Showing posts with label Harris. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Harris. Show all posts

Saturday, September 15, 2018

Drake Did Not Go on a Date with 18-Year-Old Model Bella Harris

3:37 PM PT — Bella just addressed the reports herself, saying, “Coming off an amazing New York fashion week, I feel I need to set the record straight … I did not dine in DC recently. I was happily working & dining in NYC everyday.” Drake is…


Saturday, July 14, 2018

"The Wire" Star Wood Harris Accused of Beating GF, But D.A. Declines Charges

Wood Harris – who starred as Avon Barksdale on the hit HBO series “The Wire” — won’t face any criminal charges after allegedly pummeling his girlfriend, who is now threatening further legal action. The alleged incident went down back in…


Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Auburn Football Recruit C.J. Harris Willing to Change CBD Medication, Dad Says

A high school football star who takes CBD oil to control his seizures is willing to switch to another medication if it will clear the way to play for a top NCAA school … his father tells TMZ Sports.  C.J. Harris says he was told his…


Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Devin Harris Has The Perfect Team For Dez Bryant

Listen up Dez Bryant … Nuggets guard Devin Harris is about to give you pro athlete to pro athlete advice on where you should end up now that you’re time with Cowboys is over. Harris played in Dallas for YEARS, and knows what it’s like to leave…


Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Calvin Harris and Girlfriend Get In Bad Beverly Hills Car Crash

Calvin Harris and his girlfriend, Aarika Wolf, slammed into another car this weekend, leaving a couple of young ladies injured. Eyewitnesses tell us Calvin’s girlfriend, Aarika, was behind the wheel of a Range Rover on a residential street Sunday…


Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Calvin Harris Sued by Blind Man Over Home Rental Deal

Calvin Harris is being sued by a blind man who claims the DJ screwed him over in a super-expensive home deal. Harry Moscatel claims he leased Harris’ home above the Sunset Strip in West Hollywood last year for $ 35,000 a month. He put down a $ 70,000…


Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Calvin Harris Parties with Bikini-Clad Ex-GF in Mexico

Calvin Harris can’t shake it off … his ex, that is. And you really can’t blame him. The superstar DJ hit up Cabo San Lucas with his on-off — and apparently now totally on again — ex-gf Aarika Wolf. She’s the incredibly gorgeous bikini…


Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Chiefs TE Demetrius Harris Sentenced to Jail for Weed Arrest

Bad news for Kansas City Chiefs tight end Demetrius Harris … dude just got sentenced to JAIL TIME after getting caught with more than an ounce of weed. As we previously reported, Harris was pulled over in Missouri back in March 2017 and, during…


Monday, January 15, 2018

Sen. Kamala Harris Dancing in MLK Day Parade

Sen. Kamala Harris made the most of her Grand Marshal title at Kindom Day Parade in L.A. by getting up close and personal with the bands … and the Senator was getting it.  The junior senator from Cali did a little — emphasis on little –…


Saturday, January 13, 2018

"The Wire" Star Wood Harris Chooses Between Trump and Pence

“The Wire” star Wood Harris has strong but conflicted views on who he wants in the Oval Office. Harvey ran into Wood — who’s heading to Philly to shoot “Creed II” — Saturday on Melrose in L.A., and asked who’s better to occupy the White House at…


Friday, December 22, 2017

Calvin Harris Buys New L.A. Home From Another Famous DJ

Calvin Harris paid homage to Steve Angello … actually, he paid him millions of bucks for his home. Calvin bought Angello’s 4 bedroom, 4.5 bath L.A. home for $ 5.045 million, and got a deal, too … the home was originally listed for…


Saturday, November 4, 2017

Mavs" Devin Harris Supports A Mark Cuban Presidency

At least one voting block is already behind Mark Cuban’s possible 2020 presidential bid — his players … with Mavs vet, Devin Harris, telling TMZ Sports a Cuban country might not be a bad idea. Cuban hasn’t officially thrown his hat…


Thursday, September 28, 2017

Crystal Harris: Hugh Hefner"s Widow to Inherit NOTHING?!

