Thursday, May 31, 2018

Kim Kardashian Meets with Donald Trump (And Twitter Can"t Handle It)

Kim Kardashian took up a cause this week that had nothing to do with scantily-clad Instagram photos or unhealthy weight loss methods.

Instead, the reality star met with President Donald Trump.

She actually got a meeting with the Commander-in-Chief in order to discuss the general topic of prison reform and the specific topic of Alice Marie Johnson, a 62-year old who is serving a lifetime jail sentence for money laundering and drug charges.

Kim thinks this is an example of a system that overly punishes certain non-violent offenders.

And she isn"t alone is thinking so.

But this is Kim Kardashian and this is Donald Trump and even if the former had an admirable reason for visiting with the latter, such a get together was clearly going to drive Twitter insane.

As you can see below, social media users did not disappoint with their reactions…

1. The Photo We Never Thought We’d See

Kim kardashian and donald trump

Kim is making like her husband in this photo alongside President Trump. She doesn’t look thrilled to be there, does she?

2. Check Us Out, Kanye!

Trump on kim

“Great meeting with @KimKardashian today, talked about prison reform and sentencing,” Trump Tweeted along with the image.

3. All for Alice

Kim ontrump

As you can see above, Kim tried to stay on topic with her responses to the meeting. She cited Johnson and her reason for wanting to talk with the President.

4. Best Front Page Ever?


As we said previously, this meeting shouldn’t really have been mocked because prison reform is a legit issue and at least Kim is focusing on something other than weight loss corsets — but we still laughed at this New York Post headline.

5. Hate Her or Despise Her…


… Kardashian has a loyal following. Don’t you want them made aware of this issue?

6. Will the Meeting Accomplish Anything?


Of course not. But if it simply raises awareness of prison reform among young people, then Kim has done her job.

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