Showing posts with label Lesbian. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lesbian. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Jenelle Evans: Kailyn Lowry Has a Lesbian Crush on Me! David Eason Is Being Bullied!

Folks, Jenelle Evans is at it again.

As you may know, Jenelle deleted her Twitter and Facebook accounts and kept a low profile on Instagram in response to last month"s scandals involving her husband, David Eason.

But now, Jenelle is back, and she"s making up for lost time in a major way.

In the past 24 hours, Jenelle has returned to Twitter, attacked two of her co-stars in bizarre tirades, and claimed that Eason is being bullied by MTV for his "conservative" views.

It"s almost too much to keep track of, but don"t worry — we"ve been monitoring the insanity for you:

1. The Wrath of Jenelle

Jenelle is missing teeth

Jenelle is pretty much always angry, but this week, it seems she’s more pissed off than ever before.

2. Back on Her BS

Jenelle evans with david and ensley

In a truly bonkers video posted to her Instagram page last night, Jenelle addressed two recent controversies, both of them involving her husband, David Eason.

3. The Randy Feud

Randy houska

Eason has been accused of issuing violent threats to Randy Houska, the father of Teen Mom 2 star Chelsea Houska.

4. The Stalker

David eason in confederate flag

He’s also been accused of stalking the Teen Mom 2 set and making threatening comments to producers despite being fired from the show.

5. Jenelle Goes Off

Jenelle goes off

In this video, Jenelle addresses both recent scandals in a way that’s unlikely to sway anyone to her side.

6. Real News

Jenelle and david eason

“So I see articles lately saying that David is harassing cast members,” Jenelle begins.

View Slideshow

Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Ruby Rose Will Play Lesbian Superhero Batwoman on New CW Series!

It’s time for some great casting news!

Ruby Rose will be joining the CW’s Arrowverse. She will be playing Batwoman as the titular character in the upcoming TV series.

Even before that series premieres, fans will get to see her make an appearance as Batwoman.

Greg Berlanti is living his best life. He is producing Arrow, The Flash, Supergirl, Legends of Tomorrow, Black Lightning, Titans, and more.

And soon, he and writer Caroline Dries will have a new series for The Cw: Batwoman.

The character of Batwoman will make her first appearance before her show even begins, because she will have a role on his December’s big DC crossover event.

And The Hollywood Reporter broke the news that Batwoman will be played by Ruby Rose.

Ruby also a model and recording artist, and is noted for acting roles on Orange Is The New Black and Dark Matter as well as film roles like John Wick II and The Meg.

This is great news!

Batwoman CW image

If you’re not familiar with the character of Batwoman, you should start off by knowing that she is emphatically not Batman’s girlfriend.

In fact, Batwoman is Bruce Wayne’s cousin. Also, she’s a lesbian. Her name is Kate Kane.

Like her cousin, she utilizes combat skills, detective work, and gadgetry in order to combat her city’s criminal element.

The Batwoman series will follow Kate Kane as she pursues her interest in social justice and her training in street fighting, battling her inner demons and also battling crime in Gotham.

There have been a number of versions of Kate’s story over the years — that’s the nature of comics. It’s likely that fans will see both new and familiar elements of Kate as they watch her joint he Arrowverse.

While Batwoman won’t be the DC’s first lesbian superhero on the CW (for example, there is Anissa Pierce, aka Thunder on Black Lightning), or the first LGBT+ lead on a DC show (that would be Sara Lance on Legends of Tomorrow), she will be the first gay lead.

Showrunners had decided from the get-go that they wanted to cast an openly gay actress for the role.

Representation is important, and a lot of heterosexual actors have been hailed as “brave” for portraying LGBT+ characters over the years.

Ruby Rose, who came out as gay when she was 12, and was dating Jess Origliasso of The Veronicas until April of this year, is a great fit.

The Arrowverse is affirming its commitment to representation with Nicole Maines, a trans woman who will play a trans superhero, joining Supergirl as a series regular next season.

When the news of her casting broke, Ruby took to Instagram to confirm it to her followers.

