Showing posts with label Marjorie. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Marjorie. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Marjorie Jackson: Josiah Duggar"s Ex Shocks Fans With Scandalous Pics!

Back in June, Josiah Duggar married Lauren Swanson in the sort of massively-attended wedding his family has become known for.

In many ways, it was the typical Duggar nuptial event.

But there were several important differences.

For one thing, Josiah and Lauren’s wedding was even more well-documented than the usual Duggar wedding, with TLC crafting the big day into a Counting On season premiere event that ran for longer than two hours.

On top of that, Josiah’s not your typical Duggar.

He’s often regarded as the family’s resident rebel, and that’s especially apparent in his love life.

You see, unlike his other married siblings, Lauren is not Josiah’s first love interest. 

If you’re a longtime Duggar aficionado, you might remember Marjorie Jackson from Josiah Duggar’s first courtship.

Their relationship came to an end abruptly and for reasons that remain mysterious.

Of course, folks who have paid close attention to Marjorie’s Instagram page in recent weeks think they may have solved the mystery.

Marjorie recently posted the above pic on Instagram.

“Knocked out a little worldwide travel within a few blocks over the weekend…” she captioned the photo.

“Now I’m ready for a trip to the REAL Trevi fountain, NYC, and Eiffel Tower. Anyone up for a weekend trip?” 

Now that may not seem very scandalous — and it’s not — but it would certainly be enough to shock the Duggar clan.

Las Vegas? Shorts on an unmarried woman?! 

Why doesn’t she just slaughter a goat and take the carcass to a Marilyn Manson concert as her date?!

Marjorie doubled-down on her scantily clad attire with the above photo of herself in Arches National Park.

“The arches in Moab were bea(Utah)ful!! #offthebucketlist #roadtrip,” she captioned the pic.

Yes, folks were less shocked by Marjorie’s horrendous pun than by her exposed calves.

After all, that sort of thing is a major violation of the Duggar dress code.

All this willfulness has left fans wondering — was Marjorie 86’ed because she refused to comply with the rules of Josiah’s family?

Or is she celebrating the fact that with Josiah off the market, her connection to reality TV’s most conservative clan is well and truly severed?

Either way, it looks as though Marjorie is thoroughly enjoying life post-Duggar!


Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Marjorie Jackson: Was She Using Josiah Duggar For Fame?

Last month, the world learned that Josiah Duggar and Lauren Swanson are engaged.

The news came as no great surprise, as Josiah and Lauren had been courting for several months, and Duggar courtships typically result in marriage.

But as Josiah knows from firsthand experience, that’s not always the case…

You see, unlike his brothers and sisters, Josiah’s first courtship was not his last.

Back in 2015, Josiah entered a relationship with Marjorie Jackson.

At the time, it was widely assumed that the young couple would follow in the footsteps of his older siblings by marrying and starting a family shortly thereafter.

After all, like other Duggar courting partners, Marjorie had been carefully selected and possessed all of the qualities prized by Josiah’s parents, Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar:

Jackson was a fundamentalist Christian from a reputable family with a long history of service and involvement with the church.

So it came as quite a surprise when Josiah and Marjorie broke up.

For as long as the Duggars had been in the spotlight each and every new courtship had led to marriage and children.

Many fans stated that they were unaware that Duggars even had the option of ending a courtship.

Almost as surprising as the breakup was the manner in which the public found out about it.

No official announcement was made, and Marjorie simply disappeared from Josiah’s social media pages.

All photos of the two of them were deleted from Josiah’s Instagram account and that was that.

Shortly thereafter, rumors that Marjorie planned to write a tell-all about her time with the Duggars seem to lend credence to the widespread belief that this was a rather ugly breakup.

In an attempt to suppress the rumors, Josiah finally issued a statement and assured fans that he and Marjorie had simply decided to go their separate ways.

“Marjorie and I had a good time together. We were just trying to follow God’s lead on everything,” the statement read.

“She didn’t feel that it was the right timing then, so we called it quits for a bit.” 

But fans in the Duggar discussion group on Reddit believe there may have been a more sinister reason for the split.

As In Touch Weekly points out, Josiah’s split from Marjorie is once again a frequent topic of conversation on the boards, seemingly as a result of his engagement to Lauren.

