Showing posts with label Jana. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jana. Show all posts

Friday, October 12, 2018

Jana Duggar: ACTUALLY Dating Jeremy Vuolo"s Brother?!

If you’re a Duggar fan, we certainly don’t need to tell you that Jana Duggar is single.

And if you follow the family closely on social media, then we may not need to tell you about the growing legend of Chuck Vuolo, Jeremy’s hipster brother.

In case you’re unaware, every time Jinger and Jeremy visit his family in Texas, fans absolutely lose their minds over older brother Chuck.

This week, Jeremy posted the above photo in honor of Chuck’s birthday:

“Happy Birthday, big brother! I admire you in so many ways and am grateful to God for you,” Jeremy captioned the pic.

“You’ve already been an amazing uncle to my daughter; I look forward to sharing “’stories of Uncle Chuck’ with her when she’s a bit older. I love you more than I can say. Enjoy the day, bro.”

So we guess Chuck is a bit of a wild card?

Of course, with how squeaky clean Jeremy and his family seem to be “stories of Uncle Chuck” probably include such rebellious behavior as the time he put his lunch money in the collection plate.

Anyway, you may be asking yourself, what does this loose cannon Uncle Chuck have to do with Jana?

Well, you see, Duggar fans are oddly obsessed with the idea of Chuck entering a romantic relationship with Jana Duggar.

It all began when Jeremy posted some pics from a mini family reunion last month.

“Set him up with Jana?” one fan asked.

“I was thinking the same thing too,” echoed another.

“I hope so she’s so sweet!” wrote a third commenter, adding:

“How cute would they be?!” 

Jana courtship rumors surface at the rate of about one per month, and it seems like October will be entirely devoted to Chuck.

Some fans are now convinced that Jana and Chuck are actually courting — and as far as we can tell this is based on nothing other than the fact that they have yet to publicly state that they’re not.

Maybe those fans are onto something.

After all, with this many members of the Duggar family involved, it seems like someone would clear the air and issue some sort of statement.

Of course, it’s much more possible that Jana is still single and everyone involved is just enjoying a little free publicity.


Thursday, October 4, 2018

Jana Duggar: Fans Are THRILLED to See Her Find Companionship!

Now that Jana Duggar relationship rumors have been shut down by Laura DeMasie herself, some fans fear that Jana really will never find that special someone.

But a new photo surfaced that has fans excited that Jana may have found real companionship at last.

Don’t worry — we’re not going to keep you in suspense for too long.

While this is unfortunately not a report that 28-year-old Jana is dating … that doesn’t mean that she’ll be alone.

It was actually Jessa who uploaded the photo that you’re about to see.

In it, little Spurgeon Seewald is playing with a beautiful white dog named Willow.

“Up, Willow!” Jessa captions it, quoting Spurgeon. “Now stay. Good dog! You deserve a kiss.”

Fans immediately pointed out how cute both Spurgeon and the dog were.

They also noted Willow’s “painted” nails — they are clearly nail caps.

And then they asked whose dog Willow might be.

Jessa replied that Willow is “Aunt Jana’s dog.”

Fans were immediately overjoyed, and weren’t too subtle about their belief that having a beloved pet will fill a perceived void in Jana’s life.

“So glad that Jana has a dog to love!!” exclaimed one fan.

Another fan gushed: “I love that Jana has a dog!”

Jana is just a few months away from turning 29 — her birthday is in January.

She isn’t just the eldest unmarried Duggar — she’s the only unmarried adult Duggar.

As a Duggar, she is not allowed to date.

Having a dog to love and nurture and cuddle can be great for anyone, but especially for the perpetually single.

Recently, fans had hoped that rumors of Jana Duggar dating Laura DeMasie were true.

The two are close friends and Laura has even traveled with the Duggar family.

Derick Dillard insisted that no lesbian activity was taking place, but fans take Derick’s word with a grain of well-deserved salt.

