Showing posts with label Chooses. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Chooses. Show all posts

Friday, October 5, 2018

Matt Damon Chooses UFC 229 Over Playing Kavanaugh on "SNL"

Every so often a man finds himself at a crossroads, where the choice he makes will forever alter the course of his life. Or, in Matt Damon’s case — he has 2 awesome choices and really can’t lose. Here’s the deal — Damon’s a huge UFC fan and, on…


Saturday, January 13, 2018

"The Wire" Star Wood Harris Chooses Between Trump and Pence

“The Wire” star Wood Harris has strong but conflicted views on who he wants in the Oval Office. Harvey ran into Wood — who’s heading to Philly to shoot “Creed II” — Saturday on Melrose in L.A., and asked who’s better to occupy the White House at…


Friday, August 18, 2017

Pink Chooses Sides: Taylor Swift or Katy Perry? Her Answer Was ...

Pink, the extraordinary singer and entertainer, was recently asked in an interview to choose:

Katy Perry … or Taylor Swift?

It’s not exactly Sophie’s Choice, because Pink is just generally asked to choose between them, but her answer caused a bit of surprise.

We gotta be honest with you — we love Pink.

From “U And Ur Hand” to “Just Like Fire,” she’s produced some delightful bops over the years.

Her personality comes across so beautifully whenever she speaks or performs.

And speaking of when she performs, her performances are always amazing and eye-catching. Remember when Pink performed at the 2014 Grammys?

Some singers barely move while they sing. Pink turns some songs into the sorts of gymnastics that we usually only see at the Olympics.

We’ll say this about Pink, though:

This girl seems to pick fights with people. Like, a lot.

Some celebrities do this in a very calculated way, because they want to further a specific narrative or they just want attention.

(We’re not necessarily knocking them for it — sometimes careers have to tread water for a bit on that sort of publicity between projects like an album or a movie or whatever)

We don’t think that Pink is calculated about it.

She kind of just seems to go off and say whatever she wants, which is a totally okay quality in a person who is a singer and not in fact the sitting President of the United States of America.

This is the woman who told critics to “Kindly kiss her ass” not all that long ago. She wasn’t trying to start a feud with her critics; she was just … Pink being Pink.

For a little while now, Pink’s been believed to, if not be in a feud with, at least harbor a dislike for Taylor Swift.

Back in 2015, Pink slammed various stars at the VMAs for their performances, which she thought were “gross.”

She didn’t single out Taylor or anything, and later mentioned that she had forgotten that Demi Lovato had even performed (which sounds like shade, but for Pink she may have literally just forgotten … which might be worse for Demi).

That was the year that Taylor won Video Of The Year for “Bad Blood.” And deservedly so.

Ever since, people have seen Pink as one of Taylor’s critics … but those assumptions might have been wrong.

In a radio interview on Thursday, Pink was asked to choose between Taylor Swift and Katy Perry.

(She wasn’t choosing specifically, like one for a duet or one to bang or whatever)

She only showed the slightest hesitation before answering.

“Taylor? Is that OK?”

Yes, Pink, it’s totally okay.

“You can’t win no matter what you say, anyway. Everyone wakes up offended.”

We wouldn’t say that “offended” is the right word here.

Katy Perry can be so much sometimes, but it’s not like choosing Katy would be the wrong answer.

The real signficance of her answer seems to be that Pink displayed zero awareness of the perceived dislike between her and Taylor.

In retrospect, Pink blasting multiple “singers” may have just been her nice way of blasting Miley for being gross.

We have a lot of affection for Miley, but 2015 Miley was all kinds of obnoxious.

Pink may have just said that and then moved on and never thought about it again, never realizing that people thought that perhaps she harbored a dislike against Taylor Swift.

There are absolutely some celebrities who are so careful with everything that they say to the public, crafting things carefully to tell you exactly what they want to say in exactly the right way.

Pink doesn’t play that game. We should all remember that.


Monday, June 26, 2017

BET Celebrity Basketball Game Chooses Chris Brown Over Soulja Boy

Soulja Boy is second rate compared to Chris Brown … at least to BET, which chose Chris over Soulja for Saturday’s Celebrity Basketball Game. Sources close to Soulja tell us a BET rep reached out to his manager, Miami Mike, Friday … one…


Friday, December 23, 2016

Celine Dion Chooses Fans Over Donald Trump Inauguration

Celine Dion passed on singing at Donald Trump’s inauguration not because she’s anti-Trump but because she’s just booked. We’ve learned Celine was one of the people approached to sing at the Jan. 20 event in D.C. but her team had to turn it down due…


Monday, July 18, 2016

Demi Lovato Chooses Side in Taylor Swift-Kim Kardashian Clash

Demi Lovato has chosen a side in the ongoing, epic, red hot feud between Kim Kardashian and Taylor Swift.

And the team she has chosen to align herself with may surprise you.

First, a quick refresher:

Several weeks ago, Kanye West released a track titled “Famous.”

