Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Farrah Abraham: I"m Playing a Cop! In a REAL Movie!!

Farrah"s in a movie! It might not be that movie JJ Abrams is making about Farrah"s life. But we"re sure he"ll get started right away after he sees … this.

In the video that we"ve included, Farrah shows off her police uniform.

See, she"s landed a movie role.

Farrah abraham police photo

"Well the tables have turned," Farrah jokes in her caption beside a photo that shows her in a police officer"s uniform.

Farrah is referring to her court case over an alleged assault on a hotel employee. Farrah pleaded not guilty just days ago.

Farrah then bosts that: "The Irony in my life is better then watching "COPS.""

We"re not going to delve into the definitions of different types of irony. We"ll just let that one go.

(We"re also, even more reluctantly, leaving unchallenged the suggestion that COPS is somehow a paragon of entertainment)

Farrah is going to appear in I Got The Hook-Up 2. She plays a police officer.

Farrah abraham i got the hookup 2 caption

"Watch Full video now on my #youtube channel! Vlog," Farrah invites her followers.

See our attached video if you want to witness Farrah"s totally professional nonstop livestreaming from the set.

"On set behind the scenes," Farrah teases. "#IGOTTHEHOOKUP2 coming soon!"

The first film, whose stars included Master P and Ice Cube, came out a few years ago.

"Love @masterp & all of production @ko_creative," Farrah concludes. "ON SET SCRIPTED VLOG FARRAH ABRAHAM "I GOT THE HOOK UP 2"

Farrahb abraham photoshop fail

Back in July, Farrah"s talent agency (ugh, can imagine what kind of torment it must be to do that?) praised her.

They described her casting accomplishment as "booking a leading role in a SAG film."

Well … it sure is a SAG film. It doesn"t look like she"s playing the main character, however.

"In this next scene, I gotta admit I thought I was playing the lead principal role, and then I woke up this morning," Farrah says at one point in the video.

Oh Farrah.

Farrah abraham weight loss lollipop

After overcoming her distraction, Farrah resumes her story.

"Messed up," Farrah tells the camera as she continues to livestream nonstop from the set.

"So basically I did a whole acting coach and memorized the whole thing," Farrah reveals.

So she learned her script. Like actors are supposed to.

"And now," Farrah continues. "Totally different role."

Farrah abraham poses in intimate wear

Farrah isn"t blaming Master P for this hate crime worthy of Viacom.

"That was like an executive over like the company," Farrah says, explaining whose call it was to make her play a police officer rather than the lead.

Farrah seems uncharacteristically chill about getting demoted.

Maybe she"s just very, very excited to be appearing in a movie that does not involve things going into her orifices.

Maybe she"s just excited to be appearing in something that has an actual script.

Compared to charging fans $ 10 to touch her, this does seem like a step up for Farrah"s recent career.

And honestly? She should be excited.

Plenty of actual, non-terrible actresses get their start in minor roles in a random sequel films.

And the first I Got The Hook-Up made more than 8 times its budget at the box office.

Farrah abraham im playing a cop in a real movie