Thursday, May 31, 2018

Chelsea Houska: Teen Mom 2 Reunion Shows Are THE WORST!

These days, when we think of Teen Mom 2 we basically think of a violent talk show that can only be described as Springer-esque.

At this point, it’s difficult to even recall the series’ quaint beginnings, a time when fans tuned in to enjoy everything promised by the title — namely, a sequel to a previous series that was also about the challenges of parenting as an adolescent.

Of course, it’s no accident that producers have chosen to switch the focus to the ever-intensifying feuds among cast members.

Drama sells, and as such, the TM2 reunions shows — that were once a fun opportunity to catch up on what the cast has been up to in the weeks since filming wrapped — have come to devour the rest of the season.

Now, reunion shows are the dramatic tentpole that props up the entire season.

Conflicts begin at the tapings in New York, and — much less often — they’re resolved there.

After the taping, the cast members return to their home states where tensions simmer for several months, and when they make their return to Manhattan the ladies are once again ready to throw down.

Obviously, viewers enjoy the new format, as reunion shows used to take place over the course of one hour, and now they encompass several episodes.

 But not everyone in the cast is comfortable with the show’s new direction.

In recent weeks, Chelsea Houska has made it clear that this isn’t the kind of experience she signed on for.

She’s even taken to social media to complain about the gradual change in the focus of the series, complaining that Teen Mom 2 “isn’t about being a mom anymore.”

There’s been talk of Chelsea quitting the show, but it seems she’s not willing to go quite that far — yet.

Currently, Houska is pregnant with her third child, and she left the most recent taping ahead of schedule due to violence among cast members.

Now, a newly-released deleted scene shows that Chelsea and her husband, Cole DeBoer, have been fed up with the reunion show scene for quite some time.

“The reunion was a disaster,” Chelsea tells Cole and her father, Randy Houska, having recently returned from a taping in New York.

“That’s not our life,” Cole echoes.

“I mean, that’s what’s sad: there’s kids that think that’s normal,” Randy opines, always happy to throw a bit of shade.

“Because another time when Kail and — I don’t know if it was Briana or her sister — one of them was coming down the hallway and I had stepped out in the hallway with the baby,” Chelsea recalls in the scene,

“I…just went back in my room because I was, like, “Oh my god! I can’t even leave my room?!”

We think it’s safe to say Chelsea won’t be returning for too many future sessions with Dr. Drew.

Watch Teen Mom 2 online for a reminder of the many ways in which Chelsea is the chillest of the moms.
