Showing posts with label Faking. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Faking. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Kardashians EXPOSED Faking Dramatic Feuds Just to Fuel Ratings!

Keeping Up With The Kardashians has scarcely begun, but the fighting has been intense. Kourtney says Kim is evil. Meanwhile, Khloe wants to punch Kourtney.

They’re tearing this family apart! Or … are they?

A new report says that the sisters are basically just faking all of this for the cameras. Take a look.

RadarOnline reports that the Keeping Up With The Kardashians drama is at least partly just for show.

“Their fight this season is so overly dramatic,” a source close to the Kardashians admits, revealing: “and they all know it.”

That said, there’s some very real tension underlying all of this.

“There is no doubt that the three of them aren’t as close as they used to be,” the insider acknowledges.

“But,” the source says. “They all knew they needed something big to start off the season.”

It seems to be working.

Beneath all of the exaggerations, there are some genuine contentions between the sisters.

“Kourtney,” the insider confirms. “Doesn’t want to be on the show anymore.”

She’s 39 and her life isn’t what it used to be and, even if she’s still the hottest Kardashian sister, she’s over it.

“And,” the insider shares. “She doesn’t like how Kim treats everyone.”

Kim seems to treat them as if they’re all her side-kicks who should just drop everything and do what she has planned.

As you may recall, she also accused Kourtney, who is a mother of three, of essentially being a layabout whose schedule should be open.

“Khloe has been over the show for several seasons too,” the source admits.

That is understandable. She, too, has been doing it for more than a decade. It’s transformed her life, but everyone runs out of steam sooner or later.

“But,” the insider makes clear. “They exaggerated the nasty fighting.”

That’s how reality television works. You take a minor disagreement that might go unspoken in a healthy family and you follow your impulses. For drama.

And the result is that you get ratings, you get fame, and you get cold, hard cash.

“They are just all in it for the money,” the insider feels the need to explain.

We didn’t think that they were doing a reality series as the world’s weirdest charity drive.

Some might be surprised, since their heated confrontations look so real.

“By now they are all good actresses,” the source says. “Whether people want to believe it or not!”

Of course they are! And we’re not just saying that because Khloe was on that one episode of Law & Order: LA.

All of this is money — sorry, music — to the ears of momager Kris Jenner.

Kris, the insider says, “is loving every minute of it.”

No parent wants their children to squabble and fight. But if they’re just pretending to fight (mostly) and the result is that your family becomes richer by millions of dollars, that sounds worth it.

Even if you get accused of “art-shaming” one of your daughters in the process.

The sisters should be careful, however. As weird as it sounds, human nature means that sometimes, people begin to truly believe the things that they say.


Tuesday, July 17, 2018

"Bachelorette" Star Colton Underwood Says He"s Not Faking His Virginity

Recently dumped ‘Bachelorette’ star Colton Underwood is shooting down Corinne Olympios’ claim that he lied about his virginity, because he says he’d never admit it on national television if it weren’t true. Colton was a guest Tuesday on San Diego…


Friday, May 18, 2018

Kenya Moore Accused of Faking Pregnancy AND Marriage! What?!

Kenya Moore went on a date night and she shared a photo of herself with her husband, Marc Daly. And then all hell broke loose in the comments.

Some followers wanted to know why Marc isn’t wearing his ring. Those comments were enough to get Kenya to actually respond.

And others questioned why pregnant Kenya Moore doesn’t seem to be showing a baby bump.

Kenya shared this cuddly photo of the two of them.

She provided a little context in her caption:

“#DateNight with bae [red heart emoji]”

She also added:

“(Bae’s ring is on the table thank you for asking)”

When a celebrity has updated their captions to answer a recurring question from fans, you know that the comments are going to be interesting.

Kenya’s followers did not disappoint.

“I thought you were pregnant? Oh I get it #TryingToStayRelevant”

If you’ll recall, Kenya said that she and Marc are expecting a child — even though she’s 47.

“Where’s the baby bump? Maybe surrogate???”

That’s always possible, though it’s not the case for Kenya, as we’ll explain later.

“Where’s your baby bump?”

She’s clearly hugging her husband. That’s not going to put her bump on display.

