Showing posts with label Duggars. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Duggars. Show all posts

Monday, November 5, 2018

Abbie Burnett Melts Over John-David Duggar"s "Tender" Wedding Kiss

They do, folks.

Actually, correction: They already did.

This past Saturday, John-David Duggar and Abbie Burnett completed their whirlwind romance by exchanging vows and getting married.

At 28 years old, John-David was ancient by the typical standards of Duggar children by the time they took this step, but he clearly was just waiting for the right person.

And then Burnett, a nurse who lives in Oklahoma, came along… and that was it.

The two (who did know each other a bit for years prior to getting all lovey dovey) started courting in June, got engaged in July and were husband and wife mere months later.

What was their wedding day like?

How did John-David feel upon seeing his bride-to-be walking down that aisle?

“It little surreal because I’ve dreamed about that ever since I met Abbie,” he said in a video the newlyweds filmed prior to even taking off their wedding attire.

In this same TLC-sponsored footage, Burnett said it was “wonderful” to be Duggar’s wife and added:

“Two of my favorite moments was the opening song, just welcoming in God’s presence and John’s tender kiss at the end.”

Whoa there, Abbie! Take it down a notch, will ya?!?

She actually won’t, and she really hasn’t ever since she and John-David confirmed their courtship.

The two were spotted holding hands and showing public displays of affection long before making their relationship legal, both of which are major no-no’s according to the heads of the Duggar cult, Jim Bob and Michelle.

Both Abbie and John-David have made it pretty clear just what they think of these Duggar courtship rules.

And Burnett continued to show a saucy side in this post-wedding interview with TLC cameras.

Toward the end, John-David said he and his wife had no real plans over the next few weeks aside from “serving God together and spending time together,” to which Abbie replied.”

“And the honeymoon.”

She said so with eyebrows raised, basically blurting out for all to hear:


Said the couple to Us Weekly after getting hitched:

“We are so excited to be married!

“It was a beautiful moment and we so appreciate our friends and family for sharing this day with us. Most of all we are thankful to Christ for bringing us together.

“This is going to be an amazing journey!”

The official Duggar blog, meanwhile, used the nuptials as a chance to both congratulate Abbie and John-David — and also promote a couple programs on TLC.

This is what the blog entry read:

John-David Duggar and Abbie Burnett are husband and wife!

They tied the knot this afternoon in Abbie’s home state of Oklahoma. This Duggar wedding is the 8th for Jim Bob and Michelle, and they now have an equal number of married daughters and sons

After a church ceremony, John and Abbie hosted their reception at an airplane hanger located at a regional airport. Guests were treated to a breakfast buffet.

Did the newlyweds leave in a getaway car or plane?

Find out in just a few weeks, when their wedding airs on TLC (Tuesday, November 27th, at 10pm ET/9pm CT).

On the 20th, the network will share a first look video. We will let you know when it’s available.


Thursday, November 1, 2018

The Duggars Are Soon to Announce Another Pregnancy. Here"s How We Know ...

There was a time when the Duggar pregnancy announcements happened so frequently that it was hard to keep up.

These days, however, the deluge of Duggar offspring has slowed to a trickle.

At the moment, multiple Duggar women are rumored to be pregnant, but no official announcements have been made.

What gives? Well, fans have a theory as to what might be holding up the parade, as well as a few predictions about who will be sharing their big news next.

Take a look:

1. The Duggar Daughters

Duggar sisters counting on

Aside from Jana, all of Jim Bob and Michelle’s adult daughters are married with children these days.

2. Welcome, Felicity

Jinger duggar and felicity vuolo twinning

Jinger Duggar is the latest to bring a bundle of joy into the world, having welcomed little Felicity Vuolo in July.

3. A Race to the Finish

Joseph kendra and garrett duggar

Of course, Jinger is the most recent new mom by only a few weeks. Joseph Duggar and Kendra Caldwell welcomed a son named Garrett in June.

4. And Baby Makes Three

Joy anna duggar expecting baby number 2

Joy-Anna Duggar welcomed a son named Gideon Forsyth back in February, and that’s it for the Duggar births of 2018.

5. Not Too Shabby

Duggar girls

That may sound like quite the productive year in terms of procreating, but Michelle and Jim Bob probably thought their kids would be even more fruitful by now.