“The Bat is out of the bag,” Ruby’s captions begin. “And I am beyond thrilled and honored.”

“I’m also,” she admits. “An emotional wreck.”

This means so much to her, she explains, “because this is a childhood dream.”

“This is something I would have died to have seen on TV when I was a young member of the LGBT community,” Ruby says. “Who never felt represented on tv and felt alone and different.”

Kids and teens need representation, too.

“Thank you everyone,” Ruby says. “Thank you god.”

We still do not know which other characters will be featured on Batwoman, let alone who will play them.

(We all have our fancasts of who should play Renee Montoya — a comics character often associated with Batwoman, though, like Harley Quinn, Montoya was originally conceived in the 1990s for Batman: The Animated Series)

Batwoman is expected to air on the CW, while other upcoming live-action DC shows like Titans, Doom Patrol, and Swamp Thing will be making their debut on the DC Universe streaming app, which is now available for preorder.

Congratulations to Ruby Rose for living her dreams and getting to bring this comics legend to life!


Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Cynthia Nixon Dismissed as "Unqualified Lesbian" by Idiot Politician

As previously reported, Cynthia Nixon is running for Governor of New York.

As has also been reported a long time ago, Cynthia Nixon is a lesbian.

What does this latter fact have to do with this former fact?

Nothing at all, really.

But try telling that to Former City Council Speaker Christine Quinn.

In an interview with The New York Post, Quinn made it clear that still holds a grudge against Nixon for endorsing Bill de Blasio over her in the the 2013 Democratic primary for mayor.

“I’m surprised by this race. It’s a flight of fancy on her part,” Quinn said of Nixon’s confirmation on Monday that she would take on Andrew Cuomo in the September 13 Democratic primary.

That’s a fair assessment on Quinn’s part.

Most folks out there were taken aback by Nixon’s announcement.

But Quinn wasn’t done.

She added the following:

Cynthia Nixon was opposed to having a qualified lesbian become mayor of New York City. Now she wants an unqualified lesbian to be the governor of New York.

“You have to be qualified and have experience. She isn’t qualified to be the governor.”

Quinn, as you may have surmised by that quote, is an open lesbian just like Nixon.

What does this have to do with Nixon’s candidacy? It’s unclear.

All that’s evident here is just how bitter Quinn is over Nixon’s decision five years ago to back someone else for New York City Mayor.

“She’s an accomplished actress, a supporter of political causes and that’s a good thing,” Quinn said in this same interview, adding:

“Participating in rallies is important. But she’s never run an organization.

“Being an actress and celebrity doesn’t make you qualified for public office. This is a time to move away from celebrity and toward progressive leadership.”

There’s an actual critique!

There’s still little substance behind it, of course, as one would ideally attack a candidate for just his or her positions on topics that affect the state.

In response to the comments, Nixon told the aforementioned newspaper her sexual orientation is irrelevant in this race.

She’s simply concerns with “the corruption in Albany. It’s time for an outsider. I’m not an Albany insider.”

Made aware of the extreme backlash she’s facing for her comment, Quinn took to Twitter and backtracked as quickly as she could, writing:

To be clear, Cynthia Nixon’s identity has no bearing on her candidacy and it was not my intention to suggest it did. I want to be clear about that. I would never, EVER, criticize someone because of their identity.

I’ve experienced it time and time again, and would never support it or condone it. As a lesbian who ran one of the most high profile races in the country,  i know what that’s like. And I know it’s imperative that we encourage more members of our community to run for office.

Cynthia Nixon aggressively opposed my candidacy in New York despite my qualifications for the office and despite my strong progressive credentials. I was attempting to make a comparison between the two of us

The real point I am trying to make is that qualifications matter and records matter. I do not believe she has the qualifications or the record.

Okay, fair enough.

Do YOU agree?

Vote below: Would you want Cynthia Nixon as your Governor?