As you’ve likely heard by now, iconic Playboy founder Hugh Hefner passed away last night at the age of 91.

Sources say Hef, as he was known to so many, passed peacefully, at home in his famous mansion, surrounded by loved ones.

Among those loved ones was Hefner’s third wife, Crystal Harris.

Hefner and Harris married in 2012, and their relationship was often a tumultuous one.

The couple was originally scheduled to tie the knot one year earlier, but Harris called off the wedding and was consequently dubbed “the runaway bride” on the cover of Playboy.

Harris returned to Hefner, and the couple eventually reconciled.

The sixty year age difference caused many to question Harris’ motives in marrying Hefner, but the model says she was never after the publishing magnate’s money.

We hope for her sake that she was being truthful in that assertion, as The Daily Mail is reporting today that Harris will receive no inheritance from Hefner’s estate.

The London tabloid claims that Harris signed an “iron clad” prenup before marrying Hefner.

As such, she’ll receive no part of his estimated $ 43 million fortune, which will instead be divided amongst his four children, the University of Southern California, and several charities chosen by Hef.

Playboy‘s popularity declined in recent years, and while he played a reduced role in the magazine’s day-to-day operations, Hefner remained the face of the brand until his death.

More important to his heirs, of course, is the fact that he retained 35 percent ownership of the Playboy corporation.

There’s no word on how that share will be passed on, but it’s believed it will be divided equally among his children.

Hefner handed off the bulk of the magazine’s operations duties to his son Marston last year.

Sources close to the situation say that Harris will be “taken care of,” presumably with a monthly stipend.

But it seems that if Crystal was hoping to never work again as a result of her marriage to Hefner, she may have been mistaken.

Check out some of the most heartfelt celebrity reactions to Hefner’s passing in the gallery below:


Sunday, July 16, 2017

Calvin Harris" Ex, Model Krislian Rodriguez, Rinses Off at Beach in Thong Bikini

Krislian Rodriguez got booted off last season of “America’s Next Top Model” for “oozing sex” a little too much … but that feature works just fine at the beach. The model and former ‘ANTM’ contestant — who once dated Calvin Harris — flew solo to…


Calvin Harris" Ex, Model Krislian Rodriguez, Rinses Off at Beach in Thong Bikini

Krislian Rodriguez got booted off last season of “America’s Next Top Model” for “oozing sex” a little too much … but that feature works just fine at the beach. The model and former ‘ANTM’ contestant — who once dated Calvin Harris — flew solo to…


Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Neil Patrick Harris BLASTS James Woods for Disgusting, Transphobic Tweet!

Does anybody else remember when they first learned that James Woods was a garbage human being? For most, it may have been his infamous Obama rant.

For some, it may have been when they saw his recent tweet — in which he directs his transphobic vitriol at an 8-year-old boy. That sort of thing gives pause, even to other bigots.

And Neil Patrick Harris, who’s known for being super friendly and generally a non-confrontational person, clearly got a little hot under the collar over that tweet — and did not mince words as he took James Woods to task.

Neil Patrick Harris really isn’t the guy you think of when somebody needs to get a well-deserved takedown on Twitter.

Usually, for that sort of thing, we might look to an unstoppable duo like Chrissy Teigen and John Legend.

But recent events clearly moved him to stand up for an 8-year-old whom James Woods called out in a tweet with an insult that … we’ll get to later.

Fair warning: it’s upsetting.

Because James Woods reblogged a photo from Orange County Pride, and singled out this one family for some vile commentary.

The photo itself, however, is great:

That’s Lori Duron, who runs the Raising My Rainbow blog, Matt, and their 8-year-old son, CJ.

All in all, she received a lot of compliments for her post and for the photos.

And, before you ask, we should just go ahead and clarify what gender creative means.

It’s not the same thing as being, say, gay or bi or trans, though someone who is gender creative might not be straight or might not be cisgender.

(Often, the term “gender creative” is applied to kids who are so young that things like gender and sexuality might still be really uncertain anyway)

Rather, a gender creative (or, more commonly known, a gender nonconforming) kid is one who doesn’t adhere to any set of strict gender roles, either internally or externally.