Then there’s this ominous af comment:

“What we say and do, will be returned to us.”

That unexplained comment is going to keep us awake at night.

“I thought she was pregnant she don’t look pretty on this picture.”


“A surrogate mother is a blessing congrats!!! Your lil one will be precious.”

She’s … not doing a surrogacy, and it’s weird that people assume that she is.

“Where is the pregnant belly?”

Right there, just not being emphasized by her pose, folks.

“I thought she was pregnant. What happened?”



We did not in any way exaggerate the number of question marks in that person’s all-caps comment.

“Her ass looks pregnant.”


Kenya was also bombarded with questions about the location of her husband’s ring, which she answered in her own comment.

“Jeez on the table. He can’t swing the club with it.”

Rings can get in the way, folks.

Kenya also had her defenders in the comments, of course.

“So happy for you both! Who cares about a ring!! Love has no boundaries held within a ring. Be free and who cares what other people think!!”

When she offered that explanation, she was told that it was not owed.

“You do not have to explain anything.”

Others shot down the absurd rumor that she was somehow faking a pregnancy.

“I see the bump…y’all blind!”

Fans wished her the best.

“So happy for you don’t let Social media mess up your relationship.”

One of Kenya’s defenders left a comment so entertaining that we absolutely had to share it with you.

Here, she smacks down one of Kenya’s critics:

“Wow no child left behind law helped you move right along didn’t it? Anyone who still menstrates can have a baby. Medicine can also assist in having a baby. For example, IVF treatments is one. Please educate yourself before making yourself look like a PURE FOOL.”


Kenya, by the way, took to Instagram stories to make one thing perfectly clear:

“No I don’t have a surrogate.”

Let celebrities share photos of themselves, please, without harassing them in the comments.


Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Justin Bieber: Shading Selena Gomez for Faking Happiness?

The 2018 MET Gala has come and gone, leaving us all with photos and fond memories of extraordinary outfits like Rihanna’s and Zendaya’s. Also, a lot of disappointments.

Justin Bieber was not in attendance, but that didn’t stop him from posting a curiously cryptic tweet early the following morning.

Was the Biebs throwing shade at the MET Gala … or just at Selena Gomez herself?

Justin Bieber reportedly believes that it’s God’s plan for Selena Gomez to take him back.

He is a devout Christian from a family of devout Christians (check his mom’s Instagram from time to time; she’s been known to post End Times materials).

So it absolutely make sense that he would view major life events such as the biggest relationship of his life through a religious lens.

But, in the mean time, the two have been broken up since March.

And a lot of fans can’t help but wonder if Justin was referring to Selena when he wrote this:

Justin Bieber

“Hey world that glamorous lifestyle you see portrayed by famous people on Instagram don’t be fooled thinking their life is better than yours.”

That’s almost a sentence.

“I can promise you it’s not.”

While plenty of commenters pointed out how much money would improve their lives, others guessed at the timing of Justin’s post.

This was early in the morning, following the MET Gala.

And Justin’s ex, Selena Gomez, had attended.

We absolutely adore Selena Gomez, but while her dress is fine, it doesn’t really meet the assignment of the MET Gala.

Rihanna came out dressed like a stylish, sexy pope. Zendaya’s outfit was so inspirational that people have been drawing fanart of her as a warrior.

Chadwick Boseman, Cardi B, Ariana Grande, and others really lived up to and exceeded our expectations.

But some wonder if Justin saw these photos — the official ones, and the personal ones posted to social media — and grew jealous of the happy expressions.

Maybe he wasn’t so much speaking to fans as he was reminding himself that a smiling photograph does not equate to happiness.

And, indirectly, telling himself that Selena isn’t necessarily happy without him.

That’s what some fans interpreted his cryptic PSA to mean, anyway.

Let us consider, for a moment, that he was not referring specifically to Selena.

Perhaps he was making a broader statement.

Perhaps he was blasting many fellow celebrities — and we should note that Selena was not his only ex at the MET Gala.

(Hailey Baldwin, of course, attended arm-in-arm with Shawn Mendes)

Some celebrities go through awkward phases during which they reject many of the trappings of fame because they’re “fake” or whatever.

