Showing posts with label Kavanaugh. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kavanaugh. Show all posts

Friday, October 19, 2018

Man Arrested for Threatening to Kill Two U.S. Senators Who Supported Brett Kavanaugh

Police arrested a Long Island man they say was threatening to kill two U.S. Senators who voted to confirm Brett Kavanaugh to the U.S. Supreme Court. Ronald Derisi was charged with threatening to kill the 2 lawmakers. The complaint does not…


Sunday, October 7, 2018

Robert De Niro Cracks a Kavanaugh Joke After Supreme Court Confirmation

Robert De Niro got back into his political comedy shtick again this weekend, making a sorry joke about Brett Kavanaugh hours after he was confirmed to the Supreme Court. De Niro was receiving the Brass Ring Award Saturday evening at…


Saturday, October 6, 2018

Brett Kavanaugh Confirmed to the Supreme Court of the U.S.

There were no last minute surprises or curveballs — Brett Kavanaugh got the votes he needed to be confirmed to the Supreme Court of the United States … but just barely. President Trump’s pick to replace Justice Anthony Kennedy was confirmed by…


Friday, October 5, 2018

Matt Damon Chooses UFC 229 Over Playing Kavanaugh on "SNL"

Every so often a man finds himself at a crossroads, where the choice he makes will forever alter the course of his life. Or, in Matt Damon’s case — he has 2 awesome choices and really can’t lose. Here’s the deal — Damon’s a huge UFC fan and, on…


Brett Kavanaugh Says He"ll Be an Impartial Judge Despite Getting Emotional Last Week

Brett Kavanaugh seems to be walking back his emotional outbursts at last week’s Senate hearing over the allegations made against him by Dr. Christine Ford … and he really wants you to believe he’ll be a fair Supreme Court Justice. President…


Marco Rubio Drowned Out by Protesters While Talking Brett Kavanaugh

Marco Rubio had a hard time getting his message out about Brett Kavanaugh while a mob of protesters gave him, and every other Senator, an earful. We got the Florida Senator at the Capitol Building Thursday where thousands of protesters…


Amy Schumer: Arrested for Protest of Brett Kavanaugh

Amy Schumer did a lot more than just talk the talk in Washington, D.C. on Thursday.

Or yell the yell, as the case may have been.

The comedian, along with a handful of others, got detained and seemingly arrested while protesting the nomination of Brett Kavanaugh for one of nine seats on the U.S. Supreme Court.

In a video that is making its way around the Internet, the 37-year-old is being led by a police officer toward a large group of protestors that were also being held while at the Hart Senate Office Building on Thursday.

“You want to be arrested?” a cops asks Schumer and another woman as he points in the direction of a bigger group that is chanting with officers surrounding them.

“Yes,” she replied.

As you can see below, Schumer was wearing a green button-down shirt that read “This Today then #ERA” while attending the political event.

Emily Ratajkowski was also arrested on Thursday, although we actually are not certain why just yet. Probably for disturbing the peace or trespassing.

The mass protests in the nation’s capital this week were in reaction to the FBI concluding its investigation, which was launched after Dr. Christine Blasey Ford testified last week about her sexual misconduct allegation against Kavanaugh.

Many familiar with the investigation believe it was severely limited in scope, as neither Kavanaugh nor Ford were interviewed by authorities.

Neither were many witnesses who tried to contact the FBI in order to support Kavanaugh’s version of events.

(She alleges that Kavanaugh held her down on a bed and tried to rape her during a small gathering in high school.)

at protest

Tweeted Ratajkowski shortly her arrest:

“Men who hurt women can no longer be placed in positions of power.”

It’s seeming more and more likely, however, that such a statement will not hold true in the case of Kavanaugh, who is expected to be confirmed to the highest court in the land this weekend.

Schumer also carried a sign that read throughout her protest that read “We Believe Anita Hill,” a reference to the woman who accused now-Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas of sexual harassment in 1991.

In a Twitter video shared by Young People For, Schumer can be seen giving a speech to those gathered in support of Kavanaugh and sexual assault victims everywhere.

“Let’s stay together, let’s fight. Let’s keep showing up!” the star said to people cheering.

Three women have come out and alleged that Kavanaugh acted in a very inappropriate manner with them, from Ford’s accusation of assault … to another woman claiming he pulled out his penis directly in front of her face… to another woman saying Kavanaugh was present while she was gang raped.

As mentioned above, the protests took place as senators are preparing to submit their votes on Kavanaugh’s confirmation to Supreme Court justice.

An initial vote of the Senate is scheduled for Friday, and a final vote will come over the weekend, according to USA Today and other reliable outlets.