It’s easy for fans to see a single adult, totally under the control of her hyper-conservative fundamentalist family, be interested in women but unable to come out.

But Laura has shut down those rumors.

Sure, it’s possible that Jana could be gay. Statistically, more than one of the Duggar kids would have to be something other than straight.

(Though of course the Duggar household is the last place where we would ever want an LGBT child to be born)

But whether she’s gay or asexual or just awkward, it’s really not our place to speculate about someone else’s sexual orientation.

That is emphatically her business.

Not every straight person has to get married and start popping out babies, no matter what Jim Bob Duggar says.

The real reason that fans are so concerned isn’t that they think that Jana is at an unusual age to be unwed.

Jana is a Millennial — Millennials have an overall trend of waiting longer to be sure before they decide to get married. That’s normal for non-Duggars.

A lot of fans hate to see Jana still laboring under her parents’ instruction.

She is a grown woman, but fans perceive her to still be the family Cinderella.

Jana fans would all get a little piece of mind if they believed that Jana were living her own life as more than just Jim Bob and Michelle’s obedient helper.

Her beautiful new dog, Willow, sure looks like a step in the right direction.


Thursday, August 9, 2018

Laura DeMasie: Who Is Jana Duggar"s Rumored Girlfriend?

If you’re a longtime Counting On viewer, then you’re probably familiar with Jana Duggar’s longtime friend Laura DeMasie.

Laura and Jana have an unusually close relationship, as DeMasie assists her BFF with homeschooling of the younger Duggars, as well as the many other chores that have been Jana’s responsibility for the entirety of her adult life.

Not surprisingly, the situation has led to rumors that Jana and Laura are dating.

We may never know if that’s really the case, as coming out as gay would be enough to get Jana permanently disowned by her parents.

Whatever the case, it seems Laura is definitely one of the most important people in Jana’s life.

The 33-year-old not only helps out around the compound, she’s also a VIP guest at events that are otherwise Duggar-only.

For example, when Jinger Duggar welcomed her first child back in February, only a select few immediate family members were on hand.

But despite the fact that Jinger didn’t even invite all of her siblings, there was Laura, standing right by Jana’s side as usual.

Laura was also on hand for several other recent events as well, including Jinger’s gender reveal party.

Duggars rarely allow outsiders in their midst, so some fans have been confused by the sight of a non-relative at so many private events.

“Like really… who is she? Why is she around? Why is she STILL around!?” one fan recently commented on a Duggar-themed Reddit board.

“Why did she go to Jinger’s birth?”

Several other fans echoed the sentiment, and while the exact nature of Jana and Laura’s relationship might forever remain a mystery, we do have a goods idea of who DeMasie is and where she came from.

Laura is a 33-year-old Arkansas native, who is currently employed in the media department of the Institute in Basic Life Principles (IBLP).

The IBLP is an important part of the Duggars’ lives and the source of many of the family’s most controversial beliefs.

So it’s safe to say that Jana and Laura first crossed paths as a result of their shared involvement with the organization.

As for why Laura is suddenly everywhere — well, that’s more of a mystery.

It’s not hard to see why so many fans suspect that she and Jana are more than friends, but thus far, there’s no clear indication of any romantic involvement.

Now that Jana’s twin, John David Duggar, is courting Abbie Burnett, Jana is officially the only single Duggar over the age of 20.

So it’s possible that she and Laura are simply kindred spirits who find comfort in one another in a desolate place where they’re already considered old maids.


Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Jessa Duggar: I Know Why Jana Is Still Single!

On last night’s episode of Counting On, the Duggars attempted to answer a question that’s very familiar to fans.

The mystery of why Jana Duggar is still single is a subject of near-constant discussion on social media, and yet it’s rarely discussed by the Duggars themselves.

At one point in the episode, a tree had to be moved from one of the Duggars’ many properties to one of the Duggars’ many other properties.

While the guys are hemming and hawing over how best to accomplish this feat, Jana takes control of the situation.

