Showing posts with label Pretending. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pretending. Show all posts

Friday, May 25, 2018

Jill Duggar: Dragged By Fans For Pretending Derick Dillard Has a Job!

Back in November of 2017, Derick Dillard was fired from his in-laws’ reality show, Counting On.

His wife, Jill Duggar, quit the show shortly thereafter as a gesture of solidarity.

For a time, the Dillards were without a source of income, which would be a problem for anyone, but was especially daunting in this case, as the couple is raising two young sons.

Recently, Jill launched a midwife service, but business has reportedly been slow, both due to concerns about her licensure and ongoing issues with her family’s reputation.

Meanwhile, Derick seems to be devoting most of his ample free time to spewing his political opinions on Twitter.

Naturally, fans and critics alike have been quick to encourage him to get a job, but it seems that’s the one issue that Derick has no interest in arguing about with strangers.

In fact, it seems he’ll do whatever it takes to avoid the subject of his lack of employment, so you can imagine our surprise when Jill addressed the issue for him:

This week, Jill posted the above photo, taken at her local polling place — and she raised quite a few eyebrows with the caption.

“We just voted! Teaching ‘em young the privilege of letting your voice be heard…and took both boys with me since Derick was at work. lol,” she captioned the pic.

On top of the usual comments about the Josh Duggar sex scandals and concerns over whether little Samuel is the right size for his car seat, lots of fans wanted to know exactly what sort of “work” Derick was engaged in.

Last we checked, the 29-year-old was unemployed and seemed to have no interest in changing that condition.

And as Jill’s followers were quick to point out, it’s not like D-Dill is the type to keep his accomplishments to himself.

“Does he work at Twitter?” joked one fan.

“‘Work’ and an actual job may be different things at the Dillard house,” quipped another.

“Haha. ‘Derick is at work.’ That cracks me up,” remarked a third.

Another dispensed with the humor and simply stated exactly what we’re all thinking:

“He doesn’t really work or hold a job,” the follower wrote.

“If he did, he would proudly be announcing his job all over the internet.”

That’s both tough but fair — in other words, the exact opposite of a bigoted coward like Derick.

Zing! We’ll be here all week, folks!

Watch Counting On online for more from reality TV’s most controversial family.


Monday, May 22, 2017

Bill Cosby: Pretending to Be Blind as Rape Trial Begins?

This morning in Philadelphia, jury selection began in the Bill Cosby sexual assault trial.

While more than 50 women have accused Cosby of sexual misconduct, the comedy legend will only face charges in connection with the alleged sexual assault of Andrea Constand.

All of the other accusations fall outside of the statute of limitations, and so, while he may still be liable in civil cases, Cosby will never face criminal charges for any of them.

Constand claims that she was drugged and raped by Cosby in 2004 following an event at Temple University.

While the trial isn"t scheduled to begin until June 5, jury selection got underway today, and Cosby was on hand to watch his lawyers try and find 12 people who might be sympathetic to his case.

That certainly won"t be an easy feat, and it looks like Cosby might be pulling out all the stops in order to prove that he"s worthy of pity.

The video below shows Cosby arriving at the courthouse, and many have noted that he appears to be suffering from impaired vision.

Of course, many have also noted that the 79-year-old easily maneuvered his way around a garbage can that was obstructing his path.

The theory circulating on social media at the moment is that Cosby is merely pretending to be blind, so that jurors will be less hesitant to send him to prison.

That seems unlikely, but it"s not surprising that Cosby is doing everything in his power to garner sympathy.

The former sitcom star faces up to 10 years in prison if convicted.

Bill cosby pretending to be blind as rape trial begins

Monday, May 23, 2016

Kailyn Lowry: PRETENDING That She"s Still With Javi Marroquin?

It’s hard to get a read on just what’s going on between Kailyn Lowry and Javi Marroquin these days.

Not so long ago it appeared that Kailyn had confirmed her divorce from Javi on Twitter.

Lowry and Marroquin even stopped following one another on social media following a very public argument over Javi sending explicit photos to another woman

The severing of Twitter ties was somewhat of a big deal, as the couple had stated in the past that social media was their primary means of keeping in contact during Javi’s deployment with the U.S. Air Force.

Just as it was beginning to look like Lowry and Marroquin were officially dunzo, however, their relationship began to show signs of life.

Javi even spoke openly about his efforts to win Kailyn back during an online conversation with fans. 

Kailyn suggested that she was open to a reconciliation ans described herself as “still married” in an interview.

