Showing posts with label Audrey. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Audrey. Show all posts

Monday, November 19, 2018

Audrey and Jeremy Roloff: Why They REALLY Quit Little People, Big World

Audrey Roloff and Jeremy Roloff drove a metaphorical dagger through the hearts of fans.
They have quit Little People, Big World. They don’t want to be reality stars.
However, Audrey and Jeremy do have a new podcast, titled “Behind The Scenes.”
In the audio...
Audrey and Jeremy Roloff: Why They REALLY Quit Little People, Big World

Friday, November 16, 2018

Audrey and Jeremy Roloff: Why They REALLY Quit Little People, Big World

Audrey Roloff and Jeremy Roloff drove a metaphorical dagger through the hearts of fans.

They have quit Little People, Big World. They don"t want to be reality stars.

However, Audrey and Jeremy do have a new podcast, titled "Behind The Scenes."

In the audio series" second-ever episode, Auj and Jer explain the real reasons for which they quit the show.

They have a whole list, folks.

Some of those reasons are not surprising. Others are.

But they have some very good news for fans who are eager to see them (and their precious baby) on camera again.

Take a look:

1. Auj and Jer have a podcast

Precious roloffs

The second episode is titled “Why We Left the Show.”

2. Jeremy spent about half of his life on Little People, Big World

An embrace for audrey

And, as Audrey explains, the show changed over the years as the television industry evolved.

3. Reality TV became a big thing

Amazing roloff throwback

“The dynamic of the show changed for you guys [once reality TV boomed],” Audrey says. “Because it was no longer in the budget for people to sit in your living room and film all day long.”

4. That meant that the show changed, too

Eye gazing

It became less of a documemtary and focused more on being entertaining in order to remain on the air

5. Of course, the Roloffs were already famous

Jeremy roloff on the insta

They had appeared on major talk shows such as Good Morning America and even Oprah.

6. Audrey shares that quitting the show was always the plan

Audrey jeremy and jackson

“We almost didn’t film our wedding,” she reveals. “We almost made the decision to stop then, five years ago.”

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Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Audrey Roloff Offers 7 Tips for Finding a "Godly Husband"

Audrey Roloff is not a playa.

She just crushes Jeremy Roloff a lot.

How did this ex-Little People, Big World star land her sweet, religious and caring husband?

Audrey would probably be the first person to say she got very lucky.

But she’s also learned a greay deal from being with someone such as Jeremy – and, as she has so often done in the past, the former reality star would now like to pass along that knowledge.

Indeed, God has taught Audrey three valuable lessons

… and now Roloff would like to pay it back by addressing “all the single girls out there,” as she writes on Instagram.

“Instead of looking for the tall, dark, handsome, charming, nice, athletic guy with a good job.. Here are 7 things to look for in a Godly husband,” Audrey adds.

From there, she goes on to list… well… 7 things to look for in a Godly husband.

Get out your notebook and follow along, women who are interested:

1. Loves sacrificially – treats everyone with respect and integrity and puts his needs and wants aside for the good of others.

2. A man of obvious integrity – honest to the point of vulnerability. Doesn’t over exaggerate or distort the truth.⁣

3. Faithfully following the Lord – he prioritizes his relationship with the Lord and is committed to growing in truth and grace and unashamed to speak the gospel and stand firm on God’s word.

He’s not easily confirmed to the patterns of this world (Romans 12:2).

4. Leads boldly – he is discerning, he carefully weighs his options and is able to make decisions on his own with clear conviction.

5. Laughs at himself – he doesn’t take himself too seriously and is not always trying to look like the hero + sense of humor can go a long way.

6. Models humility and gentleness – he is not easily jealous and is quick to rejoice in others successes! He’s willing to be behind the scenes sometimes.

7. Purpose driven – he is confident in his calling and determined to live worthy of the calling he has received (Ephesians 4:1), he puts away childish things (1 Corinthians 13:11), and works hard in all he does (Colossians 3:23).

