Showing posts with label Girlfriend. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Girlfriend. Show all posts

Monday, January 14, 2019

Friday, November 23, 2018

Patrick Mahomes Getting Over Rams Loss ... With Smokin" Hot Girlfriend

Breaking News

Patrick Mahomes has the perfect remedy for getting over the biggest loss of his career — some quality time with his smokin’ hot GF!!!
The Kansas City Chiefs superstar took a huge L on Monday night, droppin’ an all-time classic, 54-51, to the Rams in what some are...
Patrick Mahomes Getting Over Rams Loss ... With Smokin" Hot Girlfriend

Patrick Mahomes Getting Over Rams Loss ... With Smokin" Hot Girlfriend

Breaking News

Patrick Mahomes has the perfect remedy for getting over the biggest loss of his career — some quality time with his smokin’ hot GF!!!
The Kansas City Chiefs superstar took a huge L on Monday night, droppin’ an all-time classic, 54-51, to the Rams in what some are...
Patrick Mahomes Getting Over Rams Loss ... With Smokin" Hot Girlfriend

Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Patrick Mahomes Getting Over Rams Loss ... With Smokin" Hot Girlfriend

Breaking News

Patrick Mahomes has the perfect remedy for getting over the biggest loss of his career — some quality time with his smokin’ hot GF!!!
The Kansas City Chiefs superstar took a huge L on Monday night, droppin’ an all-time classic, 54-51, to the Rams in what some are...
Patrick Mahomes Getting Over Rams Loss ... With Smokin" Hot Girlfriend

Wednesday, November 7, 2018

"Ink Master" Star Chris Blinston Arrested for Battery on Girlfriend

“Ink Master” star Chris Blinston ended an argument with his girlfriend by picking up a safe and using it to clear the room … according to the cops who locked him up. Blinston was busted for simple battery Monday night in Palm Beach County,…


Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Pau Gasol Proposes to Girlfriend, Ex-Cheerleader Says, "Si!"

NBA superstar Pau Gasol pulled from half court and proposed to his longtime girlfriend … and she said YES!!! The San Antonio Spurs forward announced the engagement to Cat McDonnell on Tuesday, saying “Words cannot express how happy and excited we…


Monday, October 15, 2018

Cristiano Ronaldo, United Front with Girlfriend Amid Rape Allegations

Cristiano Ronaldo’s girlfriend is sticking right by his side while the soccer star continues to fight a rape allegation out of Las Vegas … as the couple hit up a dinner hot spot together in Paris. CR7 and Georgina Rodriguez were spotted at Cesar…


Thursday, October 11, 2018

Man Jokingly Auctions Girlfriend on eBay, Bid Reaches $119,000

A man attempting to auction off his girlfriend on the internet sounds like a horror story, but this man did it as a joke — and she laughed, too.

But they were both absolutely shocked when bids and lews messages poured in.

And they were shocked again when the bid reached over $ 119,000 in 24 hours. Whoops.

man auctions girlfriend on ebay 01

Dale Leeks is a London resident.

He decided to play a cheeky prank on his girlfriend, 37-year-old Kelly Greaves.

The two had been dating for a year, and he took to eBay to, in jest, put her up for auction.

He included her photo and a joking description of why he wanted to trade her in, for parts or for a “newer model.”

Though we would never, ever suggest that anyone do this, Kelly was apparently amused when Dale told her.

man auctions girlfriend on ebay 04

Dale wrote that Kelly “starts OK but after that there’s a constant whining noise that I can’t seem to stop.”

“Bodywork is fairly tidy but close up shows signs of wear,” he joked on the eBay ad.

“No serious damage,” he continued. “But you can see that she’s been used.”

“Please [bear] in mind when bidding she’s 37 years old,” Dale jokingly plead with prospective buyers.

At the time, he had no idea that anyone but Kelly herself would see it.

man auctions girlfriend on ebay 02

In general, the fake auction ad was basically just a roast of his girlfriend. Again, we don’t recommend trying this out for yourself.

“Basically first thing in the morning she can be very temperamental,” Dale warned.

He wrote that “once warmed up the whining noise lessens but I would be lying if I said it goes away completely.”

“The rear end leaks a bit but nothing that can’t be plugged,” he joked.