It seems many redditors are convinced that Marjorie – who has published multiple books and has a large following on social media – was interested in Josiah due to his fame and fortune.

The theorists who fall into this camp propose different ideas about exactly why Josiah and Marjorie called it quits:

Some believe he got wise to her ulterior motives and called the relationship off.

Others feel that she realized he wouldn’t be good for her reputation (due to the Josh Duggar sex scandals) or her bank account (due to the fact that TLC earnings are split many different ways) and decided to seek her fortune elsewhere.

“It’s a widely spread belief that Marjorie was more into the fame than she was into Josiah, but what if it wasn’t the fame she was after?” wrote one fan.

“What if she wanted a slice of that sweet, sweet TLC pie, but split as soon as she found out that Josiah would likely never see a cent of it?”

“‘Would you like to enter a courtship?’ ‘Yes, I’d be happy to.’ [side hug] ‘Just letting you know I don’t get any money from the show, Dad takes it all.’ ‘Oh, then I guess I can’t court if you’re broke, it’s over,"” another redditor joked.

Still others believe that Marjorie initially hoped to weather the storm of the Josh scandals, but eventually decided an association with the Duggars would do her career more harm than good.

“She wanted fame and was using Josiah to get it. She was all in until the Josh scandal hit. They lost [19 Kids and Counting] when they began courting. Showed her true colors and its obvious she was a user,” one commenter theorized.

“Hey Marjorie, God is a good score keeper! I didn’t like her, user! Funniest thing yet?

“She didn’t know there would be another show featuring the older Duggars. She probably hates herself now. She puts on a good show she is happy. But, deep down she cringed.”

Yes, it seems Marjorie has brought Duggar fans and critics together in their shared disdain for her. No easy feat!

Watch Counting On online for more on reality TV’s most controversial family.


Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Josiah Duggar: Why Did He Break Up With Marjorie Jackson?!

These days, Josiah Duggar is engaged to Lauren Swanson, and the young couple appears to be head-over-heels for one another.

But Josiah’s love life hasn’t been all smooth sailing. 

Before Lauren came along, Josiah courted Marjorie Jackson, and while the vast majority of Duggar courtships result in marriage, the short-lived relationship between Josiah and Marjorie ended abruptly and without explanation.

To this day, little is known about the exact reason that Josiah and Marjorie called it quits, and many fans are stll intrigued.

After all, a Duggar courtship is unlike most other romantic relationships.

The Duggars describe courting as “dating with a purpose” – and that purpose is not companionship, but procreation.

Jim Bob and Michelle discourage their kids from entering courtships until they’re certain their partner is someone they could imagine marrying and having kids with.

So breakups are extremely rare, and it’s even more rare for courtships to end the way that Josiah and Marjorie’s ended.

Just weeks after the couple loudly and proudly announced their courtship on the Duggars’ official Facebook page, they very quetly went their separate ways.

Fans only realized the relationship had come to an end when they noticed that all of the photos of Marjorie had been deleted from Josiah’s Instagram page.

So what exactly led these two to the surprsing decision to break up?

Well, they’ve both been hesitant to speak about it publicly, but Josiah shed some light on the decision in his last interview before he met Lauren.

 “Marjorie and I had a good time together. We were just trying to follow God’s lead on everything,” he said of the split, according to In Touch Weekly.

“She didn’t feel that it was the right timing then, so we called it quits for a bit.”

Interestingly, Josiah concluded the interview with a comment that many interpreted as an admission of fault – as well as a 

 “We have time to grow … you never know… But when you think about a girl to marry, you ask what kind of guy she would want to marry and you try to be that kind of guy.”

After Josiah’s interview, the Duggars issued a brief statement to People magazine:

“A few weeks ago Marjorie and Josiah agreed to end their courtship, keeping in step with what they believe the Lord’s will is,” the statement read.

“Both are thankful for the time getting to know each other, and their families continue to enjoy each other’s company and close friendship.”

And that’s likely all the information we’ll ever get on the subject.

As soon as the Josiah-Marjorie courship began, it became clear that Josiah would not be opening up about his orevious relationship any further.

There was a talk of Marjorie writing a tell-all about her time with the Duggars, but the book never materialized.