Or maybe Justin was really just trying to assure people at home that beautiful famous people have bad days, too.

There is also a chance that Bieber, though not a Catholic, took offense at the Gala’s Catholicism motif.

Though the Vatican approved it and even loaned a number of items for the event, a number (who were not aware of this) tried to raise an uproar and allege “cultural appropriation,” which this is not.

(For so many reasons, dressing like Catholic art with the official approval of the Vatican is not cultural appropriation)

Maybe Bieber was offended that people were using some pieces of Christian imagery as a costume.

But that, too, is just fan speculation.

That’s the problem with cryptic tweets — they leave people wondering what you really mean.

One of Justin’s biggest hits was “What Do You Mean,” so … he should understand that.


Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Joy-Anna Duggar: Caught FAKING Birth Scene For Counting On Cameras?!

From the moment that Joy-Anna Duggar announced she was pregnant, fans of her famous family suspected that something was afoot.

Rumors about Joy-Anna’s “shotgun wedding” persisted for months after she and Austin Forsyth tied the knot, and many still believe the 20-year-old got pregnant before getting married.

When Joy welcomed her first child last month, it was widely viewed as a validation of her version of events.

The delivery date was consistent with the timeline Joy had claimed from the start, and it seemed she was finally proven right after six months of scrutiny.

Now, however, new questions are arising thanks to a Counting On web episode which details Joy’s delivery.

At one point in the episode, Ben Seewald is seen reacting to news that Joy was experiencing complications.

“A C-section is always tough,” Ben tells the camera at one point.

“Definitely not what she was hoping, but we’ll see how it goes from here.”

Ben’s scenes take place at Michelle and Jim Bob Duggar’s house.

He’s seen rocking his own son in his arms and sharing the news of the birth with little Spurgeon.

“Spurgeon, can you say a boy?” he coos to the 2-year-old.

It’s all very sweet and innocent – or at least it would be if it weren’t staged and scripted.

As many Duggar obsessives have pointed out on social media, Ben and Jessa uploaded a congratulatory video on the day that Joy announced the birth.

In the clip, Ben states that Jessa shared the news with him after he returned home from work.

So he didn’t find out about the birth at Michelle and Jim Bob’s house, and he certainly wasn’t with his in-laws, receiving updates on the delivery in real time.

Obviously, reality shows shoot scripted scenes all the time, and none of this indicates conclusively that Joy was lying about the date of her conception or delivery.

But for obvious reasons, it’s not exactly helping her credibility with skeptical Duggar fans.

Watch Counting On online for more from reality TV’s most controversial family.


Monday, December 4, 2017

Duggar Family Accused of Faking Religious, Political Beliefs

For nearly a decade now, the Duggars have served as TV’s most high-profile representatives of a certain segment of the US population.

Television execs rarely seek out arch-conservative, evangelical middle Americans when they’re casting reality shows, but the Duggars found a way to secure a massive platform for their highly controversial views.

In a sense, they snuck their beliefs in through the backdoor.

At first, it wasn’t the Duggars extremist views that TLC was interested in, but rather their proclivity for breeding.

After a one-off documentary special generated controversy and attracted higher ratings than expected, the Duggars were contracted for a full series.

Originally entitled 17 Kids and Counting (the Duggar brood would eventually balloon to an astonishing 19 children), the show proved to be a surprise hit for the network, and it ran for 10 seasons before being canceled as a result of public outrage over the Josh Duggar sex scandals.

It’s a testament to the popularity of the show that TLC proved reluctant to cancel it amidst a child molestation scandal, and then gave the Duggars another shot with a spinoff series entitled Counting On.

Of course, from Octomom to the Bates family of Up TV’s Bringing Up Bates, large families are not in short supply, but none has captured viewers’ imaginations quite like the Duggars.

The reason for this seems to be that their shows are less about the size of the family, and more about the devoutly religious–some would say cult-like–way in which Jim Bob and Michelle raise their children.

It’s safe to assume that were it not for their ultra-conservative views, fans likely would have lost interest in the Duggars long ago.

Some “hate-watch” to gawk at bizarre dress codes and “courtship rules,” while others take copious notes in hopes of pursuing more godly lives.