Simply put, “that’s a man worth waiting for. And that’s a man worth marrying,” concludes Audrey in her post.

She and Jeremy got married in September of 2014 and welcomed a daughter into the world about three years later.

They really do seem as happy and as content with each other as a couple can be.

These Roloffs surprised fans when they quit Little People, Big World over the summer — but they aren’t going too far.

Jeremy and Audrey recently announced the name of their podcast and are also coming out with a new book in early 2019.

If you have time to take a break during your search for the type of man Audrey describes above, give it a listen and then give it a read.


Thursday, October 25, 2018

Audrey and Jeremy Roloff Announce New Podcast Name!

Audrey and Jeremy Roloff are no longer cast members on Little People, Big World.

But this doesn"t mean you"ve seen or heard the last from the former TLC personalities.

Far from it, in fact.

Aside from penning a memoir and constantly updating their social media feeds, Audrey and Jeremy will be coming out with a podcast.

They announced this big step several weeks ago, but didn"t reveal the name of the planned podcast…. UNTIL NOW!

Audrey has written a lengthy Instagram post in promotion of the endeavor, including with it the highly-anticipated name.

So, what are you waiting for?!? Find out below!

1. Audrey Builds the Hype…

Audrey and jeremy in autumn

She opened the Instagram post that confirmed the name as follows: “As Jer and I were talking about the kind of content that we gravitate to the most, it’s always the behind the scenes stuff. We love when people share the whys and hows of what they do and the struggle behind their success! We want our podcast to feel relatable, real and refreshing. We want it to inspire you, challenge you, relate to you, and defintely make you laugh”

2. Fair Enough. Go On, Auds…

Roloffs near church

“so….we are calling our podcast … BEHIND THE SCENES,” she then announced. Yup, that’s it. Just “Behind the Scenes.” No need for any confusing puns here!

3. Is There an Instagram Page for It Yet?

Happy fourth

Yup. Go ahead and follow @behindthescenespodcast if you so desire.

4. What Can Listeners Expect From It?

They just woke up

Teases Audrey: “We are going to share the messy, honest, unfiltered and not so curated parts of our life. We are going to share the behind the scenes reality of OUR life, AND the lives of the people who inspire us the most!”

5. What Else Can Audrey Say About It?

Jeremy and audrey roloff pic

“We are talking you behind the scenes of our social media feeds, blogs, and ministries. We are going to talk honestly and openly about relationships, family, faith, business and whatever we are learning about, fighting about, or laughing about lately. We’re going to share our failures, struggles, and embarrassing stories.”

6. Come On Over. Be Our Friend.

Happy bday audrey

“We hope this podcast will feel more like an invitation to our dinner table,” continued Audrey. “We’ll share what we are learning, who we are learning from, and our roses and thorns – aka highs and lows – from the week. Think of this podcast as a bunch of bloopers with some truth bombs sprinkled throughout.”

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Monday, September 24, 2018

Audrey Roloff Reveals Anniversary Plans in Wake of Marriage Rumors

Former Little People, Big World stars Audrey and Jeremy Roloff have shared their next career move, but they’re not all business.

Right after Jeremy admitted that their marriage has been “tough” in recent months, Audrey has taken to social media to gush about their anniversary trip.

And yes, there are photos of these two lovebirds — and of Jer’s reaction to Auj’s gift!

“It was my turn to plan our anniversary this year,” Audrey reveals in a lengthy Instagram post.

“We started switching off because we like surprising each other,” she explains. “And it was just easier for managing our expectations.”

“I booked us a night (our first night away from Ember) at the The Sentinel Hotel where we stayed on our wedding night 4 years ago,” Audrey shares..

“I remember when we checked in on our wedding night,” she continues. “Jer and I flipped out because there was a typewriter in the entry way.”

You don’t need to take her word for it — here is Jeremy’s typewriter-fueled excitement face.

Jeremy Roloff Smiles at Anniversary Gift

“The typewriter holds a special meaning in our love story,” Auj explains. “Jeremy sent me hand typed letters throughout our years of long distance, he asked me to be his wife on the typewriter.”

