The death of the sailor in that famous V-J Day photo — where he kissed an unsuspecting nurse — is being marked by the #MeToo movement with an act of vandalism on a statue.
The statue recreating George Mendosa and Greta Zimmer Friedman‘s iconic moment from 1945 was tagged ...
Sailor-Kissing Nurse Statue Vandalized with #MeToo Spray Paint After Sailor"s Death
Tuesday, February 19, 2019
Sailor-Kissing Nurse Statue Vandalized with #MeToo Spray Paint After Sailor"s Death
Monday, October 8, 2018
Rose McGowan: The #MeToo Movement is a Useless Fraud!
If you see everyone around you as your enemy, pretty soon, your perception will become reality.
That is what Rose McGowen is experiencing right now. As Rose lashes out at “fake” Hollywood activism, she is now taking aim at the #MeToo movement.
She’s skewering friends and allies and saying that #MeToo is just a bunch of lies.
In a no-holds-barred interview with The Sunday Times, Rose McGowan puts #MeToo on blast. And she doesn’t mince words about her “friends,” either.
“It’s all bulls–t,” Rose says dismissively.
When it comes to Hollywood’s activism against the pervasive issue of sexual assault, she says: “It’s a lie.”
“They’re not champions” of anything, Rose claims.
As Rose sees the #MeToo movement, “It’s a Band-Aid lie to make them feel better.”
“I know these people,” Rose reminds readers.
“I know they’re lily-livered,” Rose continues. “And as long as it looks good on the surface, to them, that’s enough.”
(Not to distract from this very serious topic and her criticisms, but … we haven’t heard anyone in real life unironically say lily-livered since … ever)
Rose continues to disparage the most outspoken voices of #MeToo and #TimesUp.
“I just think they’re losers,” Rose says.
Rose McGowan was one of the first to come forward, publicly, about Harvey Weinstein.
Even before that, she told the world that she had been sexually assaulted by a then-unnamed Hollywood executive.
Rose also accused others of having known, even though public figures such as Meryl Streep assured her that she didn’t know about Weinstein.
Well, Rose isn’t buying Meryl’s denial.
Rose claims that it is “literally impossible” for Meryl to have not known about Weinstein’s crimes.
That sounds a little hypocritical from the woman who’s just recently tried to distance herself from Asia Argento.
Not everyone knows what their friends are up to.
Rose even sides with Trump supporters, of all people, on one issue — Hollywood.
“They hate Hollywood for being faux liberals,” Rose says. “And they’re 100 percent right about that.”
(Just a quick point of order — we somehow doubt that Trump’s crowd has issues with Hollywood being inauthentic liberals)
“It’s a bunch of faux liberals,” Rose continues. “It’s crap, and they know it is deep down.”
“But they’re living an empty life, and to me that’s their punishment,” Rose says. “They get to live the lives they live.”
Plenty of people would happily trade authenticity for glamor and millions.
Rose also discussed Alyssa Milano in a Nightline interview.
Once upon a time, the two of them were co-stars on Charmed. And Alyssa has been an outspoken participant in #MeToo and #TimesUp.
“I don’t like her,” Rose said simply.
She explains — sort of — why she’s eager to throw her former co-star and fellow activist under the proverbial bus.
Rose explained: “Because I think she’s a lie.”
“Do you think I don’t know these people?” Rose said. “Do the math.”
She is referring to Alyssa’s husband, Hollywood agent David Bugliari.
“Who’s behind Time’s Up? CAA,” Rose said. “Where do they meet? CAA?”
“Who needs good PR? CAA,” Rose continued. “Who are part of the pimp problem? CAA.”
She seems to be portraying Alyssa’s activism — perhaps everyone’s activism — as a front to avoid truly addressing the issues.
Alyssa Milano responded to Rose’s hurtful words.
“I am and always have been completely supportive of Rose and admire her bravery and speaking out about her experiences,” Alyssa said.
“My goal throughout the past few months with both #MeToo and the TimesUp movement,” she explained. “Has been to use my platform to give others a voice.”
Alyssa concluded that she does this “so we can all work together to stamp out sexual harassment and sexual assault.”
Rose McGowan is such a complicated person. You feel sympathy for the horrors that she endured, but she sometimes seems to find unfair targets in her zeal.
We don’t mean that she falsely accuses people of sexual assault — but that some perceive her as being too quick to point the finger at alleged conspirators.
As we said about Meryl and about Rose herself where Asia Argento is concerned, not everyone knows what their friends are up to.
The #MeToo movement has made tremendous strides in changing the culture in America from one that automatically blames victims of sexual assault.
Many people — especially privileged men — have had their eyes opened by hearing about the horrors that go on that they never personally experience.
It’s Rose’s right to think that it’s not enough. But it may be unfair to question the motives of the courageous women who are leading the charge.
Tuesday, September 11, 2018
Norm MacDonald Bashes #MeToo, Defends Louis C.K., Roseanne Barr
Well, folks, it turns out there’s more to Norm MacDonald than just live-tweeting play-by-play updates of whatever sporting event he happens to be watching at the moment.
It seems he also has other interests, such as pissing off the entirety of Twitter and torpedoing his own career.

Despite the fact that his post-SNL television career has consisted of one flop after another, Norm is giving TV another shot with a new Netflix talk show.
And apparently, he’s dying to keep his cancelation streak going because dude just shot himself in the foot about a dozen times in a single interview with The Hollywood Reporter.
Norm was asked a series of softball questions with very easy answers and he managed to strike out on each one.
Asked about the #MeToo movement, MacDonald had this to say:

“I’m happy the #MeToo movement has slowed down a little bit. It used to be, ‘One hundred women can’t be lying.’
“And then it became, ‘One woman can’t lie.’ And that became, ‘I believe all women.’ And then you’re like, ‘What?’ Like, that Chris Hardwick guy I really thought got the blunt end of the stick there.”
As you may recall, Hardwick was accused of abuse by his ex-girlfriend, Chloe Dykstra.
Though no one really knows what went on in that relationship aside from those two, old Norm decided to take that leap for reasons that defy logic.
From there, Norm expressed some concerns about the perceived excesses of #MeToo:
“I do think that at some point it will end with a completely innocent person of prominence sticking a gun in his head and ending it. That’s my guess,” he said.
That led to a lengthy discussion of Roseanne Barr’s racism and Louis C.K.’s habit of masturbating in front of unsuspecting women.
“And Roseanne was so broken up [after her show’s reboot was canceled] that I got Louis to call her, even though Roseanne was very hard on Louis before that. But she was just so broken and just crying constantly,” MacDonald said.
“There are very few people that have gone through what they have, losing everything in a day. Of course, people will go, ‘What about the victims?’
“But you know what? The victims didn’t have to go through that.”
Yep. He went there.
Now, it’s worth pointing out that in no way did Louis C.K. or Roseanne lose everything.
In fact, they both enjoy lives of almost unimaginable wealth and privilege.
Comedians like to think of themselves as some sort of secret society that’s too dark and impenetrable for the rest of the world to ever understand, so Norm probably equates their inability to continue performing with death, or some such pretentious BS.
You’d think if MacDonald really feels that strongly about practicing his craft he’d be more careful about not stepping on landmines the week that his new show premieres.
But who knows, maybe this is some sort of Andy Kaufman-esque performance art piece and the whole world is too dumb to realize Norm’s not just being an assh-le.
We kid, Norm is definitely just being an assh-le.
Norm Macdonald Defends Louis C.K. and Roseanne Barr, Bashes #MeToo Movement
Norm Macdonald is no friend of the #MeToo movement … and the comedian is tired of seeing showbiz types like Roseanne Barr and Louis C.K. having their careers ruined by scandals. Norm says he’s happy the #MeToo movement has “slowed down” ……
Friday, August 10, 2018
Lindsay Lohan Is "Canceled Forever" After Bashing #MeToo Movement
In a perplexing interview, Lindsay Lohan slammed the #MeToo movement … and said that coming forward with allegations of sexual abuse makes the accusers "look weak."
"I think by women speaking against all these things, it makes them look weak," Lindsay said. "When they are very strong women."
As if that weren"t bad enough, she then went on to imply that maybe some of the young women shared harrowing stories of sexual harassment, abuse, and even rape were just in it for, you guessed it, "attention."
While that has been debunked time and time again, a lot of people were outraged and horrified.
We can only guess that they had forgotten that Lindsay had supported Harvey Weinstein, of all people, and encouraged his wife to stand by him.
Aisha Tyler, like so many others, took to social media to slam Lindsay.
When Aisha announced that Lindsay is canceled, it prompted a lot of discussion. Take a look:
1. Aisha Tyler said what many were thinking

2. A classic internet burn

3. Survivors spoke up

4. Others chimed in with support

5. As the young people say: we been knew

6. Others were more sympathetic

Thursday, August 9, 2018
Lindsay Lohan Slams #MeToo Movement: These Women Are Weak!
Lindsay Lohan has been back in the news lately, which is exciting if you’re the kind of person who reflects fondly on Charlie Sheen’s meltdown, but highly triggering if you’re disturbed by the sight of track marks wending their way through an archipelago of ginger freckles.
We kid LiLo, of course.
By most accounts, the actress-turned-wannabe-reality-star is sober(-ish) these days — which makes her latest comments all the more baffling.
In case you’ve been blissfully unaware, Lohan is currently filming a new show for MTV, a reality series that’s been described as a “docu-series” focusing on Lindsay’s eponymous nightclub in Greece.
Sources say the show was “inspired” by the Bravo hit Vanderpump Rules (read: it’ll be a lame attempt to piggyback on that series’ success).
The show just started shooting and it’s not set to debut until next year, but Lohan is already basking in the media attention generated by news of the project.
And proving once again that you can take the girl out of Hollywood but you can’t stop her from saying idiotic things, Lindsay is already shooting herself in the foot every chance she gets.
During a recent interview, Lohan was asked about her thoughts regarding the #MeToo movement that’s shedding light on the rampant sexual assault and harassment that’s been plaguing Hollywood for decades.
Lindsay began by stating that she doesn’t “really have anything to say” … and she should have just left it there.
Instead, she pressed on with the sort of comments that would be career-ruiners — if Lindsay still had a career left to ruin.
“I can’t speak on something I don’t live, right? Look, I am very supportive of women. Everyone goes through their own experiences in their own ways,” Lohan began.
For reasons that defy logic or explanation, she went on to argue that victims discredit themselves by not reporting abuse immediately:
“If it happens at that moment, you discuss it at that moment,” Lohan said.
“You make it a real thing by making it a police report,” she added.
“I’m going to really hate myself for saying this, but I think by women speaking against these things, it makes them look weak when they are very strong women.”
Oof. Obviously the part about sexual assault survivors looking “weak” is getting the most attention on social media today, but this statement is atrocious for so many other reasons, as well.
Imagine telling an abuse survivor that their attack wasn’t “real” because they failed to report it prior to a deadline that exists only in Lindsay Lohan’s mind.
Hopefully, Lindsay doesn’t really believe this stuff, and she’s still just working as a mouthpiece for various foreign governments.
But if that’s the case, she should probably tell us soon before she’s forced to hire Paul Manafort’s legal team.
Friday, July 13, 2018
Sarah Palin Compares Sacha Baron Cohen Duping Politicians to #MeToo
Sarah Palin says politicians falling victim to Sacha Baron Cohen’s pranks is kinda like the new #MeToo. Seriously. Palin’s still railing at Sacha for duping her — pretending to be a disabled veteran to interview her — and says she’s…
Thursday, June 14, 2018
Dennis Graham Has Controversial Advice for the #MeToo Movement
Dennis Graham thinks the #MeToo movement wouldn’t be necessary if women avoided putting themselves in potentially dangerous situations. Watch, that really is what he’s suggesting. Drake’s dad was leaving Delilah Wednesday night in WeHo, and we…
Monday, April 30, 2018
Amber Rose Says #MeToo Is Forgetting Black Women
Amber Rose IS taking a shot at the #MeToo movement, BUT she wants to make her feelings clear — she’s not against it … she just thinks it ain’t doing a damn thing for women of color. Amber and friends were leaving Argyle Sunday night when we…
Friday, April 27, 2018
Robert Shapiro Says Cosby Guilty Verdict is Victory for #MeToo Movement
Robert Shapiro knows a thing or two about defending guilty clients — sorry, O.J. — but he says no one could have successfully defended Bill Cosby. We got the famous lawyer Thursday night leaving Avra restaurant in Bev Hills, and he thinks…
Monday, March 19, 2018
Amber Rose Slams #MeToo Movement; Does She Have a Point?
Outspoken feminist icon Amber Rose has spoken up about her frustrations with the #MeToo movement.
But unlike other critics of this trend, she"s not a man with something to hide who fears that he"ll be exposed next.
She"s also not one of those thoroughly unwoke women who have been so shaped by the culture that they"ll defend predators and shame victims just to feel accepted in the "boys club."
No, Amber has built a reputation based on sex positivity and intersectional awareness for years now.
Fans know her for her famous SlutWalk, and now those same fans are signing up in droves for her mysterious Slutbox, which we"ll get to in a minute.
This is a woman who works to reclaim derogatory terms and make them empowering, and make no mistake, she"s not condemning anyone for coming forward with their harrowing experiences.
So what is her issue with the #MeToo movement?
It"s complicated, but she lays it out clearly …
1. Amber Rose starts by explaining exactly why she’s frustrated

2. #MeToo, she says, didn’t say anything that marginalized groups haven’t been saying for decades

