Showing posts with label Exposed. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Exposed. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

90 Day Fiance: Most Shocking Scandals Exposed!

90 Day Fiance is a hit reality show for a reason — and part of that is that it attracts some intriguing characters.

A lot of them are just people who are deeply in love. Some are lovestruck fools.

Then there are the gold-diggers, the people who just want US residency, the liars, and the Americans who are looking for a mail-order spouse.

But some of these people are truly scandalous.

There are revenge porn accusations, arrests, and some scammers so sleazy that they"ll make your hair stand on end.

Here are the biggest scandals that 90 Day Fiance has to offer … so far.

1. Let’s start with Larissa’s arrest

Larissa dos santos lima mug shot

Larissa Dos Santos Lima, when she flew from Brazil to Las Vegas to marry Colt, was probably not expecting to end up behind bars.

2. The two had a huge fight

Colt and larissa on instagram

Colt wanted to keep things vague on social media to avoid spoiling for viewers that they’re still together, which Larissa found hurtful. This apparently culminated in an intense argument

3. Colt tried to diffuse things, and that’s when things got worse

Colt and larissa photo

Colt says that he took Larissa’s phone in the hopes that she’d calm down, but instead she panicked and locked herself in the bathroom and begged fans for help. Police arrived and handcuffed Colt, but ultimately arrested Larissa for domestic battery. But they decided to stay married

4. And then there’s Angela

Angela deem

Angela Deem is known for being gregarious but also having a short fuse. Now, she’s also known for having gotten a DUI. After being pulled over for doing 60 in a 35 zone, she accused the officer of being “racist” and of targeting her because his brother dated her daughter.

5. And speaking of Angela Deem’s daughter …

Scottie deem

Scottie Deem also appeared on 90 Day Fiance. Scottie’s personal history is enough of a mess that she’s appeared on Maury — TWICE. Unfortunately, the reason for her arrest is much more serious. She’s been charged with over a dozen counts of child molestation. This is upsetting and truly unspeakable. And curiously, she had been arrested before TLC ever filmed her.

6. And then there’s Jorge Nava

Jorge nava new mug shot

His relationship with his wife Anfisa Arkhipchenko was complicated enough BEFORE he was arrested

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Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Shannon Beador: INSANE Spending Exposed in Divorce Documents!

The Beador divorce is still ongoing, and Shannon and David had a hearing this week over David paying spousal support.

David wants to pay less, but the judge said that the court needs to review their financial information.

Here’s a look at what the two of them are allegedly making — and the eye-popping expenses that they both have every month.

RadarOnline has the details that might give fans a better understanding of why Shannon and David are squabbling in court over money.

To hear David tell it, he’s scraping by on a middle class income while Shannon is living like a queen while making three times as much..

Apparently David claims that he makes $ 20,000 a month.

That amounts to a six-figure salary, but it’s not pocket change.

David claims that Shannon is raking in $ 65,000 per month.

Shannon tells a very different story, and she may have the paperwork to prove it.

Shannon says that David makes about $ 108,168 per month.

(So, from what she claims, he makes more in three months than he says that he makes in a year)

Shannon’s 2017 tax returns show that she made $ 423,206 for the whole year.

That points to a monthly income of about half of what he suggests.

Shannon’s monthly expenses allegedly amount to $ 30,235, and here’s the breakdown:

$ 10,191 go to what she refers to as “film preparation.”

$ 12,000 go to rent. Yes, per month. She’s rich and she’s renting a house.

$ 1,625 on eating out (which, especially if she’s eating at nice places and leaving even a minimally decent tip, looks totally reasonable)

$ 5,000 goes to “entertainment,” which … is a lot of money in a very broad and vague category.

$ 2,250 is then spent each month on clothing.

David’s monthly expenses are apparently only $ 12,250.

$ 7,500 goes to rent. Again, these are rich people paying rich people prices for rich people homes.

$ 2,000 then go to groceries and household supplies. That doesn’t really sound unreasonable.

$ 1,000 on eating out on top of those groceries is a bit more, but sure.

$ 1,000 go to entertainment, gifts, and vacation combined.

These budgets sound like they’re self-described, so let’s take everything involved with a grain of salt.

The reason that all of this is coming up is because Shannon and David are fighting in court again.

David wants to amend the $ 22,500 per month that he is currently paying in support.

Specifically, he wants to tweak — or do away with entirely — the $ 10,500 that he is paying in spousal support.