Tuesday, March 13, 2018

"Black Panther" Triggered Tsunami, says First Black Lesbian Superhero Actress

Nafessa Williams – who plays the first black lesbian superhero on the TV show “Black Lightning” — says get ready for more black superheroes because an enormous wave’s ready to make a powerful splash … thanks to “Black…


"Black Panther" Triggered Tsunami, says First Black Lesbian Superhero Actress

Nafessa Williams – who plays the first black lesbian superhero on the TV show “Black Lightning” — says get ready for more black superheroes because an enormous wave’s ready to make a powerful splash … thanks to “Black…


Thursday, March 1, 2018

Elsa May Be a Lesbian, Much to the Chagrin of These Parents

Conceal don’t feel, don’t let them know/Well now they know/Let it go, let it go/Can’t hold it back anymore.

When Queen Elsa sang these words in Frozen, she may have been belting out lyrics about her super scary ice powers…

… or she may have been coming out of the closet as a lesbian.

There are movie goers who believe the latter, and who have been pushing for Disney to give Elsa a girlfriend in the upcoming Frozen sequel.

Might this actually happen?

Writer and co-director Jennifer Lee has chimed in on these rumors, which has prompted quite the outcry on Twitter.

Scroll down for the full story…

1. Is Elsa Actually Gay?!?


Lee won’t say, but she’s aware of the chatter and told The Huffington Post the following: “Where we’re going with it, we have tons of conversations about it, and we’re really conscientious about these things. For me … Elsa’s every day telling me where she needs to go, and she’ll continue to tell us. I always write from character-out, and where Elsa is and what Elsa’s doing in her life, she’s telling me every day. We’ll see where we go.”

2. #GiveElsaAGirlfriend


Long before Lee even made this comment, there was a viral movement to give Elsa a girlfriend in Frozen 2. This is one strong reason why.

3. Fire and Ice?

Gf please

See, some fans have a very clear idea of exactly how they want this same-sex hookup to go.

4. On the Other, Less Tolerant Hand…

No gf

… some folks out there are simply NOT having this idea. They’ve made some pretty strong statements against it.

5. Well, on This Hand…


… and on THAT hand. As you can see, the possibility of a lesbian Elsa has many parents very confused how to react.

6. Do It, Disney!

Great idea

Thankfully, many parents out there believe this move would serve as inspiration to many young people out there, those who are struggling with certain LGBT-related questions.

View Slideshow

Thursday, September 28, 2017

NBA"s Kelly Oubre: "I"m Not a Lesbian, I"m a Grown Man"

Washington Wizards baller Kelly Oubre is setting the record straight — saying he’s “NOT a lesbian” … despite what some fans say. The 21-year-old rising star was talking to CSN Mid Atlantic about some of the crap he gets from opposing…


Monday, September 11, 2017

Demi Lovato is a Lesbian Now and is Dating Lauren Abedini, Twitter Concludes

Back in 2015, Demi Lovato hinted strongly that she may be bisexual.

Asked in an interview whether references to having been with a woman (in THAT way!) on the track “Cool for the Summer” were autobiographical, Lovato replied as follows:

“I’m not confirming and I’m definitely not denying. All my songs are based off of personal experiences. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with experimentation at all.”

In other words: Yeah, Lovato has totally made out with a member of her own gender on at least one occasion.

No judgment of any kind here. Just educated speculation.

We bring this response up two years after it was uttered because Internet users are now wondering whether Lovato has a new love interest…

… and whether that love interest has boobs.

The artist was spotted Disneyland over the weekend holding hands with DJ/producer Lauren Abedini, as evidenced by the photo below:

demi hand hold

It was snapped by an onlooker who then shared the image on social media and referred to Abedini as Demi’s “possible” girlfriend via caption.

That was all it took for the rumor to make the viral rounds.

“Demi Lovato is the gay icon we deserve,” wrote another person with a connection to the World Wide Web, while another woman wrote the following online:

“Demi Lovato has a girlfriend….. I’m shook…. But I love it!!!!!”

Reaction to this possibility has many people quite excited, that’s for sure.

demi response

The singer, of course, dated Wilmer Valderrama for six years.

She then moved on to a UFC fighter named Guilherme “Bomba” Vasconcelos.

Both of those individuals are men. They have a penis.