Sunday, September 30, 2018

Matt Damon Killed as Brett Kavanaugh On "SNL"

Matt Damon went off the rails Saturday night, perfectly capturing Brett Kavanaugh for the cold open of Saturday Night Live’s Season 44 Premiere. The show spoofed the Supreme Court nominee at Thursday’s Senate Judiciary Committee hearing … and it…


Amanda Seyfried Says if Kavanaugh Gets Confirmed "We"re F**ked"

Amanda Seyfried was both pessimistic and surprised about the Kavanaugh hearings … on the one hand, saying “We’re f**ked” and on the other seeing a ray of hope. We got Amanda Friday after she landed at LAX, and had thrown in the towel and conceded…


Thursday, September 27, 2018

Live Stream of Senate Hearing, Brett Kavanaugh vs. Dr. Christine Ford

Brett Kavanaugh’s fate may well be determined in the next 8 hours, after the showdown in the Senate Judiciary Committee between the Supreme Court nominee and his accuser, Dr. Christine Blasey Ford.  The hearing kicked off at 10 AM ET and Ford…


Trump Says "False Charges" Against Him Make Him Doubt Kavanaugh Accusers

Donald Trump says he sees the allegations against Brett Kavanaugh differently from the rest of us because his fame has made him the target of many false allegations of sexual misconduct. The Prez held a rare solo news conference…


Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Julie Swetnick Accuses Brett Kavanaugh of Gang Rape

Julie Swetnick has become the third woman to go on record with an accusation of sexual assault against Supreme Court Justice nominee Brett Kavanaugh.

Unlike the first two, however, Swetnick is not alleging any attempt by Kavanaugh to force himself upon her.

She is alleging that the judge took part in a gang rape of her and other women.

In a sworn declaration, Swetnick – who is represented by the same lawyer who works for former Donald Trump fling, Stormy Daniels – Swetnick says she first met Kavanaugh and his friend, Mark Judge, at a house party in 1980 or 1981.

She says the pals were “joined at the hip” and and that she observed the pair “engage in highly inappropriate conduct” while drunk over the years.

This included “being overly aggressive with girls and not taking “No” for an answer.

Kavanaugh has been nominated for the Supreme Court by President Donald Trump and has already been accused of:

– Holding down a woman named Christine Blasey Ford and trying to rape her during a party in high school.

– Pulling out his penis in front of a woman named Deborah Ramirez during his freshman year of college and making her touch it against her will.

Kavanaugh has denied both of these allegations and is due to testify in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee on Thursday morning in response to Ford’s claim.


Swetnick goes on to label Kavanaugh’s personal claims of “[innocent]” behavior in high school (during a recent Fox News interview) as “absolutely false and a lie.”

She then gets into grisly detail regarding why she says this and how she knows it.

During the years 1981-1982, Swetnick says she “became aware of efforts” by Kavanaugh and Judge to “spike the punch” at house parties. The goal, she says, was to “cause girls to lose their inhibitions.”

“I also witnessed efforts by Mark Judge, Brett Kavanaugh and others to cause girls to become inebriated and disoriented so they could be “gang raped” in a side room or bedroom by a “train of numerous boys.”

She writes that she has a “firm recollection” of Judge and Kavanaugh being among the males waiting outside of a bedroom in order to take their turn in this horrible act.


Swetnick then writes that she was a victim of one of these gang rapes.

And that Judge and Kavanaugh were “present” for it.

“During the incident, I was incapacitated without my consent and unable to fight off the boys raping me. I believe I was drugged,” Swetnick says.

She adds that other witnesses are out there who can “attest to the truthfulness of each statement” she has made — and that she declares, under the penalty of perjury, that this is all “true and correct.”

As of this writing, Kavanaugh has not commented on this latest accusation.

He has maintained throughout his nomination process that he rarely drank or parties and has dismissed all notions that he was ever out of control in this manners; let alone that he ever committed sexual assault.

Among others who knew Kavanaugh, however, his freshman year roommate at Yale says the type of drunken behavior outlined by his accusers and others “100 percent” sounds like the man he knew in college.


Judge’s ex-girlfriend, Elizabeth Rasor, recalled to The New Yorker “that Judge had told her ashamedly of an incident that involved him and other boys taking turns having sex with a drunk woman.

“Rasor said that Judge seemed to regard it as fully consensual.”

A spokesman for Senate Judiciary Committee, meanwhile, has confirmed the following this morning:

“Michael Avenatti provided a declaration to the Judiciary Committee. Committee lawyers are in the process of reviewing it now.”

Expect to hear plenty more about Julie Swetnick in the hours and days to come.


Niecy Nash says Cosby Case Teaches Us Believe Trump, Kavanaugh Accusers Too

Niecy Nash says it’s great Bill Cosby finally got what he deserved, and there are some lessons to be learned from his case … lessons she thinks apply to President Trump and Brett Kavanaugh. We got Niecy at LAX and got her take on…


Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Brett Kavanaugh Says He Was A Virgin Through High School and Many Years After

Brett Kavanaugh just played his virgin card to defend himself against multiple accusations of sexual assault … saying he never had sex — or anything close to it — through his high school years and many years after. In a clip from Kavanaugh’s Fox…


Monday, September 24, 2018

Deborah Ramirez: Second Woman Accuses Brett Kavanaugh of Sexual Misconduct

Deborah Ramirez, a former Yale classmate of Supreme Court Justice nominee Brett Kavanaugh, has come out and accused the embattled judge of sexual misconduct.

