Showing posts with label Marriage. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Marriage. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Miranda Lambert Wades Into a Commuter Marriage ... Between TN & NY


Miranda Lambert‘s new hubby is NOT dropping his life in New York and hightailing it to Nashville — quite the contrary, she’ll be going to him and vice versa.
Sources close to the newly-married couple tell us, Miranda and Brendan McLoughlin will be splitting their...
Miranda Lambert Wades Into a Commuter Marriage ... Between TN & NY

Thursday, January 10, 2019

Jeff Bezos Divorcing after 25-Year Marriage ... $137 Billion on the Line

Jeff Bezos has announced he and his wife are divorcing … and a record $ 137 BILLION is on the line.
Bezos said on Twitter after what he called a trial separation he and his wife, MacKenzie, have now decided to end their 25-year marriage.
Bezos, who is 54, made it clear the divorce is...
Jeff Bezos Divorcing after 25-Year Marriage ... $137 Billion on the Line

Sunday, January 6, 2019

Cardi B & Offset Repairing Their Marriage in 2019

Cardi B and Offset are putting the drama of 2018 behind them and turning over a new leaf in the new year … and their friends are confident they’ll be rock solid again soon.
Sources close to the hip-hop couple tell TMZ … they’ve been communicating regularly...
Cardi B & Offset Repairing Their Marriage in 2019

Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Robert De Niro Calling It Quits!!! ... Splitting From Wife After 20 Years of Marriage

Breaking News
Robert De Niro and his wife, Grace Hightower, are breaking up after more than two decades of marriage.
The split was first reported by Page Six, who say the couple is no longer living together and could publicly announce their split in the coming weeks. 
Robert and Grace tied the ...
Robert De Niro Calling It Quits!!! ... Splitting From Wife After 20 Years of Marriage

Monday, October 29, 2018

Sofia Vergara"s Ex Using Embryo Lawsuit to Destroy Her Marriage to Joe Manganiello

Sofia Vergara’s ex is trying to destroy her marriage to Joe Manganiello … so say sources close to the actress. Sofia’s been locked in a long legal battle with her ex-fiance, Nick Loeb, over two frozen embryos the couple produced. He…


Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Tyler Baltierra: I"m Simply "Miserable" in My Marriage

Tyler Baltierra and Catelynn Lowell are currently in a great place.

Like, a REALLY great place:

The couple is expecting a baby!

But the Teen Mom OG stars had to overcome many obstacles to get here, most notably Catelynn"s struggle with her mental health and related trips to rehab.

On the October 15 episode of this MTV hit, Tyler seemed to hit rock bottom.

He opened way up about how he viewed his marriage and his romance, confessing some difficult feelings to his friends and to his wife.

Scroll down for a look at what Tyler once said about his relationship… in order to fully appreciate where it is now.

1. To Reiterate: All is Good Now!

Cate and tyler photo

Tyler and Catelynn announced their unexpected pregnancy in mid-September. They could not be more excited to welcome the little boy or girl into their world in March.

2. That is Now. What About Then?

After the taping

This episode of Teen Mom OG was taped many months ago. It centered on the couple sitting down for an appearance on Dr. Oz, before which Catelynn spoke to Dr. Mike Dow.

3. And What Did This Doctor Say?

A few words from tyler

He told the Catelynn that he was proud of her for opening up about her mental health issues to help eliminate the stigma against people who are suffering from similar problems. From there, Lowell admitted she was having trouble staying away from people who were NOT understanding her situation.

4. The Trolls are Everywhere

Catelynn at the salon

“I cant even go on Twitter right now,” she said. “People are ruthless, they think that I’m just running away from my problems or not wanting to be a mom. I’m not running away from my problems, I was fixing my problems and trying to get better so I could be a better mom.”

5. Baltierra Weighs In…

Tyler in therapy

Tyler told his wife – to her face – that he wanted her to take better stock of the influence her time in rehab took on him. He suggested she watch past Teen Mom OG episodes in order to see the toll her depression has had on their marriage.

