Thursday, May 31, 2018

Kathryn Dennis: I"m Taking My Kids Back From Thomas Ravenel!

As Southern Charm star Thomas Ravenel faces multiple accusasations of sexual assault

While ex-wife Kathryn Dennis broke her silence but refused to comment publicly. Behind the scenes, however, is another story.

Reportedly, she is gearing up to mention the accusations against Thomas in court as she seeks to obtain full custody.

RadarOnline reports that Kathryn Dennis is fighting for custody. And that courtroom battle is heating up, under the circumstances.

“Kathryn is going to court to ask a judge to give her full custody of the kids.”

That would be a huge change from the current situation.

“Right now, Kathryn pays Thomas $ 100 a month in child support since he has full custody.”

As you may remember, Kathryn failed a drug test in 2016. Marijuana and cocaine were found in her system.

“She is planning to ask for money for child support from Thomas in court.”

He is believed to be more affluent than she is.

“Since she is spending fifty percent of the time with the kids.”

Any parent fighting for custody is going to go out of their way to make sure that the court is aware of everything.

That includes the sexual assault allegations against her ex.

“Kathryn is considering bringing up all of the sexual assault stories about Thomas that are in the news now.”

The source isn’t sure that she’s dead-set on bringing it up, however.

“She might do that if she thinks it will help get her more time and money.”

That’s a sort of cynical way to phrase that.

The court date is set for June 8.

It is worth noting that, while none of these accusations imply that Thomas has mistreated his children, it may make a lot of sense for a judge to review these accusations.

Thomas Ravenel is accused of assaulting his former nanny. She came forward and identified herself as one of his accusers.

Not only was Nanny Dawn assigned to watch over the young children, Kensie and Saint, but the details of her accusation against him may make it relevant.

Because Nanny Dawn says that she was reluctant to fight back too hard against his alleged assault because his daughter was sleeping in a nearby room.

She did not want the child to witness a sexual assault. Clearly, neither does Kathryn.

Thomas Ravenel is accused of brutal and frightening assaults.

One against his former nanny.

Another woman spoke out, accusing Ravenel of assaulting her mother after a date.

Additionally, a childhood friend of Kim Kardashian has spoken out — not about sexual assault, but about Ravenel allegedly having a sudden and frightening change in demeanor after a date.

In each accusation, Ravenel is said to have gone from being a gentleman to a terror with little or no warning.

We could see Kathryn Dennis mentioning this in court.

Of course, Kathryn Dennis very notably did not speak up when offered the chance to do so while speaking ot Andy Cohen on Watch What Happens Live.

It is reported that members of the cast of Southern Charm have been warned by Bravo to avoid speaking out on the allegations against Ravenel.

While it is likely that the network is just hoping to avoid further scandal rather than trying to in any way obstruct justice, it can give the appearance that the cast supports Ravenel.

We do not know how they really feel.

But if Kathryn brings up Thomas’ accusations in court, we may just find out how she really feels about her ex.