But the head honchos at TLC likely aren’t interested in the reasons that viewers keep tuning in, so long as the ratings hold steady.

Of course, these days, most Americans are savvy enough to know that “reality TV” is a misnomer, and the events depicted in shows like Counting On are frequently scripted and staged.

It’s impossible to determine just how inaccurate our impression of the Duggars is, but it’s a certainty that not everything we’ve seen on their various series is true to life.

We at THG have conducted interviews with former associates of the Duggars who spoke of behind-the-scenes conflicts, compulsive spending, and other aspects of life on the Duggar conduct that are carefully hidden from public view.

With a few notable exceptions–the Josh scandals being the most obvious–the Duggars have done an impressive job of sweeping the more unsavory aspects of their lives under the carpet.

As their children grow up and leave the nest to start families of their own, however, new cracks seem to appear in the family’s carefully-constructed facade every day.

And the situation has left some fans wondering if the Duggars are really as conservative as they seem.

The questions began around the time that Jinger Duggar started wearing pants in photos posted to social media.

As fans of the family know, Duggar women are required to wear long skirts at all times, even when playing sports or engaged in other outdoor activities.

Jinger’s public act of defiance was seen by many as a brazen rejection of the values with which she was raised.

Seemingly inspired by her younger sister’s example, Jessa Duggar began wearing pants shortly thereafter.

Just last week, Jill Duggar mounted a minor rebellion of her own, sporting a small facial piercing on Instagram.

Obviously, these are all very tame and innocuous acts of disobedience, but coupled with other indications that the younger generation is more liberal than expected–Ben Seewald’s support of the Black Lives Matter movement being a prime example–the sisters’ public rejection of their well-known dress code raises a lot of questions about just what the Duggars believe.

Jim Bob Duggar has worn many hats over the years, but for the past decade, he’s been first and foremost a media mogul.

He has a keen sense of what sells and what viewers want from him.

He also knows that it’s his family’s extremist belief system that keeps viewers coming back, not the astonishing size of the Duggar clan.

To be clear, the Duggars are almost certainly far more conservative in their religious and political views than just about any other family on television.

But it seems more and more as though they’re concealing their more moderate views for the sake of preserving their public image.

Watch Counting On online for more from reality TV’s most famous family.


Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Kylie Jenner: Is She REALLY Faking Her Pregnancy?!

As you"ve no doubt heard by now, Kylie Jenner is pregnant with her first child.

We think.

Kylie has yet to confirm that she"s expecting, and a surprisingly large contingent of fans believe that"s because she"s not actually knocked up.

Why would she engage in such a foolish stunt? What makes Kylie"s biggest fans think she"s misleading the public? And why the hell won"t she just come out and say whether she"s pregnant?

Join us as we put on our Sherlock Holmes caps to answer these questions and more:

1. Body of Evidence

Kylie jenner baby bump hidden

Kylie is keeping mum on the issue of her rumored pregnancy. That hasn’t stopped her from posting on social media, of course, but as you can tell from the photo above, she’s been going to great lengths to conceal her midsection.

2. Deceptive Selfies?

Kylie jenner serious selfie

Naturally Kylie is still posting selfies, and fans are putting them under the microscope in search of a baby bump, but thus far, no solid evidence has emerged.

3. Kylie’s Closeup

Kylie jenner closeup

Kylie obsessives are so desperate for proof they’ve cited THIS photo–a closeup of Kylie’s face–as evidence that she’s knocked up. We kid you not; several fans have commented on Kylie’s “obvious pregnancy face.”

4. Snapchat Slip-Up?

Kylie jenner snap

Of course, it’s impossible to post on social media as often as Kylie does without occasionally revealing more than one wants to. Some fans think Kylie messed up with this Snapchat post from early November that appears to show her buying tampons.

5. Offspring Bonanza

Khloe kardashian new face

Others think it’s suspicious that three Kardashian women are expecting children at the same time … and that the news coincides with a recent decline in the family’s popularity.