6. The Bombshell Drops

Ty baltierra

Tyler then got brutally candid, saying on air: “I’m gonna be really very honest. I feel like I’m not too happy right now. I’m identifying that I feel pretty miserable.” He said this to his friends.

View Slideshow

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Tori Roloff Opens Up About Marriage to Zach: I Always Have to Reach the High Shelf!

Little People, Big World star Tori Roloff is a wonderful mother to her adorable baby, Jackson.

But she’s also an amazing wife to her husband. In fact, she posted the ultimate anniversaty tribute to Zach earlier this year.

Now, she’s opening up to fans about how her husband’s dwarfism impacts their marriage. She gets very honest.

On Monday night, Tori Roloff took to Instagram for a no-holds-barred Q&A with her fans and followers.

Seriously, no topic was off-limits.

Tori gushed about having found an entire community of little people through her husband, Zach Roloff.

Tori wrote that she is “so blessed that I’ve made such amazing friends in the dwarf community.”

(Disclaimer: some little people are totally onboard with the dwarf label while others are emphatically not)

Tori went on to speak about how Zach’s dwarfism impacts their relationship.

It turns out that the effect is not as great as some people have assumed.

Tori is quick to shoot down the misconception that his dwarfism is a “limitation” within their marriage.

She does say that the biggest impact is that she has “asked to reach the high shelf a lot.”

That sort of thing can happen in a lot of marriages where there’s a height difference.

Tori says that things go smoothly so long as neither of them are trying to be a different height than they really are.

“To me it feels weird to crouch,” Tori confesses.

“And,” she adds. “Zach always told me to stand.”

“I’m not trying to be shorter and he’s not trying to be taller,” she notes.

Any relationship is going to be healthier while both parties agree to be exactly who they are.

“I love my husband for his heart not his height,” Tori affirms. “Love is love is love.”

She’s right — and it’s good that she makes it clear that she is not a “chaser.”

That is, she is not someone who fetishizes him for his dwarfism.

She loves Zach for who he is, neither for nor despite his height.

That is just as it should be.

She also speaks about baby Jackson, and this is when she starts talking science and genetics with her followers.

“It’s a dominant gene,” she explains. “So you only have the gene if you are an achon.”

(How many other reality stars can hold their own in a conversations about hereditary traits and genetics?)

“They do all carry the gene for dyostraphic,” Tori continues.

“But,” she notes. “Their partner would also have to carry the gene to have children with dyostraphic dwarfism.”

Fans ask how she feels about the very real possibility that sweet baby Jackson might need to undergo surgeries, like his father and grandfather.

Tori says that “of course” the idea of that scares her.

“There’s no telling,” Tori admits.

Tori then notes: “but we’re blessed to have no health issues so far.”

“But we have so much support and love,” Tori says. “And I know we’ll handle anything God throws at us.”

Right now, she’s more worried about the bumps and bruises that Jackson is very naturally getting as he learns to walk.


Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Danielle Staub: My Marriage Was Doomed From the Start ...

Though The Real Housewives of New Jersey star Danielle Staub was granted a restraining order against her ex, that relationship continues to haunt her.

In this clip, she is speaking out about the difficult split.

As she tells Wendy Williams, her husband"s alcohol use played a major role in their breakup.

Danielle staub on wendy williams

Danielle, who has been engaged twenty entire times, is opening up about the hard lessons that this marriage has taught her.

"It’s funny how I saw certain things happening," Staub admits about her husband, Marty Caffrey.

She says that she saw these red flags when they were just dating, but unfortunately ignored them.

"But you just believe, especially with the perception around us, getting engaged would make it better," she explains.

She says that social messages gave her the impression that "getting married would make it better."

Marty caffrey and danielle staub

"It doesn’t get better, ladies," she cautions Wendy Williams" audience.

"If it’s falling apart," Staub admits. "It’s broken."

She is absolutely right.

If anything, the honeymoon phase of a relationship should have the least problems.

