Showing posts with label Blind. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Blind. Show all posts

Friday, January 4, 2019

Blind USC Football Player Nails "Bird Box" Challenge


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Blind USC Football Player Nails "Bird Box" Challenge

Wednesday, October 3, 2018

The Voice Recap: Who Won Night 4 of the Blind Auditions?

After Monday’s Blind Auditions brought some of the worst auditions yet our way, five more people advanced to the next stage of the competition on Tuesday. 

But were these five more worthy than the bunch that made the first episode of the week such a big drag?

Let’s break down Tuesday’s performances!

Reagan Strange (Team Adam) – “Meant to Be”

This 13-year-old appeared on the stage and shocked everyone. With her mature attitude and dizzying vocals, she emerged as quite the contender. 

As seems to be the norm on this NBC hit, first performance nerves can cause some problems, and that’s what happened here. 

In the end, she joined Team Adam, and her future in the process will hinge on whether she can battle the nerves and whether Adam chooses the right songs for her. 

Foushée (Team Adam) – “Redbone”

Foushée appeared on stage and had all of the makings of a global sensation. Being the daughter of a drummer, she knew what she had to do to secure a place post-audition. 

That’s why she made her way to Team Adam. It would have been fun to see what Kelly did with her, but Adam might be the next best thing. 

Chris Kroeze (Team Blake) – “Pride and Joy”

Chris shocked both the audience and the coaches. Adam thought he was a woman because nobody expected such a sweet voice from a man who looks like a country rocker. 

That said, being put in Blake’s team might prove to be the biggest mistake, because Blake is going to throw every country song at him to see what sticks. 

MaKenzie Thomas (Team Jennifer), “Big White Room”

Makenzie returned after not getting anywhere during Season 14. Her aim here was to get the chairs turning because her nerves got the best of her the last time. 

There was a great voice there, but a lot of work is required to make sure the teenager does not sound as pitchy as she did during the audition. 

Thankfully, she’s on Team Jennifer, and we could not think of a better place for her!

SandyRedd (Team Kelly), “River”

This 35-year-old mother of two brought her A-game Tuesday night. With vocals that people can only dream of, the coaches rewarded her with a four-chair turn. 

It was the biggest surprise of the night because the spots on each team are starting to look hella full, but SandyRedd was worth it. 

In fact, she was so worth it that Jennifer Hudson threw both of her shoes at her. Is it a big compliment? We hope so. 

In the end, she opted to go with Team Kelly. 

What are your thoughts on the latest auditions?

Hit the comments below. 

The Voice continues Monday on NBC. 


Wednesday, September 26, 2018

The Voice Recap: Who Won Night 2 of the Blind Auditions?

The Voice returned Monday with a brand new twist, and some of the best vocalists in the show’s fifteen season history. 

Did Tuesday’s episode manage to keep up the pace? 

Well, there were some excellent performances and some terrible ones. 

Let’s break down the latest string of contestants making their way to the next round. 

Keith Paluso (Team Blake) – “Way Down We Go”

This Kaleo classic is not an easy song to perform by any stretch of the imagination, but 30-year-old park ranger, Keith, made it his own. 

There wasn’t a bad thing to say about the performance. It was flawless and put a new spin on this song that has been used a little too much for emotional scenes on drama series. 

Team Blake should be good to Keith if the song choices are right for him. 

Claire DeJean (Team Kelly) – “Hurt Somebody”

Meh. That’s about all there is to say about this performance. Clair is 17-years-old and teaches acting and dance. 

Her vocals were bland, and there was nothing to really distinguish her from some of the other performers who did not make the cut. 

Kelly took her on, but we think this is going to wind up being a big mistake. 

Franc West (Team Jennifer) – “(Sittin’ On) The Dock of the Bay”

This was another sub-par performance. This 38-year-old took up singing while he was in the Navy, but he didn’t have the wow factor you expect from the people who advance to the next stage. 

