Showing posts with label Whole. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Whole. Show all posts

Friday, September 14, 2018

Kylie Jenner Claims She Was "Bullied" by the Whole World

A strange, haunting fan video has surfaced of Kylie Jenner discussing being a victim of bullying.

The 21-year-old near-billionaire did not make or share the video, but after a fan made it, both Kendall and Khloe took notice on social media.

The video is more than a little odd, but it has a powerful message and clearly had a profound impact on Kylie"s fans.

Kylie jenner gets deep

In a haunting voice that has been slowed down, Kylie"s voice talks to her followers about perception and bullying.

"Half of you guys think that I’m weird," Kylie says. "And the other half think I’m funny."

"But," Kylie continues. "I’ve been bullied since I’ve been nine from the whole world, it feels like sometimes."

Most of Kylie"s siblings were adults when Keeping Up With The Kardashians began to air. Kylie was just a kid.

"And I think that I’ve done a really great job in handling all of this," Kylie boasts.

Kylie jenner while pregnant

"There are bullies everywhere," Kylie laments.

That is more or less true.

"So," Kylie says. "This is just a little Snapchat to tell whoever with their own bullies that the only opinion that really matters is yours."

So Kylie is encouraging her followers to be confident "and to never change."

That is good advice for anyone who faces bullying.

Kylie jenner rose hair

Before anyone can reply to Kylie"s words that her life is better than almost every other human"s, now and also throughout all of history, she cuts them off.

"This isn"t a pity party, though," Kylie insists. "Don"t get it twisted."

“This is for others with bullies out there to know that you’re not alone,” Kylie makes clear.

She then signs off of her Snapchat message, the audio of which is preserved in this fan video.

"Now, goodnight," Kylie says. "Spread love."

Kylie jenner white bathrobe

This video"s origins are ultimately unknown, but it has resurfaced due to a Kylie Jenner fan account on Instagram.

"Ok, this video is so beautiful," the KylieEdits fan account captioned the video.

"i think Kylie’s voice make this so emotional…" the captions continue.

The captions include an admission: "(I couldn’t find the creator)."

"Kendall liked and reposted," the captions updated. "Khloe liked."

Kylie jenner sneak peek silhouette

Kendall did repost the video on Twitter, with a red heart emoji to convey her emotional support for her sister.

People may rightly point out that the "bullying" that a celebrity may experience from cruel "fans" is bad, but cannot compare to the bullying that non-celebrities face on a daily basis.

No one should bully a child, even a famous one.

But a wealthy 9-year-old reality star is not going to have the same experience as a non-famous 9-year-old facing bullying at school or at home.

Kylie jenner glows in sunlight

That said, it"s clear that Kylie"s words on Snapchat had a powerful effect on her fans. One of them was so moved that they created this video.

Kylie"s young fans clearly took her words to heart and found comfort in her message.

Ultimately, that probably matters a whole lot more than a debate over whether or not Kylie"s experiences truly amount to "bullying."

Kylie is an influencer, and her messages of comfort mean so much to so many of her fans — even now that she"s a makeup mogul and a mom.

Kylie jenner claims she was bullied by the whole world

Friday, May 11, 2018

Amber Portwood: I Had BRUTAL Morning Sickness the Whole Pregnancy!

In the wee hours of Tuesday morning, Amber Portwood welcomed her baby boy.

Amber is happy that her son is born and that she’s given Leah a baby brother. But … she is also relieved.

Apparently, Amber’s pregnancy was harder on her than she ever let on. This sounds brutal.

A source tells People that Amber Portwood’s pregnancy complications were intensely rough on her.

“Amber spent almost her whole pregnant feeling sick.”

A little morning sickness — which involves, ugh, vomiting — is not uncommon early on during pregnancies. For some women, it’s the first indicator that they are pregnant.

“Not just the first trimester, and not just in the mornings.”

That sounds like a truly miserable existence.

“She was sick day and night.”

That is heartbreaking to hear.

“It was brutal.”

The good news, of course, is that Amber Portwood welcomed her son with Andrew Glennon.

“Baby James is here and Amber is over the moon”

He was born weighing 7 pounds and 11 ounces, which is above average but doesn’t make him a goliath by any measure.

We knew that he was born early on Tuesday, but the insider confirms that he was born at 1:39 in the morning. That’s very, very early.

All of that suffering must have felt worth it when she looked at his tiny little face, right?

Apparently, the extreme sickness did not come as a surprise — because she had gone through the same thing with Leah.