“And,” she continues. “Our typewriter has been on display in every home we’ve ever lived in.”

Audrey says that having one on display serves the purpose of “reminding and inspiring us to write a love story worth reading.”

“I called ahead of time and made a request for a special anniversary message to be displayed on the typewriter upon our arrival,” Auj reveals.

The photo of Jer’s smiling face is his response to seeing the poem that was typed out on the device. Cute!

“We had the most enchanting evening in Portland,” Auj says. “And I finally got to experience the Multnomah Whiskey Library.”

“Of course we ended the evening reading our anniversary letters,” Audrey continues. “The ones we wrote to each other on our anniversary last year.”

“It’s our favorite anniversary tradition,” she shares.

Naturally, Audrey plugs their marriage blog: “You can read about some of our other favorites in our most recent post on @beating50.”

The name, of course, refers to their desire to beat the odds that suggest that at least half of all couples get divorced.

“Jer and I celebrate our anniversary as if it’s a national holiday,” Auj gushes.

She says: “We are firm believers that love, of all things, should especially be celebrated.”

“So no matter how inconvienent,” she writes. “We are inentional about carve out time on September 20th to reminisce the past year, dream for the future, and recommit to the promises made on our wedding day.”

“And,” Auj continues. “As our favorite quote from our favorite book says… ‘If it’s half as good as the half we’ve known, here’s Hail! to the rest of the road."”

“Happy anniversary Farmer,” Audrey says. “Let’s keep living”

As we mentioned, on their actual anniversary of September 20, Jeremy wrote a tribute to his wife and marriage but made an admission.

“These have been tough months recently,” Jer wrote. “But hard work always pays off.”

He gushed: “I love you and I love writing a love story with you.”

Whatever their recent trials, whether it’s finding out how to stay afloat without the show, dealing with family drama, Auj’s alleged feud with Jeremy’s brother, or hidden marital squabbles, things seem okay for them.

It’s great that they’re celebrating their anniversary like this — but we’re sure that they’re looking forward to being reunited with precious baby Ember.


Thursday, September 13, 2018

Audrey Roloff is Here to Make You Cry. Just Click Play.

Ember Jean Roloff celebrated the biggest milestone of her young life on Monday:

She turned a year old!

The occasion was celebrated a day earlier by nearly all of Ember"s friends and family members, as they turned out for a fun gathering that was highlighted by the birthday gal smashing a cake all over her hands and face.

She may have actually eaten a bit as well.

We documented a variety of scenes from the party in THIS GALLERY, but now Audrey and Jeremy Roloff have helped us share even more moments from the beautiful gathering.

They"ve posted a 58-second long video on their official website.

It includes many close-ups of the adorable one-year old, along with clips of her parents and other loved ones kissing, hugging or playing with Ember.

"This video… All the tears," wrote Audrey as a caption upon posting it to Instagram, adding:

"Just like the song says, you lit a fire in our hearts Ember girl. Thank you for creating something we will treasure forever uncle Jack."

Jeremy also posted it to his page, a day after writing a heartfelt letter to his child on the anniversary of her birth.

It reads as follows:

Happy 1st birthday sweet girl! A year has already passed and it feels like only a day. I love your lively demeanor and graceful spirit, your brilliant smile, big lips, and piercing eyes.

You are a masterpiece of creation and I pray that by now you know your Creator and love Him like Mom and Dad do. You are a bright light of joy to those who are shaded with the days troubles.

When work has Mom and I short tempered and high strung, you always seem to make us laugh and relax. It’s been a joy getting to know you. You’re beautiful, unique, and loved.

I’m so glad I get to be your dad. You are a gift that keeps on giving, and so I will give back with all I have.

Perfect, right?

We"re sad that Jeremy and Audrey have quit Little People, Big World and that we won"t be able to see Ember grow up on screen.

But we"ve got a feeling her mom and dad will be filling us in on their blog, on their podcast and across their social media accounts for many years to come.