6. The Tipping Point

Duggars counting on cast photo

After all, 2018 marks the first year in which more than half of their kids will reach the age of 20 or older by year’s end.

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Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Jinger Duggar"s Daughter Survives First Ridiculous "Scandal"

Last week, Jinger Duggar was accused of cultural appropriation for wrapping her daughter’s head in fabric in order to keep it warm while the family attended a Chicago Cubs game.

The situation was annoying for a number of reasons.

For starters, these are the Duggars we’re talking about.

If you want to complain about an ignorant habit or a questionable child-rearing practice, they give you so much good material to work with.

There’s really no need to go nit-picking.

On top of that, since when is there a specific culture that owns the exclusive rights to wrapping babies up in fabric to keep them warm?

By that logic, Jinger and her ilk can and should accuse Scientologists of cultural approporiation.

After all, far-right evangelicals were weirding people out with their extremist beliefs decades before L. Ron Hubbard was even born.

Anyway, when you slam the Duggars for perfectly normal behavior, you reinforce their belief that they’re simply being persecuted for their religious convictions.

Worse, you distract from the actual shady practices the family engages in on a regular basis.

And as you can see from the photo below, Jinger is not the slightest bit concerned about the uproar over her baby girl’s headgear.

That’s a pic Jinger posted on Monday.

The proud new mom captioned the image, “So smiley!”

Her head is wrapped in a fashion that’s identical to the Wrigley Field pic, and it looks as though neither Jinger or Felicity are losing any sleep over the uproar.

In fact, Jinger probably received a monetary bonus from Jim Bob this month.

Every time something like this happens, it strengthens the Duggars’ argument that the public will find fault with everything they do.

So now, when there’s another legitimate Duggar scandal — and we’re about due for a big one — Jim Bob can point to this situation and be all:

“[Self-righteous sigh] This is just like that time everyone freaked out on Jinger’s baby for wearing a scarf.”

The worst part is, this “scandal” is probably the result of 8-10 very vocal nitwits who get a weird high from being mad online.

This has been yet another installment of “Society: It Just Wasn’t Ready For the Internet.”


Friday, September 14, 2018

Duggars Offer Back-to-School Advice (Despite the Fact They"ve Never Sent Their Kids to School)

The days are getting shorter, the never-used golf clubs and camping equipment are gathering dust, and the nagging sense that you’re wasting the best years of your life withering away under the harsh glare of fluorescent lights in a cubicle that seems to get smaller by the day is growing more profound.

This can only mean one thing — autumn is upon us.

All over the country, kids are back in the classroom, but for the Duggar family, there aren’t too many changes around the compound this time of year.

That’s because the Duggar kids are homeschooled.

Yes, not one of Jim Bob and Michelle’s 19 kids has ever set foot inside an actual classroom.

And yet, for some reason, the family still feels it’s their duty to offer back-to-school advice to their devoted fanbase.

“I know many moms and dads are in ‘back-to-school’ mode and have a thousand things to think about and many stressors in your life,” Michelle wrote on the Duggars official Facebook page this week.

“Recently, I was reading in God’s word,” Michelle continued.

“‘Be anxious for nothing.’ It was such a beautiful reminder that God has everything in control. He is working things out on our behalf. We have to place our trust in Him and He will direct our steps.”

Decent advice, but it’s easy for someone to tell you to just chill out when they’re not the ones who have to buy their kid a separate three-ring binder for every freakin’ class.

As In Touch Weekly points out, many commenters took issue with the Duggars’ advice for stressed-out parents.

“Oh, the overt irony of that post,” wrote one Facebook user.

Others echoed the sentiment, and it’s not hard to see why they’re so resentful of advice issued by someone who simply cannot relate to their plight.

Obviously, homeschooling 19 kids is no easy task — but the Duggars have had plenty of help.

If you’re a longtime fan of the family, you probably already know that the Duggars employ a buddy system, meaning that each child is assigned a younger sibling to look after — and educate.

Now that so many Duggars have left the nest, most of the tutoring duties fall not to Michelle, but to Jana.

Yes, with the help of her friend Laura DeMasie, Jana Duggar has been homeschooling her siblings for years.

Some have gone so far as to suggest that the reason Jana is still single is that she’s so busy with helping to raise her siblings that she’s had no time to find a partner.