6. But Why Would Kylie Lie?

Kylie jenner with her lips

Obviously, the Kards aren’t averse to publicity stunts, but a fake pregnancy would be ridiculous even by Kris Jenner’s standards. Still, that hasn’t stopped fans from compiling a number of theories as to why Kylie would pretend to have a bun in the oven …

View Slideshow

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Kylie Jenner: Proof That She"s FAKING Pregnancy Posted on Snapchat?!

As you’ve no doubt heard by now, Kylie Jenner is pregnant with her first child.

Or is that just what the lame-stream media wants you to believe?

Strap on your tinfoil hat, cue the X-Files theme music, and pop some of those herbal boner pills Alex Jones sells on his show, because it’s loony conspiracy theory time, folks!

Kylie has yet to confirm that she’s pregnant, but the consensus among fans has been that she’s simply waiting for the right time in order to ensure maximum publicity.

(She is Kris Jenner’s daughter, after all.)

But what if there’s a much simpler explanation?

What if Kylie hasn’t confirmed that she’s pregnant because she’s not actually pregnant?

We know. Your head is reeling, just like the first someone told you that Ted Cruz is both the Zodiac Killer and Lee Harvey Oswald, but hear us out.

First of all, we present you Exhibit A:

Kylie posted the above photo on Snapchat, with a caption that reads simply, “GIRLS TRIP!”

It seems innocent enough–until you realize that girls headed straight to the town of Fake Pregnancysburg in the state of Scandals-vania!

Please, look closely at the sundry snacks and assorted foodstuffs that Kylie and her compatriots are purchasing for their trip.

We’ll just be over here pausing menacingly with our hands clasped behind our backs like Law & Order prosecutors.

Notice anything unusual in the upper-right corner, near the Black and Mild flavored cigarillos?

That’s right–tampons, an item that’s generally not purchased by pregnant women!

Add that to the fact that Kylie wants us to believe she hasn’t gained an ounce in the past two months, and we think you’ll that there’s sufficient evidence that the young Ms. Jenner is not with child.

You might be saying to yourself, “But she clearly stated that she’s taking a trip with a group of her girlfriends. Maybe the tampons are for someone else.”

Or maybe you’re thinking, “Well, or course Kylie doesn’t want to admit to gaining any weight. She is a member of the Kardashian-Jenner clan, after all.”

And maybe you have a point, skeptical hypothetical reader.

But we say this to you: 

What’s more fun to believe: that Kylie is actually pregnant and just keeping an uncharacteristically low profile, or that this whole thing is an elaborate charade that’s soon to blow up in Kris Jenner’s face and bring the entire Kardashian empire crumbling down?

We’re following the first rule of celebrity gossip here, folks:

Drama is always more important than facts.

We rest our case.


Thursday, September 28, 2017

Empire Season 4 Episode 1 Recap: Faking It

Lucious Lyon has been the icy family patriarch for the last few years on Empire, so we’re glad he’s finally getting a comeuppance for all of the crap he’s pulled. 

When Empire Season 4 Episode 1 got underway, Lucious was all over the place. His amnesia had royally knocked his socks off, and he did not know much about his family. 

But, that was alright because he had Demi Moore’s Claudia by his side pulling strings to ensure he was not put in any situations that could make him do anything dangerous. 

Here’s the thing: Any normal family would kick Claudia out of the house and warn her to steer clear of their family if she was getting that close to a patient. 

As Cookie put it perfectly on the Empire Season 3 finale, they were paying her, so she had no right to comment on what they were doing to bring Lucious back. 

As sad and desperate as it sounds, Cookie would love nothing more than to have her one true love return to his villainous ways. The way he cuts her off and claims he does not know anything about her clearly makes her want to vomit. 

She tried so long to get him to see the light and ditch Giuliana for her that she probably feels she has been dealt a horrible hand. 

Claudia is deluded, and we got to find out that she was very into Lucious during the performance at Empire’s 20th anniversary. She hated Cookie because she was fretting Lucious was going to remember her. 

In any case, this is a primetime soap opera, so it will not be surprising when it ultimately turns out that Claudia has a link to someone Lucious wronged in the past. 

There’s no way this crazy nurse just appeared out of nowhere. She has to be part of a bigger plan because we’re not buying that she was obsessed with Lucious from the get-go. 