She’s the second woman in about a week to have done so.

In an explosive article penned by Ronan Farrow (the reporter who exposed allegedly heinous sex-related crimes by Harvey Weinstein and Les Moonves) and investigative journalist Jane Mayer, Ramirez says Kavanaugh exposed his penis to her during a party their freshman year of college.

The 53-year old admits to having been very drunk at this dorm gathering, but that Kavanaugh “caused her to touch it without her consent as she pushed him away.”

She says he then laughed at the incident, which allegedly took place at some point in 1983 or 1984.

Farrow and Mayer write that Ramirez was initially hesitant to come forward due to “gaps in her memory” as a result of the alcohol consumption that night. However…

“After six days of carefully assessing her memories and consulting with her attorney, Ramirez said that she felt confident enough of her recollections to say that she remembers Kavanaugh had exposed himself at a drunken dormitory party, thrust his penis in her face, and caused her to touch it without her consent as she pushed him away.”

This is what Ramirez says about what transpired:

“I wasn’t going to touch a penis until I was married [because] I was raised a devout Catholic in Connecticut… I was embarrassed and ashamed and humiliated.”

Describing her memory of Kavanaugh’s act and subequent reaction, Ramirez told the magazine:

“I can still see his face, and his hips coming forward, like when you pull up your pants.”

The aspiring Supreme Court Justice, who is currently scheduled to testify in from of Senators on Thursday morning in response to an attempted rape allegation by Christine Blasey Ford, has issued the following statement:

This alleged event from 35 years ago did not happen.

The people who knew me then know that this did not happen, and have said so. This is a smear, plain and simple.

I look forward to testifying on Thursday about the truth, and defending my good name — and the reputation for character and integrity I have spent a lifetime building — against these last-minute allegations.

And then there’s this from White House spokesperson Kerri Kupec:

This 35-year-old, uncorroborated claim is the latest in a coordinated smear campaign by the Democrats designed to tear down a good man.

This claim is denied by all who were said to be present and is wholly inconsistent with what many women and men who knew Judge Kavanaugh at the time in college say.

The White House stands firmly behind Judge Kavanaugh.

Sources say President Donald Trump has no intention on asking Kavanaugh to withdraw his name from consideration, while Senator Diane Feinstein has called for a delay of all hearings and testimonies until the FBI can investigate both allegations of sexual misconduct against Kavanaugh.

According to The New Yorker article, “Senior Republican staffers also learned of the allegation last week and, in conversations with The New Yorker, expressed concern about its potential impact on Kavanaugh’s nomination.

“Soon after, Senate Republicans issued renewed calls to accelerate the timing of a committee vote.”

A roommate of Kavanaugh’s in college tells the publication that he may not have been present at this Yale party in question — but that he is “100 percent” sure that Kavanaugh would have done something like this during his time at Yale.

The judge was part of a fraternity (Delta Kappa Epsilon)back then that whose members waved a flag made of women’s underwear around campus during his time as a brother.

The Yale Daily News has also noted that Kavanaugh became a member of Truth and Courage, one of Yale’s secret societies for seniors that was nicknamed “Tit and Clit.”

In 2015, referring to his high school, he said in a speech that “what happens at Georgetown Prep stays at Georgetown Prep and that’s been a good thing for all of us, I think.”

This may not be the case after all, however.

“I would think an FBI investigation would be warranted,” Ramirez told The New Yorker of her claims.

Ford has also encouraged the FBI to look into her allegations against Kavanaugh.

Neither Republican Senators nor President Trump have given the agency a green light to do so, however.


Brett Kavanaugh Faces New Accuser Who Says He Put His Penis in Her Face

Judge Brett Kavanaugh is now facing a new allegation from another woman who says he exposed himself without her consent during their college years at Yale. The New Yorker published a bombshell story Sunday ahead of Kavanaugh’s Thursday hearing in…


Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Brett Kavanaugh Snubs Handshake From Parkland Victim"s Father

Brett Kavanaugh was in no mood to meet a father whose kid was killed during the Parkland shooting — snubbing his handshake attempt during a SCOTUS confirmation hearing. Judge Kavanaugh’s morning session in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee…


Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Gloria Allred Doesn"t Want Brett Kavanaugh or Any Politician Making Call on Abortions

Gloria Allred thinks the new Supreme Court nominee puts President Trump one HUGE step closer to achieving his goal of overturning Roe v. Wade, and she’s afraid Senators won’t do a thing to stop it. Allred is fired up…


Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Sen. Cory Booker Says Kavanaugh Could Protect President Trump from Mueller

Sen. Cory Booker says President Trump’s nomination of Brett Kavanaugh for the Supreme Court is nothing more than an insurance policy … in case Robert Mueller comes knocking. We got the NJ Senator Tuesday outside the…


President Trump Announces Brett Kavanaugh as New Supreme Court Nominee

President Trump has tapped his pick for the next Supreme Court justice to replace Anthony Kennedy — and he’s being hailed as a strong conservative choice. The Prez nominated DC Circuit Court of Appeals judge Brett Kavanaugh Monday,…
