a Cross-Country Drug Run?!

Jenelle Evans has been involved in so much ridiculous behavior over the years that you might think there"s no way she could shock you at this point.

But apparently, the Teen Mom 2 star is intent on proving you wrong.

The last two months may have been the most bonkers of Jenelle"s life — which is really saying something.

And if a new report is to be believed, she decided to cap the whole thing off by ditching the kids and embarking on a drug-fueled cross-country odyssey.

Check it out:

1. Road Warriors

Jenelle and david cuddles

Jenelle and David have decided to ditch their responsibilities and hit the road. It’s like Easy Rider, except instead of hippie bikers, it’s a pair of negligent parents.

2. Traveling Twosome

Jenelle and david hiking

Jenelle and David have made several stops on their road trip, including a visit to the Grand Canyon.

3. Taking Their Time

Jenelle makes like a bird

They seem to have a lot of time on their hands for two people with a bunch of kids at home (including one who’s homeschooled) but we digress.

4. Goin’ Back to Cali

Jenelle and david on vacation

It’s David and Jenelle’s time in California that’s attracting the most attention — and drawing some major suspicions.

5. The Timing

Jenelle and ensley at disney

For one thing, California is being consumed by historic wildfires at the moment, so it’s a bit of an odd time to take a trip there.

6. To Be Fair…

Jenelle and david eason

Jenelle and David didn’t know that would happen at the time they planned the trip, so they can’t really be judged for the awful timing.

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Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Kailyn Lowry to Jenelle Evans: God, You"re Homophobic!

This not exactly just in:

Kailyn Lowry will not be inviting Jenelle Evans over for Christmas this year.

Or any year after this, either, we can safely say.

The Teen Mom stars have gone back and forth on Twitter over the topic of Kailyn"s sexuality, with Jenelle making what certainly seems like a very insensitive and inappropriate comment.

That"s so unlike her, right?!?

Scroll down to see what we mean and to take a side in this ongoing feud…

1. Kailyn and Jenelle Were Once Close Friends

Jenelle and kailyn

It’s true! We actually documented a little while ago how their friendship turned into a rivalry.

2. Happier Times…

The cast of teen mom 2 photo

Heck, Kailyn once helped Jenelle post bond and get out of jail. But the relationship appeared to sour for good when Evans told the world Lowry was pregnant with her third child… before Kailyn wanted that news out there.

3. I’m Coming for You, Kailyn…

Im coming for you kailyn

In early October, sort of out of nowhere, Jenelle addressed Kailyn on social media, asked why Lowry is always talking about her kids (Editor’s Note: She’s not) and made it clear that she was prepared to go after her former friend online.

4. The Attack Commences

Jenelle evans a car selfie

“I really hope you’re reconnecting with your mom because you f-cking need it,” Evans ranted at Lowry shortly afterward, adding: “You need someone to love you so you can stop fantasizing about other’s lives and putting others down because you don’t have the life you want. Sorry. Hope you find some peace and happiness.”

5. Whatever, Jenelle…

Kailyn lowry for good american

“I’m flattered she’s so bothered by me,” Lowry said to Radar Online in response. “She’s gotta calm down. Out of everyone she’s only bothered by me… and I’m not even writing about her.”

6. Passive Aggressive Shade Thrown

Kailyn lowry signs

Considering Jenelle started going off on her around the same time as allegations of domestic abuse against David Eason, Lowry added in this Radar Online chat: “Jenelle only makes a big deal about me when something else is going on underneath it all.”

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Briana DeJesus: Jenelle Evans Will NEVER Get Along With Kailyn Lowry! [Exclusive]

Briana DeJesus is like lightning in a bottle.

DeJesus breathed new life into the aging Teen Mom 2 franchise when she joined the cast in 2017, an effect that MTV has been unable to reproduce on Teen Mom OG.

The reason, of course, is that Bristol Palin and Cheyenne Floyd are not Briana DeJesus.

Briana knows how to stir the pot and spill the tea like any good reality star should.

In fact, as she proved in a recent exclusive interview with The Hollywood Gossip, the mother of two can deliver the drama even when the cameras aren"t rolling.

Take a look:

1. Briana Drama

Briana dejesus a selfie

Briana spoke exclusively with The Hollywood Gossip this week, and she had much to say about her kids, her new relationship, and her famously volatile co-stars.

2. A Frightening Incident

Briana dejesus nova and stella

The health and well-being of Briana’s youngest daughter has been a subject of concern for fans ever since little Stella was rushed to a hospital in August.

