Anthony Scaramucci says Omarosa trying to burn President Trump with his own words is likely to backfire … ‘cause we’ve already been there and done that, and nothing happened. We talked to the Mooch about Omarosa’s supposed 200 secret White House…
Wednesday, August 22, 2018
Anthony Scaramucci Says Trump Can Say Anything, Omarosa Tapes Be Damned
Anthony Scaramucci says Omarosa trying to burn President Trump with his own words is likely to backfire … ‘cause we’ve already been there and done that, and nothing happened. We talked to the Mooch about Omarosa’s supposed 200 secret White House…
Monday, August 13, 2018
Omarosa Snaps on Today, Teases Donald Trump N-Word Tapes
Omarosa Manigault Newman continued her irritating, self-serving and borderline vomit-inducing media blitz on Monday morning.
The former Apprentice contestant, who managed to land a role as a White House advisor simply because she was… well… she was a former Apprentice contestant, stopped by Meet the Press this weekend and dropped a rather huge bombshell.
It turns out Omarosa recorded Chief of Staff John Kelly"s firing of her in the Situation Room, releasing the tape to the public in order to save her reputation.
(Note to Omerosa: It"s WAY too late for that.)
And while the public continues to digest this stunning breach of national security, Omarosa appeared as a guest on The Today Show on Monday in order to promote her book about her time in the administration.
Asked by Savannah Guthrie when she thinks the President "lies often," Omarosa replied “Oh absolutely, in fact …”
“How long have you known that?” Guthrie jumped in to inquire, to which Omarosa replied:
“There was a report that said that he lied almost 4,000 lies in the last…"
And then Guthrie pressed again: “Have you known that he is a liar as you say?”
Manigault Newman answered, “Well, absolutely.”
“Why did you work for him?” Guthrie fired back, barely giving Omarosa time to respond.
“Savannah, slow down. I’m gonna your question," Omarosa said. "Don’t worry, I’m here. I’ve got all the time you need. You don’t have to ask 10 questions in one second. It’s okay.”
Gurthie was trying to pin Omarosa down in order to basically expose her at no better than Trump, as someone happy to lie and manipulate and backstab…
… until she became the person who was (allegedly) lied to, manipulated and stabbed in the back.
Omarosa goes on to say in the video featured here that she never expected Trump to "lie to the country" as he has so often done, prior to teasing the eventual release of more tapes.
These tapes, she says, feature Trump using racial epithets during his time on The Apprentice.
“He was talking about some African Americans in the production during the course of The Apprentice, which is unacceptable," she said on Today, adding:
"Here’s the thing. Why don’t we ask Donald Trump a simple question – ‘Donald J. Trump, have you ever used the N-word?’ = and allow him to respond?
"Because the people who have this tape intend to release this tape.”
As you might expect, President Trump had a few things to say in response to Omarosa"s accusations:
You know people say certain situations are win-win?
This would be a prime example of something that is lose-lose.
Elsewhere in this interview, Omarosa plays a recording of her first phone call with Trump after her firing.
Click PLAY to give it a listen.
Wednesday, August 8, 2018
Stoneman Douglas Shooter Nikolas Cruz Confession Tapes Released, He Says "Kill Me"
Nikolas Cruz — who cops say confessed to murdering 17 people in a mass shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School this year — is finally being seen on camera moments after the massacre … and it’s disturbing. You see 19-year-old Cruz…
Sunday, July 29, 2018
Michael Avenatti Says Cohen Tapes Will Pin & "Spank" Trump Soon Enough
Stormy Daniels’ lawyer thinks Michael Cohen has more dirt to spill on President Trump, and he’s forecasting a spanking … the likes of which Donnie has never felt. We got Michael Avenatti Saturday leaving Craig’s in WeHo, where he was being…
Wednesday, July 25, 2018
Donald Trump Tapes: Listen to Trump Discuss Secret Payouts to Karen McDougal!
As we reported days ago, Donald Trump was caught on tape discussing payouts related to former Playboy model Karen McDougal, with whom he allegedly had an affair.
Now, CNN has obtained one of the dozen tapes that were seized by prosecutors from the office of former Trump attorney Michael Cohen.