Those struggles aren"t likely to evaporate just because you put a ring on it.

Danielle staub husband

As she explains, Caffrey"s drinking played a huge role in their split.

"He does hit cocktail hour a little bit heavily," she says. "And it does change things."

"I think all of us it changes," Staub acknowledges.

People don"t change into a new person when they drink, but other sides of them come out when alcohol is involved.

Not all of those sides are pleasant.

"I just don’t think it changes him for the better," Staub says. "Or his ability to maneuver through what’s going on."

Danielle staub smiles

Staub doesn"t place all of the blame for their split at his feet, however.

She is the first to admit that she is "not the easiest person to live with."

Caffrey accused Staub of emotional and verbal abuse during their marriage.

"I’m to blame for it as well," Staub explains.

"But," she says. "I feel like I’m always the person who wants to fix people and it’s not fixable."

If a person has a substance abuse problem, they"re the only ones who can fix it.

Danielle staub all business

Wendy then asks her if she thinks that she and Caffrey might ever get back together.

"I don’t have a crystal ball," Staub says cautiously.

"But," Staub continues. "You can’t go into the public and be tweeting and Instagraming about your wife or your spouse."

"You just don’t do that," she says simply.

When your relationship troubles are spilling over onto social media, that is a huge warning sign that things may end soon.

It is usually a sign that things should end soon.

Danielle staub on et

Staub"s role on the Real Housewives franchise was apparently a huge source of appeal for Caffrey.

Wendy asks: "So he really liked being a ‘House husband?""

"I think that that was what I’m most disappointed about,” Staub admits.

Staub was saddened by “His want for this attention."

Well, half of all marriages end in divorce. We"re just sorry that some life lessons are so painful to learn.

Perhaps others can learn from Danielle Staub"s experience.

Danielle staub my marriage was doomed from the start

Justin Bieber & Hailey Baldwin Want God To Make Their Marriage Official

Justin Bieber and Hailey Baldwin might be married under the eyes of the law — but they don’t think they’ll truly be until they proclaim it under the eyes of God. Our Bieber/Baldwin sources tell us Justin and Hailey don’t consider themselves…


Friday, September 28, 2018

Jenni Farley and Roger Mathews: The Marriage is Over!

For the duration of Jersey Shore: Family Vacation, we’ve watched the ugly and contentious relationship unfold between Ronnie Ortiz-Magro and Jen Harley.

But it turns out another romance was fizzling out far away from the view of MTV cameras.

We can now confirm it is all over be Jenni “JWOWW” Farley and Roger Matthews after three years as husband and wife.

The reality star and her soon-to-be ex got married in October of 2015 and are the parents to a pair of kids, They have two children, Meilani Alexandra, 3, and Greyson Valor, 2.

According to multiple sources, Farley is the one who filed the divorce documents, citing “irreconcilable differences” on the papers that were entered into court on Wednesday, September 12, in Ocean County, New Jersey,

Neither Farley nor Mathews have commented on the split just yet.

But this is what the official complaint reads:

“The Plaintiff and the Defendant have irreconcilable differences which have caused the breakdown of the marriage for a period of at least six months which make it appear that the marriage should be dissolved and that there is no prospect of reconciliation.”


Farley and Mathews both appeared on numerous seasons of Jersey Shore, although it’s perhaps notable he did not join her for either season of this Family Vacation revival.

He remained at home with the children instead.

Farley and Mathews were last spotted together a mere two days ago being “tourists” in a video posted to the latter’s Instagram account.

Mathews’ current bio, meanwhile, may very well offer up a clue as to what has transpired between the pair…

… or at least who is to blame for their break-up.

“Good father. Horrible husband. Worst lover ever. 10 [feet] tall and bulletproof. Figuring life out,” it reads.

Could he have cheated?

In January of this year, Mathews shared a long message to his wife on Instagram —  but noted that she wouldn’t see it because she was filming the reality show, hinting that the separation caused by this filming may have led to their actual separation.