Among the lyrics in this song were lines taking aim at Swift, as Kanye referred to Taylor as a “bitch,” said he made her famous and added that the singers “might still have sex.”

Soon after the song went public, Swift came out and slammed Kanye, saying she never approved of such sexist lyrics.

A couple months later, however, in an interview with GQ, Kardashian calls BS on Swift’s claim, telling the magazine that Swift was made very much aware of what the song was going to say.

Moreover, Swift gave the controversial lyrics her blessing.

Then, on Sunday night, in case any doubt remained, Kim actually released a phone call she recorded back in the day of West running the lyrics by Swift.

As you can see below, Taylor gave the references to her full approval.

Kim’s release of this video has escalated her feud with Swift to Defcon 5-like levels.

Swift has threatened to sue Kardashian and West because it’s illegal to record a phone conversation in California with the permission of all involved.

She has also issued a statement in which she calls out Kimye for trying to destroy her character.

It reads as follows:

taylor reply

In response to Hollywood’s biggest rivalry, Selena Gomez has come out and taken the side of her Best Friend Forever.

She wishes people out there would focus on issues slightly more important than who said what between a pop singer and a sex tape star.

“There are more important things to talk about…” Gomez tweeted. “Why can’t people use their voice for something that f-cking matters?”

Now, back to Demi Lovato:

She has not directly weighed in on the Kim and Taylor drama, but she has referenced someone else’s thoughts on the matter.

As someone with a tumultuous history with Swift, the artist expressed her opinion by liking a tweet that proclaimed, “I love Kim Kardashian.”

Back in February, Lovato called out Swift as a “fake feminist” because she said the singer spent too much time talking about issues and not taking any actual action.

On the flip side, Lovato has credited Kardashian in the past for serving as a role model to curvy women.

So this quasi endorsement should not come as a surprise.

Other celebrities who have jumped in to the debate on social media include Justin Bieber, who seemingly brought it up on Instagram when he wrote “less hate, more love” and, of course, Khloe Kardashian.

Following last night’s episode of her family’s reality series, she defended her big sister in a series of tweets, writing:

“Kim is a savage! Don’t f–k with her man hunni #KUWTK.”

It is SO on, people. And we have no idea when it will be off between these two superstars.

Thursday, May 19, 2016

Woman Chooses Death Over Donald Trump (And Hillary Clinton)

Some of us have already begun research on citizenship in other countries come November 3rd, 2016.

Others take more dramatic measures and exit this world entirely.

Mary Anne Noland from Richmond, VA (with whom I would have gotten along swimmingly) either wrote her own obituary ahead of time, or had a relative draw up something snappy, because even though she is no longer with us, Noland has won.

Earlier this month, the mother-of-three passed away, and her obituary was submitted to the Richmond-Times Dispatch.

“Faced with the prospect of voting for either Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton, Mary Anne Noland of Richmond chose, instead, to pass into the eternal love of God on Sunday, May 15, 2016, at the age of 68.

“Born in Danville, Va., Mary Anne was a graduate of Douglas Freeman High School (1966) and the University of Virginia School of Nursing (1970). A faithful child of God,

“Mary Anne devoted her life to sharing the love she received from Christ with all whose lives she touched as a wife, mother, grandmother, daughter, sister, friend and nurse.”

The obituary was published on May 17th, and after becoming quite the viral hit, many viewers suspected the piece too good to be real.

The Times-Dispatch confirmed the obituary’s authenticity the next day.

“Paid death notices are vignettes about a person’s life, as told by their family or friends,” the article read.

“This isn’t the first time a paid death notice has been used to send a personal message to the world. Some have commented on favorite sports teams, places to visit, a drink of choice and, yes, politics.

“All content published in The Times-Dispatch is reviewed before publication.

“In the case of Ms. Noland’s obituary, we’re not surprised by the response.”

It’s important to highlight Noland’s humor rather than assuming the worst (as of press time, no one has been pushed that far Trump’s dumb dumb antics).

In fact, Noland isn’t the first of our dearly departed to entertain readers.

According to Snopes, one obituary made a last request to “please vote for Donald Trump.”

Another asked that “in lieu of flowers, do not vote for Donald Trump.”

If a jovial obituary isn’t American, then hand me that Canadian citizenship form.  They’re very pleasant up there.

Woman Chooses Death Over Donald Trump (And Hillary Clinton)

Some of us have already begun research on citizenship in other countries come November 3rd, 2016.

Others take more dramatic measures and exit this world entirely.

Mary Anne Noland from Richmond, VA (with whom I would have gotten along swimmingly) either wrote her own obituary ahead of time, or had a relative draw up something snappy, because even though she is no longer with us, Noland has won.

Earlier this month, the mother-of-three passed away, and her obituary was submitted to the Richmond-Times Dispatch.

“Faced with the prospect of voting for either Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton, Mary Anne Noland of Richmond chose, instead, to pass into the eternal love of God on Sunday, May 15, 2016, at the age of 68.