Check out this awesome video now!

Audrey roloff causes entire internet to tear up with this specia

Friday, September 7, 2018

Audrey Roloff Shares Ember"s Birth Story, Keeps It Very Real

Audrey Roloff is nothing if not an open book.

The former Little People, Big World cast member talks often about her faith and her family and how the two nearly always intertwine.

The mother of one also talks about parenthood on a frequent basis, ever since welcoming daughter Ember into the world in September of 2017.

Now, in a very personal and impressive blog post, Audrey has opened way up about her actual birthing experience.

It"s a bit graphic in detail and you can read the full entry HERE.

But we"ve shared a handful of excerpts below in order to help Audrey relay her experience to the fans and followers who are either interested or who may even benefit from this kind of information…

1. This is How Audrey Opened Her Lengthy Post:

Audrey in labor

I am just now finally getting around to sharing her birth story. WOW! It has taken me an entire year to finish it. Sigh. Guess that’s just reality as a new mom, going through two remodels, writing our first book, keeping always more and beating50percent a float, while trying to maintain sanity and some resemblance of a social life. The past year has been exhausting, thrilling, tearful, and full of treasured moments. But perhaps the most treasured moment was September 10th, 2017

2. I Will Not Be Sugar Coating the Messy Reality of Birth…

On the day of embers birth

So Audrey warned, prior to getting into said details as follows: “By the time I was 10 days overdue, I was trying whatever the internet suggested about naturally inducing labor. Pineapple, spicy food, bouncing on the ball, taking baths, long walks, raspberry leaf tea, acupuncture, and sex, but still no baby. I remember reading comments on social media, and even receiving texts from friends, who had some opinions about my desire to wait for our baby to come naturally… Of course. I would not put our baby in danger if I did indeed need to be medically induced. But I also knew lots of women who were impatiently or unnecessarily induced early, and I wanted to avoid that. So I kept surrendering and trusting in God’s timing for our daughters birth.”

3. She’s Finally on the Way!

Showing off bend

“I woke up at 2:30 am to what I thought was just intense cramping. I had experienced some pretty intense cramping the past couple of nights so I didn’t think too much of it at first, but after a few minutes I quickly realized this was different. MUCH different. This was the blinding ambush. IT WAS TIME!!! I reached over into my nightstand drawer and grabbed a sharpie to write my life mantra on my arm – ALWAYS MORE. I knew that this day, more than any other day, I needed to be reminded that I ALWAYS had MORE strength, endurance, and hope through Christ.”

4. What They Decided:

Audrey roloff on the water

“Jeremy and I wanted our labor and delivery experience to be a calm, low stress, and intimate experience between the two of us. That meant no family, friends, or cameras in the delivery room. We wanted to bring our daughter into the world together without having to think or worry about anything or anyone else. Just Jeremy and I, intimately experiencing the most defining moment of our lives together.”

5. More Specifics:

Audrey and jeremy roloff on labor day

“Our birth plan was essentially to have a low-intervention, unmedicated birth at the hospital with the help of our doula Echo, essential oils, prayer, and a jammin’ Spotify playlist.”11

6. Why Did She Opt for an Unmedicated Birth?

Strong audrey

“I didn’t want labor to solely be something I went through, while Jeremy watched from a chair. I wanted for him to be an active participant. I wanted for him to feel needed and important during the whole process – and he was. Laboring with Jeremy was was the most intimate, unifying, God-empowering, thing we have ever done together.”

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Thursday, September 6, 2018

Audrey Roloff: God Has Taught Me THESE Life Lessons...

Audrey Roloff is a woman of very strong conviction.

She"s been very open about her faith and her devotion from family from the moment she came into our lives as a cast member on Little People, Big World.

She and husband Jeremy are no longer cast members on this TLC series, having announced their departure in July.

That said… Audrey is still around, still sharing posts on Instagram and still espousing her religion.

Below, for example, Roloff delves into her belief in God and into how this Higher Power has taught her a number of life lessons.