“Any offers considered,” he concluded, adding that he “would be interested in a part exchange with a younger model. Sold as seen, no returns.”

man auctions girlfriend on ebay 03

It was only after Dale and Kelly went to dinner that evening that his phone began to go “crazy’ with notifications.

The listing was generating a lot of attention.

Some of that attention came in the form of very lewd messages.

But there were also bids, and those bids began to go up and up and up.

In the end, the listing was seen over 81,000 times, and bids reached the equivalent of about $ 119,000.

man auctions girlfriend on ebay 05

Fortunately, human trafficking is illegal, so it’s not like Kelly was going to have to pack her bags.

In fact, the listing was removed by eBay after 24 hours — because the site has a policy against the sale of human body parts or remains.

While Dale and Kelly had a good laugh about it, we strongly advice against this.

Placing a woman’s picture on the internet without her consent in advance can put her in danger or attract unwanted attention.

Besides, roasting your girlfriend while pretending to auction her off might not go over well with every girlfriend.

We’re glad that Dale and Kelly were able to laugh about this, even though we’re seriously wondering (no offense to Kelly) how in the world the bids got so high.


Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Oscars Director Glenn Weiss Proposes to Girlfriend at the Emmys

This is one helluva first — the guy who won an Emmy for directing the Oscars asked his girlfriend to marry him onstage while accepting his award … and she happily said yes. Glenn Weiss — who won Outstanding Directing for a Variety Special…


Thursday, September 6, 2018

Ben Affleck Returns to Rehab Following Visit With Playboy Model Girlfriend

As you’ve likely heard by now, Ben Affleck checked into rehab last month following an intervention from his estranged wife, Jennifer Garner.

What you may not have heard, however, is that the Oscar winner lasted just two weeks in treatment before retreating to the comfort of his Batfleck Cave and his 22-year-old girlfriend.

Yes, Affleck left rehab yesterday and was spotted being driven to his Pacific Palisades home looking disheveled and out of sorts.

Shortly after his arrival, Ben’s rumored girlfriend Shauna Sexton paid him a visit.

At first, there was an outpouring of concern on social media, as it was widely assumed that Ben had decided to bail on his treatment program several weeks ahead of schedule.

Fortunately, several media outlets have reported today that Ben has returned to rehab after spending just a few hours at home.

Reps for the actor claim he made the trip simply so that he could utilize his home gym.

Of course, since Shauna stopped by during Ben’s brief furlough, we’re guessing his workout session wasn’t limited to free weights.

So the good news is, Ben returned to treatment after stopping by the crib to keep his bat-body in fighting form.

The bad news is, those who know him best are deeply concerned about his casual attitude toward recovery and his continued association with Shauna.

“He had stayed in touch with Shauna the entire time he was in rehab and the people at the facility and friends had huge concerns about it because she isn’t sober,” a source tells E! News.

“She is a huge, red flag to everyone that is trying to support Ben with his process. Shauna is giving him false confidence and that is their biggest concern.” 

During Ben’s brief visit home, the insider claimed that Jen was so angry that she considered paying her ex another unannounced visit.

“Jen knows he is back at the house with Shauna and she is so painfully frustrated,” the source stated at the time.

She held off, however, ultimately realizing that Ben must be the author of his own recovery:

“She knows he has to do this for himself,” the informant claims.

While Jen may be taking a more hands-off approach at this point, she’s well aware of just how high the stakes are:

“It has been an intensive challenge but he had no choice,” the source says.

“For Ben this was a life-and-death situation. It was very dire and that is the main reason Jen had no choice but to get involved.” 

Unfortunately, despite realizing the severity of the situation, Affleck has been choosy about what sort of advice he’ll accept from the professionals assisting with his treatment: 

“He believes he is strong enough to venture outside the facility with sober coaches,” says the source.

Here’s hoping Ben is able to accept the help he needs before it’s too late.


Thursday, August 30, 2018

This Man Proposed to His Girlfriend on the Side of a Cow

We’ve heard some unique proposal stories before, but this one takes the cake.

Or, perhaps we should say more accurately, this one takes the COW.

As in: This is an article about a man who painted his big question to his girlfriend on the side of a farm animal.

cow proposal

Did the proposal moooove her to tears?

Let’s find out….

According to BBC News, Chris Gospel knew for a long time that he wanted Eilidh Fraser to be his wife.

But the Aberdeenshire resident wasn’t certain just how to make this romantic dream into a reality. He wasn’t quite sure how to make his proposal one she would always remember.

And then it occurred to Gospel that Fraser loved her cow, Curlytop, and Gospel loved her — so why not combine those two loves?!?

And that’s how he ended up snapping the photo you see above. 

this couple

“Curlytop is Eilidh’s favorite cow,” Gospel told the BBC simply, explaining of his now-fiancee:

“She is around the cows most nights so I managed to write the proposal, and then said we should go down and see her after she got back from work.”

It’s unclear at this moment just what Chris used to write the proposal on the side of the cow.

Some sort of paint, we presume; a kind that can easily be washed off.

“Chris just said, ‘do you want to go check the cows?’ and I was not expecting anything,” Eilidh said of how she got blown away by the proposal, elaborating as follows:

“Curlytop… is an affectionate cow – she’s like a big pet.

“She comes running to us and I see she has something blue on her. Curlytop turns and it says ‘will you marry me’. It was a complete surprise.”

contened couple

Gospel says he did get down on one knee for the major moment and that Fraser said yes right away.

The latter, who works as a the veterinary lab assistant, says the couple is now trying to find a wedding venue at which Curlytop will be permitted to attend.

That may be a challenge.

Still, we wish Chris and Eilidh nothing but the best.

We hope they milk this cool cow story for all the publicity and even all the money for their wedding that they possibly can.

UPDATE: We’ve now learned that Gospel used a livestock market to write on the cow. Makes sense.


Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Tim Tebow Gets Birthday Wishes From Miss Universe Girlfriend

Still no birthday sex for Tim Tebow … but the former Heisman Trophy winner got the next best thing for his 31st — best wishes from the hottest chick in the galaxy!! Of course … Tim’s been dating Demi-Leigh Nel-Peters — aka Miss…


Tiger Woods" Girlfriend Erica Herman: Is She Angry and Controlling?!

Last October, Tiger Woods’ new girlfriend was revealed. The golfing legend and Erica Herman then went public in November.

The two of them are still together and have been spotted being affectionate in public recently.

But a report says that things aren’t as happy behind closed doors.

According to RadarOnlineTiger and Erica’s relationship is not as healthy as it appears on the outside.

“Erica controls Tiger,” an insider reveals, shedding light on a troubling relationship dynamic.

On the surface, Tiger is the wealthier and more famous member of the couple, while she is the general manager of a restaurant that he owns.

But it sounds like, within their relationship, there’s a bit of a role reversal.

‘And,” the source shares, Erica “gets rid of people around him because she is threatened and jealous.”

Oh dear. That’s not what you want to hear. (Though there may be a less scary explanation for that — we’ll talk about that below)

The insider describes their relationship as “toxic.”

And they are not referring to the excellent Britney Spears song.

“She has a temper,” the source claims.

This, they say, results in a lot of heated disagreements.

The insider reports: “They fight and argue.”

You might be thinking that, if this is true, Tiger must really be over the moon if he stays with her.

Not so, says the source.

In fact, the source claims that Tiger “seems unhappy with her.”

And yet his reported reason for staying with her is crushingly sad.

The insider offers some insight into Tiger’s mindest, saying that the legendary golfer “doesn’t want to be alone.”

Aside from what we’ll gently refer to as “relationship problems” that Tiger has experienced in the past, he has had some other troubles.

Last year, Tiger Woods got a DUI, though he would later go on to claim that he was not drunk.

That may be, but the toxicology report did come back showing five different drugs in his system.

Take whatever medicines you need, folks, but please do not drive while impaired. Meds won’t do you any good if you die on the road.

Tiger also failed to qualify for the 2018 US Open. That is not really what you’d expect from the most famous golfer of the past few decades.

As usual, we’re inclined to take reports from unidentified sources with a grain of salt.

It is so incredibly easy for someone — say, a bitter former employee or even a friend — to prove that they were closely associated with a celebrity and then just claim whatever they like.

And we should point out that the line about getting rid of people in Woods’ orbit sounds a lot like something that a disgruntled former employee might say.

So we’ll keep this in mind and be on the lookout for signs of relationship trouble … but we’ll also remember that maybe Erica just fired a waitress who was too flirty with Woods.

After all, the man she’s dating has a bit of a reputation.