But it’s not unprecedented for a famous female celebrity to dabble in her own sex, even after dating guys in her past.

Take Kristen Stewart, for instance. 

For many years, she was as known for banging Robert Pattinson as she was for starring in The Twilight Saga.

However, she recently compared heterosexuality to grilled cheese and has made the move to women. She’s in a serious relationship with Stella Maxwell.

If Lovato has chosen to go down the same bisexual path, good for her. We’re not about to judge.

We’re just going to wish her all the best and hope the star is happy with whomever she’s sleeping next to tonight.


Friday, June 30, 2017

Jay-Z"s Mom Gloria Carter Comes Out as Lesbian in New Song!

Jay-Z took a page out of Beyonce’s Lemonade playbook and dropped an album, 4:44, out of the blue that nobody can stop talking about.

Between the huge new revelations about Jay-Z’s cheating and Beyonce’s miscarriages, some otherwise big deals were contained in that album that really deserve a little more attention.

Like Jay-Z’s mom, Gloria Carter, coming out as a lesbian on the new album’s third track. Yes, really.

Jay-Z isn’t using subtle references to Sappho or Victorian-era symbolism, either.

His lyrics in the song, “Smile,” really spell things out.

“Mama had four kids, but she’s a lesbian, had to pretend so long that she’s a thespian. Had to hide in the closet, so she medicate. Society shame and the pain was too much to take.”

It gets better.

We’re not just saying the phrase, “It gets better.” We mean that the story told through these lyrics absolutely get more uplifting.

“Cried tears of joy when you fell in love. Don’t matter to me if it’s a him or her. I just want to see you smile through all the hate.”

That is precious.

The song is “Smile” by Jay-Z featuring Gloria Carter, so yes, she absolutely makes her own voice heard in the track.

“Living in the shadow. Can you imagine what kind of life it is to live? In the shadows people see you as happy and free, because that’s what you want them to see. Living two lives, happy, but not free.”

Again, this is Gloria Carter’s turn.

And she continues:

“The world is changing and they say it’s time to be free, but you live with the fear of just being me.”

The world is changing, but like any civil rights movement, even the major milestones don’t necessarily change hearts and minds, and certainly not overnight.

And many in the LGBT+ community have to combat their own internalized homophobia.

That is, they’ll shy away from things like holding hands with a partner or attending Pride activities.

“Living in the shadow feels like the safe place to be. No harm for them, no harm for me. But life is short, and it’s time to be free. Love who you love, because life isn’t guaranteed. Smile.”

That’s so powerful.

Jay-Z was one of the first big names in the world of rap to openly support marriage equality, speaking out in 2012.

He described opposing marriage equality as discrimination (which it obviously is), akin to racist descrimination.

That may sound academic these days, but in 2012, Obama himself had only just begun to openly support marriage equality.

Back in 2008, and in every election beforehand, no major candidate could openly support the marriage rights of the LGBT+ community without being branded a “radical” by large portions of the electorate.

Bigotry is real, but cultures do get better over time. Little by little.

Unfortunately, there are almost certainly other women who are living Gloria Carter’s story.

Women who are raising children and afraid to come out as bi or gay because they don’t want their children to grow up with that stigma.

Because yes, homophobia persists, especially in certain communities.

By releasing this track, Jay-Z can really spread how personally this impacts him and how homophobia can ruin lives.

By coming out, Gloria Carter has made a huge step for lesbians but especially for lesbians of color, who face homophobia, racism, and misogyny.

Today is the end of June and therefore the last day of Pride Month.

Did Jay-Z drop the album last night as much because his and Beyonce’s twins, named Rumi and Sir according to reports, are alive and healthy and so he felt free to tell the story of past betrayals and miscarriages?

Did he drop it so that his mother could celebrate Coming Out on the last day of Pride?

Or did he somehow balance his and Beyonce’s twins and the month of Pride and choose today as the perfect (or last viable) day for his album’s release?

That’s genuinely impressive.

Though … Lemonade still takes the cake.

(Even though it didn’t win Album of the Year)


Friday, June 9, 2017

Snooki to Blac Chyna: You"re Turning Me Into a Lesbian!