1. Audrey’s Opening Statement

Showing off bend

“Your life has PURPOSE. Whether you can clearly define that purpose or not, God wants to purpose MORE out of your life RIGHT NOW,” Roloff wrote to open this lengthy message. “Not once you graduate, not once you’re married, not once you’re a mom, not once you get this job or move to that city. No.”

2. What Does God Want?

Strong audrey

“He wants to purpose more out of your seemingly futile daily tasks, your to-do-lists, your surface level conversations, and your day-to-day. He created you for so much MORE than just living through moments.”

3. What Else, Audrey?

Audrey roloff on the water

“He wants to fulfill His purposes through every part of your life – the big moments and the small moments, the celebratory moments and the heartbreaking moments.”

4. How Can One Figure All This Out?

Audrey and jeremy roloff on insta

Writes Audrey, acknowledging this major challege: “But discovering God’s purpose for your life can seem daunting… maybe you don’t know for certain what God has purposed you to do, or who He is purposing you to be.”

5. It Can Be So Hard to Figure It All Out

Audrey and jeremy roloff on labor day

And there can be so many reasons to be confused, as Audrey also acknowledges: “Maybe you’re trying to figure it out, but you’re just not sure yet. Maybe you thought you knew, but then some life circumstance changed your course.”

6. Also, Along These Lines…

Loving daughter time

“Or maybe you have been so focused and determined in what you thought was your purpose, but now you feel like giving up because it’s still not bearing any fruit. Girl, I get you.”

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Saturday, August 25, 2018

Audrey Roloff"s Dangerous Driving History: REVEALED!

Audrey Roloff may be the most loving mother in Hollywood.

This is an impossible judgment to make, of course, but the point we want to make before delving into one troubling issue in regard to the ex-Little People, Big World star is this:

She clearly cares a whole lot about her daughter.

Just take one look at Audrey’s Instagram account and read a few words from her about Ember Jean and you’ll agree.

Despite this indisputable point, a handful of Internet users are suddenly concerned about Ember’s safety. And this is why:

It turns out that Roloff is a really bad driver!

Just this past week, Audrey was pulled over and cited for “distracted driving” near her home in Oregon.

According to the Washington County Police Department, officers busted Audrey on Wednesday, August 22, around 9:30 a.m. for using her cell phone while behind the wheel.

She was issued a citation,” Detective Robert Rookhuÿzen told Radar Online, adding:

“It’s illegal to operate a motor vehicle while using your mobile electronic device.”

This has become the case in many states around the country.

It makes sense from a safety standpoint, doesn’t it?

Ember was not in the vehicle at the time of this incident, which Audrey spoke openly about on Instagram.

She sounded a little bit defensive while doing so, too, we must admit, writing to fans:

“If you are holding your phone while you’re driving, even if you’re talking on speaker phone, even if you’re dialing somebody’s [number]…

“it doesn’t matter if you’re at a stoplight or if you’re just looking at your Google Maps to see where you’re going, you cannot pick up your phone while driving.”

Audrey then explained that she now knows this from experience.

“I’m telling you this because I have been in the car with lots of people who pick up their phone to type in an address for Google Maps, or change the song on Spotify, or answer a phone call, or dial the phone, even if they’re talking on speaker or Bluetooth,” she added.

“I just thought I’d pop on here and remind you all, because I was reminded today how dangerous it is to pick up your phone even for a split second.”

Meanwhile, in 2014, Audrey was also pulled over for violating the “basic speed rule,” accordingto Marion County Circuit Court documents obtained by Radar.

She pled no contest at the time and the case was dismissed after she was ordered to pay $ 260 in fines.

ALSO, however, Roloff was found guilty in 2010 “failure to obey traffic control device.”

It is not totally clear what transpired in this case, but a judge ordered her the former reality star to undergo a medical assessment and she was forced to pay $ 120 in fines.

Finally, in April of 2010, Roloff was issued a ticket for speeding.

Taken on their own, each of these incidents is not a big deal.