Thursday, August 9, 2018

Laura DeMasie: Who Is Jana Duggar"s Rumored Girlfriend?

If you’re a longtime Counting On viewer, then you’re probably familiar with Jana Duggar’s longtime friend Laura DeMasie.

Laura and Jana have an unusually close relationship, as DeMasie assists her BFF with homeschooling of the younger Duggars, as well as the many other chores that have been Jana’s responsibility for the entirety of her adult life.

Not surprisingly, the situation has led to rumors that Jana and Laura are dating.

We may never know if that’s really the case, as coming out as gay would be enough to get Jana permanently disowned by her parents.

Whatever the case, it seems Laura is definitely one of the most important people in Jana’s life.

The 33-year-old not only helps out around the compound, she’s also a VIP guest at events that are otherwise Duggar-only.

For example, when Jinger Duggar welcomed her first child back in February, only a select few immediate family members were on hand.

But despite the fact that Jinger didn’t even invite all of her siblings, there was Laura, standing right by Jana’s side as usual.

Laura was also on hand for several other recent events as well, including Jinger’s gender reveal party.

Duggars rarely allow outsiders in their midst, so some fans have been confused by the sight of a non-relative at so many private events.

“Like really… who is she? Why is she around? Why is she STILL around!?” one fan recently commented on a Duggar-themed Reddit board.

“Why did she go to Jinger’s birth?”

Several other fans echoed the sentiment, and while the exact nature of Jana and Laura’s relationship might forever remain a mystery, we do have a goods idea of who DeMasie is and where she came from.

Laura is a 33-year-old Arkansas native, who is currently employed in the media department of the Institute in Basic Life Principles (IBLP).

The IBLP is an important part of the Duggars’ lives and the source of many of the family’s most controversial beliefs.

So it’s safe to say that Jana and Laura first crossed paths as a result of their shared involvement with the organization.

As for why Laura is suddenly everywhere — well, that’s more of a mystery.

It’s not hard to see why so many fans suspect that she and Jana are more than friends, but thus far, there’s no clear indication of any romantic involvement.

Now that Jana’s twin, John David Duggar, is courting Abbie Burnett, Jana is officially the only single Duggar over the age of 20.

So it’s possible that she and Laura are simply kindred spirits who find comfort in one another in a desolate place where they’re already considered old maids.


Monday, August 6, 2018

Leonardo DiCaprio Goes Snorkeling with Girlfriend Camila Morrone

Leonardo DiCaprio wanted to make sure he could see clearly underwater while vacationing in Italy with his Argentinian girlfriend — and by the looks of her … we understand why. Leo and his model boo, Camila Morrone, were snorkeling in Nerano,…


Thursday, August 2, 2018

Rapper Webbie Avoids Jail Time in Girlfriend Attack Case

Webbie will not spend a day behind bars for allegedly beating and choking his girlfriend, because he’s worked a pretty sweet plea deal.  According to the East Baton Rouge court clerk … Webbie agreed to plead guilty Thursday to a…


Brittney Griner Proposes to Girlfriend with Massive Ring

WNBA superstar Brittney Griner just proposed to her longtime girlfriend with a fat ring … and she said YES!! The Phoenix Mercury center shared the news of her engagement to Cherelle Watson on social media on Thursday, saying, “I will never…


Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Bon Jovi"s Richie Sambora and Girlfriend Orianthi Taking a Break from Relationship

Richie Sambora and and his Australian rocker girlfriend, Orianthi, are splitting up — but they’re leaving the door open for a rekindling in the future … TMZ has learned. Richie and Orianthi — who began dating in 2014 and have performed…


Ed Westwick Meets Girlfriend at Airport After D.A. Rejects Rape Cases

Ed Westwick had reason to celebrate Friday as he met his GF at LAX … hours after the L.A. County D.A. rejected 3 rape cases of which he was the target. Jessica Serfaty showed up with a bouquet of roses as the 2 hugged. Westwick strongly denied the…


Thursday, July 19, 2018

Racing Star Josef Newgarden Praises Danica Patrick With Super Hot Girlfriend

Here’s racing star Josef Newgarden giving Danica Patrick’s racing career the respect it deserves … praising Danica as a trailblazer, who opened the door up for generations of women racers. All while standing next to his solar hot girlfriend.…