Being on Jennifer’s team, there’s every reason to believe she will do her best to find the right genre of music for him. 

If she does not, he won’t make it very far. 

Michael Lee (Team Blake) – “The Thrill Is Gone”

Michael flew through his performance. It was so fast-paced that it made the judges wonder what the heck was going on. 

But there was a solid voice in there, and one that could be nurtured by spending some time on Team Blake.

Thankfully, he made his way to Mr. Shelton’s country crooner club. 

DeAndre Nico (Team Adam) –  “When I Was Your Man”

This NBC reality series usually saves the best for last, and DeAndre’s Bruno Mars cover found him with a four-chair turn. 

With vocals that reached dizzying heights, we think it’s fair to say that DeAndre performed better than Mars himself. He was THAT good. 

Before his performance, we learned that he was hit hard by Hurricane Harvey. 

Okay, what did you think of Night 2 of the Blind Auditions? Did the right ones make it through to the next stage?

Hit the comments below. 

The Voice continues Monday on NBC. 


Monday, June 25, 2018

Teen Uses Sign Language to Assist Deaf and Blind Man on Flight

Flying in an airplane can feel frightening and isolating for anyone. This can be powerfully amplified for disabled passengers.

When an Alaska Airlines flight asked if anyone might be able to help communicate with a passenger who was both blind and deaf, a California teen stepped up.

That teen believes that she was put on that flight for a reason.

Alaska Airlines Clara Daly 1

An Alaska Airlines flight made an announcement, asking if anyone onboard knew sign language.

As it happened, a teen girl who is a Calabasas native, Clara Daly, has been learning ASL (American Sign Language), and she jumped at the chance to help.

There was a man on the flight with her who was not only deaf, but blind. As a result, she had to sign into his hand in order to communicate with him.

“They thought that he might need something,” Clara would later explain. “And they weren’t sure how to communicate.”

As it turns out, she says, no emergency situations came up in which she needed to translate. But she was still happy to help.

“He didn’t need anything,” Clara says. “He was just like lonely and wanted to talk”

Alaska Airlines Clara Daly 2

Clara’s mother, Jane Daly, shared a series of photos of the encounter and explained what had happened.

“Clara and I flew home yesterday.” Jane writes. “Our original flight from Boston was cancelled (of course!) so Alaskan Airline placed us on an earlier flight out.”

There’s always something when you fly, it seems.

“Clara and I made a mad dash to the airport to make the new flight! (we did, phew)” Jane says.

“Shortly after the flight took off,” Jane says. “A flight attendant made an announcement asking if anyone knew sign language.”

Fortunately, there was just one such person on the plane.

“Clara has been studying American Sign Language,” Jane says. “So she rang the flight attendant button.”

There was a twist, however.

“They explained that the passenger was not only deaf, but also blind,” Jane reveals.

Yes, like Helen Keller.

Jane explains what the attendant told them: “The only way you can communicate with him was by signing into his hand.”

Alaska Airlines Clara Daly 3

From what Jane says, Clara was eager to help.

“Clara jumped up and went to see if she could help…” Jane says proudly. “And she did!”

Jane had started learning ASL because of her own dyslexia, figuring that it was just another way to communicate without writing or reading, since her mind jumbles those letters.

Jane shares: “Several times he requested her assistance throughout the flight.”

Which may mean that Clara was being too modest when she claimed that he didn’t need her help, even if there were no emergencies.

“Toward the end of the flight he asked for her again,” Jane reveals. “And this time he just wanted to talk.”

“She spent the remainder of the flight until landing with him,” Jane says.

“He asked her lots of questions,” Jane explains. “And she signed-spelled the answers into his hand.”

Alaska Airlines Clara Daly 4

“The flight attendants and the passengers around him were all taken by Clara,” Jane says. “They took these photos which they shared with me this morning.”

That is so sweet. And Clara suggested that it might have been no mere coincidence.