“Born in Danville, Va., Mary Anne was a graduate of Douglas Freeman High School (1966) and the University of Virginia School of Nursing (1970). A faithful child of God,

“Mary Anne devoted her life to sharing the love she received from Christ with all whose lives she touched as a wife, mother, grandmother, daughter, sister, friend and nurse.”

The obituary was published on May 17th, and after becoming quite the viral hit, many viewers suspected the piece too good to be real.

The Times-Dispatch confirmed the obituary’s authenticity the next day.

“Paid death notices are vignettes about a person’s life, as told by their family or friends,” the article read.

“This isn’t the first time a paid death notice has been used to send a personal message to the world. Some have commented on favorite sports teams, places to visit, a drink of choice and, yes, politics.

“All content published in The Times-Dispatch is reviewed before publication.

“In the case of Ms. Noland’s obituary, we’re not surprised by the response.”

It’s important to highlight Noland’s humor rather than assuming the worst (as of press time, no one has been pushed that far Trump’s dumb dumb antics).

In fact, Noland isn’t the first of our dearly departed to entertain readers.

According to Snopes, one obituary made a last request to “please vote for Donald Trump.”

Another asked that “in lieu of flowers, do not vote for Donald Trump.”

If a jovial obituary isn’t American, then hand me that Canadian citizenship form.  They’re very pleasant up there.

Friday, April 1, 2016

Donald Trump Chooses Sarah Palin as Running Mate: Former Governor Says "You Betcha" to YUGE Opportunity

Possibly as a response to his highly-publicized struggle to attract female voters, Donald Trump shocked the political world today when he announced that he has selected former Alaska governor Sarah Palin as his running mate in his bid for the White House.

Palin joined Trump for a press conference at the skyscraper that bears his name in Midtown Manhattan this morning, where she formally (and enthusiastically) accepted his invitation to be a part of the second presidential ticket of her career.

“When Donald called me up last night, I said, ‘Mr. Trump, after eight years of ramifications of the transformation of the betrayal of our country, America needs a president who can unite the brawlers, the ballers and the shot-callers,” Palin told a crowd of reporters.

“And number B, we need a vice-president who can stand up to our enemies, whether it’s Vladimir Putin, Lena Dunham, or the puppy-monkey-baby from that Super Bowl commercial. Boy, that thing gives me the willies, you betcha.”

Though he frequently appeared troubled by regret or severe indigestion during Palin’s rambling 37-minute speech, Trump took the podium once more when she was through, seemingly to address widespread social media criticism that he had just torpedoed his campaign.

“Ya know, folks, I checked my phone a lot during while she was talking, and I gotta say, there are some real losers on Twitter,” Trump said.

“But there also some people who are excited to have a beautiful, classy, sexy vice-president in the guest bedroom of the White House, or wherever the vice-president lives.

“If I didn’t already have a beautiful wife and two hot daughters that I’m aware of, I would be all over this fine piece of running mate.”

Political analysts say that despite everyone they know being disgusted by Trump’s remarks, the real estate mogul somehow accumulated an additional 236 delegates during his time on stage.

They added: APRIL FOOLS’!!!!

Donald Trump Chooses Sarah Palin as Running Mate: Former Governor Says "You Betcha" to YUGE Opportunity

Possibly as a response to his highly-publicized struggle to attract female voters, Donald Trump shocked the political world today when he announced that he has selected former Alaska governor Sarah Palin as his running mate in his bid for the White House.

Palin joined Trump for a press conference at the skyscraper that bears his name in Midtown Manhattan this morning, where she formally (and enthusiastically) accepted his invitation to be a part of the second presidential ticket of her career.

“When Donald called me up last night, I said, ‘Mr. Trump, after eight years of ramifications of the transformation of the betrayal of our country, America needs a president who can unite the brawlers, the ballers and the shot-callers,” Palin told a crowd of reporters.

“And number B, we need a vice-president who can stand up to our enemies, whether it’s Vladimir Putin, Lena Dunham, or the puppy-monkey-baby from that Super Bowl commercial. Boy, that thing gives me the willies, you betcha.”

Though he frequently appeared troubled by regret or severe indigestion during Palin’s rambling 37-minute speech, Trump took the podium once more when she was through, seemingly to address widespread social media criticism that he had just torpedoed his campaign.

“Ya know, folks, I checked my phone a lot during while she was talking, and I gotta say, there are some real losers on Twitter,” Trump said.

“But there also some people who are excited to have a beautiful, classy, sexy vice-president in the guest bedroom of the White House, or wherever the vice-president lives.

“If I didn’t already have a beautiful wife and two hot daughters that I’m aware of, I would be all over this fine piece of running mate.”

Political analysts say that despite everyone they know being disgusted by Trump’s remarks, the real estate mogul somehow accumulated an additional 236 delegates during his time on stage.

They added: APRIL FOOLS’!!!!