(Nobody seems to be fighting directly over the rest, which is child support for their three daughters)

The result of David’s attempt to change the arrangement ws a three hour hearing, which apparently got on Shannon’s last nerve.

She was spotted holding back tears afterwards and heard telling him: “You are such a nickel and dimer! It’s disgusting!”

This sort of itemization of a person’s life is pretty common during a divorce if there’s any kind of support payment involved.

People explain their budget, and hand it off to a judge to evaluate.

Generally speaking, the “breadwinner” is going to present themselves as the sort of person who doesn’t spend much and keeps to a tighter budget.

The person who relies upon spousal support is more likely to list as many expenses as possible to show that they need the money.

It’s not that people lie, necessarily, just that they stretch the truth as far as it will go in the most convenient direction.

The court figures out the rest.


Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Kardashians EXPOSED Faking Dramatic Feuds Just to Fuel Ratings!

Keeping Up With The Kardashians has scarcely begun, but the fighting has been intense. Kourtney says Kim is evil. Meanwhile, Khloe wants to punch Kourtney.

They’re tearing this family apart! Or … are they?

A new report says that the sisters are basically just faking all of this for the cameras. Take a look.

RadarOnline reports that the Keeping Up With The Kardashians drama is at least partly just for show.

“Their fight this season is so overly dramatic,” a source close to the Kardashians admits, revealing: “and they all know it.”

That said, there’s some very real tension underlying all of this.

“There is no doubt that the three of them aren’t as close as they used to be,” the insider acknowledges.

“But,” the source says. “They all knew they needed something big to start off the season.”

It seems to be working.

Beneath all of the exaggerations, there are some genuine contentions between the sisters.

“Kourtney,” the insider confirms. “Doesn’t want to be on the show anymore.”

She’s 39 and her life isn’t what it used to be and, even if she’s still the hottest Kardashian sister, she’s over it.

“And,” the insider shares. “She doesn’t like how Kim treats everyone.”

Kim seems to treat them as if they’re all her side-kicks who should just drop everything and do what she has planned.

As you may recall, she also accused Kourtney, who is a mother of three, of essentially being a layabout whose schedule should be open.

“Khloe has been over the show for several seasons too,” the source admits.

That is understandable. She, too, has been doing it for more than a decade. It’s transformed her life, but everyone runs out of steam sooner or later.

“But,” the insider makes clear. “They exaggerated the nasty fighting.”

That’s how reality television works. You take a minor disagreement that might go unspoken in a healthy family and you follow your impulses. For drama.

And the result is that you get ratings, you get fame, and you get cold, hard cash.

“They are just all in it for the money,” the insider feels the need to explain.

We didn’t think that they were doing a reality series as the world’s weirdest charity drive.

Some might be surprised, since their heated confrontations look so real.

“By now they are all good actresses,” the source says. “Whether people want to believe it or not!”

Of course they are! And we’re not just saying that because Khloe was on that one episode of Law & Order: LA.

All of this is money — sorry, music — to the ears of momager Kris Jenner.

Kris, the insider says, “is loving every minute of it.”

No parent wants their children to squabble and fight. But if they’re just pretending to fight (mostly) and the result is that your family becomes richer by millions of dollars, that sounds worth it.

Even if you get accused of “art-shaming” one of your daughters in the process.

The sisters should be careful, however. As weird as it sounds, human nature means that sometimes, people begin to truly believe the things that they say.


Friday, June 29, 2018

Little People, Big World: 19 Shocking Scandals... Exposed!

The Roloffs are not the Kardashians.

We mostly tune in to Little People, Big World each week because we want to see a bunch of relatives interact who basically just enjoy each other"s company.

They don"t fight. They don"t exploit each other. There"s very little drama and almost no controversy.

ALMOST, we said.

Over the years, various members of this close-knit family have had run-ins with the law, clashes with social media users and taken part in other scandalous affairs that may come as a surprise.

We still love Matt, Amy and company.

As you are about to find out, however, they are not perfect…

1. Jacob Dropped Out of High School

Jacob drop out

And he didn’t do so quietly, either, engaging on Twitter with someone who gave him props to his “high intellect,” but critcized him for dropping out in protest of public institutions, to which Jacob replied: “If you can tell my intellectual level with me not having finished formal high school, why do I still need it? Just to say so?” He added that he had a “hard time being excited” for his friends going to a four-year college. “I think you could learn a lot more for a lot less.”