She hops in an excavator and moves the damn tree like it’s ain’t no thing.

Jana’s take-charge attitude and impressive ability to operate heavy machinery prompts Jessa to heap praise upon her sister.

“Jana is a ‘Jana of all trades,"” Jessa says.

“She can do anything. She can wire an outlet. She can run the big machinery. She can do it all.”

Jana accepts the compliment with her signature modesty.

“I enjoy doing a lot of different things, so I guess I could be a ‘Jack of all trades’ or a ‘Jana of all trades,’ Jana says.

“But there’s things I’m not good at. Sports is one of them.”

Jessa presses forward, speculating that Jessa’s talents might be too much for some potential suitors to handle.

“That may be why some of the guys are scared away,” Jessa says.

“They just feel like ‘This girl can do anything. What can I do? What can I do compared to that?"”

Jessa adds:

“Just kidding. Don’t let that deter you. She says it’s okay if a guy’s not as smart as her. Just come, and she might give you a chance.”

This isn’t the first time it’s been suggested that Jana is simply too good for the men she encounters living in Tontitown.

Is it possible that the men in her area are simply too insecure to date a woman who’s more skilled and knowledgeable in traditionally “manly” areas than they are?

If so, maybe it’s time for Jana to seek out greener pastures.

We’re sure Jim Bob would be opposed to the idea at first, but he could probably be talked into it.

For one thing, Jana moving to a big city in search of love would make for a great spin-off.

On top of that, it would distract from the rumors that she’s dating Laura DeMasie.

Explain it to JB like that, and we’re guessing he would suddenly think it’s a wonderful idea.


Thursday, July 19, 2018

Duggar Fans Want Jana to Be the Next Bachelorette

Get ready for the most chaste Fantasy Suite ever, Bachelorette viewers!

Yes, if Duggar fans have their way, two of the most dissimilar reality franchises on TV might soon collide, and the result is sure to be even more awkward than every other season of The Bachelorette.

According to In Touch Weekly, Duggar fans on Reddit are campaigning to have Jana star in her own season of one of television’s most popular dating shows.

Apparently, they’re willing to ignore the small fact that she has no interest in dating.

“Maybe Jana should be the next Bachelorette!!” one fan commented.

“I’ve never watched that show, but I’d totally watch it for Jan,” wrote another.


Well, for starters, we’re all for referring to Jana as “Jan,” mostly so we can hit her with the sarcastic Marcia Brady response when she pretends that she’s perfectly happy doing all the work around the Duggar homestead.

More importantly, we totally believe that commenter when she says she’s never seen an episode of The Bachelorette.

A Jana season is an amusing concept, but in practice, it would be the most boring thing to happen to television since the World Cup.

Even casual fans know about the famous Duggar courtship rules, that would prevent Jana from even kissing any of the candidates, much less spending the night with them.

(We’re not sure how Jim Bob and Michelle about handing out roses as a symbolic gesture, but we’re sure they consider it sinful.)

Fortunately, many commenters realized what a horrendous idea this would be:

“I don’t think a season of side hugs would bring in the ratings,” remarked one.

“Uh, not going to happen. Does she even date at all?” wrote another.

The answer to that question, of course, is “no” — or at least, “not publicly.”

Jana courtship rumors seem so surface about once per month, but thus far nothing has come of any of them.

The latest reports have Jana dating Laura DeMasie, her longtime BFF and partner in homeschooling the many offspring of Michelle and Jim Bob.

Is there anything to those rumors?

Frankly, we have no idea, and we probably never will.

Sadly, Jana’s parents would probably giver her permission to go on The Bachelorette before they would allow her to come out as gay.


Monday, July 16, 2018

Jana Duggar: Secretly Dating "Best Friend" Laura DeMasie?

The news that John David Duggar is courting Abbie Burnett has revived interest in Counting On fans’ very favorite question:

Namely, why is it that Jana Duggar is still single?