“After the flight,” Jane reveals. “Clara told me that she thought it was meant to be that our original flight was cancelled and we were placed on this flight so that she could be there to help this man.”

That is such a positive way of looking at an otherwise unfortunate flight cancellation.

“His name is Timothy,” Jane shares. “Our original flight was direct to LA. The new flight had a layover in Portland. Timothy was flying to Portland.”

Jane also says that Clara is being modest about the entire thing.

“She’ll probably kill me for posting this, but – Proud of my girl. #alaskanairlines

Of course, that very sweet story went viral. Good news is always welcome.

There is no shortage of horrifying viral stories, after all. Especially from flights.


Monday, June 18, 2018

June Shannon: I"ve Gained Weight ... But ONLY Because I"m Going Blind!

Earlier this year, we learned that June Shannon is going blind in her one good eye. That is not good. But that’s not the only change in her health.

Recent From Not To Hot clips show that June has regained some of the weight that she so famously lost.

Now, Mama June is opening up about exactly how much she has regained … and how it happened.

Speaking to People, June Shannon reveals exactly what she’s experienced during her new brush with blindness.

“It’s been physically and emotionally draining,” June says.

Any health battle can takes it toll, but in this case, she has needed help from others to perform what were once simple tasks.

June explains: “Losing my independence and having to rely on other people for everything has been crazy.”

You ever get injured and suddenly you need someone’s help just to shower or get dressed? It can be maddening.

“I can’t do anything,” June explains. “And have to lay down most of the time and take care of my vision.”

That would definitely explain why has has regained weight. Obviously, recovering her eyesight has to take priority over her figure.

”I have to worry about that right now,” June emphasizes. “That’s my main concern.”

As for how much weight she’s regained?

25 pounds, she reveals.

That can be hard to lose, but considering that she lost hundreds of pounds, that’s like a drop in the bucket.

June explains that she’s not going to try to re-lose that weight right away, saying: “I’m just focused on getting my vision back.”

As she explained, she needs to rest. Sometimes, exercise can help the healing process — but sometimes, it can actively impede recovery or make things worse. That latter applies when you’re recovering from eye surgeries.

But June is confident that, when the time comes, she can shrink back down.

“I can lose the weight, I know that,” she says.

Good for her.

But she makes it clear that she will avoid gaining too much weight, even while she concentrates on her eye.

“And I know I don’t want to go back over 200 lbs,” she says. “I’m paying attention to it more.”

June is completely blind in her right eye, but she’s accepted that.

Losing vision in her left eye is serious business.

At prsent, June rates her left eye’s vision as “a four out of ten,”

That doesn’t sound great, but she sounds satisfied.

June makes it clear that she has realistic expectations for her eyesight, saying: “Nothing is guaranteed.”

That’s true enough.

“Even if it stays as good as it is now,” June says of her lingering eyesight. “I’ll be happy.”

June and boyfriend Geno Doak have temporarily relocated to North Carolina so that they can be close to Duke hospital, a world-class medical facility where they can monitor and treat her eye.

But while June is focused on recovery and managing her expectations, some of her fans are dismayed that, after all of the work that she did to transform her body, she has regained this weight.

First, this is a special circumstance. Injuries or ailments that impair mobility tend to interrupt regular exercise, from walking around the house to actively working out.

That can really throw you off of your rhythm and cause weight gain.

Second of all, the grim truth is that almost everyone who loses weight eventually regains at least some of it.

Human bodies adapted for survival during times of scarcity, and are very good at storing energy as fat. Not even weight loss surgeries are a guarantee.

June Shannon is a problematic individual with a worrisome history, but we obviously hope that her eyesight makes a full and speedy recovery.

While “grandma’s eyesight isn’t what it used to be” might sound like a normal thing to say, remember that though she is a grandmother, she is only 38 years old.

There’s no good age at which to go blind, but 38 would be a very bad age for it.

Let’s hope that she continues to get the rest that she needs. Exercise can come later.


Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Cardi B Plays Dumb And Blind When Asked About Met Gala Beatdown

Cardi B’s sticking to an age-old alibi about her entourage allegedly beating the crap out of an aggressive autograph seeker — if you didn’t see it, it didn’t happen … legally speaking. Paps got Cardi Tuesday night in NYC — the day after alleged…


Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Calvin Harris Sued by Blind Man Over Home Rental Deal

Calvin Harris is being sued by a blind man who claims the DJ screwed him over in a super-expensive home deal. Harry Moscatel claims he leased Harris’ home above the Sunset Strip in West Hollywood last year for $ 35,000 a month. He put down a $ 70,000…


Tuesday, March 6, 2018

The Voice Recap: The Blind Auditions Heat Up!

The Blind Auditions are a frustrating part of The Voice. 

Some people who turn in first-class performances do not get so much as one chair to turn for them, and then there are the sub-par voices that get almost a full house. 

It boggles the mind, but it makes for some suspense, we guess. 

Night three of The Voice Season 14 auditions found some downright horrible performers advancing to the next stage of the process. 

Alas, let’s break down the performances for the people that were lucky enough to make it through!

Christiana Danielle – “Hotline Bling”

Okay, we’re calling it right now: Christiana is going to make it all the way to the end. Her performance of the Drake classic was on point. 

Adam turned his seat at the top of the performance, presumably because he knew Christiana was going to be one to watch. 

In the end, Christiana joined Team Alicia, and we think that was the best choice. 

Brett Hunter – “She’s a Bad Mama Jama”

Brett is a quirky 30-year-old with a rock-solid voice that he knows how to use. It was not up there with the best we’ve witnessed on this long-in-the-tooth NBC reality series, but there was something there worth nurturing. 

Joining Team Blake was a good idea because Blake seemed like the best fit for his vocals. Time will tell whether Brett can emerge from the pack. 

Jamai – “U Got It Bad”

Jamai’s voice was not very engaging. There was a lot of build-up, and while it seemed like he was going to be the best performer of the night, it was all over the place. 

It was shaky, and difficult to follow, but will he be able to battle the nerves in order to move further into the competition?

Mia Boostrom – “PILLOWTALK”

Mia was another one who skated through to the next stage. Her performance of the Zayn Malik number was less than stellar. 

In fact, there were better people who were sent home. That said, she had the charisma to keep the presence very much on her throughout. 

She joined Team Adam, but she will need to adapt quickly if she has any hope of staying in the process for much longer. 

Jackie Foster – “What About Us”

Jackie was the one who we thought was going to take our breath away with a solid performance, but there was nothing special about it.

It was dull, forced, and felt like a half-baked rendition of a solid song.  She went with Team Kelly, but it’s unclear what will become of her. 

Jorge Eduardo – “Despacito”

Jorge appeared on stage, conquered and got onto one of the better teams on the show. His voice is on par with some of the best this season thus far. 

Kelly should help him move on and become a better competitor. 

Austin Giorgio – “How Sweet It Is (to Be Loved By You)”

Another sub-par performance. 

“I’m telling you guys, [my performance is] gonna be nuts,” Austin said with a grin, but his vocals were just not there. 

He has a lot of work to do if he wants to stay in the process for much longer. 

Johnny Bliss – “Preciosa”

Talk about saving the best for last! This dude’s performance was perfect. Whatever most of the others lacked, Johnny had it on display and turned in one of the best renditions of the season. 

What did you think of the episode?

Sound off below!


Friday, October 13, 2017

Marc Anthony Robbed Blind for More Than $2.5 Million!!!

Marc Anthony is a couple million bucks lighter in the pockets today — and even though he had NO idea until recently — the alleged heist has been going down for 8 years … TMZ has learned. Prosecutors in NYC say Kyle Tessiero worked at a…


Tuesday, July 18, 2017

R. Kelly Neighbors Deny Turning Blind Eye, No Signs of Alleged "Cult" of Young Women

R. Kelly’s Georgia crib was more of a party house than the home base of an abusive cult … according to neighbors who are shocked at claims the singer was holding women against their will. Neighbors inside the gated Duluth, GA community tell us…


Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Serena & Venus" Dad Files for Divorce, She"s Robbing Me Blind!