3. Rose touches on a related topic that white Hollywood too often forgets

4. She’s right, by the way

5. And Amber explains what, sadly, she believes it will take to make that change

6. Amber is exactly right about that, plain and simple

Thursday, March 8, 2018
Oprah Tells Gwyneth Paltrow Why Harvey Weinstein Scandal was #MeToo Tipping Point
Oprah believes the #MeToo movement launched with vigor once Harvey Weinstein went down, because it proved sexual misconduct happens to famous women, too. O was the special guest on Gwyneth Paltrow’s debut episode of her “Goop” podcast…
Monday, February 12, 2018
TMZ Live: Donald Trump: Critcizes #MeToo Movement?
ON TODAY’S SHOW Kylie Jenner: Out & About After Stormi Birth Justin Bieber & Selena Gomez: Romantic Vacay O.J. Simpson: Secret Project w/ Sacha Baron Cohen? ‘Pretty Little Liars’ Star Goes Streaking!
Jeremy Piven"s Girlfriend says #MeToo is Ruining Her Life, Too
Jeremy Piven’s girlfriend is lashing out at the #MeToo movement … but her beef has nothing to do with victims or accusers and everything to do with her. We got Liana Mendoza in Studio City on Sunday when she went off, mostly because dudes…
Sunday, February 11, 2018
Kellyanne Conway Says Trump Was Not Criticizing #MeToo Movement
Kellyanne Conway insists President Trump was not attacking the #MeToo movement when he tweeted there has been a rush to judgment against some of the people accused of sexual misconduct. Conway says Trump’s tweet had nothing to do with Rob…
Saturday, February 10, 2018
Donald Trump Lashes Out at #MeToo Movement, People Deserve Due Process
Donald Trump just went on the attack against the #MeToo movement, complaining mere allegations are ruining lives without due process. Trump just tweeted, “Peoples lives are being shattered and destroyed by a mere allegation. Some are true and some…
Monday, February 5, 2018
Republic Records Honcho Charlie Walk, Alleged Extortionist Left #MeToo Threat on Voicemail
Republic Records honcho and ‘The Four’ judge Charlie Walk claims he was being extorted before an ex-employee accused him of sexual misconduct, and says he has a voicemail to prove it. TMZ has obtained a voicemail a source close to Charlie…
Republic Records Honcho Charlie Walk, Alleged Extortionist Left #MeToo Threat on Voicemail
Republic Records honcho and ‘The Four’ judge Charlie Walk claims he was being extorted before an ex-employee accused him of sexual misconduct, and says he has a voicemail to prove it. TMZ has obtained a voicemail a source close to Charlie…
Sunday, January 28, 2018
Grammys 2018 Brings Out White Roses for #MeToo
Musicians at the 2018 Grammys are trying to pull off their own symbol for the #MeToo movement … but, so far, they’re not nearly as united as actors were for the Globes. Celebs began arriving to Madison Square Garden Sunday ahead of the 60th annual…
Saturday, January 27, 2018
Wendy Williams: Ugh, I Am So Sick of the #MeToo Movement!
Wendy Williams has had it, people.
She’s sick and tired, alright?!?
She just can’t handle any more women coming out and feeling empowered and calling out men who have sexually harassed or assaulted them.
Seriously… enough already with this nonsense!
We wish we were being sarcastic and silly, but the obnoxious talk show host really did say essentially this during her ridiculous “Hot Topics” segment on Friday.
“So there’s a grassroot movement to remove R. Kelly’s music…or remove R. Kelly from the music industry forever,” Williams explained to her audience, asking:
“What is this 10 years too late? Really?”
For the record: R. Kelly is an awful human being.
Videotapes exist of him urinating on underage girls in bed and he’s basically running a sex cult as we type.
So… yeah. Maybe this movement to bring the artist’s hideous behavior to light is a little bit late, but better than never, no?
Continued Williams on this subject:
“Two Atlanta women are really upset that R. Kelly has had a career despite decades of troubling accusations…so they have now created a hashtag #MuteRKelly.
“It’s not gonna work. Black people aren’t really good at protesting. Not since the King march…it’s not going to work.”
Black people aren’t really good at protesting.
We’re just gonna leave that sentence there and let Wendy’s message sink in.
Why even bother trying, African-Americans? There’s no need to stand up for anything you believe in, according to this sage talk show host.
Williams then returned to the topic of protesting a few minutes later, setting her sights on the courageous women who have come out to take down such sexual deviants as Harvey Weinstein, Matt Lauer, Louis CK and countless others.
“I’m sick of this #MeToo movement,” she said, in all seriousness, explaining thusly:
“I love that people are speaking up for the first time and coming out and everything, but now it’s got…I look at all men like, ‘You’re a #MeToo.’
“All of ‘em, all of ‘em, which is not fair.”
There’s a really simple answer to this problem, Wendy.
Are you ready for it? Okay, here goes…
Actually listen to the stories of these women and then determine which men deserve to wear such a label and which do not.
Yes, listen to other people. That’s all you need to do here.
We know it’s asking a lot.
This isn’t the first time Williams have stated a cruel and misguided opinion just to make headlines.
It isn’t the 279th time, either.
It’s all she knows how to do. It’s the only reason she exists.
Earlier this month, Williams bashed Oprah for being fat, called Carrie Underwood a liar and told Kylie Jenner her baby would be ugly.
She is a terrible human being.
The sooner the world comes to this obvious realization, the better.