“Just the next chapter in our story. In case you missed it, it goes something like this,” he wrote.

“2010 two selfish assholes meet each other in a bar, the two begin to date and continue to party hard, it isn’t all cupcakes and unicorns, neither takes any sh-t and both are used to running the show. 3 years in they get engaged, still no sh-t taking and not a unicorn to be seen…

“a year later they have their first child out of wedlock just to piss off traditional people and party with Satan a bit more.

“2015 they get married and announce they are pregnant with a son, probably fought at the wedding.

“2015 to present they remain vigilant and defy the odds of reality tv, flawed personalities, alpha demeanors, hot tempers and an inferior penis and remain married while raising their two children to the best of their abilities while still butting heads over the dumbest sh-t.”

(Did he just write inferior penis?)

Continued Matthews here:

“2018 one has a mid life crisis and flies to Miami with old friends and leaves said husband for a really jacked dude from the club named Billy Bad Ass that can flex his pec muscles to the tune of Jingle Bells. Ok. I made that last part up.

“Blessed to have what we have and grateful for it. Mom makes much of that happen.”

And concluded Matthews:

“Love you Mom. 

“(She won’t even see this for a month cause they aren’t allowed cell phones so if you see her in the club please recite this entire post to her by memory, scream it as loud as you possibly can while dancing like a complete idiot to hold her attention and focus.)

Make of all that what you will.


Monday, September 24, 2018

Audrey Roloff Reveals Anniversary Plans in Wake of Marriage Rumors

Former Little People, Big World stars Audrey and Jeremy Roloff have shared their next career move, but they’re not all business.

Right after Jeremy admitted that their marriage has been “tough” in recent months, Audrey has taken to social media to gush about their anniversary trip.

And yes, there are photos of these two lovebirds — and of Jer’s reaction to Auj’s gift!

“It was my turn to plan our anniversary this year,” Audrey reveals in a lengthy Instagram post.

“We started switching off because we like surprising each other,” she explains. “And it was just easier for managing our expectations.”

“I booked us a night (our first night away from Ember) at the The Sentinel Hotel where we stayed on our wedding night 4 years ago,” Audrey shares..

“I remember when we checked in on our wedding night,” she continues. “Jer and I flipped out because there was a typewriter in the entry way.”

You don’t need to take her word for it — here is Jeremy’s typewriter-fueled excitement face.

Jeremy Roloff Smiles at Anniversary Gift

“The typewriter holds a special meaning in our love story,” Auj explains. “Jeremy sent me hand typed letters throughout our years of long distance, he asked me to be his wife on the typewriter.”

“And,” she continues. “Our typewriter has been on display in every home we’ve ever lived in.”

Audrey says that having one on display serves the purpose of “reminding and inspiring us to write a love story worth reading.”

“I called ahead of time and made a request for a special anniversary message to be displayed on the typewriter upon our arrival,” Auj reveals.

The photo of Jer’s smiling face is his response to seeing the poem that was typed out on the device. Cute!

“We had the most enchanting evening in Portland,” Auj says. “And I finally got to experience the Multnomah Whiskey Library.”

“Of course we ended the evening reading our anniversary letters,” Audrey continues. “The ones we wrote to each other on our anniversary last year.”

“It’s our favorite anniversary tradition,” she shares.

Naturally, Audrey plugs their marriage blog: “You can read about some of our other favorites in our most recent post on @beating50.”

The name, of course, refers to their desire to beat the odds that suggest that at least half of all couples get divorced.

“Jer and I celebrate our anniversary as if it’s a national holiday,” Auj gushes.

She says: “We are firm believers that love, of all things, should especially be celebrated.”

“So no matter how inconvienent,” she writes. “We are inentional about carve out time on September 20th to reminisce the past year, dream for the future, and recommit to the promises made on our wedding day.”

“And,” Auj continues. “As our favorite quote from our favorite book says… ‘If it’s half as good as the half we’ve known, here’s Hail! to the rest of the road."”