“It was the same problem she had in her first pregnancy, she was just sick all the time.”

Nine years is a long time, but not long enough to forget what it’s like to spend nine months being betrayed by your own body.

But, apparently, she felt that it would be worth it.

“In spite of all that she was just so happy to be starting over with a guy like Andrew.”

That’s nice to hear, since fans have heard how messy Amber and Andrew’s relationship is.

“And now that the baby is here, they are over the moon.”

Okay, that insider needs to find some new idioms. (But we’re all guilty of that from time to time)

This wasn’t actually a huge surprise to Amber’s fans.

While she didn’t tell fans exactly how bad it was, she certainly let people know that her pregnancy was not all smooth sailing.

When Amber went into early labor, she was unable to sleep, and she shared with her fans that she was having a hard time.

But that was last weekend, just two days before she gave birth.

it is absolutely horrifying to imagine that she was sick at all hours of the day.

Even if that insider is exaggerating … many people are amazed that she decided to have another baby at all, given what she was in for.

The first photos of sweet baby James that we’ve seen are so cute.

And Amber seems so at peace, too.

We also love seeing 9-year-old Leah cradling her baby brother.

That’s a hell of an age difference. In a lot of households, this would lead to Leah being yet another primary caregiver for her little sibling.

But we’re sure that Leah and baby James will have plenty of time to bond with each other and forge a beautiful sibling relationship.

We are so sorry to hear that Amber had such a hard time bringing him into this world, however. But at least that ordeal is in the past.


Thursday, May 10, 2018

Jenelle Evans: If I Go Down, I"m Bringing the Whole Cast With Me!

Last week, the world learned that Jenelle Evans threatened a man with a gun following a road rage incident that very nearly ended in tragedy.

Not surprisingly, the news resulted in demands that Teen Mom 2 producers fire Jenelle from the show that made her famous.

It’s a move that fans and castmates have been calling for for years.

Jenelle’s instability might make her good for ratings, but her bigotry, affinity for violence, and tendency toward abusive behavior make her an affront to human decency.

Already, Jenelle’s husband, David Eason, has been fired from Teen Mom 2 as a result of a bizarre homophobic tirade he posted on social media.

MTV might claim otherwise, but that decision appears to have been largely the result of pressure from people like Jeremy Calvert, who has not been shy about expressing his belief that Jenelle is bad for the show and bad for the network.

One might think that at this point, Evans would be doing her best to appease her bosses and co-workers.

But that would be the rational person’s course of action, so naturally, Jenelle is doing the exact opposite and antagonizing the very people who have the power to end her career.

Jenelle is taking her latest stand by threatening to boycott filming for the Teen Mom 2 reunion show, which is scheduled to take place in New York City on May 19.

A source tells Radar Online that Jenelle sees refusing to film (a tactic she employs often) as the most effective of way of making her producers and co-stars pay for what she considers insufferable mistreatment:

“She is ready for the confrontations but is really dreading all of them ganging up on her,” says one insider.

“Jenelle wants nothing to do with all of them,” the source continues.

“She is so tired of the girls and their guys and even their parents being mean to her, and she is not afraid to call them all out, but she doesn’t want to go to the reunion alone.”

Yes, it seems Jenelle is refusing to show up to the reunion unless David is allowed to join her.

But considering multiple Moms have stated that that don’t feel comfortable working with David after a bizarre incident in which he drunkenly stabbed some balloons with a knife at a cast party, you can be sure that producers won’t budge on that issue.

“Jenelle loves David. She supports him. She wants him to be at the reunion, but MTV has said absolutely not, no way,” says the source.

“She is trying to do everything she can to change their minds. She’s threatening not to show up, but she has to,” the insider continues.

Yes, it seems Jenelle is under the impression that she’s still in a position to take a stand on such issues.

Her inability to read the writing on the wall is almost impressive.

In the end, you can expect this conflict to play out exactly like every other clash between Jenelle and producers – she’ll stand her ground until she realizes that they’re serious about taking away her sole source of income, and then she’ll fold like a cheap suit.

Watch Teen Mom 2 online to remind yourself of just how many times Jenelle has been down this road.