2. Matt Got Arrested for Drunk Driving


The incident took place in 2007, after he was stopped near his home for swerve in and out and his lane. Six months after the arrest, he was found not guilty in court.

3. Jeremy the… Bigot?

Jeremy bigot

Way back in 2008, Jeremy Roloff was accused of writing racist and homophobic messages on his MySpace account. The situation was brought to everyone’s attention by the National Enquirer story excerpted above. The messages at the time insulted African-Americans, Mexicans and gay people.

4. Jacob the… Drug User?

Jacob roloff lost in thought

We can’t say this one is too stunning, but Jacob once Tweeted: “Who doesn’t suck at selling weed Hmu.” That acronym stands for Hit Me Up.

5. Roloff Farms… Sued?

Roloff farms

Yes. In 2011, a Washington woman named Linda Farrall alleged that she was injured due to a fall from a picnic pavilion at the property. She sued the Roloffs for negligence and the case was settled out of court.

6. Jacob Accuses Producers of… Stealing?

Jacob roloff outside

Always an outspoken individual, Jacob publicly claimed in 2015 that he was getting ripped off from his time on the series. “Man I wish it didn’t feel like I was getting f-ced out of the money from the show that was my childhood right now,” he said back then.

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Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Jana Duggar vs. Jessa Duggar: Epic Sibling Rivalry Exposed?!

The strangest facets of life in the Duggar family have been well documented over the years:

They take fundamentalist Christianity to an extreme that would make Mike Pence squirm; they’re not allowed to hug members of the opposite sex until they’re married to one; and they believe uteruses should be pushed to their physical limits in the fashion of NFL lineman.

But there’s one weird aspect of life as a Duggar that’s consistently overshadowed by all those admittedly much more bizarre practices.

You may have never noticed this, but the Duggars are always smiling.

We don’t mean most of the time — we mean that with the exception of a seriously somber occasion like a death of the revelation that one of their own supports Black Lives Matter, the Duggars basically take their facial expression cues from Heath Ledger’s Joker.

It’s impossible to imagine anyone being that chipper all the time, especially when they’re forced to share a roof with 20 other people.

(The only possible way such a living arrangement would be bearable is with 43 bathrooms. We’re not sure how the math works out, but it does.)

But despite it all, the Duggars are always grinning and Jim Bob and Michelle’s kids never have a bad word to say about one another.

There’s no way they really get along that well, of course, and as such, fans are always looking for signs of internal strife

The most common theory over the years has been that Jessa and Jana Duggar don’t get along.

And now, In Touch Weekly has uncovered some new evidence that seems to support the theory that these two sisters aren’t as close as they would have us believe.

It all begins with the now-infamous Jewelry Box Story.

It seems that when Jana and Jessa were kids, Jessa would go out of her way to annoy the hell out of Jessa.

The situation got so bad that Jessa would often come to her mother in tears, complaining about the way she had been mistreated by her younger sister.

Michelle was probably busy breastfeeding an even younger kid, so shrugged the situation off and told Jana to make like Jesus by turning the other cheek.

As such, Jana decided to gift Jessa with her most prized possession, “a pink jewelry box filled with treats,” even though “didn’t want to” and “definitely didn’t feel like doing it.”

The story was first recounted in the Duggars’ memoir as a loving family parable.

But Jana offered her version of events at an ATI conference, the tale took on a considerably different tone.

“How I can I work this out, I don’t want to go through my entire life having this bad relationship, it’s not like you can avoid your siblings,” she told the audience as she welled up with tears.

“There are people that may hurt us, there are people that may have done things to us, and that…it is our responsibility to forgive.” Jana sobbed.

(There are those who believe she was also talking about forgiving Josh Duggar in that speech, but whatever the case, it’s a reminder that the Duggars’ childhood wasn’t as idyllic as they’d have us believe.)

Sadly, it seems relations between Jana and Jessa haven’t improved much over the years.

Fans believe Jessa is guilty of shaming Jana for being the unmarried “Cinderella Duggar” and unfairly pawns her household duties off on her long-suffering older sis.

Of course, the best revenge is living well, so Jana may want to give more thought to the possibility of marrying Tim Tebow.

Watch Counting On online to look for more clues that Jana and Jessa secretly despise one another.


Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Garrett Yrigoyen: Bachelorette Suitor"s Bigoted Views EXPOSED

Fair Warning: some of the images that you"re about to see are disturbing and even sickening.

