Showing posts with label Discuss. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Discuss. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Donald Trump Tapes: Listen to Trump Discuss Secret Payouts to Karen McDougal!

As we reported days ago, Donald Trump was caught on tape discussing payouts related to former Playboy model Karen McDougal, with whom he allegedly had an affair.

Now, CNN has obtained one of the dozen tapes that were seized by prosecutors from the office of former Trump attorney Michael Cohen.

It might not be a "smoking gun" for collusion, but … many believe that it may be evidence that campaign finance laws were violated.

In September of 2016, just months before that fateful election night, Trump met with Michael Cohen, who recorded their conversation.

"The recording offers the public a glimpse at the confidential discussions between Trump and Cohen," CNN says.

CNN continues, saying that based upon their analysis, "it confirms the man who now occupies the Oval Office had contemporaneous knowledge of a proposal to buy the rights to the story of Karen McDougal."

CNN goes on to describe how McDougal is "a woman who has alleged she had an extramarital affair with Trump about a decade ago."

The reason for which this is a big deal is that Trump paying to silence someone, directly or indirectly, may be an election law violation.

Trump can be heard saying: "I need to open up a company for the transfer of all of that info regarding our friend David."

David Pecker is the head of American Media, which controls the National Enquirer, the entity that purchased and then buried Karen McDougal"s story.

Now, not all of the discussion is relevant to payouts to Karen McDougal. But when financing comes up again later, Trump refers to it.

Cohen can be heard saying: "When it comes time for the financing, which will be …"

"What financing?" Trump asks, interrupting Cohen.

"We"ll have to pay," Cohen is heard explaining.

Here is where the low quality of the recording makes things tricky.

It sounds like Trump is saying "pay with cash," but some have argued that he is saying "don"t pay with cash."

Cohen argues, saying "no, no," but it is difficult to tell exactly what is said next.

Based upon everyone"s analysis, it sounds like Trump is either saying "Pay with cash" or "Don"t pay with cash."

It looks like there is going to be some debate over what exactly he said.

It was Cohen"s attorney Lanny Davis who provided the recording to CNN.

Cohen was Trump"s attorney for a long time and previously stated that he would take a bullet for Trump.

However, in recent weeks, he has stated that he would like to put his country first and cooperate with prosecutors.

This has left Trump deeply unsettled, resulting in some of his infamous Twitter ravings.

"Inconceivable that the government would break into a lawyer’s office (early in the morning)," Trump wrote on Twitter on July 21.

"Almost unheard of," Trump claims. "Even more inconceivable that a lawyer would tape a client – totally unheard of & perhaps illegal."

"The good news," Trump continues. "Is that your favorite President did nothing wrong!" 

Let"s say that further analysis of this tape proves, conclusively, that Donald Trump broke our election laws by making payouts to keep McDougal silent.

What now?

Obviously, Melania is once again embarrassed, but after her "I don"t really care, do u?" stunt, few in the public really care about her feelings any more than her husband does.

Ultimately, it is the job of Congress to impeach and then convict a sitting President. It is believed that no one else can do that.

Unfortunately, many within the GOP — though personally unhappy with Trump — are unwilling to take the necessary steps towards impeachment for two reasons.

One, because they are happy to have him appoint idealogues to the Supreme Court and other positions. In other words, their interests align with his.

Two, because they fear that moving against him will cost them reelection.

After everything that he"s already done, from praising Nazis as "good people" to the Helsinki summit, it is difficult to imagine what, if anything, would prompt Republicans in the legislature to take action.

But … all of this evidence could all be valuable ammunition if the fabled "Blue Wave" for which so many Americans hope actually happens this November.

Donald trump impeachment party whos attending

Donald trump tapes listen to trump discuss secret payouts

Saturday, July 7, 2018

Kim Kardashian Visits Women"s Prison to Discuss Release Program

Kim Kardashian West met one-on-one with several prisoners to discuss what it’s like being locked up … and their concerns about going back into the real world. Sources close to the situation tell TMZ … Kim arrived at the California…


Sunday, March 25, 2018

Catelynn Lowell and Maci Bookout Discuss Miscarriages in Heartbreaking Teen Mom OG Clip

At this point, if you follow Teen Mom gossip even the tiniest little bit, you"re familiar with Catelynn Lowell"s recent mental health woes.

She"s struggled with anxiety for several years, and things got worse when she gave birth to her daughter Nova three years ago.

She had a particularly bad case of postpartum depression that she"s still dealing with, she suffers from panic attacks, and she just revealed that she was also recently diagnosed with PTSD.

Last fall, she and Tyler learned they were expecting another child, but then she had a miscarriage, and it affected both of them deeply.

It was so hard on Catelynn that she began having suicidal thoughts, and so made the decision to check herself into a treatment center to get a handle on things.

She spent several weeks there, and a few weeks after completing her treatment, she went back for another round because she still didn"t feel well.

Right now, she"s been home for nearly a month, and it seems like she"s doing well.

But as always, Teen Mom OG is a bit behind real life, so we"re just now seeing the beginning of Cate"s stay in rehab.