3. On the Mend

Briana dejesus daughter

Fortunately, the 17-month-old is recovering nicely following a bout with septic arthritis.

4. Making Progress

Briana dejesus and baby stella

“Stella is definitely ok,” Briana tells THG, adding that her eldest daughter, Nova, loves taking care of her little sis.

5. Team Effort

Briana dejesus and nova

“She gets the common cold here and there but for the most part she’s back to her normal self and nova loves taking care of Stella and making sure she’s OK,” Dejesus adds.

6. Heating Up

Briana dejesus and johnny rodriguez

Back in September, Briana revealed that she’s dating a New York native named Johnny Rodriguez.

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Monday, November 12, 2018

Jenelle Evans Doesn"t Care That California is on Fire Right Now

Jenelle Evans is a moron.

Sorry, there"s just no other way to say it.

The Teen Mom 2 cast member has made many bad decisions over the course of her life, right up to and including her marriage to David Eason…

… who she evidently thinks everyone totally loves.

But one of the least smart things Evans has ever done is take a vacation in California and share a number of lovely photos from the trip — while totally ignoring the awful wild fires that rage around the state and cause the evacuation of over 250,000 people.

Yes, she really has done this.

Scroll down to see her photos, read her captions and then to roll your eyes at her obvliousness:

1. Jenelle and David Eason are on Vacation

Jenelle evans a car selfie

They are visiting Sequoia National Park, California, which is an absolutely gorgeous place to be. That much is not in dispute.

2. But Here’s the Thing:

California wild fires prompt evaculations kill dozens

Wild fires all around the Malibu area have caused mass evacautions and led to the deaths of at leat 31 people. It’s a statewide tragedy, even for those not immediately affected by the disaster. You can watch the above video for more.

3. Is Jenelle Close to the Still-Spreading Flames?

Jenelle and david cuddles

No. The national park at which she’s a visitor and Malibu are over 250 miles apart. She is safe and sound and very far away from the danger zone(s).

4. But Still, Right?

Go ahead and hate us

Many folks out there would agree it’s in bad taste to brag about the glorious sights and sounds all around you in the same state in which a quarter million people are literally, simultaneously fleeing for their lives.

5. It’s Amazing Out Here, Though!

Its amazing out here though

“This is the most magical place I’ve ever been in my life! I’m so glad to have experienced it with my best friend. This makes you wonder if giants were ever real,” Jenelle wrote as a caption to this photo and a few others from her trip.

6. Look at Us, Not Running for Shelter from the Fire!

Look at us not running for shelter from the fire

Added Evans: “Nature is super breathtaking. Don’t ever take it for granted. Adventure out everywhere you can and explore the world!”

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Friday, November 9, 2018

Jenelle Evans to Be Fired In Response to Petition From Thousands of Teen Mom 2 Fans?

Jenelle Evans" time at MTV may soon be coming to an end.

Jenelle"s been a controversial figure from the very beginning of her time in the spotlight, but in recent months, the Carolina Hurricane has hit rock bottom in previously unimaginable ways.

While there may have been a time when the constant drama was regarded as a source of amusement by Teen Mom 2 fans, no one is laughing these days.

And tens of thousands of fans are now circulating a petition urging the show"s producers to take action before someone gets seriously injured — or worse.

Take a look:

1. The Carolina Hurricane

Jenelle evans and a green screen

Jenelle has always been an agent of chaos, but these days, there’s more evidence than ever that her reckless behavior is creating an unsafe environment for her children.

2. Beyond Rock Bottom

Jenelle instagram

The situation has gotten so bad that many fans are convinced this is nothing less than a matter of life and death.

3. Taking Action

Jenelle evans in glasses

Now, more than 20,000 Teen Mom 2 viewers have sent a message to MTV that by continuing to employ Jenelle Evans, the network is condoning child abuse and endangerment.

4. Join the Fight

Jenelle is missing teeth

Click the link above in order to sign the petition to have Jenelle fired.

5. Dangerous Dave

Jenelle and david eason

Much of the concern among fans, of course, has to do with Jenelle’s husband, David Eason.

6. Weird Flex

David eason in confederate flag

David recently boasted that the Department of Child and Family Sevices had been called to the Easons’ home more than 20 times in the span of a single year.

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Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Jenelle Evans Talks Cosmetic Surgery: I"m Almost 30 But I Look Like I"m 20!

Like so many of her co-stars in the Teen Mom franchise, Jenelle Evans has had a fair amount of work done.