“Happy anniversary Farmer,” Audrey says. “Let’s keep living”

As we mentioned, on their actual anniversary of September 20, Jeremy wrote a tribute to his wife and marriage but made an admission.

“These have been tough months recently,” Jer wrote. “But hard work always pays off.”

He gushed: “I love you and I love writing a love story with you.”

Whatever their recent trials, whether it’s finding out how to stay afloat without the show, dealing with family drama, Auj’s alleged feud with Jeremy’s brother, or hidden marital squabbles, things seem okay for them.

It’s great that they’re celebrating their anniversary like this — but we’re sure that they’re looking forward to being reunited with precious baby Ember.


Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Justin Bieber Serenades, Smooches Hailey Baldwin Amid Marriage Speculation

Justin Bieber and Hailey Baldwin are currently in the eye of the marriage rumor storm, but they’re also in the eye of London.  The soon-to-be-married couple was spotted on a date Tuesday. They got in line for the London Eye ferris wheel –…


Friday, September 14, 2018

Justin Bieber and Hailey Baldwin: Spotted Getting a Marriage License?!

In August, we learned that Justin Bieber and Hailey Baldwin aren’t rushing to get married — that they were sure of each other, but waiting until 2019 to actually tie the knot.

Fast forward one month, however, and their actions are telling a different story.

Justin and Hailey were spotted at the courthouse, and it wasn’t over a traffic ticket. They went to the folks who give out marriage licenses.

TMZ reports that Justin Bieber and Hailey Baldwin were spotted at the NYC Marriage Bureau on Thursday, September 13.

Though Hailey and the Biebs were trying to keep things hush-hush, people of course noticed.

According to at least one wyewitness, Justin gushed to Hailey: “I can’t wait to marry you, baby.”

It was an emotional moment, and Justin was apparently crying and he spoke to his fiancee.

Other eyewitness accounts say that Justin and Hailey hoped to keep this special moment as private as possible.

According to TMZ‘s sources who saw Justin and Hailey, Justin expressed gratitude for the discretion of people in the NYC Marriage Bureau.

“Thanks for keeping it on the DL,” Justin reportedly said to a court official.

Court officials may have professional guidelines, but random other people in the courthouse who are there on their own business do not.

Incidentally, one witness referred to a person to whom Justin and Hailey spoke as a “judge,” which would imply that they actually got married right then and there.

But the source may have been using the term casually to refer to a court official, or may have misunderstood someone’s role. It happens.

According to another witness, Justin and Hailey appeared to make some reference to leaving the country.

Is it possible that they changed their plans and wanted to have a destination wedding — possibly a private one?

That sounds romantic.

Or, more cynically, they may have been headed somewhere (like Dubai) where the local laws are medieval and would not allow them to share a room unless they are married.

We have to say, though, that it is difficult to picture these two lovestruck twenty-somethings getting a marriage license early just because it’s practical.

So, a month ago, the two had solid plans to not get married in 2018. They were adamant about enjoying their engagement.

What happened during the past several weeks to change their tune?

Maybe it’s nothing — they could have been making some sort of inquiry. None of the witnesses to whom TMZ spoke said that they actually saw Justin and Hailey with a marriage certificate.

But, let’s be real, something of significance happened or Justin wouldn’t have been in tears.

Maybe the impetuousness of “youth” (he’s 24) caught up with them and they realized that they just couldn’t wait to call each other husband and wife.

A marriage license is not the same thing as having a wedding, so perhaps Justin and Hailey were impatient and decided to get the license now, but to hold off on the wedding.

If so, however, they’ve started the clock on their wedding plans.

In New York state, a marriage license is only valid for 60 days. You need to have a wedding in that time, or the license expires.

Folks, Justin and Hailey visited the Marriage Bureau 110 days before 2019. If they obtained a marriage license, they have just over half of that to get married.

That big 2019 wedding could still happen, but it would leave us with questions about what Thursday’s emotional errand was all about.