We guess fans will simply have to continue speculating wildly about the reasons the couple called it quits!

Watch Counting On online for more from reality TV’s most controversial family.


Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Josiah Duggar Opens Up on Failed Courtship With Marjorie Jackson

Usually, when one of the Duggar children begins a courtship, it means wedding bells are not far off.

But despite the fact that they’ve been taught from a young age that their sole purpose in life is to get married and breed, sometimes even Duggar relationships fail.

When the family announced that Josiah Duggar was dating Marjorie Jackson, it was widely assumed that the young couple would be headed for the altar as soon as possible.

After all, Josiah and Marjorie had grown up together; they’d attended the same church since they were kids; and most importantly, Josiah’ parents very much approved of Marjorie as a potential daughter-in-law.

But for whatever reason, it simply wasn’t meant to be.

Josiah and Marjorie ended their courtship in abrupt fashion just a few months after it began.

At first, it looked as though the former couple made an effort to quietly sweep the relationship under the carpet and move on.

It was only when fans noticed that Josiah had deleted all photos of Marjorie from his Instagram page that fans realized something was up.

In response to spreading rumors about their breakup, Josiah and Marjorie announced the end of their relationship using only the vaguest language to describe their split.

It remained unclear what exactly had driven them apart.

There was talk of Marjorie penning a tell-all memoir, but the book never materialized.

Many speculated that the Josh Duggar sex scandals played a role in Jackson’s decision to break it off with Josiah.

Whatever the case, the 20-year-old Duggar son has kept a low profile in the nearly two years since his breakup with Marjorie.

Josiah rarely posts on social media or gives interviews to any outlets other than TLC.

However, he recently offered some insight into what led to the end of his first romantic relationship.

“Marjorie and I had a good time together. We were just trying to follow God’s lead on everything,” Josiah revealed.

“She didn’t feel that it was the right timing then, so we called it quits for a bit.”

Obviously, his comments are still pretty vague, but the fact that he feels the need to speak publicly about the spilt means he’s aware that the anomaly of a failed Duggar courtship is very much on the minds of fans.

Could this be a sign that Josiah is preparing to announce a new courtship?

We have no idea, but let the wild speculation begin!

Watch Counting On online for more from reality TV’s most controversial family.


Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Marjorie Jackson: Slamming Josh Duggar in New Tell-All?!

When we first learned that Josiah Duggar was courting Marjorie Jackson, it was widely assumed that the arrangement would end in marriage.

After all, when the Duggars reach the point where they’re announcing their romantic relationships to the world, it usually means the potential spouse has been thoroughly vetted, and a wedding is already in the works.

But after weeks of hype and engagement ring shopping, something strange happened.

First, Marjorie disappeared from Josiah’s Instagram page.

Shortly thereafter, it was announced that Josiah and Marjorie had ended their courtship, an almost unheard-of move in the Duggar’s world. 

A few months later, word got out that Marjorie was writing a book, and the news was met with a decidedly mixed response.

The Duggar faithful feared a damaging tell-all, while critics of the family eagerly awaited the very same.

On Monday, Marjorie’s book – Devoted: A Girl’s 31-Day Guide to Good Living With a Great God –  finally hit stores (and Kindles) and it seems she’s managed to pull off the difficult task of satisfying those on both sides of the Duggar debate.

Not surprisingly, she doesn’t throw any direct shade at the Counting On clan.

(For better or worse, the Duggar’s remain her number one claim to fame.)

However, there are some excerpts that are being interpreted as Jackson’s subtle commentary on the Josh Duggar sex scandals, which many believe are the primary reason she decided to end her relationship to Josiah.

Not surprisingly, Marjorie spends much of the book emphasizing the importance of sexual chastity:

“Where promiscuousness once would have been the hush-hush elephant in the room, it now seems that purity sticks out loudly more than ever in a world where anything and everything goes,” she writes at one point.

She later adds:

“How do we handle relationships? What kinds of movies, music, websites, jokes, and conversations do we allow and engage in? Is our dress suggestive and provocative, or modest and proper for a girl professing to have Jesus in her heart?”

Without the context of a young woman who recently cut ties with a family who’s famous for covering up a series of sex scandals, perhaps those quotes wouldn’t seem so damning.

