Showing posts with label Working. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Working. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

The Pussycat Dolls Reject R. Kelly Streaming Money ... Working to Pull Collab

The Pussycat Dolls are working on kicking R. Kelly to the curb … digitally, and financially, speaking.
Our sources say the group’s label, Interscope, is currently working behind the scenes to get the song “Out Of This Club” featuring R. Kelly removed from all st...
The Pussycat Dolls Reject R. Kelly Streaming Money ... Working to Pull Collab

Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Amy Schumer Claims War On Super Bowl LIII Halftime Show ... Is Working!

Breaking News
Amy Schumer says her call for performers to boycott the Super Bowl LIII halftime show over the mistreatment of players like Colin Kaepernick is working … saying, “No one is stepping up to perform.”
Back in October, Amy declared she wouldn’t do any Super...
Amy Schumer Claims War On Super Bowl LIII Halftime Show ... Is Working!

Friday, November 23, 2018

Monday, November 5, 2018

Farrah Abraham Working on Her Own Show After "Teen Mom" Firing

Farrah Abraham is on the brink of locking down her own show after getting the boot from “Teen Mom OG” … and she’s setting up meetings with Hollywood producers to make it happen. Abraham was spotted leaving a lunch meeting Friday in Studio City…


Monday, October 29, 2018

Justin Bieber: I"m Working Less to Spend Time With My Wife!

Justin Bieber has had a rough few weeks. 

The 24-year-old singer has reportedly been struggling in the aftermath of ex Selena Gomez’s breakdown.

By struggling, we mean he’s allegedly been feeling guilty about his relationship with Hailey Baldwin because he thinks Selena still has feelings for him

There’s been a lot of change for Justin of late. 

He got married to Hailey in a top-secret ceremony in September, confirming that two could agree on the fact that they are totally in love. 

However, it sounds like they’ve found something they simply cannot agree on:

Their work commitments. 

According to a new report by PEOPLE, Bieber has scaled back his commitments, noting that “he doesn’t seem ready to record new music yet” because “he just wants to hang out with Hailey.”

It’s not uncommon for newlyweds to want to spend a lot of time with each other. There’s always a honeymoon period, and while it sounds like Justin is still in that phase, it sounds like Hailey is not. 

How very awkward. 

“Hailey actually seems more ready to work than he does,” the report continues, adding that the duo are “not on the same page when it comes to work.”


We need to remember here that Bieber has been the spotlight ever since 2007 when Scooter Braun happened to click on one of his Youtube videos by accident. 

That seems like a lifetime ago, right?

It’s crazy to think that Bieber may not be as big as he is today if Braun did not click on that video. 

Yes, he has appeared as a featured artist on recent music, but those songs don’t have the same addictive ring to them that the hitmaker’s own music has. 

But what’s really holding Justin back from hitting up the recording studio with his big comeback record? 

“He’s been on the go for a long time, and he’s enjoying a laid-back season of life,” a tipster dished to PEOPLE, adding:

“He is enjoying time with the woman he loves, and doesn’t want anything to get in the way of that.”

With Justin attempting to steer clear of work for the foreseeable future, his wife Hailey is not, and was recently unveiled as the new face of Tommy Hilfiger. 

Way to go, Hailey!

Despite reports that her knack for work is causing some issues in their marriage, Baldwin had only kind words to say about her new husband in October’s issue of Harper’s BAZAAR

“He is incredible,” the 21-year-old told the publication, adding:

“He crushes everything. Every song, every feature. It’s crazy to see what he does. I’m always blown away.”

“Over the past year, I’ve had more attention on me than I’ve ever had in my life. It’s easy to not think about your mental health or your physical health because you keep pushing, pushing, pushing. Before this year, I wasn’t balancing anything,” she continued. 

He wants a break, and everyone’s entitled to that, but Justin’s behavior of late has also been a huge cause for concern. 

There have been multiple occurrences in the last few months that have fans worried about his wellbeing. 

In August, just one month before his wedding, he was spotted shopping shirtless and looking disoriented in Tribeca before being spotted bawling his eyes out on the West Side Highway bike path the same day. 

It remains to be seen whether one working while the other chills out will cause a divide in their relationship, or if their young marriage is strong enough to weather any storm. 

Time will tell, we guess!

What are your thoughts on this?


Tuesday, October 23, 2018

LAPD Working With Dodgers to Prevent World Series Home Break-Ins

The LAPD has reached out to several L.A. Dodgers stars — including Yasiel Puig, Justin Turner and Clayton Kershaw — to make sure their homes are protected during the World Series … unlike last year.  Remember, Puig’s home was hit by…


Thursday, August 23, 2018

Audrey Roloff Offers 3 Pieces of Advice for Working Moms

Audrey Roloff gets it, you guys.