Jana is only 28, but in the Duggars’ world, that’s dangerously close to old maid territory.

Jana and her sisters were taught from a young age that procreation is second only to praisin’ the lawd on the list of a woman’s reasons for being.

While her siblings took that lesson to heart, with most of them marrying young and getting pregnant on their honeymoons, Jana has chosen a different path.

From what we’ve seen, that path mostly involves helping to care for her younger siblings, and lots and lots of gardening.

But if a new fan theory is to be believed, Jana’s existence isn’t quite as lonely as we’ve been led to believe.

If you’re a longtime Duggar aficionado, then you might recognize Jana’s longtime friend Laura Demasie.

Jana and Laura have been so close for so long that Demasie has even helped Jana with the homeschooling of her younger siblings.

So perhaps it should come as no surprise that many Duggar fans now suspect that Jana and Laura are more than just friends.

The subject is a common topic of discussion on Duggar-focused message boards on Reddit.

Many point to Jim Bob Duggar’s cryptic 2017 comment that Jana “preferred the company of women” as evidence.

It certainly sounds suggestive, but we’re pretty sure Jim Bob didn’t mean to imply that Jana might be gay.

We say that not because she’s definitely not gay, but because we highly doubt Jim Bob would ever publicly acknowledge that fact if she were.

It’s no secret that several Duggar children have rebelled against Jim Bob’s authoritarian rule in recent years.

But women wearing pants instead of floor-length skirts is one thing — coming out as homosexual would be quite another.

Hard it is to believe in 2018, there are still families that consider being gay to be a disownable offense.

And the Duggars are one of them.

Sadly, if Jana and Laura were actually in a relationship, they would likely be forced to keep it a secret for the rest of their days.

Even if the rumors about Jana were true and she wanted to come out she would likely realize that doing so would lead Jim Bob to force all of his other children to cut ties with her.

And for someone as family-oriented as Jana, that would be tantamount to a death sentence.

As if any of us needed another reason to dislike Jim Bob.

Watch Counting On online for more on reality TV’s most controversial family.


Monday, June 25, 2018

Jana Kramer Pregnant with Baby #2 After Multiple Miscarriages

Jana Kramer is pregnant with her second child.

This is an incredibly exciting development for any woman, of course, but it takes on special meaning for the country singer and former One Tree Hill actress.

It’s safe to say she and husband Mike Caussin have overcome A LOT to get here.

“It’s been a tough journey. We have lost our last two pregnancies, so it’s been really rough,” Kramer said today on her podcast, adding in more personal detail and referencing her partner:

“We’ve both had a really hard time with this one, because the one we lost in October… we went to our 10-week ultrasound and just … gone.

“We had like already heard the heartbeat and I was sick, so that was just really hard.

“And then we did IVF and it worked and I ended up having chemical loss, but just like going through IVF again … it was just really hard.”

We can only imagine.

The star opened up about this latest miscarriage back in December.

Said Kramer at the time:

“For the women out there who have miscarried in the past and need support and a place to grieve their little one lost or to those in the thick of it like me who are currently grieving and in pain, let us all be there for each other.

“You don’t need to feel alone and maybe that’s me talking to myself but if you need a place to share, I’m here for you.”

Prior to letting fans know about this personal tragedy, Kramer also talked back in 2016 about Caussin cheating on her.

The couple separated for awhile as a result of this infidelity, to which Caussin has confessed.

But here they are now, on the verge of bringing a new life into the world.

“We’re past the scary point, but it’s all scary, that’s the thing,” continued the artist on her podcast, likely meaning she is into her second semester.

“We’re so excited, but at the same point, it’s all just in God’s hands. It’s just such a scary process because it’s a true miracle…

“I mean, it seems so easy, when you look at some people, but other times it’s like, it’s a miracle.”

Kramer and Caussin are also parents to a two-year old daughter named Jolie.

It’s clear the couple had been trying to give her a sibling for a long time, but Kramer says this amazing news was actually unexpected.

