Showing posts with label Miscarriages. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Miscarriages. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Emily Simpson Opens Up About Suffering 4 Miscarriages in 5 Years

On this week’s episode of The Real Housewives of Orange County, Emily Simpson revealed that she almost died.

Emily explained that she had four miscarriages in five years.

Now, she is opening up about her experiences with tragedy.

On The Real Housewives of Orange County, Emily’s Mother-in-law Pary did her best to dissuade her from trying for another baby.

“Your body couldn’t handle it before,” Pary reasoned. “Can it handle it now?”

Pary reminded her: “You almost died.”

“I know,” Emily acknowledged. “I forget that sometimes.”

She explains her sad personal history to the camera.

“It was very difficult for me to have children,” Emily revealed. “Over the course of about four years, I had five miscarriages.”

“And then Shane and I did in vitro,” she adds. “I carried twins until about four months, and then I went into labor, and I lost them.”

That is absolutely heartbreaking.

“I remember laying in the hospital bed, needing a blood transfusion ‘cause I lost so much blood,” Emily shares.

“And I remember thinking to myself, ‘Wow, this is what it feels like to die.’ I can just picture it. I can picture the hospital room,” Emily says.

“I can picture the lights, I can picture the nurses,” Emily describes. “They were all crying. It was the hardest thing I’ve ever been through”

“I still have nine embryos left,” she shares. “Embryos, not eggs. Embryos”

“I’ve always wanted to have more than one girl,” Emily shares.

“Sara and I were so close growing up that we just had that bond,” she adds. “It was just the two of us.”

Emily adds: “She’s my best friend even now.”

“My mom had a lot of issues,” Emily continues. “a lot of things she was dealing with when my sister and I were growing up,”

“So,” she says. “That’s really why my sister and I connect so much and on such an emotional level.”

“We’ve just been through a lot of things together,” she explains.

Emly says: “I wanna give that same thing to Annabelle that I had with Sara.”

But her husband is adamant that Emily not risk another pregnancy, saying: “No.”

On Instagram, Emily teased the episode by opening up about her own experiences.

“October marks pregnancy and infant loss awareness month,” Emily begins.

She continues: “It was a time in my life when I never felt so ALONE”

“It’s a difficult episode for me to watch,” she says of this latest episode.

“But I hope sharing my journey brings light and awareness to such a difficult and taboo subject,” Emily explains.

“And,” she writes. “Hopefully helps other women out there feel less ALONE”

“TAG your friends, family or any other women out there who may be dealing with the same issues,” Emily suggests. “Let’s support one another.”

That is not always good advice. For some, miscarriages are very personal. Others simply will not welcome the reminder.

“THANK YOU to my beautiful sister @ms_moffitt for sacrificing so much to carry all three of my children for me when my body failed me,” Emily shares.

That is Sara Moffitt, the same sister with whom she has a close bond. That is clear.

“And,” she concludes, thanking “my husband @shanesimps for being by side through it all.”


Sunday, September 16, 2018

Carrie Underwood Reveals She Suffered Three Miscarriages in Two Years

Carrie Underwood revealed some tragic news this weekend about her fertility issues over the past couple years — during which she suffered three miscarriages.  The country music star shared her emotional story on CBS Sunday Morning, where she…


Monday, June 25, 2018

Jana Kramer Pregnant with Baby #2 After Multiple Miscarriages

Jana Kramer is pregnant with her second child.

This is an incredibly exciting development for any woman, of course, but it takes on special meaning for the country singer and former One Tree Hill actress.

It’s safe to say she and husband Mike Caussin have overcome A LOT to get here.

“It’s been a tough journey. We have lost our last two pregnancies, so it’s been really rough,” Kramer said today on her podcast, adding in more personal detail and referencing her partner:

“We’ve both had a really hard time with this one, because the one we lost in October… we went to our 10-week ultrasound and just … gone.

“We had like already heard the heartbeat and I was sick, so that was just really hard.

“And then we did IVF and it worked and I ended up having chemical loss, but just like going through IVF again … it was just really hard.”

We can only imagine.

The star opened up about this latest miscarriage back in December.

Said Kramer at the time:

“For the women out there who have miscarried in the past and need support and a place to grieve their little one lost or to those in the thick of it like me who are currently grieving and in pain, let us all be there for each other.

“You don’t need to feel alone and maybe that’s me talking to myself but if you need a place to share, I’m here for you.”

Prior to letting fans know about this personal tragedy, Kramer also talked back in 2016 about Caussin cheating on her.

The couple separated for awhile as a result of this infidelity, to which Caussin has confessed.

But here they are now, on the verge of bringing a new life into the world.

“We’re past the scary point, but it’s all scary, that’s the thing,” continued the artist on her podcast, likely meaning she is into her second semester.

“We’re so excited, but at the same point, it’s all just in God’s hands. It’s just such a scary process because it’s a true miracle…

“I mean, it seems so easy, when you look at some people, but other times it’s like, it’s a miracle.”

Kramer and Caussin are also parents to a two-year old daughter named Jolie.

It’s clear the couple had been trying to give her a sibling for a long time, but Kramer says this amazing news was actually unexpected.

Totally unexpected:

“When we found out we were pregnant, it was a total shock.

“This is exactly what happened with our last pregnancy. We did IVF, it worked, and then we had a chemical loss and then the next time I ovulated, I got pregnant with Jolie …

“I don’t know if my body just needs that extra progesterone … I have no clue.”

(For the record, according to AmericanPregnancy.Org, a chemical loss takes place when “a pregnancy is lost shortly after implantation.”)

Kramer says she’s had five total miscarriages.

As for her marriage, which went through a very rough patch?

The first [pregnancy] was tough,” Krama tells People Magazine, ending on a positive note:

“He was going through his thing that I didn’t even know about, but this time around he’s just truly been the greatest support system I could’ve ever asked for.

“It feels so much more unified and I love that.”


Sunday, March 25, 2018

Catelynn Lowell and Maci Bookout Discuss Miscarriages in Heartbreaking Teen Mom OG Clip

At this point, if you follow Teen Mom gossip even the tiniest little bit, you"re familiar with Catelynn Lowell"s recent mental health woes.

She"s struggled with anxiety for several years, and things got worse when she gave birth to her daughter Nova three years ago.

She had a particularly bad case of postpartum depression that she"s still dealing with, she suffers from panic attacks, and she just revealed that she was also recently diagnosed with PTSD.

Last fall, she and Tyler learned they were expecting another child, but then she had a miscarriage, and it affected both of them deeply.

It was so hard on Catelynn that she began having suicidal thoughts, and so made the decision to check herself into a treatment center to get a handle on things.

She spent several weeks there, and a few weeks after completing her treatment, she went back for another round because she still didn"t feel well.

Right now, she"s been home for nearly a month, and it seems like she"s doing well.

But as always, Teen Mom OG is a bit behind real life, so we"re just now seeing the beginning of Cate"s stay in rehab.

And as we see in this sneak peek for the upcoming episode, she definitely dealt with some rough issues there.

In the clip, Catelynn receives a visit from Tyler, Nova, and Maci Bookout, which is really nice to see — we knew they were close, but not close enough for Maci to fly across the country to see her!

Catelynn gives out some hugs, and then they all sit down for a little chat.

After Cate asks Maci about her flight and remarks about Taylor staying home with all three kids, Maci asks her what she"s been doing during her treatment.

"Tons of therapy," she answers, "and group therapy, trauma classes. It"s been really good though, honestly."

We can believe her — it does look like she"s feeling better already.

"So what was going on?" Maci asks next. "Anything happen, just life?"

"Well, no, really," Catelynn tells her. "Me and Tyler actually got pregnant and I had a miscarriage."

Here"s where it gets extra rough, because as we learned earlier in the season, Maci and Taylor had a miscarriage recently as well.

She tells Catelynn that, and it"s really just a very sad moment.

Cate tells her that she"s sorry, and Maci says that they haven"t told anyone about it yet.

"I think it"s another one of those things that makes it … it doesn"t make the pain easier, it just makes the experience easier, to talk about it," Maci says.

"It doesn"t help anybody to pretend that it didn"t happen, or that that baby didn"t exist."

Tyler, who"s been looking so sad during the entire conversation, adds "it may not have been a fully developed baby in the womb, but it was in our hearts."

Watch the full scene in the video below, but be warned — it really is pretty intense:

Catelynn lowell and maci bookout discuss miscarriages in heartbr