Or you gals, to be more accurate.

She"s a mother to a precious daughter named Ember and she also works: formerly as a cast member on Little People, Big World (until announcing her departure last month) and also as an author and an entrepreneur.

Roloff admits that she"s learning as she goes, trying to find the proper balance between her professional life and her personal life.

But she"s learned enough after about a year of parenthood to pass along some tips.

In an Instagram message Audrey posted in August of 2018, she passed along the following pieces of advice to "working moms" around the world..

1. Tip #1:

Up goes ember

Writes Audrey to open this lengthy caption, which she shared along a photo of herself and almost-one-year-old Ember: “GRACE. Give yourself loads of grace when you see all the things other mothers are doing that make me feel less-than.”

2. More on Grace:

One happy roloff

“I am constantly reminding myself that my standard for motherhood should be rooted in the Word of God NOT the world of Instagram,” concludes Amber on this topic.

3. But Hasn’t She Discussed Grace Before?

Pure joy

Yes, in February of 2018 Audrey wrote on Instagram: “”GRACE. If I had to sum up what motherhood has taught me into one word, it would be grace.

4. What Did She Mean at the Time?

A perfect setting

You tell us, Auds! “I can be pretty hard on myself, and motherhood is teaching me to give myself grace in the moments when I feel unequipped, ill prepared, or like I don’t measure up. On the days when I discover I haven’t been doing something that everyone else seems to be doing, grace. When my ideals don’t fit to reality, grace. When I’m overwhelmed by all the conflicting research on all the hot button issues, grace. When I start to compare myself to the other mama warriors out there, grace. When I get criticized and accused, grace.”

5. A Final Word on Grace

Smiling mom and daughter

Also from this February 2018 post: “When I realize I’m not the kind, patient, and loving wife intend to be, grace. When I get down on myself for working too much or not enough, grace. When I haven’t checked anything off my to-do list, grace. When I’ve worn the same outfit 7 days in a row, grace… I am choosing to release my harsh and sometimes worldly standards and learning to embrace His grace in my weakness. His power is perfected in my weakness.”

6. Okay, Got It. On to Tip #2!

Audrey roloff on the beach

Writes Roloff in her latest pseudo advice column: “Establish your team before you have a baby. Expect to have less than half the time you did beforehand.”

View Slideshow

Monday, July 23, 2018

Josh Gordon To Miss Start Of Browns Camp, Working On "Overall Health"

Josh Gordon will miss the start of Browns camp as he continues to receive treatment for issues that kept him out of the NFL entirely in 2015 and 2016 … the wideout said in a statement Monday. “Rest assured this too is a part of my overall health…


Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Robert Griffin III Ready for Ravens QB Battle, "I"m Working Hard"

RG3 doesn’t seem too worried about fighting for a job against Joe Flacco and Lamar Jackson — telling TMZ Sports he’s got no fear when it comes to the Baltimore Ravens’ upcoming QB competition.  Let’s keep it 100 … there’s a good chance…


Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Rudy Giuliani Says Working for Trump Won"t Tarnish His Legacy

Rudy Giuliani isn’t the least bit worried his post-9/11 rep might be ruined by representing President Trump. No doubt, Giuliani’s had some rough patches since joining the President’s legal team in April — but Monday in D.C., he had a pretty…


Wednesday, June 6, 2018

John Goodman"s Working the Phone Amid "Roseanne" Reboot Talks

John Goodman’s looking like he means business … as in the “Roseanne” reboot business.  John was out in New Orleans Tuesday, and was spotted on a call that seemed more serious than lighthearted — and ya gotta wonder if that’s ABC or…


Thursday, May 31, 2018

John Cena And Nikki Bella Working On Getting Back Together

John Cena’s desperate plea to get Nikki Bella back might’ve totally worked — a month and half after calling off their engagement, the couple is working on their relationship, according to Nikki herself. Nikki tells us they’ve seen each…


Friday, April 20, 2018

Jill Duggar: Still Working As a Midwife Despite Dangerous Lack of Training?!

Ever since Derick Dillard got fired by TLC after revealing himself to be a bigoted bully on social media, there hasn’t been a whole lot of cash pouring into his bank account.

The problem, you see, is that Jill Duggar quit Counting On in a show of solidarity, which means the Dillard household went from a two-income home to a zero-income home overnight.

And Derick didn’t marry into a wealthy family just to go on punching a clock like some shlub, which means it’s time for Jill start earning.

Fortunately, the mother of two has been paid to practice a skill in the past.