Richard Williams is divorcing his wife and accusing her of jacking social security checks and forging his signature to steal property right out from under him.  Venus and Serena’s 75-year-old dad filed docs in Florida to split from 38-year-old…


Formerly Blind 16-Year Old Amazes on America"s Got Talent

For the second time this month, a contestant on America"s Got Talent has blown us away.

And also for the second time, this contestant has overcome a disability in order to leave his or her memorable impression.

Last week, we shared the video of Mandy Harvey singing for judges, explaining how she hasn"t let the fact that she"s deaf get in the way of her musical dreams.

On Tuesday night, meanwhile, we met Christian Guardino.

A 16-old from Long Island, Guardino sang a version of The Jackson 5’s “Who’s Lovin You,” earning a Golden Buzzer from Howie Mandel in the process.

This means he earned an automatic advancement to the show"s live quarterfinals in Las Vegas later this season.

“You were like a little mouse that turned into a lion," Simon Cowell told Christian, adding;

"You are one of my favorite contestants I’ve seen this year. Not only in terms of your voice. I just like you.

"There’s something about you, and it’s just the best possible feeling when we meet someone like you."

There aren"t many people like Christian, however.

Prior to taking the stage, Christian and his mother, Elizabeth, opened up about his journey of being blind for most of his life … before an experimental treatment gave him back his sight.

Pretty incredible, huh?

Guardino was diagnosed with a retinal disease called Leber congenital amaurosis (LCA), based on his September 2016 profile in National Geographic.

But he was actually cured of this blindness after receiving gene therapy treatment and he now can see well enough to read enlarged notes on sheet music.

Guardino has previously performed four times at the Apollo Theater in Harlem, New York… and now he"s off to Sin City!

Watch his audition to learn more about Christian and join us in being blown away by this young and talented man!

Christian guardino formerly blind 16 year old shines on americas

Monday, June 5, 2017

Khloe Kardashian"s Former Friend Allegedly Robbed Her Blind

Khloe Kardashian says she’s the victim of theft and betrayal by her former friend whom Khloe considered part of her family. Khloe took to Twitter over the weekend shedding some light on the incident and asking followers, “What would you do if…


Monday, May 22, 2017

Bill Cosby: Pretending to Be Blind as Rape Trial Begins?

This morning in Philadelphia, jury selection began in the Bill Cosby sexual assault trial.

While more than 50 women have accused Cosby of sexual misconduct, the comedy legend will only face charges in connection with the alleged sexual assault of Andrea Constand.

All of the other accusations fall outside of the statute of limitations, and so, while he may still be liable in civil cases, Cosby will never face criminal charges for any of them.

Constand claims that she was drugged and raped by Cosby in 2004 following an event at Temple University.

While the trial isn"t scheduled to begin until June 5, jury selection got underway today, and Cosby was on hand to watch his lawyers try and find 12 people who might be sympathetic to his case.

That certainly won"t be an easy feat, and it looks like Cosby might be pulling out all the stops in order to prove that he"s worthy of pity.

The video below shows Cosby arriving at the courthouse, and many have noted that he appears to be suffering from impaired vision.

Of course, many have also noted that the 79-year-old easily maneuvered his way around a garbage can that was obstructing his path.

The theory circulating on social media at the moment is that Cosby is merely pretending to be blind, so that jurors will be less hesitant to send him to prison.

That seems unlikely, but it"s not surprising that Cosby is doing everything in his power to garner sympathy.

The former sitcom star faces up to 10 years in prison if convicted.