Friday, April 6, 2018

Wale Parties With The Whole Damn WWE In New Orleans

Note: Being a huge rapper is an amazing thing. Just ask rap superstar Wale, who’s a gigantic WWE fan — and proved it by partying with the whole damn organization down in New Orleans Thursday night. Of course, it’s Wrestlemania weekend — and Wale…


Wale Parties With The Whole Damn WWE In New Orleans

Note: Being a huge rapper is an amazing thing. Just ask rap superstar Wale, who’s a gigantic WWE fan — and proved it by partying with the whole damn organization down in New Orleans Thursday night. Of course, it’s Wrestlemania weekend — and Wale…


Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Rob Gronkowski 911 Call: "My Whole House Got Robbed"

TMZ Sports obtained the 911 call Rob Gronkowski PERSONALLY made to police when he realized his Boston area house was burglarized while he was at the Super Bowl. During the call, placed Monday evening when Gronk came back from Minnesota, the…


Thursday, January 4, 2018

Stephen Jackson: "I Smoked My Whole Career," Legalize Weed in the NBA

Want proof the NBA should legalize weed? Stephen Jackson says he toked up his ENTIRE CAREER and still balled like a boss — so when it comes to pulling pot off the league’s banned substance list, he’s all for it. “I think they should take it off,…


Saturday, December 23, 2017

Ariana Grande Gives Cabin Fever Whole New Meaning for the Holidays

Ariana Grande’s great escape for the holidays brought her to a tiny town where grand luxury definitely wasn’t spared. Billboard’s Female Artist of the Year and her fam bam hit up Mountain Village, Colorado (population: under 1,500) where she stayed…


Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Blac Chyna Sues the Whole Kardashian Family for Torpedoing Reality Show

Blac Chyna is now suing the entire Kardashian family saying they were responsible for putting the kibosh on her reality show with Rob, costing her a fortune — but E! sources are saying that’s BS, and there are emails that prove it. Chyna claims the…


Monday, October 16, 2017

Pussycat Dolls Founder Responds to That Whole "Prostitution" Thing

Now that Kaya Jones is done talking, Robin Antin would like to take the floor.

And set the record straight.

Late last week, Jones went off on a Twitter rant that railed against her time as a member of The Pussycat Dolls.

The artist used harsh language to describe an allegedly horrible situation, comparing the group to a “prostitution ring” and saying she was forced to “sleep with whoever they say.”

She said members of the band were “abused,” sometimes “hooked on drugs” and she compared her experience as a Pussycat Doll to “war.”

Turning her attention to Simone Battle, a singer in spin-off group G.R.L. who committed suicide three years ago, Jones wrote:

“I want the den mother from hell to confess why another 1 of her girl group girls committed suicide? Tell the public how you mentally broke us.”

Without stating her name, this was clearly a reference to Robin Antin, the choreographer who started The Pussycat Dolls.

And now Antin has fired back.

On Monday morning, Antin talked to The Blast and called the allegations, “disgusting, ridiculous lies.”

She addedthat that Jones, who was in the group from 2003-2005, is “clearly looking for her 15 minutes [of fame].”

As for why her name may not sound familiar to music fans? Antin said Jones was only ever a “trial” member. She was never an official Pussycat Doll.

This could also explain the response of Asia Nitollano.

That artist, who sang with The Pussycat Dolls in 2007, scoffed at Kaya’s remarks over the weekend as follows:

“Who is Kaya Jones? Lol She was not apart of The Pussycat Dolls the recording group so I do not know her…

“But judging from google she looks like she just wants her 15min of fame. (Side note… it says she’s a Trump supporter… but yet she’s Canadian, which means her vote doesn’t count!!!!

“Same with this comment about The Pussycat Dolls; she wasn’t in the group so her opinion doesn’t count!!!!”

What about Battle‘s suicide?

Antin told The Blast that bringing up this topic was “unfathomable and disrespectful to everyone who works towards suicide prevention and awareness,” writes the website.

And Antin says adds that mentioning a suicide in such a brazen way not only affects the family, but the millions of people that loved and cared for Simone.

She has a pretty strong point there, doesn’t she?

If Jones is going to claim Battle killed herself due to her experience in her singing group and all that included… well… she better have some pretty hard evidence to back up such an assertion.


Monday, September 4, 2017

Whole Foods Sued: "Your Chicken Ate Rocks and Broke My Teeth"

Whole Foods says eat real food … but one man’s now ruffling feathers with a lawsuit, claiming the grocery store sold him chicken with rocks. Dr. Albert Liu is suing Whole Foods, saying he ordered ready-to-eat Organic Naked Rotisserie Chicken…


Thursday, August 10, 2017

Peter Kraus: Was Rachel Lindsay Just Playing Me the Whole Time?

The Bachelorette‘s big finale was brutal and intense.