It might not be a "smoking gun" for collusion, but … many believe that it may be evidence that campaign finance laws were violated.
In September of 2016, just months before that fateful election night, Trump met with Michael Cohen, who recorded their conversation.
"The recording offers the public a glimpse at the confidential discussions between Trump and Cohen," CNN says.
CNN continues, saying that based upon their analysis, "it confirms the man who now occupies the Oval Office had contemporaneous knowledge of a proposal to buy the rights to the story of Karen McDougal."
CNN goes on to describe how McDougal is "a woman who has alleged she had an extramarital affair with Trump about a decade ago."
The reason for which this is a big deal is that Trump paying to silence someone, directly or indirectly, may be an election law violation.
Trump can be heard saying: "I need to open up a company for the transfer of all of that info regarding our friend David."
David Pecker is the head of American Media, which controls the National Enquirer, the entity that purchased and then buried Karen McDougal"s story.
Now, not all of the discussion is relevant to payouts to Karen McDougal. But when financing comes up again later, Trump refers to it.
Cohen can be heard saying: "When it comes time for the financing, which will be …"
"What financing?" Trump asks, interrupting Cohen.
"We"ll have to pay," Cohen is heard explaining.
Here is where the low quality of the recording makes things tricky.
It sounds like Trump is saying "pay with cash," but some have argued that he is saying "don"t pay with cash."
Cohen argues, saying "no, no," but it is difficult to tell exactly what is said next.
Based upon everyone"s analysis, it sounds like Trump is either saying "Pay with cash" or "Don"t pay with cash."
It looks like there is going to be some debate over what exactly he said.
It was Cohen"s attorney Lanny Davis who provided the recording to CNN.
Cohen was Trump"s attorney for a long time and previously stated that he would take a bullet for Trump.
However, in recent weeks, he has stated that he would like to put his country first and cooperate with prosecutors.
This has left Trump deeply unsettled, resulting in some of his infamous Twitter ravings.
"Inconceivable that the government would break into a lawyer’s office (early in the morning)," Trump wrote on Twitter on July 21.
"Almost unheard of," Trump claims. "Even more inconceivable that a lawyer would tape a client – totally unheard of & perhaps illegal."
"The good news," Trump continues. "Is that your favorite President did nothing wrong!"
Let"s say that further analysis of this tape proves, conclusively, that Donald Trump broke our election laws by making payouts to keep McDougal silent.
What now?
Obviously, Melania is once again embarrassed, but after her "I don"t really care, do u?" stunt, few in the public really care about her feelings any more than her husband does.
Ultimately, it is the job of Congress to impeach and then convict a sitting President. It is believed that no one else can do that.
Unfortunately, many within the GOP — though personally unhappy with Trump — are unwilling to take the necessary steps towards impeachment for two reasons.
One, because they are happy to have him appoint idealogues to the Supreme Court and other positions. In other words, their interests align with his.
Two, because they fear that moving against him will cost them reelection.
After everything that he"s already done, from praising Nazis as "good people" to the Helsinki summit, it is difficult to imagine what, if anything, would prompt Republicans in the legislature to take action.
But … all of this evidence could all be valuable ammunition if the fabled "Blue Wave" for which so many Americans hope actually happens this November.
Tuesday, July 3, 2018
Boonk Gang: Rapper Posts Own Sex Tapes, Gets Banned From Instagram
You know how Instagram doesn’t allow women’s nipples? It’s also not a huge fan of graphic videos of sexual intercourse.
But that is just what rapper Boonk Gang decided to post. To his Instagram stories.
Yes, his Instagram has been deleted. But obviously, the videos that he shared will live forever on the internet.
Though we have a number of images, including a .gif for you below, we cannot actually show you the full video of Boonk Gang taking a woman to pound town.
You’re welcome.
We have, however, seen the videos. We are burdened with this terrible knowledge.
As his Instagram Stories begin, his is performing oral sex on an unidentified woman.
In the next video that he shares, he and this woman are performing oral sex on each other in a sixty-nine.
Then he is shown having venereal intercourse with this woman, which is followed by an image of his Twitter feed where he mentions enjoying sex.