Justin Bieber and Hailey Baldwin Go to Marriage License Courthouse

Justin Bieber and Hailey Baldwin took a field trip Thursday to the courthouse where marriage licenses are issued, and Justin had marriage on the brain. Several eyewitnesses say the 2 were inside the Marriage Bureau in NYC and Justin was emotional.…


Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Tyler Baltierra to Catelynn Lowell: I"m NOT Happy in Our Marriage

On the new trailer for Teen Mom OG, we were so preoccupied with the faces of the new castmembers and one disgraced ex-governor that we almost overlooked a source of conflict.

It looks like Tyler Baltierra and Catelynn Lowell have hit a major rough patch.

Let’s take a look at exactly what they said, and whether this means that they’re finally headed for divorce.

There was much more in the Teen Mom OG trailer than Bristol Palin filling our hearts with dread.

It looks like there is serious trouble in … we won’t call it paradise … for Tyler Baltierra and Catelynn Lowell.

“If someone asked me, ‘Are you happy in your marriage?’” Tyler’s emotional confession begins.

He provides an answer: “I would say, ‘Absolutely not.’”

Those are some crushing, but honest, words for him to utter.

As powerful as Tyler’s upsetting admission was, Catelynn had a very important question for him.

Catelynn asks Tyler: “Do you think I’m lying to you at all?”

We don’t know what this is about, exactly.

Obviously, both Tyler and Catelynn have really worked on both their mental and physical health over the past year.

But it sounds an awful lot like Catelynn worries that Tyler thinks that she’s lying. Is there suspicion that someone is cheating?

There is so much about the context that we won’t know — can’t know — until we see the episode.

We know that Catelynn received treatment in rehab late last year to deal with suicidal ideation, and then early this year to address childhood trauma.

PTSD can derail your entire life. It’s good that she took action when she did.

Tyler has also been forthright about his struggles with depression, which began when he was only a child.

We’ve also heard about Tyler’s bipolar disorder, which he discusses through poetry.

Many fans had hoped that tackling these issues head-on would help the two of them to beat the odds and stay together.

Of course, some so-called “fans” have been joking that Tyler and Catelynn are going to break up precisely because they’ve been making strides in their health.

Remember when Tyler Baltierra flaunted his weight loss with a new thirst trap? The guy has some serious abs now. He’s turned his torso into a work of art.

But some folks just had to pipe up with their theory that, once he got hot, he was going to cheat on Catelynn or just leave her.

Some even questioned why he would care about having a hot body unless he plans on getting a divorce — as if he and Catelynn can’t both enjoy it.

People made the same kind of joke after Anna Faris and Chris Pratt separated. People can be cruel.

In real life, we know that Tyler and Catelynn celebrated their anniversary just last month.

The couple has only been married for a few years, but they’ve been together since they were kids.

We don’t think that the two of them gushing over each other on social media just weeks ago was an elaborate cover for a secret separation or divorce.

So no, we don’t think that their turmoil in the trailer spells doom for their relationship.

Sometimes, some painful honesty is exactly what people need to express in order to grow and heal as a couple.


Saturday, September 8, 2018

Dale Earnhardt Jr. Says Couples Therapy Saved My Marriage

Dale Earnhardt Jr. just got REAL candid about his relationship with his wife — admitting they were crashing and burning in a big way … until they started going to couples therapy.  “Every day was like grinding gears,” Earnhardt…


Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Kailyn and Javi Clash Over Their Marriage: Who Said What?

Kailyn Lowry and Javi Marroquin have not been husband and wife for a very long time.

They got divorced back in May of 2016.

But the reality star share a son named Lincoln and both appear on Teen Mom 2, so they remain very much a part of one another"s lives.

Sometimes, they are on such great terms that they have post-divorce sex.

Other times, they are on such awful terms that they fight on Twitter over why they got married in the first place.

The following back-and-forth represents one of these latter times…

1. How Did the Latest Flap Begin?


Innocently enough, sort of. A bunch of Twitter users were simply in a debate over Javi and whether he sucks as a person or whether it was meeting Lowry and appearing on Teen Mom 2 caused him to suck.