We don’t know if that’s true, but we do know that Michelle is not the ideal person to be dispensing back-to-school advice.


Friday, September 7, 2018

Jinger Duggar Is Besties With Josiah Duggar"s Ex and Fans Can"t Handle It

Back in June, Josiah Duggar married Lauren Swanson in a ceremony that pretty much matched the blueprint for all Duggar weddings that preceded it.

But there was one important difference with Lauren and Josiah’s nuptials.

You see, unlike his siblings, when Josiah met his spouse, he was already no stranger in the ways of love.

In fact, he had extensive experience with hand-holding, chaperoned dates, and, yes … even side side-hugs.

As you may recall Josiah courted Marjorie Jackson before he met Lauren.

The relationship ended abruptly and without explanation after just three months.

Josiah later offered a vague explanation for his breakup with Marjorie, but fans still felt confused.

After all, Josiah and Marjorie may have been young, but the expectations for dating Duggars are extremely high and very specific.

The family describes courtship as “dating with a purpose” — that purpose being marriage, of course.

It’s unheard of for Duggar couples to call it quits after announcing a courtship, which is why fans were so weirded out when Josiah and Marjorie quietly went their separate ways.

And it’s also why they were confused a second time this week when Jinger Duggar’s husband Jeremy Vuolo posted the above photo on Instagram.

“A thoughtful birthday gift from my lovely wife: handwritten calligraphy of the words ‘Og mit liv’ for my office,” Jeremy explained in the caption.

Jeremy went on to explain that the quote comes from a missionary he admires.

But it’s the end of the caption that really caught his followers’ attention.

“Calligraphy by @marjorie.e.jackson,” Vuolo wrote.

Yes, that’s the very same Marjorie Jackson that courted Josiah.

Now, the Duggars are said to be a forgiving lot, so we guess it’s not terribly surprising that they’re not big on holding grudges.

But it’s worth noting that Josiah and Marjorie’s breakup was no amicable parting of ways.

Fans only learned of the split when Josiah deleted every photo of his ex from his Instagram page.

At one point, sources claimed the Duggars were concerned that Marjorie would write a tell-all about her time with the family.

So you can see why so many were caught off guard by the fact that Marjorie maintains ties with the family.

Of course, it makes sense that Jim Bob would keep a young, single fundamentalist like Marjorie in his Rolodex.

Dude has a lot of sons to marry off yet.


Thursday, August 23, 2018

Duggars to Kendra Caldwell: No College For You!

It’s been two months since Joseph Duggar and Kendra Caldwell welcomed their first child, and the young couple has been keeping a relatively low profile as they focus on their new family.

In many ways, Kendra is the ideal Duggar wife.

She’s happy to be subservient, marry young, and start popping out kids.

But in some ways, she represents a challenge to the Duggar way of doing things.

While Kendra was homeschooled by her mother and preacher father, her family reportedly places a higher emphasis on formal education than the Duggars.

In fact, before she met and married Joseph, Kendra was reportedly planning to attend college.

Those plans have now been scrapped, and some fans feel the Duggars are to blame.

As evidence, they point to a video that appeared on the Duggars’ Facebook page just before Joseph and Kendra’s wedding last year.

“We are so excited about our wedding day. It’s coming up quick, so we’re super excited,” Kendra said of her impending nuptials.

While many fans shared in Kendra’s excitement, others were not so thrilled.

“She doesn’t get to pursue an education or explore other avenues,” one fan commented.

“She has been raised to be subservient to a man and to be nothing more than a breeder. It isn’t something to celebrate. It’s incredibly sad.”

Another described Kendra as a “poor, young, brainwashed girl.” 

As The Romper points out, the video was recently deleted from the Duggars’ page, seemingly in response to the negative comments.

Not only will Kendra never attend college, it looks as though she may have never received a single day of formal education, other than “taking a Bible college course” at the church where her father serves as pastor.

Many fans have pointed out that if Kendra wanted to attend college, Joe and his family would have ample reason to dissuade her.

For starters, as a Duggar wife, she’s supposed to devote the entirety of her adult years to being a mother.

On top of that, the Duggars would likely not be thrilled by the idea of a wife being more highly educated than her husband.

So for the time being at least, it seems Kendra will be forced to say goodbye to whatever dreams of college and career she may have once harbored.