“I like to have a lot of sex,” Boonk Gang tweeted on Saturday.
It was on Sunday, July 1, that he decided to share so much of his sex life with his followers.
The series of Instagram stories ended with Boonk Gang recording himself as the woman performed oral sex on him.
We don’t think that any of us necessarily needed to know what sorts of face journeys this particular rapper goes on during sex, but … we know anyway.

We cropped this pretty heavily. Again, you are welcome.
As we mentioned, Instagram absolutely deleted his account for obvious violations of their terms and service.
Instagram is not Snapchat.
In an apparent response, Boonk Gang has also uploaded a video of himself during a different sexual encounter with a different woman.
This video, which he posted on Twitter on Monday night, is still up as of Tuesday afternoon.
If you’re thinking of checking it out, don’t do so at work. Or around children. And be aware that the video is right there and does not have any sort of subtle introduction.

Boonk Gang first rose to fame, not as a rapper, but as a social media star. His real name is John Robert Hill.
His initial claim to fame was a video of him stealing a box of chicken from Popeye’s. He built his brand off of committing thefts like that.
About one year ago, in July of 2017, Boonk Gang was the victim of one of the internet’s infamous “death hoaxes.” He is still alive and kicking. Among other things.
As you might guess for a guy who got famous from stealing things, he has definitely been arrested. Multiple times.
The guy also followed in Kim Kardashian’s footsteps — he has his own video game.
Boonk Gang: The Video Game came out in September of last year, and the player plays as Boonk while accumulating money and avoiding the police.

We can only speculate as to what motivated Boonk Gang to sacrifice his Instagram to show a bunch of strangers video of him having quiet sex with a woman.
Given that all of his pranks (including literal crimes) are stunts to promote his rap career, this may be his intention.
But in the process, he’s lost the Instagram account that allowed him to rise to fame in the first place.
Maybe he’s shedding his old trappings and embracing a whole new approach to his career? No more stealing and a lot more sex?
Or maybe the dude just loves sex and has way too little impulse control.
Wednesday, June 6, 2018
Tommy Lee"s Fiancee Says They"ve Made Sex Tapes, But They"re Not for Sale
Tommy Lee’s fiancee ain’t hiding it, they’ve recorded themselves bangin’ … you’re just not gonna see it. At least that’s their plan. We got Brittany Furlan at the Topanga Mall Tuesday, and she spilled some tea about their relationship –…
Sunday, December 17, 2017
"Double Dare" Host Marc Summers Evacuates Home Due to CA Wildfires, Saves His Tapes
Marc Summers — the host of the ’90s hit kids’ show “Double Dare” — just evacuated his home amid a growing inferno in Santa Barbara, and took what mattered … his TV clips. Marc posted a video Saturday showing blazes from the Thomas fire at what…
Thursday, September 14, 2017
Mel B Fears Her Kids Will Be Exposed to Sex Tapes with Stephen Belafonte
Mel B is playing the sex tape card in her effort to convince a judge to seal her divorce and domestic violence case from the public. According to new docs filed by Mel, and obtained by TMZ, Stephen Belafonte intends to enter 54 videos as exhibits in…
Wednesday, May 17, 2017
Congressman Jason Chaffetz Says Subpoena for White House "Tapes" On the Table (AUDIO)
Congressman Jason Chaffetz not only has the power to subpoena the reported memo written by James Comey, he also could put his John Hancock on a subpoena for any White House tapes that might exist to either confirm or shoot down Comey’s…
Tuesday, April 11, 2017
Mel B Asks for Police Help to Retrieve Sex Tapes from Nanny Lorraine Gilles" Storage Locker (VIDEO)
Mel B made a beeline for the police station Tuesday after the folks at Public Storage refused to let her in a unit she believes contains her sex tapes and Spice Girls memorabilia. The singer showed up at the Hollywood Police Station after getting a…
Mel B Asks for Police Help to Retrieve Sex Tapes from Nanny Lorraine Gilles" Storage Locker (VIDEO)
