Showing posts with label Pussycat. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pussycat. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

The Pussycat Dolls Reject R. Kelly Streaming Money ... Working to Pull Collab

The Pussycat Dolls are working on kicking R. Kelly to the curb … digitally, and financially, speaking.
Our sources say the group’s label, Interscope, is currently working behind the scenes to get the song “Out Of This Club” featuring R. Kelly removed from all st...
The Pussycat Dolls Reject R. Kelly Streaming Money ... Working to Pull Collab

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

The Pussycat Dolls: We"re Not Prostitutes!

The Pussycat Dolls are a singing group that does not sell its bodies for sex.

This is a message the group would like to send, in light of a former member claiming the contrary.

A few days ago, a singer named Kaya Jones made scathing accusations on Twitter, alleging that she and her fellow artists were basically forced to sleep with record executives back when she was a part of the Dolls.

“How bad was it? People ask – bad enough that I walked away from my dreams, my bandmates & a 13 million dollar record deal,” Jones Tweeted.

She went on to say that Simone Battle, a member of spinoff group G.R.L., killed herself in 2014 due to her experiences in the industry.

“I want the den mother from hell to confess why another 1 of her girl group girls committed suicide? Tell the public how you mentally broke us.”

The person to whom Jones is referring here is Robin Antin, the founder of The Pussycat Dolls.

She responded to Jones’ allegations by labeling them as “disgusting lies.”

She also said Jones was never an official group member; she was only ever on a trial basis.

Now, The Pussycat Dolls as a whole have spoken out.

The all-girls group has released a lengthy statement in which it strongly denies all Jones has said about what it’s like to be a member.

“The Pussycat Dolls has always and will always stand for female empowerment and sisterhood,” the group says, adding:

“We stand in solidarity with all women who have bravely spoken publicly of their horrific experiences of abuse, harassment and exploitation.

“However, we cannot stand behind false allegations towards other group members partaking in activities that simply did not take place.”

The Pussycat Dolls were founded by Antin in 1995.

You may remember the band for such tracks as “Don’t Cha”, “Buttons” and “Stickwitu.”

They spawned a few spinoff groups and even a Las Vegas revue.

Reads more of their statement:

To liken our professional roles in The Pussycat Dolls to a prostitution ring not only undermines everything we worked hard to achieve for all those years but also takes the spotlight off the millions of victims who are speaking up and being heard loud and clear around the world.

While we were not aware of Kaya’s experiences that allegedly took place during her short time working with us, before the group signed a recording contract, we can firmly testify that we were not privy to any misconduct taking place around us.

If Kaya experienced something we are unaware of then we fully encourage her to get the help she needs and are here to support her.

Finally, in conclusion, The Nicole Scherzinger-led group says the following:

Since its inception, The Pussycat Dolls and founder Robin Antin have supported and empowered women from all walks of life to flourish in their careers.

Should any member or associate allude to any form of abuse or harassment whatsoever, it will be taken very seriously and investigated.

We truly wish Kaya the best and hope she gets the help she deserves.


Monday, October 16, 2017

Pussycat Dolls Founder Responds to That Whole "Prostitution" Thing

Now that Kaya Jones is done talking, Robin Antin would like to take the floor.

And set the record straight.

Late last week, Jones went off on a Twitter rant that railed against her time as a member of The Pussycat Dolls.

The artist used harsh language to describe an allegedly horrible situation, comparing the group to a “prostitution ring” and saying she was forced to “sleep with whoever they say.”

She said members of the band were “abused,” sometimes “hooked on drugs” and she compared her experience as a Pussycat Doll to “war.”

Turning her attention to Simone Battle, a singer in spin-off group G.R.L. who committed suicide three years ago, Jones wrote:

“I want the den mother from hell to confess why another 1 of her girl group girls committed suicide? Tell the public how you mentally broke us.”

Without stating her name, this was clearly a reference to Robin Antin, the choreographer who started The Pussycat Dolls.

And now Antin has fired back.

On Monday morning, Antin talked to The Blast and called the allegations, “disgusting, ridiculous lies.”

She addedthat that Jones, who was in the group from 2003-2005, is “clearly looking for her 15 minutes [of fame].”

As for why her name may not sound familiar to music fans? Antin said Jones was only ever a “trial” member. She was never an official Pussycat Doll.

This could also explain the response of Asia Nitollano.

That artist, who sang with The Pussycat Dolls in 2007, scoffed at Kaya’s remarks over the weekend as follows:

“Who is Kaya Jones? Lol She was not apart of The Pussycat Dolls the recording group so I do not know her…

“But judging from google she looks like she just wants her 15min of fame. (Side note… it says she’s a Trump supporter… but yet she’s Canadian, which means her vote doesn’t count!!!!

“Same with this comment about The Pussycat Dolls; she wasn’t in the group so her opinion doesn’t count!!!!”

What about Battle‘s suicide?

Antin told The Blast that bringing up this topic was “unfathomable and disrespectful to everyone who works towards suicide prevention and awareness,” writes the website.

And Antin says adds that mentioning a suicide in such a brazen way not only affects the family, but the millions of people that loved and cared for Simone.

She has a pretty strong point there, doesn’t she?

If Jones is going to claim Battle killed herself due to her experience in her singing group and all that included… well… she better have some pretty hard evidence to back up such an assertion.
