Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Marjorie Jackson: Josiah Duggar"s Ex-Girlfriend Planning to Tell All?!

Back in April, the Duggar family announced that Marjorie Jackson and Josiah Duggar are courting.

It was a big deal, as in the Duggars’ world, courting is much more serious than dating.

It’s described as a sort of “pre-engagement” period that virtually always ends in marriage, as Marjorie and Josiah explain in this odd video from the early days of their relationship:

Of course, that was a much happier time in Josiah’s life, and just weeks later, it would all come tumbling down as a result of the Josh Duggar sex scandal

Marjorie and Josiah broke up not long after news that Josh molested five young women went public.

Both parties have laid low in the time since, and Josiah even went so far as to delete all evidence of their relationship from his social media pages.

We think it’s safe to say that things ended badly, and now, Radar Online is reporting that the Duggars are deeply concerned about the announcement that Marjorie will be returning to public life.

Marjorie is the author of a popular blog for Christian teens, and after several months off the grid, she recently posted a message promising fans that she’ll return to posting full-time in the very near future.

“Forgive my disappearance from the blogging world for the past (one, two…) THREE months! And without warning too,” Marjorie wrote. “Sorry it’s been a while since I’ve posted. I haven’t forgotten about the blog!”

Obviously, a lot has happened in Marjorie’s life during her time off, and the Duggars are reportedly terrified of what she’ll reveal to her fans.

Here’s hoping we’ll finally get an honest insider’s take on life inside the Duggar compound.