Bill cosby pretending to be blind as rape trial begins

Michael B. Jordan Robbed Blind, Another Victim in Celeb Burglaries

Michael B. Jordan is in good company … with some of the biggest names in Hollywood — unfortunately what they all have in common is being burglary victims. Law enforcement sources tell us someone broke into Michael’s San Fernando Valley pad a…


Michael B. Jordan Robbed Blind, Another Victim in Celeb Burglaries

Michael B. Jordan is in good company … with some of the biggest names in Hollywood — unfortunately what they all have in common is being burglary victims. Law enforcement sources tell us someone broke into Michael’s San Fernando Valley pad a…


Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Michael Oher Booked for Alleged Uber Attack, Mug Shot Taken of "Blind Side" Inspiration (MUG SHOT)

NFL lineman Michael Oher — the inspiration for the movie “The Blind Side” — turned himself in to police on Monday to be booked for allegedly roughing up an Uber driver. He looked pissed.


Saturday, March 18, 2017

Jaime Pressly Got Robbed Blind, Just Like Kendall

Jaime Pressly is the latest celeb burglary victim … just days after Kendall Jenner got hit, Jamie had her jewelry stolen, too. Law enforcement sources tell us they got a call late Friday night from Pressly, who told them someone broke into her…


Tuesday, March 14, 2017

The Voice Recap: Lovin" You Blind (Auditions)

The Blind Auditions continued on The Voice Monday night as Adam, Alicia, Blake and Gwen sought to build up their Season 12 rosters.

Which standouts advanced on this episode?

Kenny P

30-year-old Kenny struggled in his first performance on the series, but he did manage to turn Gwen and Blake’s chairs around to face him. 

Seriously, we’re beginning to think the pair have it as part of their contracts to turn around and bicker over contestants. In reality, it’s unprofessional and proves they should not be on the show together. 

Surprisingly, if not for Gwen and Blake’s blatant attempts to get air time, Kenny probably would not be advancing. The reason? His voice was not all that. 

Being a singing competition, you have to be able to sing. In fact, we don’t even know what you need to do to cut it. Just ask the previous winners if you have not already forgotten them.

In the end, Kenny went with Team Gwen, who did not seem all that ecstatic when it came down to it. Have the coaches ever been refreshed in the middle of the season? Take note, NBC execs. 

Enid Ortiz

There is some music that should be banned from singing competitions because the songs are just so great and we (and the artists!) should not have to endure their song being murdered. 

25-year-old Enid opted to sing “All I Ask” by Adele. The first half of the performance was rather problematic. The vocals were all over the place. 

Thankfully, she pulled it together in the second half which found Gwen and Blake trying to fight over yet another young artist. Blake took the top spot on this one. 

Gwen did not look amused … is a break-up now on the horizon? We kid!


29-year-old TSoul (yes, that name is legit!) opted to sing “Take Me to the River, ” and it was great. The vocals seemed very natural, nd you could tell he was the right person to be auditioning. 

The only issue was that he’s traveled the world, so he’s already had a better singing career than the likes of Blake Shelton, so it seemed odd that he would be the one to coach him. 

Hanna Eyre

This season seems poised to become The Voice Junior. The younger artists have been exciting additions to the series. Hanna Eyre was no different. 

Singing  “Blank Space” by Taylor Swift, Eyre was a standout performer on the night. The interesting thing about all of it was that she did not sign up for the show. That honor went to her father, who felt his daughter needed to show off her talent. 

She chose to join Team Adam and something tells us they are going to get on very well. 

Hunter Plake

“Carry On” by Fun is a feel-good song that has become something of a classic over the last few years. The vocals were definitely there and Hunter had the charm to make it far. 

It ultimately came down to Gwen and Alicia, but something tells us Hunter made the right decision by joining forces with Alicia. 

She has the ability to nurture Hunter’s talent and develop in all the places it matters. 

Nala Price

Another contestant, another Adele song. Nala went with “Send My Love to Your New Lover” because, of course she did. It was not perfect, not by a landslide. 