Monday, August 13, 2018

Counting On Canceled: Is This the Duggars" Final Season on TV!?

All good things must come to an end, as the old saying goes. In other news, all reality TV shows eventually run their course.

Whether you love, hate or love to hate them, it’s been over a decade on TLC for the Duggars, a mightily impressive streak.

One that may be about to a conclusion.

As has been the case for the last 3-4 years, TLC is not making any public assurances regarding the future of Counting On.

Ever since 19 Kids & Counting was canceled and rebranded as Counting On, the Duggar family has been on very thin ice.

Just the same, the reality TV empire survived, thanks in large part to a pivot away from the parents to their oldest childen.

That, though, has left Jim Bob Duggar with a problem on multiple fronts, as both his kids and his employers may be done.

Yes, according to multiple reports, the Counting On stars are tired of TV and demanding time off from their handler (Jim Bob).

Soon, if TLC executives don’t pull the plug on the show for them, the young adults may put an end to the practice altogether.

Jill, Jessa, Joy-Anna and company are reportedly eager “to carry on with their lives,” and those who are still single agree.

One of the biggest reasons the kids don’t want the cameras following their every move is so they can court in peace.

Granted, Duggar courtship rules require chaperones at all times anyway, but younger siblings are different than TV crews.

At least one of them figured this out.

“John David kept his relationship quiet and hidden so he could enjoy time without press,” an insider explained last week.

Seen above with fiancee Abby Burnett, John David had been a sparse presence on Counting On for the last few years.

Clearly that was a calculated move.

To be clear, cancelation rumors have been swirling for years as Counting On declines in ratings and increases in controversy.

So far, a loyal fan base and an emerging group of younger stars and in-laws has kept the Duggars afloat. But for how long?

The network already had to fire Josh Duggar, and relegate Jim Bob and Michelle to very minor roles, after his sex scandals.

Facing even more pressure from advertisers, the network then also had to dispatch Jill Duggar’s husband Derick Dillard.

How many more hits can it take?

These days, Counting On mainly focuses on the marriages of Jinger and Jeremy, Joy-Anna and Austin, and Joe and Kendra.

All three young couples are striking out on their own, and have taken up the bulk of the screen time so far this summer.

It also features Josiah and John David, both of whom are are currently in relationships, and Jana Duggar, who is famously single.

(Unless you believe those rumors swirling around the 28-year-old “Cinderella” Duggar and BFF Laura DeMasie, above.)

In any case, with Jill out of the picture, there’s been another changing of the guard this summer, making for an uncertain future.

Jessa Duggar, who was also courting when 19 Kids first became Counting On, has begun to fade into the background as well.

The million-dollar question remains:

Is there enough interest in the new-new generation (call it Duggar 2.5) to sustain an entire show for another several years?

Perhaps they can continue to strike a precarious balance to keep the network, its advertisers, and themselves happy for now.

After all, they do need to make money … something they don’t exactly have the necessary skills or experience to help with.

We discussed earlier today how Jim Bob has robbed his daughters of careers at the same time he built this TV juggernaut.

How’s that for irony?

In any case, you can be sure that the Duggars are aware of this and won’t take the decision to pull the plug on the show lightly.

A source tells Radar that for now, the kids “will continue to film the show as long as they can because it is their biggest source of income.”

At the same time, though, they “need to time to focus on their families,” which may put them in direct conflict with their TLC gig.

That assumes TLC even wants to keep airing it, which is a different story, especially in light of some truly damaging scandals.

One more Derick Dillard comment about Jazz Jennings, or pretty much anything else, could put an end to that very, very fast.


Thursday, August 9, 2018

Laura DeMasie: Who Is Jana Duggar"s Rumored Girlfriend?

If you’re a longtime Counting On viewer, then you’re probably familiar with Jana Duggar’s longtime friend Laura DeMasie.

Laura and Jana have an unusually close relationship, as DeMasie assists her BFF with homeschooling of the younger Duggars, as well as the many other chores that have been Jana’s responsibility for the entirety of her adult life.

Not surprisingly, the situation has led to rumors that Jana and Laura are dating.

We may never know if that’s really the case, as coming out as gay would be enough to get Jana permanently disowned by her parents.