If you follow The Bachelorette Spoilers, you already know the name of Becca Kufrin"s fiance.

But right now, there are a number of men competing for her hand.

One of them is Garrett Yrigoyen, a man identified as "one to watch" weeks before this season even aired. He is a surgical technology consultant and was reportedly engaged as recently as 2015.

He"s certainly a handsome fellow, and Becca made it clear that he made an impression on her.

Unfortunately, some truly awful revelations have come out about Garrett"s social media history. To the point that Garrett made his Instagram private and then deleted it.

His actual posts are innocuous. However, screenshots have emerged of his alleged likes. Unless he was hacked, it appears that he has clicked "like" on some disturbing material that, as RealitySteve has noted, goes beyond political opinion and into the realm of indecency.

Take a look, but don"t say that we didn"t warn you.

1. Garrett Yrigoyen is a handsome, charming man

Garrett yrigoyen

But, as we said, these posts that he has allegedly “liked” on Instagram are more than just political. Some of them would be enough to get a person fired from most jobs.

2. This is about so much more than a border wall

Garrett yrigoyen problematic instagram likes 01

Is it a joke? Yes. Is it a good one? Absolutely not. This is a joke about discarding brown children like garbage. A person can hold a negative view of immigration without … this.

3. This one is of a similar flavor

Garrett yrigoyen problematic instagram likes 02

Note that about 13% of all Americans live in California, which has one of the most powerful economies in the world.

4. Are you familiar with the term "strawman argument?"

Garrett yrigoyen problematic instagram likes 03

Cherrypicking the admittedly attractive Tomato Lozenge (pictured, ironically, on the left) to pair her up against the similarly cherrypicked leftist is intellectually dishonest. Emily Ratajkowski could have fit in that panel just as easily. But that’s beside the point, because Becca Kufrin is a Hillary Supporter who supports the Women’s March.

5. Someone really painted their doors like this

Garrett yrigoyen problematic instagram likes 04

We hope that we don’t have to explain why mocking transgender people is hateful. Caitlyn was always a woman, but lived with her real identity as a shameful secret for decades.

6. Some of these are just dumb

Garrett yrigoyen problematic instagram likes 05

This one is just a mess, honestly.

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Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Amber Portwood: "Messy" Relationship With Andrew Glennon Exposed!

When Amber Portwood first met Andrew Glennon, she was still engaged to Matt Baier.

One month after the couple began dating, Amber got pregnant with her second child.

Shortly thereafter, Glennon abandoned his life in LA in order to move to Indiana to be with Amber.

Needless to say, these two don"t believe in wasting time, but just because their relationship has been moving quickly, that doesn"t mean either of them are actually happy with their circumstances.

In fact, those who know their situation best say Amber and Andrew"s relationship is "messy" at best and downright disastrous at worst…

1. The Not-So-Happy Couple

Amber portwood with andrew glennon

Amber and Andrew have done a stellar job of keeping up appearances on social media, but Teen Mom OG fans know their short relationship has already experienced its fair share of rough patches.

2. An Inauspicious Start

Amber portwood and andrew glennon

Andrew was a producer on Marriage Boot Camp, and he apparently hit it off with Amber during her time on the show. When Portwood’s then-fiance, Matt Baier, took off for Vegas, Amber and Andrew began a relationship.

3. Red Flags Everywhere

Andrew glennon selfie

Fans were hopeful that after a decade of strife, Amber might finally find some stability in her relationship wth Andrew. Unfortunately, they began their relationship just days after she broke off her engagement with another guy, and that wasn’t the only cause for concern.

4. A Sketchy Past


It wasn’t long before media outlets began unearthing evidence of Andrew’s seriously troubling past. Suddenly, fans went from hopeful about the future of her new relationship to deeply concerned for her safety.

5. Cause For Concern

Andrew glennon selfie

Two of Andrew’s exes have obtained orders of protection against the former television producer. One woman claimed that he stalked and harassed her when she broke up with him after just a few weeks of dating.

6. History Repeats Itself…

Amber portwood baby bump with andrew glennon

Now, one person who was there from the very start of Andrew and Amber’s romance says it looks as though both parties are repeating the destructive mistakes that doomed their previous relationships…

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Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Ryan Edwards: Gun Obsession, History of Erratic Behavior Exposed

If you"ve been following the latest news surrounding Teen Mom OG star Ryan Edwards, you know things are not going well for Maci Bookout"s troubled ex.