If you follow her on Instagram you know that racy Blac Chyna selfies are a fairly regular occurence.

So her latest side-boob-heavy pic doesn’t come as much of a surprise.

Rather, it’s the hilarious celebrity cameo in the comments section that caught fans off guard.

Not surprisingly, Jersey Shore star turned unlikely lifestyle guru Nicole “Snooki” Polizzi has a long history with the Kardashian clan anf their hangers-on.

Snooki feuded with Khloe Kardashian back in 2014, but they’ve since buried the hatchet.

It seems Snooks is still keeping an eye on all things Kard-related, however, as she revealed last night that she’s got a powerful girl crush on Blac Chyna.

Chyna posted the pic yesterday afternoon, but it seems Snooki didn’t discover it until late at night … after she’d had a few adult beverages.

“Stop it with these pictures I’m drunk and turning into a lesbian thanks,” Polizzi commented.

Obviously, the remark elicited dozens of responses from amused fans, most of whom simply tagged Snooki alongside a few laughing emojis.

Blac has yet to respond, but we’re sure she’d open to the idea of making Snooks’ drunken fantasies come true.

We say that not because we have any reason to believe that Blac is bisexual, but rather because she would date pretty much anything that draws breath if it meant raising her public profile.

Snooki probably wouldn’t do a whole lot for Blac’s career these days (She’s no Rob Kardashian, after all.), but word that Ms. Chyna is in a same-sex relationship with a married former reality star would certainly grab some headlines.

And that seems to be just about all Blac is expecting these days.

Following word that her reality show, Rob and Chyna, was canceled by E! after just one season, Blac has seen her social media numbers decline precipitously.

At this point, it would take something like a scandalous new relationship to get Blac back in the gossip columns.

But hey, even if her following continues to dwindle, at least she can take comfort in the fact that she’s inspiring drunken Snooki fantasies.

That’s gotta count for something. 



Sunday, March 19, 2017

Mayweather"s Ex-Chef Out Of TMT ... "I Don"t Think He Saw Me As More Than a Lesbian" (VIDEO)

Floyd Mayweather’s ex-personal chef — the woman who famously said she was paid $ 1,000 a plate — is no longer part of Floyd’s crew … and says the fact she’s gay may have played a role.  We spoke with Chef Q who is now backtracking on her…


Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Sister Wives Lesbian Bombshell: Mariah Brown Dating Audrey Kriss!

Mariah Brown came out as a lesbian on an emotional January Sister Wives episode, and now she’s going public with Audrey Kriss!

Her relationship is Instagram official. She writes:

“When your girlfriend is an artist, so you pretend to art for a day just for her, alongside a glowing photo of herself with a pretty brunette.”

Yup, girlfriend. It’s also Facebook official.

Both halves of the couple announced their relationship status on their respective profile pages, leaving no doubt that this is the real thing.

She even took to Twitter for the social media trifecta, identifying her by name: “Shoutout to Audrey Kriss for literally changing my life.”

Kriss, 21, a fellow student of the Sister Wives star at Utah’s Westminster College, showed Mariah “that who I am is perfectly okay.”

It’s great to see Mariah so happy now.

Mariah Brown coming out was just part of a tough year that also saw her family grapple with Meri Brown’s catfishing scandal and infidelity.

Meri, Mariah’s 46-year-old mom, fell in love with an online profile named Samuel Cooper who was really a woman named Jackie Overton.

The drama played out on TV, with Meri and husband Kody Brown struggling to repair the damage to their marriage and family since.

In early 2017, it was Mariah’s turn to deliver a shocker, coming out of the closet even as she admitted being gay was her biggest fear once.

The family had no clue it was coming.

“No one thought that Mariah coming out as gay was going to be the announcement,” a family source said of her now-famous sit-down.

“Especially considering Mariah was one of the children who said would practice polygamy when she married,” said the source at the time.

Mom Meri was floored by it.

“I didn’t see this coming, I thought I knew my daughter … I didn’t,” she said, while a show insider claims the cast and crew were in the dark:

“No one knew what Mariah coming out was going to be filmed. Robyn, Christine, Janelle, and Kody were all also genuinely blindsided.”

The family’s church, the Apostolic United Brethren, espouses that homosexuality is a sin, and Meri and Kody have struggled with this.

Just the same, Mariah’s family – her siblings, parents and “sister moms” – has been overwhelmingly supportive after the big news sank in.

“We’re just happy she’s figured out who she is,” Janelle said.

“It’s tremendous when you see a kid do that.” 

Kody Brown, for his part, was candid about his thoughts on having a homosexual child, which he admits was difficult in a sense.

“You come from an Old Testament religion, you are not excited that your child comes out,” Kody explained after Mariah’s news.

However, the father of 18 said he decided a long time back that if this scenario ever occurred, he would not stand in the way:

“I thought about this years ago, and I made a decision.”

“My job as a dad is to love and respect, not to judge.”


Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Joseline Hernandez: Is She a Lesbian Now?!?

Joseline Hernandez is actually getting along well with Stevie J these days.

The reality star and her new baby daddy have seemingly squashed their beef, just a few weeks after Hernandez gave birth to a little girl sired by her occasional lover.

But while Hernandez is now on decent terms with Stevie, that’s apparently nothing compared to the terms she’s on with a possible new love interest in her love.

A possible FEMALE new love interest, we should definitely say.

The Love & Hip Hop star herself shared a photo on Instagram this week that depicts her holding the hand of an unidentified member of the same sex.

The picture was snapped at an event in Atlanta that Hollywood Life has simply referred to as a “paid appearance” by Joseline.

But she wasn’t paid to hold this woman’s hand and speculation is now running rampant over what it all means.

According to Media Take Out sources, Hernandez and this woman “held hands and snuggled together for a good part of the evening.”

This same insider says Joseline has “given up” on men and wants to see if she’ll be satisfied (physically, emotionally, etc.) by a female.

Interesting, right? Sort of arousing, no?

Joseline and Stevie J, of course, have been engaged in one of the more contentious relationships we’ve ever witnessed between two celebrities.

That’s saying a lot, we know, but consider:

Hernandez once referred to Stevie as a dead beat child molester.

Stevie once said that Joseline is a drug addict who was using while pregnant and who is clinically bonkers.

Joseline (at least) once attacked Stevie, prompting her ex to call the police.

The two have been through so much that we can understand why Hernandez may simply think she’d be better off in the arms of a woman.

Joseline also gave birth to a daughter on December 28.

Her name is Bonnie and she’s really cute.

So Hernandez doesn’t really need a man any longer. She got Stevie’s sperm. She got a baby out of that whole ordeal. Perhaps she’s thinking that there’s no reason to deal with all the baggage that men can bring to relationships.

Speaking to TMZ about a week after his baby was born, Stevie sounded very much like someone who wants to bury the hatchet with his ex-girlfriend.

“I just want to be a good father, and I want her [Joseline] to be a great mother,” he said, adding that he and Joseline just “gotta come together and be the best parents we can.”

Sounds like he has the right idea, doesn’t it?

And it looks like Joseline has no interest in continuing their battle anyhow.

She’s moved on to bigger and better, and bustier, things.


Monday, November 21, 2016

Jana Duggar Lesbian Rumors Surface, Roil Conservative Family

Jana Duggar is no stranger to speculation regarding her personal life, but Counting On fans may be taking it a bit too far with this latest rumor.

Or a lot too far, to be honest.

As the first girl of Jim Bob and Michelle’s 19 Kids & Counting, and a talented, sweet and beautiful one like that, her dating life is a hot topic.

Dating life, or lack thereof.

Michelle and Jim Bob have often leaned on her the most when it comes to helping with her (many( brothers and sisters as they arrive.

You don’t have to watch Counting On online to know that the 19 children span nearly three decades and require insane levels of effort.

But despite that chaos, and some might say burden, Jana has always remained level-headed and happy, by and large – at least publicly.