Not much happened during the hour. It was mostly the calm before the storm, and that’s okay. We got to see the multiple layers of this new and improved Lucious. 

He has a conscience, no humor and is missing half of his leg. He put on quite the show during the Empire party to show off that all was right in the land of the Empire. 

Unfortunately, Cookie thought it was the real deal and found herself having to go toe-to-toe with Claudia who was wearing Anika’s dress which she conveniently discovered in the closet. 

Cookie sure knows a snake when she sees one, and it’s going to be a lot of fun to watch these two women fight for control of Lucious. He has to get his memory back sometime, but Claudia will see to it that his memories of Cookie are dark and full of misery. 

Elsewhere, Andre held the keys to the company, but he was battling with the guilt of being instrumental in putting his father in the position he was in. 

Shyne was worried about people ratting them out to the police, so he went on a mission to get rid of everyone who knew about it. Sooner or later, Andre will be the one to fess up. 

One person who won’t be fessing up? The bomb maker, because Shyne sent him to hell with a gunshot to the head. 

Diana Dubois was pressing on with her plan to ruin the Lyons, and it resulted in her crashing Hakeem’s home to threaten him with some incriminating pictures. 

Cookie would have trusted her son if he told her the truth about what was going on. This whole thing is going to blow up in Hakeem’s face, and that’s not going to do him any favors. 

Okay, so that’s a wrap. What did you think of the episode?

Sound off below. 

Empire continues Wednesdays on Fox!


Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Lady Gaga: I Swear, I"m Not Faking My Disease!

It’s been a rough few months for Lady Gaga.

And, as we’re continuing to learn, it doesn’t look like things are going to get easier anytime soon.

As she revealed last week, she’s been suffering from fibromyalgia, a disorder that causes chronic pain and tiredness.

There are other symptoms, and we don’t know all the symptoms Gaga is suffering from, but she’s made it clear that, at the very least, she’s in severe pain.

And that kind of pain doesn’t really work for a woman whose job involves strutting around for hours onstage, usually in ridiculously high heels.

That’s why she had to announce earlier this week that she wouldn’t be able to perform at Rock in Rio — because she is “suffering from severe physical pain.”

Along with that announcement, she shared a photo of herself in a hospital bed with an IV in her arm.

She explained that she was “devastated” that she wouldn’t be able to perform, but “I have to take care of my body right now.”

Pretty sad, right?

But it looks like things are just getting worse for her.

Yesterday, Lady Gaga announced that she is canceling the entire European leg of her world tour.

From September 21st to October 28th, she was scheduled to roam around the continent, performing for her fans, but now that’s been pushed back to “early 2018.”

Again, the announcement stated that Gaga is “devastated” at this turn of events, but her health is preventing her from touring.

Along with the official announcement, she included a much more personal message.

“I have always been honest about my physical and mental health struggles,” she wrote. “Searching for years to get to the bottom of them.”

“It is complicated and difficult to explain, and we are trying to figure it out.”

“As I get stronger and when I feel ready,” she explained, “I will tell my story in more depth, and plan to take this on strongly so I can not only raise awareness, but expand research for others who suffer as I do, so I can help make a difference.”

She said that she doesn’t throw around that “suffer” word to get pity or attention, and that she’s been “disappointed to see people online suggest that I’m being dramatic, making this up, or playing the victim to get out of touring.”

“If you knew me, you would know this couldn’t be further from the truth. I’m a fighter.”

Our beloved Lady Gaga wrote “I use the word suffer not only because trauma and chronic pain have changed my life, but because they are keeping me from living a normal life.”

“They are also keeping me from what I love the most in the world: performing for my fans.”

She concluded her message by saying that she can’t wait to tour again, “but I have to be with my doctors right now so I can be strong and perform for you all for the next 60 years or more. I love you so much.”

What a gem.

And she definitely has a point — even if you’ve only kept an eye on her over the years, you’d know how seriously she takes touring.

She’s always been very close with her fans, and she’s always put on incredible shows, so to accuse her of faking an illness so that she wouldn’t have to go on tour is honestly pretty dumb.

Dumb, and also very insulting.

We know she’s a hard worker, we know she genuinely loves music, and there’s no literally no reason to believe that she’d lie about something this serious for any reason at all.