Even taken as a whole, they don’t exactly represent a menace to society.

But Audrey does have at least some history of driving at least a bit recklessly and she is now a mother, so she does need to be extra careful and aware.

That is all we’re saying.

Audrey and Jeremy Roloff announced last month that they will no longer appear on Little People, Big World.

But they do have a book coming out in 2019 and you’ll be hearing plenty from them moving forward.

For whatever it’s worth, Matt Roloff was arrested for drunk driving in 2007, but later found not guilty.

It was his second DUI citation in four years at the time.


Thursday, August 23, 2018

Audrey Roloff Offers 3 Pieces of Advice for Working Moms

Audrey Roloff gets it, you guys.

Or you gals, to be more accurate.

She"s a mother to a precious daughter named Ember and she also works: formerly as a cast member on Little People, Big World (until announcing her departure last month) and also as an author and an entrepreneur.

Roloff admits that she"s learning as she goes, trying to find the proper balance between her professional life and her personal life.

But she"s learned enough after about a year of parenthood to pass along some tips.

In an Instagram message Audrey posted in August of 2018, she passed along the following pieces of advice to "working moms" around the world..

1. Tip #1:

Up goes ember

Writes Audrey to open this lengthy caption, which she shared along a photo of herself and almost-one-year-old Ember: “GRACE. Give yourself loads of grace when you see all the things other mothers are doing that make me feel less-than.”

2. More on Grace:

One happy roloff

“I am constantly reminding myself that my standard for motherhood should be rooted in the Word of God NOT the world of Instagram,” concludes Amber on this topic.

3. But Hasn’t She Discussed Grace Before?

Pure joy

Yes, in February of 2018 Audrey wrote on Instagram: “”GRACE. If I had to sum up what motherhood has taught me into one word, it would be grace.

4. What Did She Mean at the Time?

A perfect setting

You tell us, Auds! “I can be pretty hard on myself, and motherhood is teaching me to give myself grace in the moments when I feel unequipped, ill prepared, or like I don’t measure up. On the days when I discover I haven’t been doing something that everyone else seems to be doing, grace. When my ideals don’t fit to reality, grace. When I’m overwhelmed by all the conflicting research on all the hot button issues, grace. When I start to compare myself to the other mama warriors out there, grace. When I get criticized and accused, grace.”

5. A Final Word on Grace

Smiling mom and daughter

Also from this February 2018 post: “When I realize I’m not the kind, patient, and loving wife intend to be, grace. When I get down on myself for working too much or not enough, grace. When I haven’t checked anything off my to-do list, grace. When I’ve worn the same outfit 7 days in a row, grace… I am choosing to release my harsh and sometimes worldly standards and learning to embrace His grace in my weakness. His power is perfected in my weakness.”

6. Okay, Got It. On to Tip #2!

Audrey roloff on the beach

Writes Roloff in her latest pseudo advice column: “Establish your team before you have a baby. Expect to have less than half the time you did beforehand.”

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Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Audrey Roloff: Is THIS Why She Quit Little People, Big World?

You can always trust Audrey Roloff to keep it real.

The now-former Little People, Big World has talked at length in the past about her early breastfeeding challenge, her bouts of postpartum depression and how she relies on her faith in all aspects of her life.

But what about the filming of the show itself?

What has it been like to have a cameraman essentially follow you around at all times?

In the wake of Audrey and Jeremy Roloff announcing they will not be returning to Little People, Big World, Audrey recently spoke to Jenna Kutcher on the Goal Digger podcast and perhaps shed some light on why the couple decided to walk away.

Scroll down and then click around for the revealing details…

1. Audrey and Jeremy Confirmed in July 2018 That They Are Leaving LPBW

Happy mommy and daughter

This is what Audrey wrote on Instagram after her husband first broke the news: “This past season was our last season of filming for Little People Big World. I know it’s been a shorter run for me(for Jeremy it’s been 14 years!), but I’ve shared some pretty big life moments on #LPBW – getting engaged, our wedding day, the launch of @beating50, 3 moves, a remodel, finding out we were having a baby girl, and becoming a new mom! I and so thankful for the encouragement, kindness, and support that each of you have shown to our family. We are forever grateful for the run we’ve had, but excited to focus on what we feel the Lord is calling us too! You guys are the most loyal fans. Thank you for respecting our decision. And thanks to TLC for putting up with us.”