Gender roles are super weird anyway — why is one gender supposed to like certain colors? Why is one gender supposed to like grilling things? One gender is supposed to like decorating their nails and another is supposed to like foul-tasting fermented grain?

So, CJ is 8 and his family’s super supportive, which is great for a human being of any age, but especially for a developing child.

And then comes James Woods:

“This is sweet. Wait until this poor kid grows up, realizes what you’ve done, and stuffs both of you dismembered into a freezer in the garage.”

If only he’d stopped after those first three words, right?

First of all, his parents aren’t doing anything but loving and supporting their child.

CJ’s older brother isn’t in the photo but he loves and supports his brother, too.

(Children can be amazing sometimes)

So the “what you’ve done” thing is weird, but unfortunately a lot of bigots make similar statements about parents of children who are gay or bi or trans.

As if somehow this is something that parents are doing to their children.

But the worst part is the end, of course, where James Woods evokes antiquated fears that associate trans people with serial killers.

Like … The Silence of the Lambs isn’t a documentary.

(Also, Buffalo Bill was explicitly stated in both the book and film as not being trans)

But James Woods knows that his bigoted followers will eat up his every word.

And that they’ll latch onto that awful image.

Neil Patrick Harris, however, wasn’t having it:

“Utterly ignorant and classless, Mr. Woods. I’m friends with this family. You know not of what you speak, and should be ashamed of yourself.”

That’s exactly what needed to be said.

Also, “you know not of what you speak” is the most elegant way of calling someone an ignorant fool who embarrasses themselves every time that they open their mouth.

James Woods is no stranger to bigotry, of course.

Remember when Twitter was ablaze with talk of Anderson Cooper’s famous eyeroll while talking to Kellyanne Conway?

James Woods chimed in with his inexcusable

“As his butt plug dislodges during a newscast…”

In addition to being a raging homophobe, James Woods seems to not know how butts work.

Maybe he should check out Teen Vogue‘s guide to anal sex so that he doesn’t keep embarrassing people with his ignorance.

It’s no wonder that so many people wonder when James Woods will shut up already.


Friday, June 30, 2017

Calvin Harris: Sorry for All That Shade, Taylor Swift!

Remember 2016? It was a happier time. A simpler time.

Sure, clowns were murdering people left and right and we all knew the apocalypse was near, but we still had fun, didn’t we?

And one of the most fun moments of 2016 happened when Calvin Harris just ripped the hell out of Taylor Swift.

They’d been dating for over a year, but shortly after they broke up, Taylor was seen canoodling with Tom Hiddleston — there was such a quick turnaround that some thought she was cheating.

But that’s not what Calvin got mad about.

No, the big issue started because he and Taylor collaborated on his hit single, “This is What You Came For,” but Taylor used a pseudonym so no one would find out.

Then in an interview just before the breakup, he was asked directly about making music with her, and he said that they “haven’t even spoken about collaborating.”

Apparently Taylor’s feelings got hurt, and a report came out about how Taylor had actually written “This is What You Came For” herself, melody and all.

And Calvin wasn’t having it.

In a Twitter rant that he quickly deleted, he acknowledged that Taylor did write some of the song — “And she sings on a little bit of it too. Amazing lyric writer and she smashed it as usual.”

However, he insisted that “I wrote the music, produced the song, arranged it and cut the vocals though. And initially she wanted it kept secret, hence the pseudonym.”

“Hurtful to me at this point that her and her team would go so far out of their way to try and make ME look bad at this stage though,” he added.

“I figure if you’re happy in your new relationship you should focus on that instead of trying to tear your ex bf down for something to do.”

Beautiful, shady Calvin told Taylor “I know you’re off tour and you need someone new to try and bury like Katy ETC but I’m not that guy, sorry. I won’t allow it.

“Please focus on the positive aspects of YOUR life because you’ve earned a great one.”

It was a truly amazing takedown, and even now, nearly a year later, it’s still just as powerful as it ever was.

But in a new interview, Calvin says that it wasn’t a good move on his part.

“It was completely the wrong instinct,” he admits. “I was protecting what I see as my one talent in the world being belittled.”