Now, however, it looks as though the couple’s efforts to make it work never fully got off the ground.

Though she hasn’t responded directly to fans’ questions about whether or not she and Javi are (as he claims) giving it another go, Kailyn posted a cryptic and telling tweet just moments ago:

“Pretend is my favorite game,” the 24-year-old mom wrote.

It’s not a full-blown kiss-off, but it’s certainly not encouraging.

As far as we can tell, it’s Kailyn’s way of saying Javi is pretending all is well and has successfully convinced himself that his family will still intact once he returns from Qatar.

Or maybe she’s subtly hinting that she’s tired of pretending all is well in her marriage.

We’re not sure, but something tells us there’s some not-so-subtle sarcasm behind that tweet.

Watch Teen Mom 2 online to relive all of Kailyn and Javi’s ups and downs.

Kailyn Lowry: PRETENDING That She"s Still With Javi Marroquin?

It’s hard to get a read on just what’s going on between Kailyn Lowry and Javi Marroquin these days.

Not so long ago it appeared that Kailyn had confirmed her divorce from Javi on Twitter.

Lowry and Marroquin even stopped following one another on social media following a very public argument over Javi sending explicit photos to another woman

The severing of Twitter ties was somewhat of a big deal, as the couple had stated in the past that social media was their primary means of keeping in contact during Javi’s deployment with the U.S. Air Force.

Just as it was beginning to look like Lowry and Marroquin were officially dunzo, however, their relationship began to show signs of life.

Javi even spoke openly about his efforts to win Kailyn back during an online conversation with fans. 

Kailyn suggested that she was open to a reconciliation ans described herself as “still married” in an interview.

Now, however, it looks as though the couple’s efforts to make it work never fully got off the ground.

Though she hasn’t responded directly to fans’ questions about whether or not she and Javi are (as he claims) giving it another go, Kailyn posted a cryptic and telling tweet just moments ago:

“Pretend is my favorite game,” the 24-year-old mom wrote.

It’s not a full-blown kiss-off, but it’s certainly not encouraging.

As far as we can tell, it’s Kailyn’s way of saying Javi is pretending all is well and has successfully convinced himself that his family will still intact once he returns from Qatar.

Or maybe she’s subtly hinting that she’s tired of pretending all is well in her marriage.

We’re not sure, but something tells us there’s some not-so-subtle sarcasm behind that tweet.

Watch Teen Mom 2 online to relive all of Kailyn and Javi’s ups and downs.

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Jill and Derick Dillard: Pretending They"re Still on Mission Trip?

Jill Duggar and husband Derick Dillard haven’t posted an update on their oft-discussed mission trip to El Salvador since late December.

That’s led many Duggar observers – already concerned about the couple’s health – to speculate on the whereabouts of the Dillard duo.

First, there was Derick’s changing appearance that sent fans into a frenzy, followed by a controversial photo of an injured Israel Dillard.

Then, there was talk of the Zika virus driving Jill to birth control, and most recently, reports that she and Derick returned to Arkansas.

The Duggars don’t believe in birth control, which put Jill in an interesting position, as the virus has been linked to significant birth defects.

So dangerous is the Zika virus that El Salvador has reportedly recommended that women refrain from getting pregnant until 2018 or later.

No wonder, then, that Jill returned to Arkansas to avoid getting infected and/or to get pregnant – or so we believed earlier this week.

Radio host Danni Starr further heightened these suspicions by revealing that she conducted interviews with various TLC stars last week.

Jill and Jessa Duggar were among those name-checked by Starr, though they were nowhere to be seen in a photo shared on Facebook.

The Duggars pictured were John David, Josiah, and Joseph, while Jessa Duggar’s husband, Ben Seewald, also took part in the interview.

It’s possible, clearly, that Danni meant she was interviewing a few of the stars of Jill & Jessa: Counting On, not Jill and Jessa themselves.

All evidence of the Duggar interview has since been wiped from her Facebook page, though, which has just made fans more suspicious.

Now, Jill has shared a new photo … one apparently designed to make fans believe that she and Derick haven’t left El Salvador after all.

“Israel loves making new friends! More pics and an update coming soon to,” Jill captioned the Instagram photo.

Even though Jill Duggar’s pic was taken in El Salvador, it’s possible that it’s an older one and they are indeed back in Arkansas.

Jill and Derick will likely answer this question and address the Zika virus at some point, too, but their actions continue to befuddle fans.