It all started last week, when Ryan got arrested for a probation violation.

From there, he fell onto a disastrous downward spiral that culminated in Maci filing for an order of protection to prevent Ryan from having any contact with her or her family.

Her filing revealed that Edwards had threatened to kill her husband, Taylor McKinney, and now we know that"s not the only time he"s displayed truly troubling behavior in recent years…

1. A Troubled Man

Ryan edwards on teen mom o g

Ryan’s year-long descent into chaos began when he fell victim to heroin addiction last year. Teen Mom OG fans watched in horror as the father of one repeatedly gambled with his life.

2. The First Rock Bottom

Mackenzie standifer ryan edwards

Ryan lost consciousness while driving to the church for his wedding to Mackenzie Standifer. He checked into rehab shortly thereafter, and for a while, it looked as though his life was on the upswing.

3. Bad Omens

Ryan edwards on teen mom o g

Unfortunately, Ryan left rehab ahead of schedule. He then demonstrated that he was still grappling with many of his old demons when he launched a bizarre social media tirade against Maci.

4. A Second Chance

Ryan edwards mackenzie standifer photo

Ryan and Mackenzie held a second wedding to make up for their disastrous first attempt. Fans were stunned to see Ryan drinking beer and downing shots prior to the ceremony.

5. A Secret Arrest

Ryan edwards mug shot

Ryan and Mackenzie did a surprisingly good job of pretending that all was well, but little did we know, their lives were unraveling behind the scenes. In April of 2017, Ryan was arrested for heroin possession, but the couple managed to keep the matter a secret – both from fans and from Maci.

6. The Past Bites Back

Mackenzie standifer with ryan edwards

That arrest came back to haunt Ryan this week when he was arrested again, this time for an undisclosed probation violation. Now, his worst nightmares are coming true, as his life falls apart in front of all the world.

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Monday, April 2, 2018

David Beador: Cruel, Vile Text Messages to Shannon Beador Exposed

Shannon Beador’s divorce is in full swing. And we’d heard that David Beador was furious over how much he’s paying Shannon each month.

But it looks like there’s been more behind-closed-doors nastiness that no one’s seen until now.

Some of David’s private text messages to Shannon have been revealed, and they are heartbreakingly cruel.

Back in September, The Real Housewives of Orange County star and her husband separated after reportedly living separate lives for a long, long time.

In October, they made it official, filing for divorce.

What was initially going to be an amicable divorce, complete with the couple continuing to do activities with their three teenage daughters on a regular basis, broke down into a deeply acrimonious divorce.

By December, Shannon was tired of David’s behavior and started being more aggressive in the divorce.

Though it was reported that David was “shaking with anger” and cursing at Shannon after the court ruled on how much child support and spousal support he would need to pay Shannon, fans may be shocked when they hear these explosive text messages.

Shannon Beador did an interview with Jeff Lewis, Jenni Pulos, and Gage on Andy Cohen’s SiriusXM channel, Radio Andy.

And … it seems like Shannon ended up getting a little blindsided, because Jeff Lewis had some text messages that she had received that she apparently hadn’t realized that she’d sent to him.

“You accidentally sent me a few texts of a conversation between you and David,” Jeff tells her. “I wanted to prove to the listeners how David has moved on.”

David Beador has a young, hot girlfriend, but that’s not what Jeff means.

Jenni Pulos reads the texts, which are attributed to David, and they are stomach-churning.

“F–k you. So tired of you. You f–king disgust me. F–k you. What do you have to do? Eat? Because you can’t get off your fat ass.”

This isn’t the first time that we’ve heard of David fat-shaming his ex for her (genuinely minor) weight gain. It’s said that David stopped loving her when she became “fat.”

Shannon responded with shock — not over the content of the texts, but over the fact that Jeff had them.

“Oh my gosh you guys. What do you mean I sent that to you? Are you kidding me? Oh my God. Oh my God. That was a couple months ago.”

She says that she’s not receiving texts of that nature from David now.

Jenni went on to read yet another text.

“World ending tonight? You get out of your pajamas today? Sleep ’til two. The sad part is your b–ch behavior is normal for you. F–k you.”

Shannon protests, saying: “Stop it, you guys!”

But those texts are pretty horrifying.

It’s always strange to hear anyone judge or dislike someone else for what they allegedly eat or what time of day they wake up.