Unfortunately, she may not be qualified to do so and her lack of proper training might be putting lives at risk.

Longtime fans of the Duggar clan will recall that Jill has worked as a midwife intermittently over the years.

They might also recall that there’s an ongoing debate as to whether or not Jill is properly trained and licensed for such work.

Whatever the case, Jill is back at it.

She revealed this week that she’s launched her own midwife service called Labor Sit, and it seems the new venture is already off to a rousing start.

Jill posted the above photo yesterday, along with a caption reading:

“Got to help deliver this chunker the other day! Sam helped me #laborsit then napped like a champ when the time came!”

First of all, did Jill just body-shame that baby?!

(We kid, no need to call us snowflakes in the comments.)

But more importantly, is Jill qualified to even work as a midwife’s assistant, much less run her own midwife service?

The answer, as In Touch Weekly points out, is a matter of intense debate amongst Duggar obsessives. 

“She is licensed,” one fan asserted on Reddit.

“They even posted a picture of it on their blog when she passed her exam to become a CPM. She went to school for it. They talked about it on the old TV show.”

“She’s not licensed,” another retorted.

“Where you read that you have been misinformed… Also, how do you presume she got a degree when her only form of education is Bill Gothard’s ATI curriculum at Michelle Duggar’s kitchen table?”

The photo in question does show Jill holding a Certified Professional Midwife’s license, but the situation is still not as cut and dried as it seems.

As many fans have noted, Jill has only been granted a CPM competency certificate, which is different from a Certified Nurse Midwife license, generally considered the standard in her field.

That distinction requires a Bachelor’s degree, one year of nursing experience, and three years in a nurse-midwifery program – none of which has Jill obtained.

In addition to the controversy over Jill’s licensing, there’s some skepticism over the training she received early on in her career.

Jill’s earliest experiences as a midwife came under the tutelage of a woman named Venessa Giron.

Giron had her license revoked in 2015 following a botched delivery and subsequent lawsuit that also prompted her to move to a new state in order to continue practicing.

The plaintiff in the lawsuit was a new mom named Tiffany Nance who claims she nearly died during her delivery, and Giron refused to dial 911 despite the fact that a life was clearly in danger.

Jill reportedly assisted with the birth, but we’re guessing she decided to leave that particular incident off her resumé.

Watch Counting On online for more from reality TV’s most controversial family. 


Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Channing Tatum and Jenna Dewan Still Working Together on Projects Despite Split

Channing Tatum and Jenna Dewan may have called it quits on their marriage, but their business relationship is as strong as ever … TMZ has learned. Sources close to the former couple tell us … nothing will change between Channing and Jenna when…


Sunday, March 4, 2018

Floyd Mayweather Reveals He"s "Working On" His Own Boxing Video Game

Epic news, gamers — the best thing since “Mike Tyson’s Punch-Out” is on the way … ‘cause Floyd Mayweather says he’s following in Tyson’s footsteps and creating HIS OWN video game!! At his 41st birthday bash, Floyd told TMZ…


Friday, February 2, 2018

Travis Scott Working Double Time Super Bowl LII Weekend

No one can physically be two places at once, but Travis Scott is going to come pretty damn close Saturday before the Super Bowl. The rapper has 2 gigs scheduled for the same night … and they’re about 1,500 miles apart. First, Travis has a show…


Friday, January 26, 2018

Dana White Strongly Hints He"s "Working On" Stipe Miocic vs. Daniel Cormier

It’s pretty obvious Dana White is “working on” Stipe Miocic vs. Daniel Cormier … even though he won’t come out and say it. The UFC honcho did everything short of confirm negotiations on the “TMZ Sports” TV show (airs weeknights on FS1) ……


Monday, January 22, 2018

Connie Sawyer, Hollywood"s Oldest Working Actress Dies at 105

Hollywood’s oldest working actress, Connie Sawyer, died at home after an incredibly long and prolific career. Connie reportedly passed away at her Woodland Hills home. Unclear exactly how, but she was 105 … so presumably it’s related to her…


Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Ryan Shazier Visits Steelers Practice, "Working Hard to Get Back"

Great sign for Ryan Shazier – a little over a month after he suffered a serious spine injury, the Steelers star was finally able to attend team practice Wednesday … and says he’s pushing HARD to make a full recovery. Shazier,…


Dr. Dre Hints "Detox" Ain"t Dead, Working On New Songs

DETOX BABY!!!!!!! Dr. Dre has suggested that his long-awaited, dead, then not dead, then dead again album “Detox” might actually be released after all … and it all went down at a Golden State Warriors practice.  Dre and Jimmy Iovine were…