Lately, with Jinger Duggar getting married and Joy-Anna Duggar courting Austin Forsyth, Jana rumors have been running wild, however …

Jana’s quest for love is the subject of all the chatter following Joy’s announcement and the release of the Counting On Season 3 trailer.

Not even two months shy of 27, she has yet to enter a courtship, while Jill, Jessa and Jinger are all married and Joy, 19, is now courting.

There have been rumors Jim Bob and Michelle hkeep Jana prisoner, essentially, to raise her siblings and since JBD calls the shots?

We’d semi-believe that, sadly.

Now there’s even more outlandish speculation, however – that perhaps the reason she’s never courted is that she may be a lesbian.

Again, these are only rumors with no real evidence to support such an idea, but you can see why such talk would upset Jana’s family.

Rumors that she may be a lesbian are troubling, and not just because that would go against what her very conservative family believes.

Implying Jana is a lesbian is somehow a bad thing, or the only explanation for a 26-year-old girl being single, are both ridiculous notions.

There has even been talk that Jana was interested in a few men in her life, but decided that at the end of the day, they weren’t worthy.

So she has high standards and that’s why she’s single?

Also, Jana may not be willing to date right now because she’s busy focusing on her business, having just purchased a building in town.

It’s not clear what she intends to do with said building, but whatever it is, perhaps just leading her own life is taking priority over courting.

Here’s Jana in her own words earlier this year …

One can assume that when the time is right, our girl will find someone to spend the rest of her life with, and that we shouldn’t worry.

Nor should we speculate about her sexual orientation, or anyone’s, whatever it may be, just because they aren’t currently in a relationship.

To do that certainly isn’t fair – either to Jana, or anyone who might have different priorities in life that don’t involve rushing to the altar.


Tuesday, October 18, 2016

"OITNB" Star Lea DeLaria -- F Trump ... No Self-Respecting Lesbian Would Vote for Him (VIDEO)

“Orange Is the New Black” star Lea DeLaria went nuclear on Trump supporters, hurling epithet after epithet at them. Big Boo had no problem telling off a bunch of Trump supporters what’s up at a Hillary Clinton event Monday night in NYC.…


Saturday, October 15, 2016

Brandi Glanville: I"m a LESBIAN! Surprise!

Brandi Glanville has fewer big – or small – things to worry about, since now that she’s done with men, she’s going “back” to being a lesbian. 

Let that sink in a minute, and imagine all the … never mind. Just let that sink in and allow it to do its thing. 

In an update shared on her Twitter page last night, Glanville said, “All guys suck.” 

“Back to being a lesbian again.”  

Whoa, girl! 

As Brandi’s spoken out about her sexuality in the past, saying that she’d tried lesbianism, this wasn’t too surprising.

However, she said she didn’t dig it entirely – despite rumors that she hooked up with celeb chef, Cat Cora – this full admission comes as a shocker. 

Ha, get it? Shocker? 

Never mind. 

About lesbianism, Brandi previously said, “I have actually tried to be, but it just didn’t work out for me.”

Glanville was previously linked to her ex-husband’s wife’s ex-husband – say that three times fast – but apparently, the sizzle fizzled. 

Sources said that Glanville and Dean Sheremet – LeAnn Rimes’ ex – hit it off immediately and bonded over their mutual dumpings. 

However, something must have stopped the two from moving forward, as she’s now turning back to the wild side. 

Other women that Brandi was reportedly linked to included Demi Moore, as well as unnamed women via threesomes. 

In 2014, she said, “I love beautiful people.” 

“I’m not gay, but I’m not straight,” she revealed.  

All good with us, girl! 

In her memoir, Drinking & Tweeting & Other Brandi Blunders, Glanville revealed that she even used to hook up with women while LeAnn Rimes’ husband would watch. 

She wrote, “I definitely appreciate a pretty girl, so on occasion I would hook up with girlfriends so that my husband could watch.” 

“Sometimes the girl had a boyfriend and husband, too, who also seemed to enjoy the show,” she continued. 

“It was harmless, and Eddie seemed to appreciate it, because without fail, it would lead to some pretty hot sex afterward.” 