(In fact, some would question what the point of being a millionaire is if you don’t sleep until the afternoon)

It’s worse to hear those messages sent from someone who spent years married to the recipient, who once loved her.

Some people can’t fall out of love without falling into hate.

To be clear, we can’t vouch for the veracity of these text messages. Shannon indicated that they were the real deal, however.

It looks like there are a couple of possibilities for how this came up.

One, it could be that Shannon was trying to send a screenshot of them to her attorney and accidentally sent them to Jeff Lewis.

She’s 53 and, honestly, even the most tech-savvy Millennial or Gen Z could get distracted and do the same.

Two, however, it could always be that Shannon had quietly arranged for her own on-air ambush in order to leak the texts while playing innocent.

Considering the content of those alleged text messages, who could blame her?


Monday, March 26, 2018

Albert Belle Exposed Himself To Minors, According To Cops

Albert Belle exposed himself to 2 adults and 2 minors before being arrested on Saturday in Arizona, according to cops … TMZ Sports has learned. We’ve learned that Belle was arrested around 9:20 PM after cops got a call that a man had…


Monday, March 19, 2018

Meghan Markle Nude Pics, Sexts to Harry: Exposed by ISIS-Linked Website?!?

ISIS may be coming after Meghan Markle.

Thankfully, we don’t believe the former actress’ life is in any real danger.

But, if one website in particular has its way, Markle’s engagement to Prince Harry may soon be on life support.

As reported by Radar Online, there’s a website out there that alleges to have terrorist ties and which has apparently set its sights on this future member of The Royal Family.

We’re not about to reveal the website’s name or URL because we don’t want it to see any sort of traffic boost — but the online property has shared an 11-second video of Markle on vacation…

… with her bare boobs on full display.

The site has also shared a number of photos that depict Markle, topless, hanging out with friends and doing Yoga in a rented home.

In a few other snapshots, the ex-Suits star can be seen wrapped in a towel in a hotel room, drinking champagne without a shirt on while reclining on a sofa.

This isn’t the first time talk of Markle’s X-rated past has heated up the Internet.

But there’s on stark difference between these photos and past examples of Markle getting a bit down a dirty:

Those examples were just that: in the past.

In these new photos, Markle is wearing a blue bracelet that was reportedly gifted to her by Harry during a trip the pair took together to Africa in the summer of 2016.

This would imply that the pictures are fairly new, were taken after Markle started dating the Prince — and may have been sent to the Prince as some sort of act of seduction.

Like a “sext,” as kids these days would say.

“These photos, if real, are recent,” an insider tells Radar Online, adding:

“This is bound to cause even more embarrassment to the Queen and the monarchy as it would suggest she sent these images to Harry!”

Markle, of course, is an American.

She is divorced and she is of mixed heritage, with a black mother and a white father.

These facts would be irrelevant in most dating situations, but they would have spelled doom for any Royal relationship just a few years ago.

Many people have been pleasantly surprised by how The Queen and company have opened their arms to Markle, despite these so-called marks on her record.

In a separate post on the aforementioned site, meanwhile, Markle is attacked over her mixed race heritage, referred to by the author as a “savage Sub-Saharan.”

This same source says Harry is prepared to “go to [legal] war” with the website if the photos of Markle prove to be legitimate.

As we said previously, this site alleges to have links to ISIS and adds that it is releasing these scandalous images as part of its plan to force the withdrawal of UK soldiers from “Muslim holy lands,” writing as a warning:

“The pathetically impotent British imperialists would be wise to heed ISIS’ most reasonable demands before even more Meghan nudes are leaked…

“For according to gossip along the caravan lines from Raqqa to Tikrit, there are numerous Meghan pics to come in which she dildos her sin holes with some fried chicken and pigs’ feet.”

Okay, we really don’t want to get on ISIS’ bad side here, but we really doubt there are photos of Meghan Markle out there in which she sticks fried chicken in her… you-know-what.

Still, might we be in for a Royal Family vs. ISIS battle down the line?

“This site is playing with fire posting these this close to Harry and Meghan’s wedding,” concludes Radar.

The wedding is set for May 19.

Stay tuned!


Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Meghan Markle"s Sister: Exposed As Lying Opportunist By Ex-Husband?!

Royals have it easier than everyone else on the planet in pretty much every area except one:

When it comes to mate selection, their lives are far more complicated than most.

