Showing posts with label SwiftKim. Show all posts
Showing posts with label SwiftKim. Show all posts

Thursday, July 21, 2016

Katy Perry on Taylor Swift-Kim Kardashian Feud: I"m Lovin" It!

Now that the feud between Taylor Swift and Kim Kardashian has gone from cold war to nuclear holocaust, dozens of celebrities have weighed in on the unexpected clash of the A-listers.

Of course, the one opinion that matters most when it comes to the competitive side of Ms. Swift is that of her longtime foe Katy Perry.

Katy threw some subtle shade at Taylor earlier this week while the rest of the Internet was reveling in her undoing.

To her credit, Katy didn’t do too much gloating, and the temptation must have been hard to resist.

After all, it’s not every day that your rival is exposed as a liar and trash-talked by millions of social media users.

But while she hasn’t taken to the streets to celebrate, don’t think for a second that Katy is anything less than thrilled with Taylor’s latest PR crisis.

“Katy is so happy that someone finally put Taylor in her place,” a source close to the situation tells Radar Online. 

And Katy, being the polite pop queen that she is, knew the proper etiquette to observe when someone slays one of your enemies for you:

“Katy called Kim personally to thank her after she saw the video exposing Taylor,” the insider adds.

“She has dealt with Taylor’s high school mind games and lies for so long and she is so glad that Kim showed the world.”

As for what caused the beef between the two singers, Katy reportedly believes the whole thing about stealing backup dancers is BS cooked up by Swift’s PR team.

She says at the end of the day the bad blood all comes down to Katy’s relationship with John Mayer, who got back together with Perry not long after briefly dating Taylor.

“Katy thinks that it all comes down to the fact that John wanted to be with her and not Taylor,” the source says.

“That is real reason Taylor brought up the drama about Katy stealing her dancers.”

Look what you’ve done, John Mayer!

Eh, we’re sure it was totally worth it.

Monday, July 18, 2016

Wendy Williams Addresses Taylor Swift-Kim Kardashian Feud, Actually Makes Sense

Wendy Williams has spent the last few months taking jabs at Taylor Swift every chance she gets.

First, she called Swift a biatch. Then, she made fun of Swift’s body. Then, she mocked Taylor’s romance with Tom Hiddleston.

So now that Swift has sort of been outed as a liar by Kim Kardashian, Williams is teeing off on the singer, right?

She’s bringing her best insult game and really letting Swift have it, no?

Actually… no. Not quite.

As the celebrity gossip world knows by now, Kardashian dropped a bombshell via Snapchat on Sunday night, actually releasing videos that depict husband Kanye West talking to Swift about the song “Famous.”

In the footage, we hear Kanye telling his former foe about plans to reference the two of them having sex together in one verse, an idea Taylor sounds totally fine with.

She even thanks Kanye for letting her in on his creative process.

Here. In case you missed it, take a look at the viral video below:

Why is this such a big deal?

Because Swift previously claimed West never consulted her about the controversial lyrics in “Famous,” insisting she was blindsided by the misogynistic message of the track.

Kim has seemingly made Swift into a liar, although Taylor is correct in that the footage above does NOT include West asking her if she’s okay with him calling her a “bitch.”

And that’s where he main beef with the single lies.

In her analysis of the situation this morning, Williams acknowledged this final point, actually taking the side of Taylor Swift for a bit.

“OK, so what has been exposed is what Kanye has said all along,” she explained. “That he talked to Taylor about the song and that he was going to include her in it.

“What he didn’t tell her is that the last line, ‘I made the B-famous."”

Wendy then went on a tangent about how you can’t throw about this B-Word (or the N-Word) here and there and pick and choose when you get offended by it.

The talk show host does go on to point some blame in the direction of Swift, however.

“Taylor should of explained she didn’t know all of the lyrics…

“She totally acted like ‘I didn’t know anything about it. Kanye was wrong on every single level.’

“In the meantime Kanye sounded very nice on the phone. I think he only has two levels, though. Either high intense or low key, nice. There’s nothing in-between.”

In conclusion, Williams says the following:

“Sounds to me like they had a very lovely conversation. Taylor knew what he was going to say but it also sounds like Taylor has a right to be pissed because he ended up using, ‘I made the B famous."”

You know we’re in trouble when Wendy Williams is the person making the most sense.

It does seem as if Swift played up her ignorance of the song too much… but everyone is making it sound as if Kim completely outed Swift as a giant liar.

In reality, though, Kanye rapping that he made that “bitch famous” as a reference to Swift was clearly the most offensive aspect to the song.

And that is never addressed in the scandalous Snapchat video.

So aren’t we just back to where we started? Isn’t this much ado about nothing, as boring as that is for a gossip website to write?

Demi Lovato Chooses Side in Taylor Swift-Kim Kardashian Clash

Demi Lovato has chosen a side in the ongoing, epic, red hot feud between Kim Kardashian and Taylor Swift.

And the team she has chosen to align herself with may surprise you.

First, a quick refresher:

Several weeks ago, Kanye West released a track titled “Famous.”

Among the lyrics in this song were lines taking aim at Swift, as Kanye referred to Taylor as a “bitch,” said he made her famous and added that the singers “might still have sex.”

Soon after the song went public, Swift came out and slammed Kanye, saying she never approved of such sexist lyrics.

A couple months later, however, in an interview with GQ, Kardashian calls BS on Swift’s claim, telling the magazine that Swift was made very much aware of what the song was going to say.

Moreover, Swift gave the controversial lyrics her blessing.

Then, on Sunday night, in case any doubt remained, Kim actually released a phone call she recorded back in the day of West running the lyrics by Swift.

As you can see below, Taylor gave the references to her full approval.

Kim’s release of this video has escalated her feud with Swift to Defcon 5-like levels.

Swift has threatened to sue Kardashian and West because it’s illegal to record a phone conversation in California with the permission of all involved.

She has also issued a statement in which she calls out Kimye for trying to destroy her character.

It reads as follows:

taylor reply

In response to Hollywood’s biggest rivalry, Selena Gomez has come out and taken the side of her Best Friend Forever.

She wishes people out there would focus on issues slightly more important than who said what between a pop singer and a sex tape star.

“There are more important things to talk about…” Gomez tweeted. “Why can’t people use their voice for something that f-cking matters?”

Now, back to Demi Lovato:

She has not directly weighed in on the Kim and Taylor drama, but she has referenced someone else’s thoughts on the matter.

As someone with a tumultuous history with Swift, the artist expressed her opinion by liking a tweet that proclaimed, “I love Kim Kardashian.”

Back in February, Lovato called out Swift as a “fake feminist” because she said the singer spent too much time talking about issues and not taking any actual action.

On the flip side, Lovato has credited Kardashian in the past for serving as a role model to curvy women.

So this quasi endorsement should not come as a surprise.

Other celebrities who have jumped in to the debate on social media include Justin Bieber, who seemingly brought it up on Instagram when he wrote “less hate, more love” and, of course, Khloe Kardashian.

Following last night’s episode of her family’s reality series, she defended her big sister in a series of tweets, writing:

“Kim is a savage! Don’t f–k with her man hunni #KUWTK.”

It is SO on, people. And we have no idea when it will be off between these two superstars.