Whatever the case, it seems Laura is definitely one of the most important people in Jana’s life.

The 33-year-old not only helps out around the compound, she’s also a VIP guest at events that are otherwise Duggar-only.

For example, when Jinger Duggar welcomed her first child back in February, only a select few immediate family members were on hand.

But despite the fact that Jinger didn’t even invite all of her siblings, there was Laura, standing right by Jana’s side as usual.

Laura was also on hand for several other recent events as well, including Jinger’s gender reveal party.

Duggars rarely allow outsiders in their midst, so some fans have been confused by the sight of a non-relative at so many private events.

“Like really… who is she? Why is she around? Why is she STILL around!?” one fan recently commented on a Duggar-themed Reddit board.

“Why did she go to Jinger’s birth?”

Several other fans echoed the sentiment, and while the exact nature of Jana and Laura’s relationship might forever remain a mystery, we do have a goods idea of who DeMasie is and where she came from.

Laura is a 33-year-old Arkansas native, who is currently employed in the media department of the Institute in Basic Life Principles (IBLP).

The IBLP is an important part of the Duggars’ lives and the source of many of the family’s most controversial beliefs.

So it’s safe to say that Jana and Laura first crossed paths as a result of their shared involvement with the organization.

As for why Laura is suddenly everywhere — well, that’s more of a mystery.

It’s not hard to see why so many fans suspect that she and Jana are more than friends, but thus far, there’s no clear indication of any romantic involvement.

Now that Jana’s twin, John David Duggar, is courting Abbie Burnett, Jana is officially the only single Duggar over the age of 20.

So it’s possible that she and Laura are simply kindred spirits who find comfort in one another in a desolate place where they’re already considered old maids.


Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Marjorie Jackson: Josiah Duggar"s Ex Shocks Fans With Scandalous Pics!

Back in June, Josiah Duggar married Lauren Swanson in the sort of massively-attended wedding his family has become known for.

In many ways, it was the typical Duggar nuptial event.

But there were several important differences.

For one thing, Josiah and Lauren’s wedding was even more well-documented than the usual Duggar wedding, with TLC crafting the big day into a Counting On season premiere event that ran for longer than two hours.

On top of that, Josiah’s not your typical Duggar.

He’s often regarded as the family’s resident rebel, and that’s especially apparent in his love life.

You see, unlike his other married siblings, Lauren is not Josiah’s first love interest. 

If you’re a longtime Duggar aficionado, you might remember Marjorie Jackson from Josiah Duggar’s first courtship.

Their relationship came to an end abruptly and for reasons that remain mysterious.

Of course, folks who have paid close attention to Marjorie’s Instagram page in recent weeks think they may have solved the mystery.

Marjorie recently posted the above pic on Instagram.

“Knocked out a little worldwide travel within a few blocks over the weekend…” she captioned the photo.

“Now I’m ready for a trip to the REAL Trevi fountain, NYC, and Eiffel Tower. Anyone up for a weekend trip?” 

Now that may not seem very scandalous — and it’s not — but it would certainly be enough to shock the Duggar clan.

Las Vegas? Shorts on an unmarried woman?! 

Why doesn’t she just slaughter a goat and take the carcass to a Marilyn Manson concert as her date?!

Marjorie doubled-down on her scantily clad attire with the above photo of herself in Arches National Park.

“The arches in Moab were bea(Utah)ful!! #offthebucketlist #roadtrip,” she captioned the pic.

Yes, folks were less shocked by Marjorie’s horrendous pun than by her exposed calves.

After all, that sort of thing is a major violation of the Duggar dress code.

All this willfulness has left fans wondering — was Marjorie 86’ed because she refused to comply with the rules of Josiah’s family?

Or is she celebrating the fact that with Josiah off the market, her connection to reality TV’s most conservative clan is well and truly severed?

Either way, it looks as though Marjorie is thoroughly enjoying life post-Duggar!


Monday, July 30, 2018

Michelle Duggar"s Parenting Methods: Is She Messing Up Her Grandkids?

The Duggar children are nothing if not loyal.

Sure, Jinger decided to wear pants in violation of the family dress code, and some of her sisters have followed suit.

And yes, Josiah is rebelling against certain aspects of his father"s teachings, but at the end of the day, these are very minor acts of defiance.