Unlike those ladies, however, Jenelle is widely despised for her violent, abusive behavior, which means folks on the social media feel much more comfortable commenting on her appearance.

Of course, Jenelle only makes the situation worse when she offers up boasts about her beauty that would induce eye-rolls even they came from a top supermodel.

So while we might have a shred of sympathy for Jenelle (it"s probably in there if we really dig deep), there"s no denying that she put herself in this situation.

Take a look:

1. Stylin’ and Profilin’

Jenelle evans best picture

We probably don’t need to tell you that Jenelle thinks quite highly of herself. Not surprisingly, this arrogance extends to her appearance.

2. Laying Low

Jenelle evans with david and ensley

Jenelle recently took a hiatus from social media following the release of a 911 call in which she accused husband David Eason of assaulting her and breaking her collarbone.

3. Life on the Land

Jenelle evans struggles to hold ensley

Following her recent return to Instagram, however, Evans has been thirstier than ever, posting daily videos in which she converses with fans while strolling around her property.

4. Grade A-Material

Jenelle evans dude shirt

All of Jenelle’s videos have to be seen to be believed, but her latest is really a doozy.

5. Jenelle Goes Off

Jenelle goes off

Here’s 26 minutes of Jenelle’s rants from the past 24 hours (!!!) compiled into one convenient mega-clip.

6. For the Sake of Your Sanity

Jenelle is missing teeth

Don’t worry, we’re offering you a handy guide to the most bonkers moments so that you don’t have to watch the whole thing.

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Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Jenelle Evans: Kailyn Lowry Has a Lesbian Crush on Me! David Eason Is Being Bullied!

Folks, Jenelle Evans is at it again.

As you may know, Jenelle deleted her Twitter and Facebook accounts and kept a low profile on Instagram in response to last month"s scandals involving her husband, David Eason.

But now, Jenelle is back, and she"s making up for lost time in a major way.

In the past 24 hours, Jenelle has returned to Twitter, attacked two of her co-stars in bizarre tirades, and claimed that Eason is being bullied by MTV for his "conservative" views.

It"s almost too much to keep track of, but don"t worry — we"ve been monitoring the insanity for you:

1. The Wrath of Jenelle

Jenelle is missing teeth

Jenelle is pretty much always angry, but this week, it seems she’s more pissed off than ever before.

2. Back on Her BS

Jenelle evans with david and ensley

In a truly bonkers video posted to her Instagram page last night, Jenelle addressed two recent controversies, both of them involving her husband, David Eason.

3. The Randy Feud

Randy houska

Eason has been accused of issuing violent threats to Randy Houska, the father of Teen Mom 2 star Chelsea Houska.

4. The Stalker

David eason in confederate flag

He’s also been accused of stalking the Teen Mom 2 set and making threatening comments to producers despite being fired from the show.

5. Jenelle Goes Off

Jenelle goes off

In this video, Jenelle addresses both recent scandals in a way that’s unlikely to sway anyone to her side.

6. Real News

Jenelle and david eason

“So I see articles lately saying that David is harassing cast members,” Jenelle begins.

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Monday, November 5, 2018

David Eason: Harrassing Teen Mom 2 Producers? Hoping to Get Jenelle Evans Fired?!

It"s been nine months since David Eason got fired from Teen Mom 2, but it seems he"s still obsessed with his former gig.

Part of the reason, of course, is that David is still unemployed and thus has nothing else to keep him occupied.

But David"s fixation with the show also seems to have roots in his anger at producers.

For months now, he"s been ranting on social media about how unfair it was that he was axed from the show.

And it now it looks as though his anger might be creating an unsafe situation for TM2"s crew.

Take a look:

1. Dark Times on the Land

Jenelle eason and david eason pic

Jenelle and David have hit rock bottom like never before over the course of the past month.

2. The Incident

Jenelle and david eason

It all started, of course, with the revelation that David had assaulted Jenelle during a fight on the couple’s property.

3. The Call

Jenelle evans 911 call

This resulted in Jenelle calling 911 and being rushed to the nearest hospital for her injuries.

4. The Aftermath

Jenelle evans with david and ensley

Fans implored Jenelle to remove her kids from the home and relocate someplace safer. Instead, she did something wholly unexpected …

5. The Twist

Jenelle evans releases video statement denies being abused

Jenelle took to social media to defend David in the wake of the attack, dismissing the assault as a “drunk and dramatic misunderstanding.”

6. Things Get Weirder …

Jenelle evans post op

In the weeks following David’s alleged attack, Jenelle has offered increasingly bizarre accounts of what “really” happened that night.

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