Totally unexpected:

“When we found out we were pregnant, it was a total shock.

“This is exactly what happened with our last pregnancy. We did IVF, it worked, and then we had a chemical loss and then the next time I ovulated, I got pregnant with Jolie …

“I don’t know if my body just needs that extra progesterone … I have no clue.”

(For the record, according to AmericanPregnancy.Org, a chemical loss takes place when “a pregnancy is lost shortly after implantation.”)

Kramer says she’s had five total miscarriages.

As for her marriage, which went through a very rough patch?

The first [pregnancy] was tough,” Krama tells People Magazine, ending on a positive note:

“He was going through his thing that I didn’t even know about, but this time around he’s just truly been the greatest support system I could’ve ever asked for.

“It feels so much more unified and I love that.”


Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Jana Duggar vs. Jessa Duggar: Epic Sibling Rivalry Exposed?!

The strangest facets of life in the Duggar family have been well documented over the years:

They take fundamentalist Christianity to an extreme that would make Mike Pence squirm; they’re not allowed to hug members of the opposite sex until they’re married to one; and they believe uteruses should be pushed to their physical limits in the fashion of NFL lineman.

But there’s one weird aspect of life as a Duggar that’s consistently overshadowed by all those admittedly much more bizarre practices.

You may have never noticed this, but the Duggars are always smiling.

We don’t mean most of the time — we mean that with the exception of a seriously somber occasion like a death of the revelation that one of their own supports Black Lives Matter, the Duggars basically take their facial expression cues from Heath Ledger’s Joker.

It’s impossible to imagine anyone being that chipper all the time, especially when they’re forced to share a roof with 20 other people.

(The only possible way such a living arrangement would be bearable is with 43 bathrooms. We’re not sure how the math works out, but it does.)

But despite it all, the Duggars are always grinning and Jim Bob and Michelle’s kids never have a bad word to say about one another.

There’s no way they really get along that well, of course, and as such, fans are always looking for signs of internal strife

The most common theory over the years has been that Jessa and Jana Duggar don’t get along.

And now, In Touch Weekly has uncovered some new evidence that seems to support the theory that these two sisters aren’t as close as they would have us believe.

It all begins with the now-infamous Jewelry Box Story.

It seems that when Jana and Jessa were kids, Jessa would go out of her way to annoy the hell out of Jessa.

The situation got so bad that Jessa would often come to her mother in tears, complaining about the way she had been mistreated by her younger sister.

Michelle was probably busy breastfeeding an even younger kid, so shrugged the situation off and told Jana to make like Jesus by turning the other cheek.

As such, Jana decided to gift Jessa with her most prized possession, “a pink jewelry box filled with treats,” even though “didn’t want to” and “definitely didn’t feel like doing it.”

The story was first recounted in the Duggars’ memoir as a loving family parable.

But Jana offered her version of events at an ATI conference, the tale took on a considerably different tone.

“How I can I work this out, I don’t want to go through my entire life having this bad relationship, it’s not like you can avoid your siblings,” she told the audience as she welled up with tears.

“There are people that may hurt us, there are people that may have done things to us, and that…it is our responsibility to forgive.” Jana sobbed.

(There are those who believe she was also talking about forgiving Josh Duggar in that speech, but whatever the case, it’s a reminder that the Duggars’ childhood wasn’t as idyllic as they’d have us believe.)

Sadly, it seems relations between Jana and Jessa haven’t improved much over the years.

Fans believe Jessa is guilty of shaming Jana for being the unmarried “Cinderella Duggar” and unfairly pawns her household duties off on her long-suffering older sis.

Of course, the best revenge is living well, so Jana may want to give more thought to the possibility of marrying Tim Tebow.

Watch Counting On online to look for more clues that Jana and Jessa secretly despise one another.


Thursday, May 31, 2018

Jana Duggar: Is That an ENGAGEMENT RING on Her Finger?!