Come on now, people.


Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Tamra Judge: Faking Her Fights for the Camera?

In Real Housewives terms, Tamra Judge seems to be fighting a war on all fronts, at any given time.

Her friend-turned-archenemy might still be Vicki Gunvalson, but Tamra seems to be always willing to go off on somebody else.

Well, according to an insider’s report, it sounds like Tamra has been faking it all just to stay relevant.

Sometimes, you hear a guy drone about how all of his ex-girlfriends were “crazy,” and by the time that he starts describing the fifth or sixth girl, you want to point out that the common factor in all of these relationships was the guy.

Well, that’s how we feel about Tamra Judge.

She does not get along with a lot of her fellow Real Housewives of Orange County.

Vicki Gunvalson and Tamra Judge’s rivalry is intense and an ongoing storyline of the series.

Once, they were friends, but competition for the spotlight drove a wedge between them until they became enemies.

It’s even been reported that Tamra Judge and Vicki Gunvalson refuse to film together, meaning that their rivalry storyline became so real that it could damage The Real Housewives of Orange County.

It was said that both women knew that they wouldn’t be fired and were leveraging their fame to avoid unpleasant encounters.

But while you wonder if they’d both stay on top if the camera didn’t show them at each other’s throats, you have to remember that Tamra seems willing to freak out at anyone these days.

We’ve all seen Tamra freak out, even at friends like Peggy Sulahian.

Recently, we saw Tamra Judge eviscerated by her daughter Sidney Barney, who exposed her mother by revealing accusations of years of neglect, frightening emotional abuse, an inability to respect anyone’s wishes, and a willingness to exploit her children to feed her own fame.

Well, it looks like that’s not all that Tamra is willing to do to stay famous.

RadarOnline reports that, according to their source, Tamra Judge fakes fights in front of the cameras just to stay relevant.

Isn’t that sad?

“Tamra literally starts fights with everyone because she knows that it is the only way that people will keep talking about her.”

Well, that seems pretty true.

People are only going to have so much to say about Tamra’s, like, exercise recommendations or whatever is left to Tamra if you take away all of the fights.

“It seems pointless to everyone on the cast and her friends. She claims to have so many issues with everyone on the cast, and insists that it is everyone else’s fault.”

Isn’t that so typical?

The thing is that, while playing up conflicts or even creating them just for drama and to continue collecting a paycheck would totally fit with justa bout any reality series … we’re not sure how deliberately Tamra does this.

We’re sure that she exaggerates for the camera — who doesn’t? — but Tamra seems to have some issues that cause her to lash out hurtfully at people.

Not all monsters are made by cameras, people.

Now, let’s be clear:

Tamra may be a less-than-likable person and, from what her daughter says, a truly terrible mother …

(Tamra has been milking the estrangement from her daughter for sympathy for ages, which is the exact opposite of what Sidney asked her to do)

… But we were saddened to hear about her skin cancer diagnosis.

That’s no reason for anyone to try to guilt Sidney into trying to rekindle a relationship with her mother, though.

And a melanoma diagnosis is not an excuse for Tamra’s bad behavior for the camera.

Vicki Gunvalson isn’t exactly blameless for their feud, but Tamra can’t possibly be the victim in every single conflict.

Either she has some serious social aggression issues … or Tamra is faking it to make it.


Friday, July 21, 2017

Amber Portwood: Faking Matt Baier Drama on Teen Mom OG?!

If you watched the latest season of Teen Mom OG, or even if you just like to keep up with the moms on social media or through gossip sites, you know Amber Portwood hasn’t been having the greatest time.

And that’s largely because she decided, for some unfathomable reason, to invite the evil known as Matt Baier into her life.

It’s also because Amber has several severe mental health issues and a long, long history of bad things, but for now, let’s just focus on Matt.

Thanks to the magic of MTV and their ever-present cameras, we’ve seen several terrible things go down for the doomed couple.

In the last season, we saw Amber become increasingly wary of Matt’s motives, especially when he tried to pressure her into marrying him in Las Vegas.

They went along with some friends of theirs who were getting married, and while they were checking out chapels, Matt asked her if they could have their own wedding.

