Showing posts with label Ember's. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ember's. Show all posts

Friday, September 7, 2018

Audrey Roloff Shares Ember"s Birth Story, Keeps It Very Real

Audrey Roloff is nothing if not an open book.

The former Little People, Big World cast member talks often about her faith and her family and how the two nearly always intertwine.

The mother of one also talks about parenthood on a frequent basis, ever since welcoming daughter Ember into the world in September of 2017.

Now, in a very personal and impressive blog post, Audrey has opened way up about her actual birthing experience.

It"s a bit graphic in detail and you can read the full entry HERE.

But we"ve shared a handful of excerpts below in order to help Audrey relay her experience to the fans and followers who are either interested or who may even benefit from this kind of information…

1. This is How Audrey Opened Her Lengthy Post:

Audrey in labor

I am just now finally getting around to sharing her birth story. WOW! It has taken me an entire year to finish it. Sigh. Guess that’s just reality as a new mom, going through two remodels, writing our first book, keeping always more and beating50percent a float, while trying to maintain sanity and some resemblance of a social life. The past year has been exhausting, thrilling, tearful, and full of treasured moments. But perhaps the most treasured moment was September 10th, 2017

2. I Will Not Be Sugar Coating the Messy Reality of Birth…

On the day of embers birth

So Audrey warned, prior to getting into said details as follows: “By the time I was 10 days overdue, I was trying whatever the internet suggested about naturally inducing labor. Pineapple, spicy food, bouncing on the ball, taking baths, long walks, raspberry leaf tea, acupuncture, and sex, but still no baby. I remember reading comments on social media, and even receiving texts from friends, who had some opinions about my desire to wait for our baby to come naturally… Of course. I would not put our baby in danger if I did indeed need to be medically induced. But I also knew lots of women who were impatiently or unnecessarily induced early, and I wanted to avoid that. So I kept surrendering and trusting in God’s timing for our daughters birth.”

3. She’s Finally on the Way!

Showing off bend

“I woke up at 2:30 am to what I thought was just intense cramping. I had experienced some pretty intense cramping the past couple of nights so I didn’t think too much of it at first, but after a few minutes I quickly realized this was different. MUCH different. This was the blinding ambush. IT WAS TIME!!! I reached over into my nightstand drawer and grabbed a sharpie to write my life mantra on my arm – ALWAYS MORE. I knew that this day, more than any other day, I needed to be reminded that I ALWAYS had MORE strength, endurance, and hope through Christ.”

4. What They Decided:

Audrey roloff on the water

“Jeremy and I wanted our labor and delivery experience to be a calm, low stress, and intimate experience between the two of us. That meant no family, friends, or cameras in the delivery room. We wanted to bring our daughter into the world together without having to think or worry about anything or anyone else. Just Jeremy and I, intimately experiencing the most defining moment of our lives together.”

5. More Specifics:

Audrey and jeremy roloff on labor day

“Our birth plan was essentially to have a low-intervention, unmedicated birth at the hospital with the help of our doula Echo, essential oils, prayer, and a jammin’ Spotify playlist.”11

6. Why Did She Opt for an Unmedicated Birth?

Strong audrey

“I didn’t want labor to solely be something I went through, while Jeremy watched from a chair. I wanted for him to be an active participant. I wanted for him to feel needed and important during the whole process – and he was. Laboring with Jeremy was was the most intimate, unifying, God-empowering, thing we have ever done together.”

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Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Audrey Roloff: Mommy-Shammed Over Little Ember"s Outfit

The Internet can be such a cruel place.

This is a mostly obvious statement, we know.

But sometimes we get stark reminders and it makes us sad.

Take the vitriol being aimed in the direction of Audrey Roloff, for example.

The Little People, Big World star gave birth to her first child on September 10, a precious girl named Ember Jean.

Since then, Audrey has been candid about the fact that she’s in a lot of pain breastfeeding and is likely even suffering the effects of postpartum depression to some extent.

“I was well prepared for the pain and suffering that comes with childbirth, but I was not prepared for the pain and suffering that comes afterwards,” Roloff admitted in a recent Instagram post.

She went on to say how she’s been feeling “frustrated, discouraged, and heart ached” over the struggles with her daughter, insisting, of course, that she will “persist.”

We salute Audrey for her honesty.

And we can’t believe there are trolls out there who would prey upon such a vulnerable new mother.

But Audrey shared the above photo on Facebook this week (“Baby girls got a furry friend and it’s not Pine,” she wrote as a caption) and then suddenly found herself the victim of online attacks.

“Omg . . . She is so cute. Not crazy though . . . how her mother dresses her. What happened to cute little dresses . . . not ugly colored leggings. Lol . . .” someone actually wrote.

Yes, this individual felt a need to call Audrey out because Ember isn’t wearing a dress in the picture.

God forbid, right?!?

Added another pathetic critic:

“She cute. But not a fan of the outfit. Creepy brown tights. Why not a colorful beautiful dress! The onesie needs help!”

And a third critic snipped: “Lose the Aunt Jemima scarf!”

And a fourth: “Love the Roloff family…but please, is Audrey trying to turn her baby into a mini model already?!?”

Shaming famous mother is, sadly, nothing new for Internet users, of course.

Poor Olivia Wilde just received backlash for giving her son a kiss on the lips.

But this is maybe the first such incident we can recall when morons with no life harassed a celebrity simply over a pretty basic outfit she dressed her child in.

What happened to basic human decency, Twitter? Come on now!

We strongly hope Audrey isn’t overly affected by these off-base critiques and that she keeps sharing cute pictures of Ember with us.

Because we think she’s perfect.

And we offer up the following images as evidence:
