Showing posts with label DRAGGED. Show all posts
Showing posts with label DRAGGED. Show all posts

Monday, July 2, 2018

Audrey Roloff is Actually Getting Dragged for This Photo of Ember

If this photo doesn’t make your day I don’t know what will.

This is what Audrey Roloff wrote as a caption to the following photograph:

Makes perfect sense, right?

It’s an image of her husband and her daughter, both looking as happy and as cute as can be.

This is the Internet, however.

And a bunch of Instagram trolls somehow managed to take a look at this precious photo and come up with reasons why Audrey ought to be ashamed of it.

Here is a sampling of what some critics have said about it:

You would think her mother would have put a cute top on her.

[Ember] might be cold while dad is wearing a long shirt and long trousers!

Cute photo, but I would have never put my daughter’s pictures on social media without a top. Too many weirdos now a days. You gotta be afraid.

We’ve asked this question many times before and we’re sure we’ll ask it again, but…

… what is wrong with people?!?

Who could look at that adorable image of a father and his young child and criticize the latter for her fashion; and/or think any sort of thoughts regarding nudity simply because she’s wearing a diaper.

That’s totally bonkers in our book.

Just about two months ago, Audrey came under similar scrutiny for posting pictures of Ember on the beach.

Once again, to nearly any rational person, these were simply cute snapshots of a proud mother and her very cute eight-month old.

Yet Ember wasn’t wearing any clothing… and that was enough to get dumb people all up in arms, once again hurling major shade at the Little People, Big World star.

Oh, and her husband, too!

Jeremy Roloff also heard it from Internet users for a picture of his daughter and his hand.

Yes, his hand.

See, in THIS PHOTO, Jeremy is hoising his child up, propping her within some foliage for a pretty cool and artistic snapshot.

That was our take at least.

But others chimed in and referred to the pose as “creepy” because Jeremy is holding his daughter by her crotch.

And let’s be honest: it says a whole lot more about the people who thought in this way than he did about Jeremy for doing something 100% normal and natural and harmless.

Audrey and Jeremy got married in September of 2014; revealed their pregnancy in February of 2017; and welcomed Ember into the world in September of last year.

She was over a week late, which must have really sucked for Audrey.

The pair told Us Weekly shortly afterward that they chose the name Ember because “campfires have been a big part of our love story.”

How sweet, right?


Friday, May 25, 2018

Jill Duggar: Dragged By Fans For Pretending Derick Dillard Has a Job!

Back in November of 2017, Derick Dillard was fired from his in-laws’ reality show, Counting On.

His wife, Jill Duggar, quit the show shortly thereafter as a gesture of solidarity.

For a time, the Dillards were without a source of income, which would be a problem for anyone, but was especially daunting in this case, as the couple is raising two young sons.

Recently, Jill launched a midwife service, but business has reportedly been slow, both due to concerns about her licensure and ongoing issues with her family’s reputation.

Meanwhile, Derick seems to be devoting most of his ample free time to spewing his political opinions on Twitter.

Naturally, fans and critics alike have been quick to encourage him to get a job, but it seems that’s the one issue that Derick has no interest in arguing about with strangers.

In fact, it seems he’ll do whatever it takes to avoid the subject of his lack of employment, so you can imagine our surprise when Jill addressed the issue for him:

This week, Jill posted the above photo, taken at her local polling place — and she raised quite a few eyebrows with the caption.

“We just voted! Teaching ‘em young the privilege of letting your voice be heard…and took both boys with me since Derick was at work. lol,” she captioned the pic.

On top of the usual comments about the Josh Duggar sex scandals and concerns over whether little Samuel is the right size for his car seat, lots of fans wanted to know exactly what sort of “work” Derick was engaged in.

Last we checked, the 29-year-old was unemployed and seemed to have no interest in changing that condition.

And as Jill’s followers were quick to point out, it’s not like D-Dill is the type to keep his accomplishments to himself.

“Does he work at Twitter?” joked one fan.

“‘Work’ and an actual job may be different things at the Dillard house,” quipped another.

“Haha. ‘Derick is at work.’ That cracks me up,” remarked a third.

Another dispensed with the humor and simply stated exactly what we’re all thinking:

“He doesn’t really work or hold a job,” the follower wrote.

“If he did, he would proudly be announcing his job all over the internet.”

That’s both tough but fair — in other words, the exact opposite of a bigoted coward like Derick.

Zing! We’ll be here all week, folks!

Watch Counting On online for more from reality TV’s most controversial family.


Friday, May 4, 2018

Meghan Markle Dragged by Sister: Stop Treating People Like Trash!

With the Royal Wedding date swiftly approaching, excitement continues to mount for fans of Meghan Markle and Prince Harry.

Markle’s family, in the mean time, continues to make it clear why none of them — save her mother — were invited.

But this time, it’s the bride-to-be’s sister blasting the royal family for something kind of major. Does she have a point?

Samantha Markle Twitter Pic

As a huge gesture, Meghan Markle and Prince Harry have invited the serfs — sorry, the common non-royal people — to attend the wedding from a respectable distance.

But these guests, who will not actually be entering the chapel where the ceremony will take place, have been advised to bring their own food for a picnic lunch … as they won’t even have the option of buying food.

Samantha Markle couldn’t see that and not respond with a tweet.

“For the , instead of shuffling homeless people to the outskirts of Windsor, there should be a tented area with steak dinners, music, job corps, and housing representatives, set up to improve their lives.”

(The 1,200 guests were selected from various charities that the royal couple supports)

Samantha continues her tweet, saying:

“Homeless people are human. Treat them with dignity. Namaste”

Namaste is a traditional Indian greeting often used in the West during yoga.

Samantha followed up that tweet with another, in which she expresses further outrage … allegedly on behalf of these guests.

“Wow do they get sent to dungeons if their children get grouchy and express that they’re hungry with no catering?”

That’s … not something that’s been within the power of the British Royal Family for generations.

“Bring your own picnic basket? Really?”

She compares this wedding to other events, and may be throwing a little shade at Meghan’s career.

“Even low-budget film sets have roach coaches selling burgers and taquitos.”

While the term roach coach is a little much, it’s worth noting that only because of decades of hard-fought union battles are actors and others who work on set entitled to craft services.

In an op-ed in The Guardian that Samantha Markle shared, the writer considers it tacky and hypocritical for the royal family to invite these guests and not feed them.

That opinion piece likens inviting these guests to calling in a bunch of “TV extras” for the wedding ceremony.

Others have voiced similar criticisms, comparing these 1,200 spectators to “props” and calling the invitations themselves and empty gesture.

It’s easy to see where these critics are coming from — after all, you have to think a lot of yourself to consider that allowing others to glimpse you getting married is a “gift.”

That said, this is a royal wedding. Of course people are excited to be invited to attend a once-in-a-lifetime event.

Now, Meghan Markle’s estranged sister has had a lot to say in recent months.

Samantha Markle has been exposed as a lying opportunist by her own ex-husband.

As people watch her go off on Meghan as she approaches her wedding day, it’s easy to understand why her name wasn’t on the guest list.

At the same time, it’s difficult for many to imagine why she won’t give her own sister a moment’s peace.

However, others can understand why she would be so outspoken.

Especially if she could potentially profit from the media coverage.

Samantha Markle has since responded to headlines referring to her “shading” Meghan, writing:

“The world has gone mad and it’s quite comical that the new word for the ‘truth’ is #shade.”

She displays a fundamental misunderstanding. Shade is insulting someone indirectly; it is akin to a backhanded compliment or a subtle jab.

Tea is the word for “truth.” Just so that we’re clear.


Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Chicago Cop Who Dragged Dr. David Dao Off United Flight Sues Airline Over Firing

The officer who violently dragged a United Airlines passenger last year says the airline set him up to take a fall, and he believes he was wrongly fired… according to a new suit. James Long was one of the Chicago aviation officers seen on video…


Sunday, April 1, 2018

Kim Kardashian Gets Dragged (Hard!) for This Easter Photo

Kim Kardashian celebrated the holiest of days on the Catholic calendar by sharing a picture that provoked a pretty similar reaction across the Internet.

And that reaction was this:


Yes, the reality star really did share the above photo of her impressive cleavage on the day Jesus Christgot resurrected and came back to life many years ago.

And, yes, she did include a bunny ears emoji as a caption along with it.

But promoting her sensual figure on this special holiday is actually NOT the reason Kim is under intense online scrutiny right now.

Instead, Kardashian is facing a great deal of backlash today for the following Twitter photo and message:

kim kross

“Happy Easter,” Kim wrote as a simple caption to this snapshot, which features a golden cross shimmering in the sky with the sun behind it.

However, religious symbol is lined with a repeating design that looks to be diamonds, leading some pious followers to think Kardashian has missed the spirit of the Easter holiday.

Jesus, after all, was not exactly into wealth and the flaunting of one’s riches.

“Nothing says Easter better than a diamond studded cross,” wrote one annoyed Internet user in response to this picture, while another asked:

“is this a joke?”

The mother of three, who was just praised a few days ago for her March of Our Lives attendance, is now once again considered the self-centered enemy by a handful of critics.

Here’s a selection of other Twitter comments in reply to her fancy diamond image:

kk easter replies

Another person said she thought this was a “meme” on Kim’s part.

But we’re pretty sure she meant it as a serious way to send Easter wishes to her followers.

“Ok but anyone else think this might be a yeezus album cover hint??” asked another user, which really would be pretty lame on Kim’s part.

One really should not use this very holy day as a PR opportunity.

Then again, some might say, one should not appropriate Asian culture in the way Kim has often been accused of doing.

What do you think of this alleged Kim Kardashian scandal?

Is it really a scandal? Did Kim cross a line with this picture of a cross?

Or should some folks just calm down and not overanalyze everything this woman says and does?

Sound off below with your thoughts and…

… Happy Easter!


Sunday, February 11, 2018

Jeremy London 911 Call, Wife Claims He Dragged Her With Her Car

Jeremy London was screaming like a lunatic as he dragged his wife with a moving car … this according to the 911 call obtained by TMZ. During the call, Juliet London can be heard — with her voice cracking at times — telling the 911 operator…


Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Amy Roloff Dragged for Living "In Sin" with Chris Marek

It’s official: 

Amy Roloff cannot win.

In fact, it’s becoming more and more clear with each photo she shares:

Amy Roloff can only lose. Badly.

No matter what Amy posts to her Instagram account, followers find some kind of issue to take up with the Little People, Big World star.

For example, to kick off February, Roloff uploaded an adorable throwback image of her and her twin sons… from WAY back in the day.

And somehow, for some reason, Internet users found to pick apart this totally adorable snapshot.

The most surprising aspect of that nitpick, however, is that the picture in question did NOT feature Chris Marek, a man Amy has been dating for over a year now.

Despite the long-term and serious nature of their romance, fans simply cannot accept Marek in Amy’s life.

They are somehow convinced he’s using Roloff for fame and fortune – despite Amy really not being all that famous or all that rich.

And despite Marek showing no signs that he’s anything but head-over-heels in love with Roloff.

The latest instance of Amy sharing a seemingly harmless photograph, only to be on the receiving end of great disdain for some reason, is the picture above.

It was snapped during Super Bowl Sunday and it features Amy and Chris hanging out with some friends.

Captioned Roloff:

Friends watching the Super Bowl game! Yeah some of us rooted for the Patriots … but those Eagles? They were spectacular. What a game.

And then there was J.T.! Justin Timberlake you were awesome! Fun times w/ friends and a little football.

The the only problem we see with this message is that Justin Timberlake wasn’t really all that awesome.

However, a few other critics found another reason to slam Amy in this instance:

Because it implies, apparently, that she’s living with Marek!

One troll told Amy that Chris isn’t right for her because, well, he doesn’t look enough like her.

No, really. This was an actual criticism of the couple:

But the critique that took the cruel and hilariously misguided comes from someone who accused Amy of living “in sin” with Chris.

This same person says both individuals are bad Christians who should not be fornicating and who may very well “burn” in Hell.

We’d say this response is funny, because it sort of is.

But it’s really more disturbing than anything, wouldn’t you agree?

Who looks at photos such as the ones above and comes up with THAT as a reply?!?

Whose mind thinks that way?

It really is pretty sad.

We hope Chris and Amy continue to ignore the haters and to carry on with what appears to be a very strong and happy relationship.

Get to know Marek a little better via the following gallery of photos and facts and please join us in condemning ridiculous critics such as the person above:


Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Doritos Announces Special Chips for Women, Promptly Gets Dragged

If you"re a woman, then there"s a good chance you have a hard time doing pretty much everything, right?

It"s just that women are so tender and delicate, like tiny little butterflies, completely incapable of living life out here in a man"s world.

That"s why a few years ago we were so blessed when that company was kind enough to make those special pens for our dainty little lady hands, remember?

After all, if an item isn"t small and pink and inoffensive, are we even legally allowed to use it?

The whole issue is a lot to consider, especially if you have a lady brain, which we"re pretty sure has been scientifically proven to be smaller than the male brain.

But thankfully, certain brands are acting as problem solvers in this big, loud, scary world.

One of those brands is Doritos.

Last week, PepsiCo"s chief executive (PepsiCo owns Doritos) appeared on a podcast and announced that a special lady version of Doritos is in the works.


"As you watch a lot of the young guys eat the chips, they love their Doritos, and they lick their fingers with great glee, and when they reach the bottom of the bag, they pour the little broken pieces into their mouth because they don"t want to lose that taste of the flavor," she said.

"Women would love to do the same, but they don"t."

And so the plan is to release a new kind of Doritos "for women," with "low-crunch, the full taste profile, not have so much of the flavor stick on the fingers, and how can you put it in a purse? Because women love to carry a snack in their purse."

Obviously this is absolutely ridiculous and just so, so dumb, but Twitter took this plan and ran with it.

See the best reactions to the up and coming lady Doritos below!

1. Revelations


What? Women also enjoy snacks? Sometimes even “with great glee”?! Surely not!

2. A Little Confusion

A little confusion

Also why are you eating Doritos in a bra, girl? Live your best life.

3. But Seriously

But seriously

They HAVE to know how dumb this is. Someone, somewhere in that company has to be aware that this could possibly be the stupidest idea in the history of Doritos.

4. Ugh …


It hurts, it really does.

5. SMH


Guess you really never know anyone, huh, Helen?

6. Too Much Space

Too much space

What a time to be alive.

View Slideshow

Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Chip & Joanna are Actually Getting Dragged for Their Pregnancy

Well… this is a new one.

As previously reported, Chip and Joanna Gaines are expecting their fifth child.

The Fixer Upper made this announcement via a very cute photo (below) and most fans are extremely excited for them.

Most fans. But not all fans.

Some folks out there are giving the Fixer Upper stars a hard time for procreating once again, and you won"t believe the reason(s) why.

Scroll down to find out…

1. We’re Pregnant!

Chip and joanna gaines announcement

This is how the couple confirmed the exciting news, with Chip writing as a caption: “Gaines party of 7.. (If you’re still confused.. WE ARE PREGNANT) @joannagaines”

2. When Did This Happen?

When did this happen

Chip has actually gone ahead and revealing the night that some music led to some love making, which led to a baby. He’s the best, isn’t he?

3. The Ultrasound

The ultrasound

Joanna chimed in on the pregnancy with proof… and with another funny comment by Chip.

4. So… What’s the Problem?

Joanna and chip gaines on tv

We should all just be happy for Chip and Joanna, shouldn’t we? They really do seem like such a fun and living couple.

5. Okay, Slow Down

Okay slow down

We’re all happy for Chip and Joanna. But we were happier when people we actually knew had this news. Still: this is the right sort of response.

6. This Isn’t About You

This isnt about you

But still. At least this person is happy for Chip and Joanna, however. Well done.

View Slideshow

Friday, December 15, 2017

Matt Damon Gets Dragged by Entire Internet for Sexual Misconduct Comments

Matt Damon is generally considered one of the nicest, least controversial actors in Hollywood.

But the star has gone ahead and stuck his typically-genial foot directly into his very handsome mouth.

On Wednesday’s episode of ABC News’ Popcorn With Peter Travers, the actor shared his take on the influx of sexual misconduct allegations that continue to hit the entertainment profession.

And, in doing so, Damon opened himself up to criticism from… well… pretty much everyone.

“I think we’re in this watershed moment,” he said early in the interview, adding:

“I think it’s great. I think it’s wonderful that women are feeling empowered to tell their stories – and it’s totally necessary.”

There you go. Perfect. Damon could have just stopped there and no one would be talking about him right now.

But he didn’t stop there.

With sexual misconduct allegations derailing the careers of such stars as Louis CK, Kevin Spacey, Matt Lauer, Mario Batali and MANY others, Damon made many attempts to parse various situations.

Referring to a “spectrum of behavior,” he said:

“There’s a difference between, you know, patting someone on the butt and rape or child molestation, right?”

In this case, Damon was citing scandals that have enveloped politicians Al Franken (butt patting) and Roy Moore (alleged child molestation).

“Both of those behaviors need to be confronted and eradicated without question, but they shouldn’t be conflated, right?” Damon continued, saying he would have “preferred if they had an Ethics Committee investigation.”

However, Damon argued:

“We are so energized to kind of get retribution.”

Most people would not say anyone is energized to get “retribution” right now.

They would say women are energized to speak out against the many times they’ve been wronged; and this should only be applauded.

In one of his most dissected and disappointing statements, Damon said:

“We live in this culture of outrage and injury, and, you know, we’re going to have to correct enough to kind of go, ‘Wait a minute. None of us came here perfect.’

“You know what I mean?”

Not really.

One can not be perfect and also know how to treat a woman with respect at all times.

Among those who have dragged Damon for his comments is Minnie Driver, who co-starred with the actor in Good Will Hunting.

She linked to his controversial interview on Twitter and just wrote “God, God seriously?”

Others, meanwhile, have said the following:

damon tweets

Damon, who was close to Harvey Weinstein after the producer helped get Good Will Hunting made, dug himself into an even deeper hole when citing individual examples.

Admitting he doesn’t “know all the details” about Louis C.K., for example, Damon said the following:

“I don’t do deep dives on this, but I did see his statement…

“When he came out and said, ‘I did this; I did these things; these women are all telling the truth,’ I just remember thinking, ‘Well, that’s the sign of somebody who…well, we can work with that."”

Ummm…. there are two problems with this argument:

  1. CK was accused of pulling out his penis and masturbating in front of many women. Damon could have taken a few easy second to research this online.

  2. CK only released his statement AFTER reports came out that basically confirmed these actions.

Damon is concerns that “the clearer signal to men and to younger people is [to] deny it, because if you take responsibility for what you did, your life’s going to get ruined.

“I mean, look, as I said – all of that behavior needs to be confronted, but there is a continuum.

‘And on this end of the continuum where you have rape and child molestation or whatever, you know, that’s prison. Right? That’s what needs to happen. OK?”



Look, yes, there’s a difference between outright rape and a few misguided comments. No one denies this.

But one could argue that a culture that looks past the latter on a continual basis contributes to more of the former because there because a general acceptance of women as nothing but sex objects.

Moreover, this just isn’t the time, Matt.

There have been too many instances of too much heinous behavior around Hollywood. This isn’t the time to get up on a pedestal and try to teach America about grey areas.

But Damon focused on social media in his interview and lamented today’s culture of presumed guilt, saying:

“The moment a claim is made… I would be scorched earth. I’d go, ‘I don’t care if it costs $ 10 million to fight this in court with you for 10 years; you are not taking my name from me. You are not taking my name and my reputation from me. I’ve worked too hard for it.

“And I earned it. You can’t just blow me up like that."”

“Once a claim is made, there will no longer be settlements. That’s my prediction, just based on what I’ve seen.”

“Isn’t that a good thing?” Travers countered, noting many female had been unable to share their stories because of nondisclosure agreements.

“One hundred percent,” Damon responded, adding that “every woman who’s coming forward with one of these stories needs to be listened to and heard.”

Boom. Yes. Done.

That’s all you had to say in the first place, Matt Damon.


Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Kate Gosselin Dares to Share Pics of Daughters, Gets Dragged by Trolls. HARD.

Darn you, Internet.

You’ve really gone ahead and done it now.

You’ve made us feel bad for Kate Gosselin.

Over the past few weeks, hatred for the reality star and mother of eight has seemed to hit near-record numbers, as Gosselin cannot share anything online without hearing it from a bunch of trolls.

Just a few weeks ago, for example, Gosselin posted a few photos online of her kids in their Halloween costumes.

We’re pretty sure every single celebrity alive does this.

And yet followers called out Kate for the snapshots, mostly because they did not include son Collin, who has been enrolled in a program away from home for behavioral issues.

Details regarding his status remain scarce, which has prompted haters to bring up him every chance they get.

Gosselin even received backlash, as it relates to Collin, when she shared throwback photos of her twin girls on the occasion of their 17th birthday.

And now Kate has gone ahead and shared new throwback pictures, this time of daughter Alexis.

Along with the cute snapshot above, the Kate Plus 8 star wrote:

The girls and I were looking through old pics the other night together…reliving our MANY fun times over the years…

it’s cute when your teenagers screech about how cute they were and play argue over ‘who was the cutest.’

To me, they were and are all equally ‘edible’ and adorable and I told them so. They then tried to convince me to ‘eat them first’! It’s always a competition in a big family, I tell you!

Anyway, there are many, but these pics of Lex make me laugh every time I come across them! How can you not?

She’s always been the perfect dose of humor when I need it most… on this day, when she was 5, she entertained me while I showered!

Pretty basic and definitely harmless, right?

Nope, wrong apparently.

Yes, some followers showed Gosselin support and clearly appreciated this cute snapshot:

lex tweet

“She is so precious! Where did the time go?” asked another fan.

Others, however, definitely seemed to be focused on the wrong thing.

“Wait, you take your phone into the shower,” inquired a confused follower, while a second person chimed in with a similar take:

“You took your phone into the shower or bath? Um yeah ok kate.”

lex in shower

These, of course, are mostly mundane issues.

The true trolls, though, didn’t just inquire about Collin and his whereabouts.

They accused Kate of not liking her sons as much as her daughters!

For real:

where are boys?

Look, it takes a lot for us to be on Team Kate Gosselin.

We mostly see her as a greedy, self-serving and manipulative annoyance.

But come on now.

We’re not gonna pick on Kate just because she shares some precious pictures of her kids.

What’s the alternative? What else would she do on Instagram? Go all Kylie Jenner on us and pose nearly naked?

God forbid, right?

So you see: it could be a lot worse. Remember that.


Sunday, November 26, 2017

Stassi Schroeder Dragged (HARD) for Mocking #MeToo Movement

Stassi Schroeder is persona non grata around the Internet right now.

And for a fairly understandable reason.

The 29-year old Vanderpump Rules star addressed the victims of Hollywood’s ongoing sexual misconduct scandal on her Straight Up with Stassi podcast this week…

… only she didn’t exactly take their side, for some strange and indefensible reason.

Instead, she actually titled the latest episode “Are we on a male witch hunt?” and made comments that implied men such as Kevin Spacey and Charlie Rose were the ones getting a raw deal these days.

In response to Schroeder’s stance, critics jumped on Twitter and jumped all over the reality star.

“so I’m never one to go here but I’m disgusted after listening to @stassi newest episode,” wrote one annoyed individual, adding:

“How dare you question these victims, mock #metoo , or even defend men who push boundaries with women.”

Added another:

“I’m only 15 minutes in and I’m already offended. I’ve never heard such ignorance or general disregard for women. She’s literally saying basically women only are lying for attention and we just are on a man with hunt.

And another:

“No one can MAKE me suck a dick’ And it’s official I’ve turned the podcast off.”

stassi hate

During her podcast, Schroeder took issue with the idea that women were forced to give oral sex in some of these alleged situations.

“I’m sorry, no one could make me suck a dick,” she said, adding:

“I’m sorry it sounds like he thought you liked it because you were making out with him. And now that it’s a trend and it’s #metoo you’re going to come out and accuse him because you regret it.”

Pretty easy to see why so many people are so upset with her, isn’t it?

Not just people, though,

Advertisers have also come out and distanced themselves from her podcast.

Rent the Runway, for example, Tweeted the following:

“We’re shocked by @stassi’s comments re the #metoo campaign. It goes against everything RTR stands for as a company and has publicly advocated.

“Our 1st ads were slated to run on Mon but effective immediately we’ve terminated our relationship with her podcast.”

Another advertiser, Framebridge, shared this sentiment:

“In no way do @stassi’s comments about the #metoo campaign reflect our beliefs. We are ending our relationship with the Straight Up with Stassi Podcast effective immediately.

“We will always stand by brave women sharing their stories.”

How has Stassi responded to this scandal?

By using it for PR purposes.

She Tweeted in reply to the advertiser boycott and the backlash from listeners:

“Just finished recording a follow up episode… stay tuned.”

Nope, sorry. But we definitely will NOT be doing that.


Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Amy Roloff Gets Dragged Online for Two Very Dumb Reasons

Amy Roloff really cannot catch a break.

The Little People, Big World star is mostly just living her life, hanging out at her farm and and preparing to film the new season of her family’s hit reality show.

She’s also soaking up all the time she can get with her two relatively new (and oh so adorable!) grandkids, of course.

And yet, for whatever reason, online trolls keep giving Amy crap.

In late August, for example, Roloff was criticized for taking a vacation with her boyfriend, Chris Marek, simply because daughter-in-law Audrey Roloff was close to giving birth.

As if all grandparents literally do nothing but sit by the phone during this sort of circumstance.

Then, Roloff was shamed by critics for sharing photos of her hawking various products, as opposed to photos her brand new granddaughter Ember Jean.

Nevermind the fact that Audrey and Jeremy Roloff, Ember’s parents, were actually the ones choosing to take a break from the spotlight while they adjusted to parenthood.

Now, Amy has apparently ruffled the feathers of some Internet users simply by… hanging out with Malek?

The TLC star posted the following snapshot on Facebook this week, including with it a caption that reads:

“I love seeing Chris and he came out for a day each pumpkin weekend.”

For some unexplainable reason, this post has drawn some harsh rebukes.

Take the following comment, for instance:

amy hatin

What can really be said about that, except: WHAT? EXCUSE US?!?

Amy simply got divorced from Matt Roloff, without any rumors of infidelity on either end.

It was an amicable split and the ex-couple still spends plenty of time together, co-parenting and co-grandparenting.

We have no idea what Amy did wrong in the photo above or in general these days.

Just how desperate are folks to hate on Amy? She even received comments that dragged her and Chris for not having their shoes tied!

shoes tied

Moreover, there’s a group of losers out there who are giving Amy a hard time because she kept her married name.

The misguided line of thinking here is that Roloff is benefiting from being a Roloff – due to the popularity and power behind that last name – and that Amy doesn’t deserve to reap the financial benefits of such an arrangement any longer. 

“Why does amy carry matts name when they are divorced??” asked Manawaiti Woolford on Facebook, adding: She should b using her maiden name not roloff.”

First, plenty of divorced women keep their married names. It’s just a lot easier that way.

Second, Amy and Matt were married for over 20 years.

They built their family and their brand together. They have four kids together.

Thankfully, some fans out there understand this and have rushed to Roloff’s defense:

amy defense

All of this heat comes amidst chatter that Amy is feuding with Matt’s girlfriend, Caryn Chandler.

Insiders claim Caryn hosted a birthday party for Matt earlier this month and didn’t bother to invite Amy, snubbing the heck out of Matt’s ex-wife.

This is just the latest example of tension between Matt’s current lover and his former lover.

But Amy has never tried to exploit it for sympathy. She continues to take the high road, refusing to even comment on rumors of a feud.

It’s also worth noting that Caryn knows Amy well. She served as the Roloff Farms manager prior to dating Matt.

So if anyone’s relationship deserves some scrutiny here, it’s that of Matt Roloff, not Amy Roloff.

Overall, however, these two are handling their divorce as maturely and respectfully as possible.

If only people who just surf online and leave comments from the comfort of their living room would do the same thing.


Thursday, October 12, 2017

Ree Drummond, Food Network Star, Dragged for Apparent Racism and Dumb Jokes

Ree Drummond is known as The Pioneer Woman.

That’s the name of her popular show on The Food Network.

But some viewers now think Drummond should be referred to instead as the Racist and Wildly Inappropriate Woman, based on a few remarks she’s recently made.

The long-time celebrity chef has stirred up controversy on multiple fronts of late, starting with a very strange blog post in which she said her individuality stemmed from the fact she had a “black grandpa.”

Except she didn’t.

There’s no record of any African-American relatives on Drummond’s family tree.

“In the same bizarre post, she went on to admit that he was actually white and [claimed] she thought he was African-American most of her life because of his tan,” wrote In Touch Weekly of Ree’s initial assessment and then strange admission.

Based on this logic, Drummond must also think George Hamilton is black.

The blog post in question has since been deleted.

But those who read it or heard about it were understandably ticked off that Drummond basically compared a tan white person to a black person.

Elsewhere, Drummond penned another blog post in which she allegedly referred to her developmentally disabled brother Mike as “retarded.”

We can’t verify for certain whether or not this word was actually used in conjunction with her sibling.

If so, however… YIKES!

Finally, there’s the matter of a quip we can definitely verify – because it took place during an episode of Drummond’s Food Network program.

While serving some hot wings to a bunch of friends, Drummond joked that they were not barbecue flavored, but actually “Asian” flavored instead.

The friends stood in confused silence over this description, prompting Ree to say she was just kidding around.

But it was a random joke that did not go over well with certain fans at all.

hating on ree

“I was already bummed by the lack of diversity on @foodnetwork Now @thepioneerwoman & co. are on there saying they don’t trust “asian” food??” Tweeted one irate user.

Drummond has been in the national picture for a long time.

She has appeared over the years on Good Morning America, The Today Show, The View, The Chew and The Bonnie Hunt Show.

She has also been featured in Ladies’ Home Journal, Woman’s Day, People and Southern Living.

Her first cookbook, The Pioneer Woman Cooks: Recipes from an Accidental Country Girl, was published in October 2009 and she has gone on to pen many more since then.

After taking on the host during an episode of Throwdown! With Bobby Flay in 2010, Drummond was given her own Food Network show a year later.

What do you think of the controversies cited above?

Worthy of criticism leveled against Drummond? Or much ado over mostly nothing?