“Like I said,” she concluded, “I was just an average Hollywood housewife doing whatever I could to keep my husband happy.”

Wonder if Eddie’s still enjoying the fruits of being a Hollywood househusband. 

Guess we’ll have to ask LeAnn – LOL! – Rimes. 


Friday, June 17, 2016

Farrah Abraham Sex Tape 2: Lesbian Sequel Filming Underway with Toochi Kash!

Teen Mom and celebrity gossip legend Farrah Abraham loves to say, almost as often as she breathes oxygen, that she is not a porn star. 

She totally is, of course, having starred in a hugely successful porn film … and is about to star in another. Oh yes, she’s doing it AGAIN!

One of the great pathological liars of our time, Farrah’s never going to change her story. She is not a porn star and she’s standing by that.

Despite starring in a high-production-value, critically acclaimed, commercial smash of adult film, for which she was paid a small fortune.

Clearly, the allure of money and/or getting paid to f–k are just too great, because we’re about to see a second Farrah Abraham sex tape.

This time, a sex tape of the girl-on-girl variety!

You may have observed earlier this week that Farrah Abraham’s Instagram photos featured significantly more boobs and butt than usual.

And that is saying something, we know.

Well, these things tend to happen when you host pool parties in Sin City, which she did along with some equally uninhibited friends. 

When you pay Farrah money to host a wet, wild shindig in triple-digit temps, you’ll get your money’s worth from her and her scantily-clad pals.

Seriously, the photos are straight ridic.

But, according to Fame/Flynet, the photo agency that obtained the images splashed over the web, she was also in Vegas for something else:

“[Farrah] is back in the porn scene shooting a lesbian erotica video for lexotica (dot) com with International published model / entrepreneur Toochi Kash.”

Oh yes. Three words: Lesbian erotica video.

Abraham may be keeping this film on the DL (you know, because she’s not a porn star) but she is hardly dialing down the PDA with Toochi Kash.

Who is actually pretty hot, FWIW. Like whoa.

In any case, one can just imagine how she’ll try to explain this one away once the word, and girl-on-girl action, shockingly “leak” online.

We’re anticipating a lot of incoherent nonsense about haters and people disrespecting her, and/or self-righteous boasting of her moguldom.

Maybe in the same breath. Because #Farrah.

One can also imagine how high both the live streaming demand and Sophia’s therapy bills will be as a result of this instant sex classic.

In Abraham’s world, she’s doing what she has to do to provide for her daughter, and on some level, this is defensible and even admirable.

Still, there is likely a line somewhere that shouldn’t be crossed, and it’s likely been crossed and then some by the Backdoor Teen Mom.

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Mimi Faust: I"m Dating a Woman, But I"m NOT a Lesbian!

Even if you’ve never seen an episode of Love & Hip Hop Atlanta, there’s a good chance you recognize the name Mimi Faust.

Back in 2014 Mimi made a sex tape that became a surprise Internet sensation.

That’s not a knock on Mimi’s appearance or bedroom skills. The fact that Mimi’s amateur porn went viral was a shock only because Love & Hip Hop Atlanta isn’t exactly a ratings juggernaut.

Maybe we shouldn’t use the word “viral” when we’re talking about sex tapes. Ew.

Anyway, Mimi has since broken up with Nikko London – the co-star in her “leaked” skin flick – but that doesn’t mean her days of shocking fans with her love life are over.

On the season premier of LHHA, Mimi introduced her friends to her new love interest, Chris.

Many of them were surprised to learn that Chris is actually a woman named Christine

According to those in her inner circle, Mimi had never before expressed any interest on swimming in the lady pond.

According to Mimi, she’s still not interested in women, and she considers herself 100% heterosexual.

Yeah, it’s a tad confusing, but apparently Chris self-identifies as a man, and Mimi says that’s good enough for her.

We’re not here to judge and we encourage Mimi to find love (and hip hop) with whomever she pleases.

Of course, this is the same woman who admitted her sex tape was a planned PR stunt only after it had been circulating the Internet for several weeks, so don’t be surprised if it turns out this is all for attention.