Watching Rachel make her final choice was like watching someone order mushrooms and sardines as their pizza toppings when there’s perfectly good barbecue chicken and bacon as an option.

Well, while Peter Kraus decides if he wants to be the Bachelor while nursing a wounded heart, he’s reportedly also wondering if Rachel was just stringing him along all season.

HollywoodLife reports that a Bachelor Nation insider says that Peter Kraus thinks he may have been played by Rachel Lindsay.

Understandably, like most viewers, he’s grappling to understand what happened in the finale.

“His feelings for Rachel were very real and they ran deep.”

That much was clear, well before he broke down sobbing after Rachel ended their relationship.

“Having it end so abruptly with no real closure has been a huge kick in the heart. When it first happened he couldn’t talk about it without getting tears in his eyes.”


But while time may not quite heal all wounds, time and distance can help you recover from an emotional loss.

(And time Peter spent cuddling with his dog, Daisy)

“But now he’s at a point where he’s questioning if Rachel was ever even sincere with him, he feels like he got played.”

That’s an understandable thing to wonder.

“Peter was devastated by Rachel’s decision, he wasn’t expecting it at all.”

Neither were a lot of viewers.

While we warned everyone in The Bachelorette Spoilers that Peter wouldn’t be Rachel’s final choice, some people like to go into these things blind.

But going in blind — as, of course, Peter did — leads to getting blindsided.

“Right now he’s doing damage control and trying his best to cover up how badly this hurt him but the pain is still there.”

Oh that is so sad. Though you can kind of tell that when he’s interviewed, you know?

“He was so shocked by her decision, he thinks she made a huge mistake but he doesn’t want to seem bitter so he’s trying to keep those thoughts to himself, at least publicly.”

Well, whoever is revealing this isn’t doing him any favors then.

(Or are they? None of this is changing our opinion of Peter)

We suddenly find ourselves wondering if Rachel Lindsay, after realizing that Bryan Abasolo was (inexplicably) the guy for her, strung Peter along like she did with greater purpose.

Not for drama on the show or because she wanted to keep her options open with the Hunky Wisconsin native.

What if Rachel saw that Peter was absolutely perfect to be the next Bachelor, so she strung him along and left him devastated like that on television — almost making herself a villain in the process — setting him up perfectly in terms of storyline (mending his broken heart) and viewer sympathy.

He was a strong contender for The Bachelor before, but after that finale, it’s hard to imagine them announcing someone else without outrage.

(Even precious sweetheart fan favorite Dean Unglert, though we remind you that Dean himself wants Peter to be the next Bachelor)

That way, Rachel gets her happily ever after (or happily however long that lasts) with Bryan Abasolo and she sets up a sweet, handsome guy perfectly for his next role.

Rachel did say that she doesn’t want Peter to be the Bachelor, but that could either be honest or part of that elaborate scheme.

But … enough conspiracy theories.

Whatever the case, whatever was going on in Rachel Lindsay’s mind, we don’t have a way of knowing the truth for certain.

But we can understand why Peter would be agonizing over this, wondering how anyone who felt a connection like he did with Rachel could say goodbye to that.

In interviews, though, Peter is being totally cool about it — and that’s how you know that he’s a perfect fit to be the next Bachelor.


Monday, July 17, 2017

Julianne Hough"s Tropical Honeymoon Is A Whole Lot To Stomach

This picture of Julianne Hough proves two things … her husband, Brooks Laich, is one helluva photographer — and she’s got some of the hardest abs in Hollywood. Truth is you don’t have to be a good photographer when you’re shooting Jules in…


Friday, March 3, 2017

21 Ridiculously Short Celebrity Marriages: Who Lasted 55 Whole Hours?

From 55 hours to just under a year or two, here are 21 of the shortest celebrity marriages in the history of Hollywood.

These were basically over before the ink was dry on the prenup.

1. Britney Spears and Kevin Federline

Kevin federline and britney spears photo

Britney Spears and Kevin Federline made it only two years. Which was by FAR the longer of her two marriages, but that’s not saying a whole lot.

2. Britney Spears and Jason Alexander

Britney spears and jason alexander

Britney Spears and Jason Alexander’s quickie wedding in Las Vegas lasted a mere 55 hours before it was annulled.

3. GG and Shalom

Gg and shalom

Shahs of Sunset stars GG and Shalom made it a whole five weeks in early 2017. Guess that’s what happens when you marry on a lark (and are clearly not on stable ground relationship-wise).