Fans of her famous family are obsessed with the fact that Jana Duggar is still single.

We suppose that’s not surprising, as women in Jana’s family are taught that procreation is their primary reason for being and are frequently married off in their teens.

Still, Jana is only 28, and she seems to enjoy remaining at home and helping to raise her many younger siblings.

In other words, it would be nice to see Duggar obsessives ease up a bit on Jana — but that’s very clearly never going to happen.

In fact, as she creeps closer to the big 3-0, it seems the scrutiny on Jana’s love life is only growing more intense.

“Plant shopping is some of the best kind of shopping. Just ask Jana.”

But it’s not the fungible flora that Duggar fans are focused on here.

Instead, it’s the almost imperceptible shadow on Jana’s ring finger.

As In Touch Weekly reports, fans have been freaking out over the pic, with many declaring it hard evidence that Jana is engaged.

“I may be losing it, but I swear I see a shadow on her ring finger,” commented one fan on a Duggar-focused Reddit board.

“There is!” another user eagerly confirmed.

Someone even went so far as to zoom in on the image in order to determine if Jana is indeed sporting some a new rock.

First the good news:

It does look as though Jana is rocking some finger bling.

The bad news, however, is that the hand we see in this photo is her right hand.


Yes, if you’ve spent any time in the Western world, then you’re probably aware engagement rings are typically worn on the left hand.

And the Duggars aren’t exactly huge on breaking with tradition.

So much to the chagrin of all the Jana-boosters out there, it seems the eldest Duggar daughter remains single.

As for whether or not Jana is disappointed, we don’t really know!

She generally doesn’t talk about her love life very often.

Unfortunately, her family and fans never shut up about it.

Watch Counting On online for more from reality TV’s most controversial family.


Thursday, May 3, 2018

Jana Duggar: The REAL Reason She"s Single Finally Revealed?!

If you’re a fan of the Duggar family, then you’re no doubt aware of the continued controversy surrounding Jana Duggar’s love life – or lack thereof.

Jana is single, and at 28, that may not seem like such a big deal, but the Duggars prioritize procreation over all things, and for a woman to be childless at Jana’s age is virtually unheard of in their community.

The question of why Jana remains single has long been a subject of debate for fans.

She’s a charismatic, ambitious and attractive young woman who’s known to be great with kids and handy around the house.

And it certainly doesn’t hurt that she comes from Arkansas’ second-wealthiest family. (It’s tough to top those Waltons.)

And yet, Jana remains unattached.

The situation has fans curious with regard to what might be preventing Jana from starting a family.

And as In Touch Weekly points out, it seems the debate is divided into two camps:

There are those who believe Jana simply doesn’t want to have children.

And there are those who believe she’s considered damaged goods in the Duggars’ close-knit community.

Adherents to the former theory believe that Jana is content to remain at home and help with the raising of her younger siblings.

Some even argue that she might be so exhausted from years of helping her mother that the idea of starting her own family seems impossibly daunting.

“What if she doesn’t actually want to be a mother at this point?” one Reddit user recently opined on a Duggar fan subreddit.

“She’s been raising her younger siblings so long, the thought of having her own and starting over could be exhausting.”

Others believe Jana looks at her sisters’ lives as cautionary tales and fears falling into the same trap that’s ensnared so many of them.

“I feel like she’s watched all her other siblings choose the wrong partners and she wants to avoid doing that,”

“I also feel like she’s single because she feels like she’d be obligated to have kids right away, and she probably doesn’t want kids considering how much she’s had to take care of the younger siblings.”

Compelling arguments, to be sure.

But it’s the latter theory that’s really gaining traction these days, as fans accept the idea that for as much as Jana is beloved by Counting On viewers, she might not be seen as wife material by her peers.

“I’ve always wondered if she missed her window,” one fan commented on Reddit recently.

“I’d love to believe that she didn’t want to just get married and have tons of babies with whoever happens to ask her to court, but I think she just missed her chance.