“It felt like things were piling on top of me and that was when I snapped.”

In his own defense, he says “It’s very difficult when something I consider so personal plays out very publicly.”

“The aftermath of the relationship was way more heavily publicized than the relationship itself. When we were together, we were very careful for it not to be a media circus.”

“She respected my feelings in that sense,” Calvin continues. “I’m not good at being a celebrity. But when it ended, all hell broke loose.”

“Now I see that Twitter thing as a result of me succumbing to pressure. It took me a minute to realize that none of that matters.”

About his relationship with Taylor in general, he says “For both of us it was the wrong situation. It clearly wasn’t right, so it ended, but all of the stuff that happened afterwards …”

Calvin trails off there, but we can use our imaginations to figure out how that statement ends.

And, from where we’re sitting, the only possible option is “But all of the stuff that happened afterwards was delightful and really just an absolute blast.”


Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Ex-"Deadliest Catch" Star Jake Harris Wanted in Phoenix Drug Case

Jake Harris failed to show up in court to face drug charges, so now he’s a wanted man … TMZ has learned. The former “Deadliest Catch” star was already facing 2 felony drug possession charges when he skipped a hearing Friday in Phoenix. According…


Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Calvin Harris Collaborates with Katy Perry, And Taylor Swift Fans Can"t Deal

Remember back in the day, about this time last year, when Taylor Swift’s relationship with Calvin Harris was coming to a most dramatic end?

Oh, what a deliciously dramatic time that was.

Taylor had been dating Calvin for well over a year, and their relationship was quiet and private, but the breakup was anything but.

They split, she was spotted frenching Tom Hiddleston on a beach shortly after … and things got nasty.

But more on that in a minute.

OK, now let’s shift back one more year, to this time in 2015: Taylor was just about to release her music video for “Bad Blood,” the song widely rumored to be about Katy Perry.

See, Katy and Taylor used to be friendly, but had a falling out after, according to Taylor, Katy “basically tried to sabotage an entire arena tour.”

Katy had some backup dancers on a tour, and then later the same dancers toured with Taylor. In the middle of Taylor’s tour, Katy’s people asked the dancers to come on her new tour, and they did.

Is that enough to fuel a feud for the ages? It’s hard to say.

But the point is that Taylor considers Katy a mortal enemy, she had her worst breakup yet with Calvin Harris, and now something truly delightful is happening.

Calvin is releasing a new album next month, and one of the tracks will feature Katy.

Oh, the shade of it all!

It’s extra amazing because last summer, when things were getting extra messy with Taylor and Calvin, Calvin was the one who actually named Katy as Taylor’s arch-enemy for the first time.

Remember, Taylor tried to take credit for writing his hit song “This Is What You Came For,” and he wasn’t having it.

“Hurtful to me at this point that her and her team would go so far out of their way to try to make ME look bad at this stage,” he tweeted.

“I figure if you’re happy in your new relationship ou should focus on that instead of trying to tear your ex bf down for something to do.”

“I know you’re off tour,” he continued, “and you need someone new to try and bury like Katy ETC but I’m not that guy, sorry. I won’t allow it.”

“Please focus on the positive aspects of YOUR life because you’ve earned a great one.”

Katy responded with a “told you so” Hillary Clinton gif, and she retweeted an old tweet of her own: “Time, the ultimate truth teller.”

So for the two of them to come together now for a song, after all that went down … it’s going to be interesting, that’s for sure.

And it seems like most people are Team Taylor on the matter.

“People are stupid if they think Calvin’s collab with Katy is not out of his pettiness towards Taylor like c’mon,” one person tweeted.

Another wrote “Katy Perry and Calvin Harris went from this mess to a collaboration for pettiness. The power of Taylor Swift and her savage ice queen ways.”

And since “petty” seems to be the word of the day, one more Taylor fan wrote “THE POWER OF TAYLOR SWIFT Calvin and Katy collab is happening. I hope your two petty asses credit Taylor Swift for it!”

Whatever the reason for the collaboration and whatever comes from it, we are 100% here for it.

Calvin’s album drops on June 30th — see you then!