For the most part, Michelle and Jim Bob"s offspring do as their told and dedicate themselves to preserving their family"s proudest traditions.

Unfortunately, as many have pointed out, by following in the footsteps of their elders, Jill, Jessa and company might be doing irreparable harm to their own children.

Here are some of the unsettling trends that fans have noticed in recent years:

1. Mama Michelle

Michelle duggar crazy eyes

For some, Michelle Duggar is a parenting role model. After all it’s not easy to not only raise 19 children, but to also over-parent them to the brink of insanity,

2. Stuck In Her Ways

Michelle duggar on 19 kids

Unfortunately, some of Michelle’s favorite techniques haven’t aged well. In fact, some have described them as downright abusive.

3. The Next Generation

Duggar girls

At this point, four of Michelle’s daughters are moms themselves, and they beam with pride when discussing how much they’ve learned about parenting from their mother.

4. Passing the Buck

Jana and michelle duggar

There’s an irony in this, as Michelle is famous for handing off her parenting responsibilities to her eldest children (most commonly poor, put-upon Jana), but we digress.

5. Mom of the Millennium

Josh and michelle duggar

Though they admit to resenting the amount of responsibility they were often burdened with during childhood, the Duggar kids concur that Michelle is the world’s greatest mom … Of course, that opinion doesn’t mean much coming from Josh.

6. Mixed Results

Michelle duggar and jim bob duggar

Now that they’re able to implement the tips and tricks they learned from Michelle, some of the Duggar kids are finding that their mom’s methods might belong in the past …

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Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Lauren Swanson: Disturbing Video Prompts Concerns For Josiah Duggar"s Bride

Last week, Josiah Duggar married Lauren Swanson in one of those massive Duggar ceremonies that"s attended by pretty much the entire population of Arkansas.

Duggar courtships are always of intense interest to the family"s legion of fans, but Josiah and Lauren attracted even more attention than usual for a number of reasons.

The most obvious of which is that this was not Josiah"s first courtship.

In an unprecedented turn of events, Josiah broke up with Marjorie Jackson for reasons that remain mysterious.

Adding to the enigmatic nature of Josiah"s love life is the fact that very little is known about Marjorie compared to others who have married into the Duggar clan.

It"s not that she"s been hiding from the public — quite the opposite, in fact.

The Duggars have posted videos in which Lauren introduces herself to fans.

Swanson has been a fixture on Josiah"s Instagram page, and we know she"ll be appearing on the upcoming season of Counting On.

But many fans think there"s something a bit … off about Lauren.

Maybe it"s just nerves, or perhaps it"s the fact that she seems to be reading her lines from a cue card, but whatever the case, it seems Lauren doesn"t give off the "giddy new bride" impression that viewers were expecting.

"Wow! Lauren was super nervous and obviously reading lines…But looked so beautiful!" wrote one YouTube commenter.

"Lauren sounded like she was about to burst into tears," remarked another.

"I guess that"s to be expected when you"re a teenager and have just been forced into a marriage to a guy you barely know."

"Super awkward; Lauren looks so uncomfortable & I want whatever drugs she is on because she looks stoned," a third fan wrote.

"She pulled away from that kiss quick."

Others suggested that Josiah might be to blame for Lauren"s bad case of the nerves.

"He seems like he"d rather be with someone else…. Like Lawson Bates perhaps?" one commenter joked.

Obviously, Lauren"s not totallhy comfortable here, but it"s really not all that surprising. 

After all, not only did she just become a wife — she also just became a reality star.

Check out the clip below to diagnose the newest Mrs. Duggar for yourself:

Lauren swanson disturbing video prompts concerns for josiah dugg

Friday, June 29, 2018

Lauren Swanson: Is She PREGNANT With Josiah Duggar"s Baby?!

Well, folks, it looks like we’re in for another round of Duggar shotgun wedding rumors.

Except this time, there’s no danger of Jim Bob and Michelle disowning anyone, as it’s one of their sons who engaged in some premarital impregnatin’.

And what makes fans think there’s an illicit bun in the oven?

Well, once again, their suspicions have been raised by a seriously sketchy wedding timeline.

Josiah Duggar and Lauren Swanson have only been engaged since March — and yet they’ve allegedly changed their wedding date at least twice.