“I think Jim Bob or Jana turned one interested party down and no one else asked and then she turned a certain age and she was deemed too old in their community.”

It’s a sad possibility to contemplate, but unfortunately, it’s also a very plausible one.

It’s absurd to think of a 28-year-old woman as being too old for, well … anything, really, but members of the Quiverfull movement – of which the Duggars are strict adherents – are taught from a young age that procreation is their primary reason for being.

Boys and girls alike are taught that they’ve been given life for two reasons – to worship God and to create more life.

It’s not uncommon for Duggar women to marry while still in their teens and to get pregnant on their honeymoons.

A woman who’s approaching 30 obviously doesn’t have as many child-bearing years ahead of her as a woman in her early 20s, which is something that potential suitors no doubt consider when contemplating marriage with someone in Jana’s position.

Fortunately, as many fans have pointed out, there’s an easy solution to the dilemma:

Jana simply needs to break free from the belief system that’s stifling her and find a man who’s interested in more than her uterus.

Watch Counting On online for more from reality TV’s most controversial family.


Thursday, April 5, 2018

Jana Duggar: Forced to Do Chores Instead of Dating?!

Jana Duggar is 28 years old and single.

That may not seem like a big deal, but Jana was raised in a family that teaches children from a young age that women are put on earth to procreate.

So the fact that four of her younger sisters have now married and started families while she remains at home with mom, dad, and an ever-dwindling brood of siblings has got to weigh on Jana’s mind from time to time.

Jana has been dubbed “the Cinderella Duggar” due to her perceived ability to suffer in silence and devote herself to household chores.

But is she really suffering or is she found fulfillment in serving her family?

Complex questions, but most Duggar fans aren’t interested in seeking the answers or listening to what Jana has to say.

Instead, they’d rather focus on what they believe is new evidence that the woman flat-out hates life.

Recently, the Duggars posted a video of Jana doing some gardening.

Seems innocent enough, but like everything else Jana does, it fans quickly interpreted the activity as evidence that Jana is depressed and miserably lonely.

“It’s sad to watch a 28-year-old woman raising her mother’s ‘blessings.’ Too bad she can’t use her many talents for her own life,” commented one viewer.

“Agreed… it’s horrible that Jana is forced to be the mom for all her younger siblings,” remarked another.

Like we said, the act of growing vegetables was somehow taken as further proof that 

And what does Jana have to say about all of this?

Well, not much, sadly, and her silence has been interpreted as further evidence that she’s a miserable workhorse who’s being forced to shoulder the burden of her parents’ decision to sire 19 freakin’ kids.

However, it’s not unusual that Jana’s not speaking up for herself, as Duggar women are rarely permitted to say what’s on their minds.

It’s possible that she’s miserable, but it’s equally possible that she’s decided marriage and children are simply not for her.

It’s tough to say, as most of the comments on the subject are made not by her, but by her father.

“Jana is 28 years old and still single. She’s still praying about ‘the one,’” Jim Bob Duggar told the crowd at a recent Christian leadership conference.

Jana’s own comments on the situation often sound forced or scripted.

“I know how it feels to wait for Prince Charming to come along. I’m still waiting. Waiting is not always easy,” she said in an interview back in 2016.

She’s been mostly silent on the matter ever since.

Fans are desperate for Jana to find the right man, which has led to some interesting rumors over the years.

Some of them have been absurd (like the reports that Jana is courting Tim Tebow), but others have been thoroughly believable.

But others have been entirely believable.

Most recently, it was reported that Jana was dating Caleb Williams, who – like most of her alleged suitors – is a longtime friend of the Duggar family.

Unfortunately, Wilson denied the rumors and he and Jana have not been seen in one another’s presence since.

So we guess Jana wll remain the Cinderella Duggar for the foreseeable future.

At least she’ll always have her gardening.

Watch Counting On online for more on reality TV’s most controversial family.
