Friday, May 18, 2018

Kenya Moore Accused of Faking Pregnancy AND Marriage! What?!

Kenya Moore went on a date night and she shared a photo of herself with her husband, Marc Daly. And then all hell broke loose in the comments.

Some followers wanted to know why Marc isn’t wearing his ring. Those comments were enough to get Kenya to actually respond.

And others questioned why pregnant Kenya Moore doesn’t seem to be showing a baby bump.

Kenya shared this cuddly photo of the two of them.

She provided a little context in her caption:

“#DateNight with bae [red heart emoji]”

She also added:

“(Bae’s ring is on the table thank you for asking)”

When a celebrity has updated their captions to answer a recurring question from fans, you know that the comments are going to be interesting.

Kenya’s followers did not disappoint.

“I thought you were pregnant? Oh I get it #TryingToStayRelevant”

If you’ll recall, Kenya said that she and Marc are expecting a child — even though she’s 47.

“Where’s the baby bump? Maybe surrogate???”

That’s always possible, though it’s not the case for Kenya, as we’ll explain later.

“Where’s your baby bump?”

She’s clearly hugging her husband. That’s not going to put her bump on display.

Then there’s this ominous af comment:

“What we say and do, will be returned to us.”

That unexplained comment is going to keep us awake at night.

“I thought she was pregnant she don’t look pretty on this picture.”


“A surrogate mother is a blessing congrats!!! Your lil one will be precious.”

She’s … not doing a surrogacy, and it’s weird that people assume that she is.

“Where is the pregnant belly?”

Right there, just not being emphasized by her pose, folks.

“I thought she was pregnant. What happened?”



We did not in any way exaggerate the number of question marks in that person’s all-caps comment.

“Her ass looks pregnant.”


Kenya was also bombarded with questions about the location of her husband’s ring, which she answered in her own comment.

“Jeez on the table. He can’t swing the club with it.”

Rings can get in the way, folks.

Kenya also had her defenders in the comments, of course.

“So happy for you both! Who cares about a ring!! Love has no boundaries held within a ring. Be free and who cares what other people think!!”

When she offered that explanation, she was told that it was not owed.

“You do not have to explain anything.”

Others shot down the absurd rumor that she was somehow faking a pregnancy.

“I see the bump…y’all blind!”

Fans wished her the best.

“So happy for you don’t let Social media mess up your relationship.”

One of Kenya’s defenders left a comment so entertaining that we absolutely had to share it with you.

Here, she smacks down one of Kenya’s critics:

“Wow no child left behind law helped you move right along didn’t it? Anyone who still menstrates can have a baby. Medicine can also assist in having a baby. For example, IVF treatments is one. Please educate yourself before making yourself look like a PURE FOOL.”


Kenya, by the way, took to Instagram stories to make one thing perfectly clear:

“No I don’t have a surrogate.”

Let celebrities share photos of themselves, please, without harassing them in the comments.