2. Enter Kailyn


Lowry inserted herself into this back-and-forth as follows: :When i met javi he lied to me and told me he didn’t know who i was… creeped his twitter and sure as shit he had tweeted me a week prior. That was after he got picked to do True life and the girl refused.”

3. Wait, Kailyn, We Have a Question for You:


“Why did you got married with him if you knew all of this,” an astute user asked Kailyn after Lowry admitted she knew Javi was sort of a liar when they met.

4. This is Why:

I was desperate

I was young and dumb and desperate, Kailyn says. Which may sound like a self-own, but it’s also clearly a shot at Marroquin.

5. Nothing Has Changed!

Still desperate

Lowry’s response elicited a few clap backs from critics online, such as this harsh reply: “Well you’re still desperate. Nothing has changed there. You’re just desperate for Chris now. I wonder how a Linc will feel one day knowing he was a product of a desperate marriage on his mother’s part.”

6. How Did Javi React?

Kailyn lowry and javi marroquin

That’s the real question, right? Lowry took an unprompted shot at her ex in this Twitter exchange, pretty much forcing Marroquin to respond in some way, shape or form.

View Slideshow

Thursday, August 9, 2018

Justin Bieber Explains Crying with Hailey Using "Meaning of Marriage" Book

Justin Bieber says the reason he got emotional with Hailey Baldwin this week has to do with the major commitment he’s about to make … and what comes with it. JB was leaving Hailey’s apartment Wednesday night in NYC, where he was in a…


Monday, August 6, 2018

Justin Bieber & Hailey Baldwin: Abstaining From Sex Until Marriage?!

By now, you’ve probably heard the news that Justin Bieber and Hailey Baldwin are getting married.

There was a time when such a development would’ve been treated with widespread skepticism.

These days, however, Justin seems to have turned over a new leaf.

Don’t get us wrong, there are still many people who think he and Hailey will never make it down the aisle — and many more who believe their marriage is doomed for failure.

But if this were the Bieber who was still attacking paparazzi and making life hell for Selena Gomez, it would be a question of when he would royally mess this thing up, not if.

By all accounts, the Justin of 2018 is a far cry from the obnoxious twerp the whole world wanted to smack just a few short years ago.

He’s toned down the douchiness; he’s sober(-ish); and he’s reportedly seen the error of his old ways.

And in the proud tradition of reformed celebs that dates back to the time when silent film stars used to be found passed out in bathtubs full of Prohibition gin, Justin has found Jesus.

It turns out the savior wasn’t hiding between some groupie’s legs, as Justin apparently suspected for so many years.

Anyway, Hailey was raised in a devoutly religious home, and Justin is trying to make up for all his years of wanton devilry by leaning way into this Ned Flanders routing he’s got going on these days.

As a result, Bieber and Baldwin are participating in an experiment that once would have been unthinkable for the Biebs.

According to Star magazine, Justin and Hailey are abstaining from sex until their wedding night.

They’ve done it in the past, of course, but it seems that these days, the couple is so serious about keeping their hands off one another that they’ve been sleeping in separate locations.

“They’re both very religious and they want to abstain until they’re married,” claims one insider.

“Justin’s a recent convert, but Hailey was brought up with religion her whole life.”

The source adds:

“It’s important to them to wait. So after their dates, he goes to a hotel and she goes to her apartment.”

Who would have thought we’d see a time when Justin freakin’ Bieber would be abiding by the Duggar courtship rules.

Of course, like Hailey, we’re assuming the Biebs is unaccompanied during all those nights in his hotel room.

Can’t say we’d be surprised if he occasionally invited some “company” over.


Monday, July 30, 2018

Faith Evans and Stevie J Say Marriage is Real Deal, Already Talking Babies

If Faith Evans knows one thing about Stevie J it’s that he’s good — really, really good — at making babies, and the newlyweds definitely have baby fever. We got Faith and Stevie talking for the first time about their surprise…