The vocals were kind of all over the place, but something got Gwen and Adam excited about working with the 17-year-old Florida native. 

Nala decided to join up with Team Adam and Gwen was not impressed. 

Sammie Zonana

Much like Adele, Ariana Grande’s roster of music has been a go-to for much of the younger generation. Sammie is a trained screenwriter-turned-singer and we’re really digging her. 

Her vocals were there, and Gwen took note of it, and the rest was history. 

Valerie Ponzio

32-year-old Valerie Ponzio went with the iconic “Ring of Fire” by Johnny Cash and no, it’s not iconic because it’s become a drinking game worldwide. 

Her vocals, pitch and everything else was perfect. She’s definitely the one to watch and Adam seemed confident about her. 

It’s just a shame she ditched him for Blake!

That’s a wrap on night 6 of the blind auditions. Yes, they’ve dragged, but the audition stage is the best part of the show. 

What did you think of the acts?!


Wednesday, March 8, 2017

The Voice Recap: Best Blind Audition Ever?

With The Voice opting for more blind auditions this week, do the coaches run the risk of having too many people on their teams to be able to give them a good enough experience?

That’s certainly one of the more pressing questions as we delve deeper into the new season of the ratings juggernaut.

The auditions are the best part of the series, so viewers are getting what they want. 

Which coaches got some fresh new blood for their team of game changers?

Let’s run down who advanced into the next stage of the competition…

Johnny Gates

Johnny went with “Maggie May” by Rod Stewart as his audition number. You could tell from the get-go that there was something to like about him. 

The song was perfectly suited to his voice, and Gwen Stefani made sure he knew that. Hey, there’s nothing quite like using flattery to entice people to join your cause. 

Malik Davage

Malik had an emotional story to let the coaches in on about his past, but not before he sang, “Sure Thing” by Miguel. It was a perfect rendition of an already perfect song. 

He wanted to join Adam’s team, so he was ecstatic at having the chair turn for him. 

Lauryn Judd

16-year-old Lauryn Judd went with “Girls Just Wanna Have Fun” by Cyndi Lauper. It’s the ultimate feel-good song, and the coaches seemed to think so, too. 

Her high notes put her on Alicia’s radar. The vocal prowess turned her chair, and you could tell Lauryn was ecstatic.

With any hesitation, she chose Alicia to be the one to nurture her singing.

Caroline Sky 

Lauryn went with Caroline King’s “Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow.” It started something of a bidding war between Gwen and Blake, but Gwen seemed to think that telling the young girl that she was in the same position as her was the best move. 

The vocals were there, but it seems like Gwen is going a bit far to get these people on her team and it’s getting a little nauseating. 

Chill out, Gwen. 

Josh Hoyer

40-year-old Josh Hoyer sang “Oh Girl” by The Shylights, and it was another show-stopping performance. All of the talent this year seems so much fresher and newer than the last cycle. 

Josh’s solid pitch and great voice secured him a spot with Team Blake Shelton. 

Through five blind audition episodes, the coaches have amassed quite a few additions to their teams. 

  • Team Gwen: Joshua “JChosen” Hunter, Stephanie Rice, Savannah Leighton, Brandon Royal, Troy Ramey, Aaliyah Rose, Johnny Gates, Caroline Sky 

  • Team Blake: Lauren Duski, Brennley Brown, Aliyah Moulden, Ashley Blake, Casi Joy, Micah Tryba, Josh Hoyer 

  • Team Adam: Johnny Hayes, Mark Isaiah, Jesse Larson, Julien Martinez, Kawan DeBose, Taylor Alexander, Gaby Borromeo, Josh West, Malik Davage

  • Team Alicia: Anatalia Villaranda, Felicia Temple, Autumn Turner, Lilli Passero, Quizz Swanigan, Jack Cassidy, Missy Robertson, Lauryn Judd 

What do you think of the extended auditions stage this time round? 

Sound off below!