Mel B made a beeline for the police station Tuesday after the folks at Public Storage refused to let her in a unit she believes contains her sex tapes and Spice Girls memorabilia. The singer showed up at the Hollywood Police Station after getting a…
Friday, April 7, 2017
Stephen Belafonte Says Mel B Made Sex Tapes a Public Issue, Not Him
Stephen Belafonte says Mel B blindsided him with allegations of sex tape extortion and out-and-out stealing precious Spice Girls memories … this according to docs he just filed in their divorce war. Stephen is strongly insinuating it is Mel B, not…
Mel B Says Nanny Lorraine Gilles Who Stephen Belafonte Got Pregnant has Her Sex Tapes
We just got additional documents in the latest Mel B saga, and she claims the nanny Stephen Belafonte got pregnant is still working with him by holding sex tapes over the singer’s head for extortion. TMZ broke the story, Mel B’s lawyers were in…
Mel B Says Nanny Lorraine Gilles Who Stephen Belafonte Got Pregnant has Her Sex Tapes
We just got additional documents in the latest Mel B saga, and she claims the nanny Stephen Belafonte got pregnant is still working with him by holding sex tapes over the singer’s head for extortion. TMZ broke the story, Mel B’s lawyers were in…
Mel B Asks Judge to Stop Belafonte from Releasing Sex Tapes and Holding Her Spice Girls Memorabilia Hostage
Mel B’s lawyers have just gotten a court order making it clear … Stephen Belafonte is prohibited from distributing sex tapes, photographs or other sexually explicit material of the former Spice Girl. Lawyers for both sides were in court Friday…
Tuesday, December 27, 2016
Ray J Says Get Over Making Sex Tapes Already, Including The Kardashians (VIDEO)
Ray J has grown up a lot since his 2003 sex tape with Kim Kardashian … and thinks everyone else should too. We got the singer out Monday night at Craig’s and asked if he’d seen Kylie Jenner’s alleged sex tape with Tyga — which turned out to be a…
Friday, November 4, 2016
17 Celebrity Sex Tapes That Only Exist in Your Dreams
You will never see these 13 sex tapes. No way, no how.
But hey, that"s what dreams are made of. #Believe
1. Jennifer Lawrence
2. Channing Tatum
3. Kate Middleton
4. Ian Somerhalder
5. Mila Kunis
6. Brangelina
Thursday, August 11, 2016
Oksana Grigorieva Loses $14.75M of Settlement For Leaking Mel Gibson Tapes
Oksana Grigorieva was originally supposed to receive $ 15 million in her settlement with Mel Gibson, but will only be getting 1/60 of that.
Yes, one-sixtieth. She has only herself to blame, too.
The Russian model and mother to the one-time couple’s six-year-old daughter, Lucia, will only receive $ 250,000 from the Oscar winner.
Domestic abuse claims she made in an interview on The Howard Stern Show in 2013 cost her $ 14,750,000, according to court documents.
Gibson pleaded no contest to a misdemeanor charge of battery (saving him jail time), originally agreeing to a custody settlement of $ 15 million.
The only stipulation was a big one, and clear:
If Grigorieva vowed not to release damning information about the actor and director to the public, then she would receive that amount.
Didn’t happen.
Oksana told police just months later that Gibson had punched her as well as threatened her life and brandished a gun around Lucia.
Subsequently, the Mel Gibson tapes surfaced.
In a series of disturbing audio recordings, the actor sounded deranged as he told her she “deserved” the assault he allegedly committed.
He added that he would “bury” her and burn down her residence, as well as the fact that she sucks at music and various other insults.
It was bad. Very bad. But it cost her too.
After a year of legal wrangling, they settled on a much more modest $ 750,000, which Gibson agreed to dole out to her in three installments.
He was set to pay $ 250,000 after the releases were signed, $ 250,000 by September 2013 and a final installment by September 2016.
The judge warned her not to speak publicly about the case or any of the allegations against Mel, or that settlement would be void as well.
Again, she didn’t listen.
Gibson had paid the first of the $ 250,000 installments, but the California Court of Appeals ruled that he won’t have to pay the other $ 500,000.
Thus, Grigorieva will only receive 1/60 of the original $ 15 million she left on the table, thanks to leaking the tapes and talking to Stern.
Totally worth it.