Showing posts with label Playing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Playing. Show all posts

Thursday, January 10, 2019

Friday, October 12, 2018

Prince Estate Demands Donald Trump to Stop Playing "Purple Rain" at Rallies

Prince’s estate is sick of President Trump playing The Purple One’s music at his rallies and is demanding he stop STAT. The late singer’s half-brother, Omarr Baker, just said on behalf of the estate … “The Prince Estate has never given…


Sunday, October 7, 2018

Jessie James Decker Cool With Her Kids Playing Football, Dad Will Teach "Em!!

Brett Favre wouldn’t allow it … neither would Barack Obama, LeBron James and Adrian Peterson — but Eric Decker WILL let his kids play football when they grow up — so says his famous wife. We got Jessie James Decker out in NYC this week…


Friday, October 5, 2018

Matt Damon Chooses UFC 229 Over Playing Kavanaugh on "SNL"

Every so often a man finds himself at a crossroads, where the choice he makes will forever alter the course of his life. Or, in Matt Damon’s case — he has 2 awesome choices and really can’t lose. Here’s the deal — Damon’s a huge UFC fan and, on…


Friday, September 28, 2018

Malia Obama Makes Music Video Debut Dancing, Playing Harmonica

Malia Obama made her onscreen debut in a music video … which is very Harvard-centric. Malia dances and plays the harmonica in the video, “Walking on Air.” The band — New Dakotas — is comprised of 4 members, all of whom attend Harvard.  She…


Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Actress Playing Young "Dora the Explorer" Making Nearly $9,000 for Role

A young actress playing a young version of “Dora the Explorer” could make less than $ 10,000 for her role in the upcoming live-action movie — the question now … is the studio swiping her of due dough?  According to Madelyn Miranda’s…


Thursday, August 30, 2018

Martellus Bennett Wrecks Dudes Playing Quidditch

Imagine a 6’6″, 275-pound Super Bowl champ running around on a broomstick.  Thanks to Martellus Bennett, we now know exactly what that looks like … and it’s all in the name of QUIDDITCH!!! The ex-NFL star teamed up with the Los Angeles…


Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Kobe Bryant is 100% NOT Playing In BIG3, Rep Says

Kobe Bryant playing in the BIG3 next year is “100% not happening” … so says the woman who runs Kobe’s company.  Rumors started swirling Tuesday when BIG3 co-founder Jeff Kwatinetz told reporters on a conference call that he heard from a…


Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Farrah Abraham: I"m Playing a Cop! In a REAL Movie!!

Farrah"s in a movie! It might not be that movie JJ Abrams is making about Farrah"s life. But we"re sure he"ll get started right away after he sees … this.

In the video that we"ve included, Farrah shows off her police uniform.

See, she"s landed a movie role.

Farrah abraham police photo

"Well the tables have turned," Farrah jokes in her caption beside a photo that shows her in a police officer"s uniform.

Farrah is referring to her court case over an alleged assault on a hotel employee. Farrah pleaded not guilty just days ago.

Farrah then bosts that: "The Irony in my life is better then watching "COPS.""

We"re not going to delve into the definitions of different types of irony. We"ll just let that one go.

(We"re also, even more reluctantly, leaving unchallenged the suggestion that COPS is somehow a paragon of entertainment)

Farrah is going to appear in I Got The Hook-Up 2. She plays a police officer.

Farrah abraham i got the hookup 2 caption

"Watch Full video now on my #youtube channel! Vlog," Farrah invites her followers.

See our attached video if you want to witness Farrah"s totally professional nonstop livestreaming from the set.

"On set behind the scenes," Farrah teases. "#IGOTTHEHOOKUP2 coming soon!"

The first film, whose stars included Master P and Ice Cube, came out a few years ago.

"Love @masterp & all of production @ko_creative," Farrah concludes. "ON SET SCRIPTED VLOG FARRAH ABRAHAM "I GOT THE HOOK UP 2"

Farrahb abraham photoshop fail

Back in July, Farrah"s talent agency (ugh, can imagine what kind of torment it must be to do that?) praised her.

They described her casting accomplishment as "booking a leading role in a SAG film."

Well … it sure is a SAG film. It doesn"t look like she"s playing the main character, however.

"In this next scene, I gotta admit I thought I was playing the lead principal role, and then I woke up this morning," Farrah says at one point in the video.

Oh Farrah.

Farrah abraham weight loss lollipop

After overcoming her distraction, Farrah resumes her story.

"Messed up," Farrah tells the camera as she continues to livestream nonstop from the set.

"So basically I did a whole acting coach and memorized the whole thing," Farrah reveals.

So she learned her script. Like actors are supposed to.

"And now," Farrah continues. "Totally different role."

Farrah abraham poses in intimate wear

Farrah isn"t blaming Master P for this hate crime worthy of Viacom.

"That was like an executive over like the company," Farrah says, explaining whose call it was to make her play a police officer rather than the lead.

Farrah seems uncharacteristically chill about getting demoted.

Maybe she"s just very, very excited to be appearing in a movie that does not involve things going into her orifices.

Maybe she"s just excited to be appearing in something that has an actual script.

Compared to charging fans $ 10 to touch her, this does seem like a step up for Farrah"s recent career.

And honestly? She should be excited.

Plenty of actual, non-terrible actresses get their start in minor roles in a random sequel films.

And the first I Got The Hook-Up made more than 8 times its budget at the box office.

Farrah abraham im playing a cop in a real movie

Monday, August 6, 2018

Odell Beckham "Definitely" Open To Playing For Browns, Says Jarvis Landry

Odell Beckham’s best NFL buddy, Jarvis Landry, says the two have ALREADY HAD TALKS about OBJ possibly joining the Browns … telling reporters, Odell’s “definitely” open to it. Remember … Odell is currently in a contract feud with the NY Giants…


Sunday, July 15, 2018

Kevin "Baby Slice" Ferguson Stoked About "Black Panther" Star Playing Kimbo

Kevin “Baby Slice” Ferguson says “Black Panther” star Winston Duke playing his legendary dad Kimbo is knockout casting … telling TMZ Sports Duke has already proved he can play the role. Duke played M’Batu in “Black Panther” and a lot people who…


Thursday, July 12, 2018

Younes Bendjima: Tired of Playing Boy-Toy for Kourtney Kardashian!

Younes Bendjima may enjoy hot cougar sex with Kourtney Kardashian, but the boy-toy turned boyfriend is apparently growing a little restless under the famous MILF.

Under her shadow, we mean.

A report says that Younes is trying to make a name for himself on his own terms — without Kourtney.

A source tells RadarOnline that Younes Bendjima is eager to prove himself as a model without just riding her coattails.

“Younes was modeling before he met Kourtney,” the insider mentions.

That is absolutely true. Like her ex, Scott Disick, Kourtney seems to have a thing for young, hot models. In her case, just one in particular.

The source absolutely acknowledges: “and being her boyfriend has definitely given him a bigger star status.”

Younes is well aware of that.

But it sounds like it’s not quite enough for him.

“He’s had a lot of offers rolling in because of that,” the insider states.

That’s no surprise. He’s practically a household name — at least, in homes where people are familiar with the intricate workings of the Kardashian clan.

Younes sees these offers, the source says, “and wants to use this time to turn his dream of becoming a male supermodel into reality.”

This time, we take it, refers to his youth. Modeling is not one of those careers that gets easier over time.

He’s not going to be a hot young thing forever, unfortunately. He wants to have his romance while also getting serious about his career.

Sadly, it sounds like Kourtney is less than enthusiastic about this.

“Kourtney would rather he focused on being with her,” the insider reports.

On the one hand, that sounds selfish. No one should be asked to choose between love and their career.

On the other hand, you can imagine how Kourtney might feel. She gave years to Scott, only for him to move on to younger pastures. She can’t want history to repeat itself.

Besides, Kourtney is said to feel like Younes already has enough of a boost.

The source says: “She thinks he should be grateful to her for all the attention and Instagram followers he’s getting.”

But it sounds like the boy-toy game, even though their romance is real, has gotten old.

“Younes has made it clear that he’s tired of being Kourtney’s glorified escort,” the insider reveals.

He must feel like a prized show dog at times, with Kourtney flaunting him and his hot body on social media.

Younes is ready for change, the source says, “and he wants to focus on turning himself into a huge star.”

She’s a Kardashian. She — and especially a few of her sisters and definitely her mom — could make Younes’ career dreams happen.

Younes doesn’t sound like he’ll be easily deterred in his pursuit of his supermodeling dreams.

The insider says that he’s going to try to launch his career to the next level — and he’ll do it “no matter what she thinks.”

But hopefully he’ll do it with her blessing — and the full support of her, her brand, and her very influential family.

As for Kourtney’s worries … well, she has no need to be insecure.

Maxim may think that Sofia Richie is hotter than Kourtney, but Younes has to know her value — and hotness — better than just about anyone.


Thursday, June 14, 2018

Eagles Guitarist Joe Walsh Scoffs at Idea of Playing in North Korea

Joe Walsh was almost disgusted at the suggestion the Eagles might ever do a show in North Korea. He’s adamant — it’s NOT a lovely place … thanks to Kim Jong-un. We got the legendary guitarist leaving Craig’s Wednesday night in WeHo,…


Eagles Guitarist Joe Walsh Scoffs at Idea of Playing in North Korea

Joe Walsh was almost disgusted at the suggestion the Eagles might ever do a show in North Korea. He’s adamant — it’s NOT a lovely place … thanks to Kim Jong-un. We got the legendary guitarist leaving Craig’s Wednesday night in WeHo,…


Monday, June 11, 2018

LeBron James Says Playing With Son Would Be Top NBA Achievement

Not one, not two, not three … not even a bunch more championships would make LeBron James as happy as playing with his son in the NBA — so says the King himself. James’ company, UNINTERRUPTED, released some behind-the-scenes footage from the…


Thursday, May 24, 2018

Amy Roloff: Fans Accuse Her of Selfishness, "Playing the Victim"

On Tuesday night’s episode, Matt Roloff slammed Amy as “insecure” and strongly implied that she was dumb and lacked sense, both common and business.