Marjorie goes on to warn her young readers about the pitfalls of entering a courtship blindly, without foreknowledge of the family one might be entering into:

“Be sure to screen each potential suitor through your dad or anything trusted Christian spiritual leader first!” she writes in the book.

“That will help weed out the creepers and determine character.” 

And just what makes one a creeper?

Well, in Marjorie’s book (literally) creepers are those who perv out on the Internet, not unlike Josh Duggar when he used the Ashley Madison website to cheat on his wife:

“Those words we text, e-mail, write and post on social media…God sees it all,” Marjorie warns, adding:

“Jesus never excluded any of our methods of communication, on or out of cyberspace.”

Watch for Josh’s confessional memoir about the pain of being roasted to a crisp by a teenage girl, which will probably be released this fall.

We kid, but seriously – that’s some nice passive-aggressive shade on Marjorie’s part.


Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Marjorie Jackson: Josiah Duggar"s Ex to Pen Tell-All Memoir?

The Duggar courting process always starts with one acceptable destination in mind: marriage.

Thus far, the Duggar children have been successful in that goal on their first efforts – with one notable exception.

Back in 2015, Josiah Duggar courted Marjorie Jackson, but the relationship quickly unraveled.

The former couple confirmed their courtship in April of that year, and by May they appeared to have gone their separate ways.

The Josiah and Marjorie breakup was confirmed by family sources in August.

The cause of the split remains unknown, but it’s widely believed to have had something to do with the Josh Duggar sex scandals, which at the time, were still the stuff of daily tabloid headlines.

Sources close to the couple insisted that the split was amicable and that Josiah and Marjorie planned to remain friends.

That didn’t appear to be the case, however, as Josiah deleted every photo of Marjorie from his Instagram page within days of the breakup.

Nearly two years later, we still don’t know exactly what caused these two to call it quits, but that may be soon to change.

Sources close to the young Christian blogger have confirmed that Marjorie Jackson will publish her first book in May.

The Duggars have reportedly lived in fear of a tell-all memoir from Jackson ever since she and Josiah parted ways.

Insiders tall Radar Online that the family is sweating bullets these days, terrified that Jackson’s book will contain damaging details about how the family went into crisis mode in the months after news of Josh’s sex crimes went public.

Fortunately for Jim Bob, Michelle and company, the official publisher’s description makes it sound as though they’re in the clear.

Marjorie’s people say the book, entitled Devoted, will focus primarily on Marjorie’s religious beliefs and crises of faith.

Of course there is one line from a press release touting the book that probably has Josiah’s parents and siblings concerned.

According to the description, her essays will cover topics related to “relationships, decisions, standards, convictions, priorities…everything,”

We’re guessing the Duggars don’t like the sound of that “everything.”

Josiah may be one of the lesser-known Duggars, and his courtship may not have lasted very long, but the potential for disaster remains huge.

And Marjorie likely knows that a few juicy details could help sell a lot of books.


Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Josiah Duggar Reveals Why He and Marjorie Jackson REALLY Split

When you’re a normal teenager, relationships and breakups come and go as fast as a Snapchat selfie.

But when you’re a Duggar, relationships – nay, courtships – are to be taken with the utmost gravity. They are, after all, regarded as a sort of pre-engagement and preparation for marriage.

That’s why fans were shocked when 19-year-old Josiah Duggar and 18-year-old Marjorie Jackson ended their courtship after just four months last summer.

The reason for their courtship’s demise was not given, apart from their families’ statement of “keeping in step with what they believe the Lord’s will is.”

But now the young 19 Kids and Counting star himself is speaking to People, and has elaborated on why the two parted ways.

“Marjorie and I had a good time together,” he told the magazine. “We were just trying to follow God’s lead on everything. She didn’t feel that it was the right timing then, so we called it quits for a bit.”

With regards to this issue of “timing,” the breakup came not long after news broke that Josiah’s brother Josh had molested his younger sisters.

But that’s a touchy subject.

OOF. I just heard it.

Nevertheless, Josiah hinted that there may be hope for a continued courtship with Marjorie sometime in the future.

“We have time to grow… you never know,” he said. “But when you think about a girl to marry, you ask what kind of guy she would want to marry and you try to be that kind of guy.”

Deep stuff.