She was extremely hesitant, but he kept pushing, and eventually she told him that she needed to call her brother and talk it through with him.

When she did, her brother told her that she was an adult and could do as she pleased, but she ultimately decided not to go through with it.

She told him she wanted her family with her when they got married, especially her daughter, and he told her that he understood and that it was fine.

Then, when she wandered off, he told a producer that he would never marry her, and that she wanted to marry her brother, who he referred to as a “f-cking f—–.”

It wasn’t pretty, and things only got uglier from there.

After they returned home from Vegas, Amber began hearing rumors that Matt cheated on her, and she promptly freaked out.

Eventually she had him take a lie detector test, which showed that while he was telling the truth about not cheating on her, he did lie about some sexual advances he made to a certain woman.

She dumped him then, though she would eventually take him back for a little while — that was the season finale.

Oh, and in between those events, he also tried giving out random pills to her co-workers, which was also not cool.

The point is that there have been many, many issues between Amber and Matt this season.

And according to Simon Saran, at least one of those issues was completely fake.

Earlier this week when he went on a big Twitter rant about Farrah Abraham and their latest feud, he also did a quick little question and answer session about Teen Mom in general.

In those tweets, he claimed that one of the show’s executive producers repeatedly makes fun of Gary Shirley’s weight, and that each of the moms make $ 300,000 per season.

He also claimed that “The Amber and Matt wedding scene was fake. It’s been shot more than once.”

We’re assuming he’s talking about the Las Vegas debacle.

We’re also having a hard time believing him.

For one, how does he know what goes on with the other moms? If he made claims about something Farrah filmed, that would make sense, but he and Amber don’t even get along.

And for two, are Amber and Matt really so good at acting that they could fool all the people who watched that scene?

It’s something interesting to think about for sure, but unless more evidence comes up, we’ll just continue on thinking that Matt is the worst for the time being.

Thanks though, Simon.


Monday, April 3, 2017

Kim Kardashian: FAKING Pregnancy Drama For Ratings?!

If you watched last night’s episode of Keeping Up With the Kardashians, then you know the show pivoted away from the storyline about Kim being robbed at gunpoint in Paris, and launched a new arc about Kim’s desire to have another kid.

Yes, we’ve been hearing about Kim’s uterus for weeks now, and if last night’s installment of KUWTK is any indication, there’s a lot more fertility talk to come.

It’s enough to make some fans wonder if Kim’s desire to expand her family is legit, or if she’s simply doing what she can to boost the show’s slumping ratings.

Rumors about Keeping Up With the Kardashians being canceled certainly aren’t new.

In fact, they seem to surface about once a month.

But this time, the numbers support the speculation like never before.

E! execs are said to be troubled by the show’s sharp decline in the critical 18-49 demographic, and there are serious doubts as to whether or not the Kard clan will even be given the courtesy of a farewell season.

It would be a humiliating defeat for a family that prizes its public reputation above all else.

So perhaps it shouldn’t come as a huge surprise that Kim might be 

“Kim’s new baby storyline was developed by Kim, Kris and show producers very recently as a way to save the show,” 

If you thought the end of Kim’s PTSD storyline felt abrupt, you’re not alone.

And now it seems we know exactly why the show was so quick to abandon an approach that formerly felt rich with dramatic potential.

It seems fan interest simply didn’t meet producers’ expectations.

The apathy from potential viewers (as indicated by the show’s continued ratings dip) likely has something to do with the fact that the Paris robbery received a ton of press coverage when it happened back in October.

Six months is a millennium in tabloid news cycle time, and fans of the family likely felt they knew everything there was to know about the crime.

So Kris called an audible – and she put the responsibility of pulling it off squarely on Kim’s shoulders:

The pregnancy storyline was reportedly shoehorned into last night’s episode at the last minute, and Kim was well compensated for the unexpected increase in workload: 

“Kris offered Kim and Kanye several million dollars a week if they can get the ratings up,” says the production insider.

“She knows that Kim is the last hope of saving them from cancellation.”

Sadly, short of debuting a new sex tape on the air, at this point, there’s probably not much Kim can do to renew interest in her decade-old reality show.