Centuries ago, royals kept it in the family, and we’ll never know how many are still padding around Buckingham Palace with webbed toes as a result of those incestuous decades.

Thankfully, these days, blue bloods dive into the peasant pool to find their better halves, but that practice presents its own problems.

You see, peasants have peasant families, and peasant families can be problematic.

Take, for example, Meghan Markle’s siblings, who have been a royal pain in the royal’s collective ass ever since the world learned Meghan is engaged to Prince Harry.

At first, it was just Meghan’s half-sister who insisted on making waves with her public attempts to tear down Harry’s betrothed.

These days, Meghan’s half-brother is also in on the act, though he hasn’t proven to be quite as adept in his shameless opportunism.

While Thomas Markle has granted a couple scathing interviews, it’s Samantha Grant-Markle who’s really cashing in.

She plans to publish a tell-all about Meghan, and she’s even collaborated with the folks at the Enquirer on a series of hit pieces about the half-sibling she barely knows.

Not bad for someone who no one had heard of a few months ago, and who most people wish would simply fade back into oblivion.

Now, Samantha’s ex-husband, Scott Rasmussen, is saying enough is enough by speaking out against his former wife’s conniving ways.

“Harry and Meghan need to know the truth about her. She’s the last person who should be at Windsor Castle,” Rasmussen told the Daily Mail in a recent interview.

Asked about Samantha’s nickname for Meghan, “Princess Pushy,” Rasmussen said it’s simply a result of projection:

“Samantha’s the pushy one,” he said.

“I believe she resented Meghan because she had the life Samantha always wanted and she was jealous.”

Like Samantha, Scott hasn’t spent much time with Meghan since she was in her late teens, but he says he remembers her fondly from those days:

“She was all class and so polite,” he said. “Everything Samantha wanted to be.”

No rebuttal yet from Scott’s ex-wife, who we assume is currently in recovering at a nearby burn unit.


Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Dayanna Volitich: Teacher Exposed as White Nationalist Media Figure

Until last week, Dayanna Volitich was a beloved social studies teacher at Crystal River Middle School outside of Tampa.

Tiana Dalichov is a popular podcast host who has made a name for herself preaching hate and bigotry to an audience of like-minded white nationalists.

Needless to say, Volitich’s bosses were shocked to find out they’re the same person.

According to The Washington Post, Volitich is a self-professed anti-Semite who believes Muslims should be eradicated from the Earth and that whites are genetically superior to other races.

For the past year, she lived a double life and carefully concealed her abhorrent worldview from teaching colleagues while actively spreading hate on the internet.

Over the weekend, parents in the Citrus County School District were notified that Volitich had been exposed in a piece published by Huffington Post and was promptly fired as a result.

“On Friday, March 2, 2018 the Citrus County School District was made aware of a concerning podcast by a Huffington Post reporter. The reporter indicated they believed one of the persons participating in the podcast was a teacher at Crystal River Middle School,” reads a statement on the district’s Facebook page.

“The Human Resources department was notified and an investigation was initiated immediately. The teacher has been removed from the classroom and the investigation is ongoing.

“Pursuant to Florida Statute an open investigation and materials related to it are exempt from public record and cannot be discussed until the investigation is complete,” the statement concluded.

Frighteningly, on her podcast, Volitich spoke of going to great lengths to hide her beliefs, and she encouraged other white nationalists to “infiltrate” America’s public schools as teachers.

“I’m pretty hyper aware that [administrators and colleagues] will be watching. They’ll be listening, and so I’m getting a little more underhanded,” Volitich told a guest on her podcast.

“I was able to anticipate when they would be there to evaluate, and so I did what I was supposed to do. I danced like a little puppet, and I waited until they were gone,” she added.

In a statement released to a Tampa-area media outlet, Volitich claimed that her podcast was a work of satire and was not meant to be taken seriously:

“None of the statements released about my being a white nationalist or white supremacist have any truth to them, nor are my political beliefs injected into my teaching of social studies curriculum,” Volitich’s statement reads.

“While operating under the Russian pseudonym ‘Tiana Dalichov’ on social media and the Unapologetic Podcast, I employed political satire and exaggeration, mainly to the end of attracting listeners and followers, and generating conversation about the content discussed between myself and my guests.”

On her popular Twitter page, Volitich/Dalichov tweeted that she “may disappear for a while” following this week’s revelations.

Within 24 hours, the account had been deleted.

Volitich’s whereabouts are currently unknown.