As you can imagine, fans were quick to … condemn Amy Roloff.

Why? Well, she made a post on social media about spring cleaning, and they’re slamming her as being “selfish” and “playing the victim.” Oh boy …

Sharing a couple of photos of her in-progress work around the house, Amy writes:

“And the ‘purge’ starts up again- one room at a time. Laundry and extra pantry area.”

Though The Purge is a horror film franchise that examines America’s gun culture and its intersection with far-right nationalism, economic disparity, and conservative Christianity, Amy is simply referring to doing a little spring cleaning.

“It’s going to feel good. It’s hard to let go of some things though but in the long run it’s a good thing.”

Some people collect lots of objects until they are overwhelmed.

Amy reminds her fans and followers that unhealthy attachments can be detrimental.

“Isn’t that kind of like life- hanging on to stuff and people when it’s time to let go or the other way around.”

it sure is.

She continues, again ostensibly talking about miscellaneous household items that she has accumulated.

She then points out that sometimes we discard things that we should keep.

“Letting go when we need to hang on.”

True enough.

“Food for thought – what are we or not hanging onto?”

That’s basically a question intended for her followers to consider for their own lives.

Then, of course, Amy plugs her products.

“I think I’ll have some of Amy Roloff’s Little Kitchen Berry bread and share some of the delicious cookies after this hard work.”

She even includes a link.

“Visit and get some for Memorial day weekend.”

Fans immediately began to comment.

“Are you spring cleaning or moving?”

Initially, comments were friendly in nature.

“Moving? Hope not, but food for thought!”

Other comments clearly did not come from fans of Amy.

“Your selfishness comes out more and more every week! Caryn should own the farm!”

That’s quite a claim.

“Amy has always been rude and just plain mean and nasty to Matt. Grow up and move on from your jealousy towards Caryn. Matt deserves to be as happy as you are.”

Some of the commenters were filled with rage … and accusations.

“Awlays loved [Little People, Big World] but dude your bitterness & anger is ruining the show. You sound so cruel whenever you try and paint Matt in a bad light.”

That comment continues:

“(And I can’t believe you were jealous of Caryn holding Jackson. Omg most grandmas would be happy their grandchildren have so much love around them)”

We would question if this commenter has ever met a human being with emotions before.

“The jealousy makes you ugly. Whenever Matt has an issue with [you] he at least says it in a gentle way. Stop playing the victim all the time and get therapy and some meds please!!”

This is a great example of a person who determines who the bad person in a conversation is by their tone of voice rather than by the substance of their words or actions.

Comments devolved into a heated argument among Instagram users, with plenty of Amy-bashing.

“I am sorry but Amy is very defensive…has been from the beginning…and always ragging on Matt. Matt’s disability’s are way more of a challenge than what Amy deals with.”

“(she needs a step stool big deal)”

Wow, there’s nothing like marginalizing someone’s disability to make your argument stronger! (Disability, folks, is not a contest)

“I certainly feel sad for both of them if they were treated badly for being little people…that is so unacceptable and certainly not a minor thing to experience if that did happen..”

If it did happen?

The narrative, in which Amy is perceived to be a whiner and Matt seems to be some sort of martyr, continues.

“But the things Matt has accomplished, in spite of his physical struggles and numerous surgeries, are truly an indication of what an amazing man he is.”

This commenter thinks that Matt’s rude behavior towards Amy deserves to be forgiven.

“I give him a lot of credit and cut him a little slack for being so driven and focused…I am sure that is how he has had to navigate through life to get things done that some may have thought he wouldn’t be able to do.”

And they don’t think that Amy treats him well.

“He persevered and showed them he can do more than most. If he was my husband, my dad, my son I would be so proud and would praise him on a regular basis and I certainly wouldn’t belittle him on National tv.”

This, folks, is the terrible burden of being a reality star. And, perhaps, of being a woman.


Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Dr. Oz Says Kanye West"s Playing a Dangerous Game with Medications

Dr. Oz sees a huge red flag when it comes to Kanye West and prescription meds … and believes he’s playing a very dangerous game. Oz was in NYC Wednesday morning when he reacted to Kanye revealing he got hooked on opioids after having liposuction.…


Monday, April 23, 2018

Cameron Jordan on Kaepernick: "There"s Less Talented QBs Playing"

When it comes to Colin Kaepernick, New Orleans Saints star Cameron Jordan says one thing’s for sure — “There’s quarterbacks less talented playing [in the NFL].” Jordan knows a little something on the topic … he’s made the Pro Bowl 3 times making…


Sunday, April 22, 2018

Nev Schulman"s "Catfish" Playing Out In New Tyler Perry Film

Nev Schulman’s life is already becoming a movie thanks to Tyler Perry, who’s putting Nev and his entire ‘Catfish’ crew in his next flick alongside Tiffany Haddish. We got Nev at LAX on his way back from filming in Atlanta, where he told us he…