We don’t know what kind of guy Josiah wants to be, but we’re pretty certain that “not Josh” is a pretty good start.

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Marjorie Jackson to Publish Book About Split From Josiah Duggar

Back in August, Josiah Duggar and Marjorie Jackson broke up after just a few weeks of “courting.”

Shortly thereafter, we learned that  Marjorie was planning to write a tell-all about her brief involvement with the 19 Kids and Counting clan.

Naturally, family patriarch Jim Bob Duggar was none too pleased by the prospect of having his family’s secrets exposed by an ambitious teen, and we’re sure he was thrilled when Marjorie and Josiah got back together last month.

(There were rumors that Jim Bob engineered the reconciliation to shut Marjorie up, but that’s a conversation for another time.)

Now, however, Radar Online is reporting that Marjorie’s book deal is still a go, and the Duggars might still be running scared. 

The book has been re-imagined as guide to romance for Christian teens, but that doesn’t mean the finished product will be entirely Duggar-friendly.

Fans of the show know that the Duggars’ courtship rules are incredibly harsh, and if Marjorie writes about so much as kissing Josiah, it could be seriously humiliating for the family that popularized the “side-hug.”

“Romantic sparks are fickle and unreliable—here one day, faded the next,” Marjorie recently wrote in a blog post about the project.

Based on that description, it sounds as though young Marjorie is 1. a student of the Stephenie Meyer school of romance writing, and 2. planning to cash in on the ups and downs of her relationship with Josiah.

It might be time to worry, Jim Bob.

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Josiah Duggar and Marjorie Jackson: Back Together?!

Back in August, we reported that Josiah Duggar and Marjorie Jackson broke up after just three months of courting.

Despite their youth, it was a big deal, as in the Duggar’s world, courtships almost end in marriage.

To make matters worse, all signs indicated that the couple did not part on good terms.

In fact, within days of the split, all photos of Marjorie were removed from the Duggars’ social media pages. It was later rumored that the Duggars feared Marjorie would write a tell-all book and expose their family secrets.

On Sunday, however, Jill and Derick Dillard hosted a fundraiser for their controversial charity, and they posted the below photo to social media:

Several fans noticed that on the far right side of the photo, it appears that Josiah and Marjorie are seated next to one another.

That observation dominates the comments section on the pic, but the Duggars have yet to respond to rumors that Josiah and Marjorie are back together.

The Duggars announced the breakup on their family blog back on August 5, writing:

“Both Josiah and Marjorie have enjoyed getting to know each other and to build their friendship over the past months. A few weeks ago Marjorie and Josiah agreed to end their courtship, keeping in step with what they believe the Lord’s will is.”

Well, it may be a while before we know what’s going on with these two, but it looks like at the very least, the Duggars don’t have to worry about that scandalous tell-all anymore!

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Marjorie Jackson: Josiah Duggar"s Ex-Girlfriend Planning to Tell All?!

Back in April, the Duggar family announced that Marjorie Jackson and Josiah Duggar are courting.

It was a big deal, as in the Duggars’ world, courting is much more serious than dating.

It’s described as a sort of “pre-engagement” period that virtually always ends in marriage, as Marjorie and Josiah explain in this odd video from the early days of their relationship:

Of course, that was a much happier time in Josiah’s life, and just weeks later, it would all come tumbling down as a result of the Josh Duggar sex scandal

Marjorie and Josiah broke up not long after news that Josh molested five young women went public.

Both parties have laid low in the time since, and Josiah even went so far as to delete all evidence of their relationship from his social media pages.

We think it’s safe to say that things ended badly, and now, Radar Online is reporting that the Duggars are deeply concerned about the announcement that Marjorie will be returning to public life.

Marjorie is the author of a popular blog for Christian teens, and after several months off the grid, she recently posted a message promising fans that she’ll return to posting full-time in the very near future.

“Forgive my disappearance from the blogging world for the past (one, two…) THREE months! And without warning too,” Marjorie wrote. “Sorry it’s been a while since I’ve posted. I haven’t forgotten about the blog!”

Obviously, a lot has happened in Marjorie’s life during her time off, and the Duggars are reportedly terrified of what she’ll reveal to her fans.

Here’s hoping we’ll finally get an honest insider’s take on life inside the Duggar compound.