2. She Concluded:

Roloffs and daughter

“Mostly, I am so proud of my husband who has grown up in the public eye and yet remained grounded, wise, and steadfast in his faith. This decision is one that I respect him for immensely. ‘Here’s hail to the rest of the road!’ I love you Farmer. Psalm 20:7.”

3. But Why?!?

Loving daughter time

Jeremy had said the decision to depart was made about a year ago, but neither he nor Audrey delved into the reasons WHY the couple had arrived at this major decision.

4. It’s Been a Big Change So Far

Roloffs near church

“Segueing away from the cameras [has] been a big shift for us,” Audrey admitted on the podcast. “But we are really excited about just being able to really press into writing and speaking and creating and just devoting all of our efforts in the things that we feel the Lord has called us to, and also raising a family away from the cameras.”

5. Audrey Met Jeremy on a Blind Date

Pure joy

She confesses here that she didn’t really understand what she was getting into when she first met her husband. And the whole reality show thing didn’t really affect her at first.

6. Why Was This the Case?

Roloffs say cheese

Because, Roloff explains, “during our long distance relationships, I sort of was around the cameras but not too much.” It wasn’t until her wedding day that Audrey got “thrust into it” all.

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Thursday, August 9, 2018

Audrey Roloff and Jeremy Roloff: When Will They Have More Kids?!?

Look, Audrey and Jeremy Roloff.

We know you are very busy these days.

You have a toddler at home and a memoir set to come out and a popular blog to keep writing, but we have a quick question to which we’d love a definitive answer:

When are you having more children?!?!?

We’re kidding, of course. 

Or we’re kidding about the urgency of the answer at least.

But it is a common concern of many celebrity gossip followers to wonder when their favorite couple will have a baby… and then to wonder when this couple will have more babies… and so on and so forth.

With talk online of Audrey being pregnant already with child number-two, the Roloffs told People Magazine this week that they certainly are anxious to expand their family.

They just aren’t certain when this will happen.

“Jer and I definitely want to have more children,” Audrey tells this publication, adding:

“We’ve never really put a number on it, we want to take them one at a time.

“We’ve always envisioned a big family, that’s always been something we’ve talked about from the very beginning.”

“Enough to fill up a sprinter van,” jokes Jeremy.

It’s not difficult to envision Audrey and Jeremy as the parents to many children.

They are a faith-based twosome who seems very dedicated to themselves and to their family.

We’ve never seen a woman gush over her kid the way Audrey has gushed over daughter Ember ever since she was born in September.

Elsewhere in this same interview, Jeremy touched on another aspect of the couple’s future.

He admitted that he talks to his parents constantly about buying the family farm in Oregon.

Interesting, right?

We suppose thia makes some sense, with Matt Roloff moving to Arizona and Amy Roloff perhaps moving away to start a life with boyfriend Chris Marek.

We simply had no idea such a transfer of property was in the works.

For now, however, the main work on which Audrey and Jeremy are focusing in the rollout of their book, “A Love Letter Life: Pursue Creatively, Date Intentionally, Love Faithfully.”

It comes out in April of 2019.

“We believe everyone has a unique love story and we want people to be super stoked to press into their own love story,” Jeremy explained to People of the book’s premise.

“We want readers to prepare more for their marriage than their wedding [day].

“I think social media can paint facades, so [Audrey and I] hope that people will walk away [from the book] knowing that we aren’t perfect, our [dating] relationship wasn’t perfect.

“We learned from our struggles and we came out stronger on the other side.”

Teases Audrey on this same subject:

“I think people will be surprised at how much they don’t know about our love story.”