4. Kris Humphries and Kim Kardashian

Kris humphries and kim kardashian

A mere 72 days after saying “I do,” Kris Humphries and Kim Kardashian said “I don’t anymore.” Their divorce took 581 DAYS!

5. Jeremy Renner, Sonni Pacheco

Jeremy renner sonni pacheco

Jeremy Renner and Sonni Pacheco made it a whole 10 months. That’s almost a year!

6. Jennifer Esposito and Bradley Cooper

Jennifer esposito and bradley cooper

Jennifer Esposito was married to Bradley Cooper for 4 months before she filed for divorce declaring the marriage “wasn’t right.”

View Slideshow

Shahs of Sunset Stars GG, Shalom to Divorce After a Whole Month of Marriage

Golnesa “GG” Gharachedaghi’s shocking (sort of) announcement that she wants to end her marriage after a month has rattled her co-stars.

The Shahs of Sunset star appeared to announce that she’s peacing out of holy matrimony with this parting shot on Instagram Thursday:

“Truth is,” she wrote in her caption, “a lot of people will attempt to break us in life… but it’s up to you to decide who’s worth the pain.”

Truer words have never been spoken.

It would appear that Shalom, to whom GG got engaged in Times Square and wed on January 25, was not worth it in the end in her mind.

Lest you think we’re reading into this too much, the reality star’s rep, Steve Honig, confirmed the split in a statement to E! News.

Honig said Thursday that “during the past few weeks, certain facts have come to GG’s attention” that changed her outlook 180 degrees.

These are revelations “that have made her realize her marriage can no longer continue, and, in fact, should never have happened.”

Shalom has not commented as of press time.

Her co-stars, however, are speaking out.

“I feel for both of them,” Shahs of Sunset star Mike Shouhed told E! News exclusively. “My enormous regards go out to both.”

“I hope they find peace. I love them both.”

“They seemed so happy together,” Mike added, saying that despite red flags, he didn’t see it coming. “This is a shock to me.”

“It’s been a new relationship with a lot of ups and downs,” another cast member, MJ Javid, added, and MJ is totally Team GG.

“You’re going to see me question his sincerity.”

“And I think GG just really wanted to be with someone. It definitely happened way too fast. That said I wish them the best,” he said.

“Hopefully, everything will work out.”

GG’s breakup news was just as surprising as GG’s marriage, which took place in January but she just announced on Valentine’s Da.

In an Instagram post, she confirmed that she and Shalom had tied the knot on the spur of the moment, a month after they got engaged.

“We clearly weren’t dressed for it and I couldn’t stop laughing from shock,” she said at the time. But f–k it…we’re not like ordinary people.”

That is certainly the case.

Here’s wishing them the best as they pick up the pieces from this relationship, and hoping this serves as a cautionary tale to others.


Thursday, January 19, 2017

Donald Trump and the WHOLE Brood Arrive in D.C. (VIDEO)

Donald Trump and First Lady-to-be Melania have touched down in their new home, and they made quite the arrival. The Prez-elect and his whole family — all of his kids, their spouses, his grandkids — plus various aides just walked off a military…


Donald Trump and the WHOLE Brood Arrive in D.C. (VIDEO)

Donald Trump and First Lady-to-be Melania have touched down in their new home, and they made quite the arrival. The Prez-elect and his whole family — all of his kids, their spouses, his grandkids — plus various aides just walked off a military…


Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Wu-Tang Clan -- U-God Sues RZA and the Whole Damn Clan for $2.5 Million!

OG Wu-Tang Clan member U-God wants his group to know HE ain’t nothing to f*** with in court — he says the Wu’s been screwing him out of revenue for years, so now he’s gotta sue. In the docs filed in NYC, U-God says he’s contributed to about 170…


Monday, November 14, 2016

Mike Ditka -- Don"t Blame Jay Cutler ... The Whole Team Stunk! (VIDEO)

The Bears looked downright terrible on Sunday — but don’t peg the loss solely on Jay Cutler … EVERYONE in a Chicago uniform stunk … so says Mike Ditka.   The Chicago Bears legend wasn’t exactly a staunch defender of the QB when we spoke…


Thursday, November 10, 2016

Donald Trump & Barack Obama Meeting -- About That Whole Birther Thing ... (LIVE STREAM)

President-elect Trump is meeting with President Obama right now in the Oval Office … talking about the transition, and, no doubt, hashing out some of their awkward history. Trump was all about the birther movement against Obama –…