At first, Josiah and Lauren were supposed to get married in May, which would be consistent with the Duggar tradition of short courtships and even shorter engagements.

But just weeks before the big day, they decided to postpone the wedding until New Year’s Eve.

Now, the couple has reportedly had yet another change of heart.

Radar Online is reporting that Josiah and Lauren will tie the knot this summer — possibly as early as next month.

“It’s coming up,” a source tells the outlet.

As OK! magazine reports, it didn’t take long for fans to start formulating theories.

The Duggars generally prefer to keep fans in the dark regarding wedding dates, so as to cut down on the possibility of uninvited guests crashing the festivities.

But this is some next-level subterfuge, and the consensus is that there’s something more going on here.

At this point, the Duggars are probably having flashbacks to the many “shotgun wedding” rumors that surrounded Joy-Anna’s nuptials.

As you probably know, the family forbids not only premarital sex, but virtually all forms of physical contact between unmarried couples.

So news that one of a premarital pregnancy would result in a fair bit of damage to the wholesome reputation that the Duggars have worked so hard to cultivate.

Obviously, the family has survived worse, but it’s not hard to see why they would be tempted to reschedule a wedding in order to avoid the sight of a bridal baby bump.

As many fans have pointed out, Josiah is the rebel of the Duggar family these days, and thus would be most likely to disregard his parents’ decrees regarding sex before marriage.

There’s little in the way of concrete evidence here, but the ever-shifting wedding date is highly suspicious.

Of course, if Josiah really wants rebel points, he should just stay the course and marry Lauren in December when she’s six months along.

On second thought, that might be pushing it.

He probably doesn’t want his parents having simultaneous coronary events during the exchange of vows.

Smart kid.

Watch Counting On online for more on reality TV’s most controversial family.


Thursday, May 31, 2018

Anna Duggar: Getting Friendly With Lawson Bates Behind Josh Duggar"s Back!

It’s been three years since the world learned that Josh Duggar molested five young girls while still living under his parents’ roof.

In that time, very little has changed for his siblings and parents, who seemed to have no trouble rebuilding their lucrative media empire.

However, a great deal has changed for Josh, whose life really couldn’t be more different than it was in 2015

Yes, three short years ago, Josh was a Washington lobbyist and reality TV star with dreams of running for office.

These days, his career trajectory couldn’t be more different.

But at home, Josh’s life remains largely unchanged.

Despite his many, many indiscretions, Josh still controls his wife, Anna, to the point that he tells her who she’s allowed to be friends with.

And not surprisingly, it seems that arrangement has led to some very tense situations.

Josh is mostly cut off from the rest of the Duggars these days, and longtime friends of the family reportedly want nothing to do with him.

The situation reached the point where the father of five rarely ventures into his hometown of Tontitown, where he’s known as “Josh the molester,” one source tells us.

But lots of folks who want nothing to do with Josh have maintained close ties to the rest of the family — including the Bates family of Bringing Up Bates fame.

Yes, it’s possible that there’s no family in America who has more in common with the Duggars than the Bates.

They’re also a massive clan of fundamentalists who starred in their own reality show — and they also want nothing to do with Josh.

Which is why fans are so intrigued by the fact that Anna Duggar and Lawson Bates have been interacting on social media.

Lawson recently tweeted the above photo of himself holding Josh and Anna’s youngest son, Mason.

But while he was happy to visit the Duggar clan during his time in Arkansas, Lawson reportedly avoided Josh like the plague.

Interestingly, however, it seems he got along quite well with Josh’s wife and children.

As In Touch Weekly points out, Anna was quick to comment on Lawson’s photo, tweeting:

“Great to have you in town! Mason enjoyed getting to hang out with you :).” 

It may not seem like Anna and Lawson are going to any great lengths to hide their friendship.

But it’s important to bear in mind that Josh’s social media use is closely monitored, and he’s only allowed to use Facebook.

So he might never catch wind of Anna and Lawson’s back-and-forth.

Fans have been pushing for Anna to file for divorce from Josh, so they couldn’t be happier about this development.

Unfortunately, it’s extremely unlikely that Anna will leave Josh for Lawson.

Divorce is strictly forbidden in the Duggars’ community, and Anna clearly has every intention of sticking by her man.

Watch Counting On online for more on reality TV’s most controversial family.