And as we see in this sneak peek for the upcoming episode, she definitely dealt with some rough issues there.

In the clip, Catelynn receives a visit from Tyler, Nova, and Maci Bookout, which is really nice to see — we knew they were close, but not close enough for Maci to fly across the country to see her!

Catelynn gives out some hugs, and then they all sit down for a little chat.

After Cate asks Maci about her flight and remarks about Taylor staying home with all three kids, Maci asks her what she"s been doing during her treatment.

"Tons of therapy," she answers, "and group therapy, trauma classes. It"s been really good though, honestly."

We can believe her — it does look like she"s feeling better already.

"So what was going on?" Maci asks next. "Anything happen, just life?"

"Well, no, really," Catelynn tells her. "Me and Tyler actually got pregnant and I had a miscarriage."

Here"s where it gets extra rough, because as we learned earlier in the season, Maci and Taylor had a miscarriage recently as well.

She tells Catelynn that, and it"s really just a very sad moment.

Cate tells her that she"s sorry, and Maci says that they haven"t told anyone about it yet.

"I think it"s another one of those things that makes it … it doesn"t make the pain easier, it just makes the experience easier, to talk about it," Maci says.

"It doesn"t help anybody to pretend that it didn"t happen, or that that baby didn"t exist."

Tyler, who"s been looking so sad during the entire conversation, adds "it may not have been a fully developed baby in the womb, but it was in our hearts."

Watch the full scene in the video below, but be warned — it really is pretty intense:

Catelynn lowell and maci bookout discuss miscarriages in heartbr

Wednesday, November 29, 2017

NBC Execs Meeting with Staff from News Shows to Discuss Lauer Firing

NBC is scrambling to meet with talent and production staff from its news shows to go over various issues related to Matt Lauer’s firing. We’re told Noah Oppenheim, President of NBC News, will be leading the meetings. Our NBC sources say Oppenheim…


Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Farrah Abraham Reveals Plans to Adopt Another Daughter, Discuss Porn Past With Sophia

We’ve known for a while now that Farrah Abraham wants to adopt another child, but it wasn’t until recently that we learned the details of Farrah’s plans to become her generation’s Angelina Jolie…minus the talent, career, fan base, or lack of realistic plastic molds of he b-hole for sale on the Internet.

Yes, Ms. Abraham served up one of her signature word salads yesterday while discussing her oddly specific plans to bring another young girl into her household:

“We’re open to adopting someone who’s not just – a child that can not just only be a newborn,” Farrah said. “But also a child that is maybe 3 or older.

“There’s a lot of, you know, orphans that are so adorable. So, I mean, it just breaks my heart when I see things like that because I grew up around adoptive families and I’ve always wanted to help. So it’s just a time and a place and hopefully soon I will be ready.” 

She added that she’s planning to adopt a girl “within two years.”

So if you’re a sufficiently “adorable” female child who will reach the age of three within the next two years, you’re in the running for a mom who will totally give you the low-down on her life as a porn star.

Yes, Farrah says she totes plans to talk about her career as an adult film actress and incredibly highly-paid stripper with her daughter, because apparently she hasn’t already done enough to ensure that little Sophia will spend the rest of her life in therapy:

“I want to keep it real with her,” she says. “Like, a friend. Like, if you wanted to talk and you asked me in-depth details, I would be more than open, you know. “

Yeah! Farrah likes to keep it real! Unless she’s lying about being raped, then all bets are off.

Friday, March 11, 2016

Sarah Silverman Poses as Hitler to Discuss Trump Comparisons: WATCH!

Now that the primary elections are well underway and Trump is actually still in the lead, people are getting scared.

So scared, in fact, that they"re comparing him to the scariest of the scary monsters in all of history: Adolf Hitler.

Everyone from Louis CK to Bill Maher to Glenn Beck has likened the GOP front runner to the World War 2 dictator, with the former only half-joking when he said, "Hitler was just some hilarious and refreshing dude with a weird comb over who would say anything at all."

In light of the recent controversy, Conan O"Brien invited Hitler himself – okay, it"s really Sarah Silverman playing Hitler – on his show to address the comparisons.

She hilariously comes out clad in full Nazi regalia and naturally greets the audience with the infamous Hitler salute.

Conan goes straight in and asks what he thinks about the unfavorable comparisons to Trump.

"Don"t get me wrong, Conan, I agree with a lot he says, a lot," Silverman"s Hitler says. "Like, 90 percent of what he says, I"m like, this guy gets it!"

"But it"s just – I don"t like the way he says it, it"s just, it"s crass."

She then brings up the other most talked-about issue of the recent Republican debates – Trump"s penis size.

"What kind of person talks about his penis size on national television?" she says. "Oh, yeah, I"m so sure Donald Trump has a big penis. I famously have a micropenis – that"s what makes a tyrant!"

Silverman, who is famous for her comic persona as a Jewish-American princess, actually portrays Hitler as a lovable little asshole compared to Trump, and it"s freaking hysterical.

(We"re sure Kanye West is secretly seething behind his wife"s back about the impersonation.)

As for the rest of you, watch and enjoy!

Sarah silverman poses as hitler to discuss donald trump comparis