Showing posts with label Duggar's. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Duggar's. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Counting On Season 3 Episode 3 Recap: Duggars Gone WILD!

On Counting On Season 3 Episode 3, Jill and Derick addressed some issues in their relationship, and meanwhile, the gang went wild.

As in on an adventure, into the wild. As in the wilderness.

If you watch Counting On online, you know Jinger Duggar didn’t want to be a part of this charade since it meant being apart from Jeremy Vuolo.

Well, that wasn’t the only drawback, it turned out.

“It’s just a personal conviction in our life that we wear skirts because it’s more modest,” Joy explained of the non-traditional hiking attire.

Jana, the eldest Duggar daughter, acknowledged that others might raise their eyebrows at the girls’ apparel choices, but shrugged it off thusly:

“We just do things a little differently.”

Floor-length skirts and flip flops certainly aren’t what you envision when you head off on a wilderness adventure, but hey, it’s the Duggars.

Given the recent engagement of Jeremy Vuolo and Jinger Duggar, the outdoor trek was definitely the hardest on her of all the ladies.

“I don’t know how long Jinger’s going to last without cell service, but it’s good to have her back,” Joy-Ann laughed to the TLC cameras.

Jinger conceded that she might be “driving people nuts with it,” but she added, “It’s just when you’re in love, everybody knows about it.”

In other words, she can’t help it, so deal.

Meanwhile, Jill and Derick attempted to visit a romantic hotel in honor of their second anniversary – with their son Izzy along for the ride.

Quite a way to set the mood.

The El Salvador missionaries got to enjoy air conditioning, hot water, a bathtub and a security guard – not to mention full. Frontal. Hugs.

And kissing. Oh, the kissing.

“We’ve gotten better at it,” he said of that romantic act, which they first experienced on their wedding day, two years ago that morning.

Weeks later, they got pregnant with Israel, so clearly they got better at kissing and then some in a hurry. As for making baby number two?

“Lots of people ask that,” she said, asked point blank by a producer if she’s pregnant. “We are looking forward to having another baby soon.”

As for how many Duggar babies are on the way, it looks like just one right now – Jessa and Ben Seewald are expecting their second.

We didn’t know that at this point in the filming process, but she was already thinking about number two, that much was abundantly clear.

While dropping off some clothes that Spurgeon had already outgrown, she mused that “we should have another baby sometime soon.”

Ben seems game, challenging as it is.

“It would be totally different though,” she said.

“Double the work, double the diapers.”

Still, she said, “we’re looking forward to whatever’s next,” and clearly they got over the reservations pretty quick because, well …

Jessa Duggar is pregnant again.

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Jeremy Vuolo: Jinger Duggar"s Fiance Spotted Engaging in WEIRD Behavior With Own Cousin!

Reports that Jessa Duggar is pregnant with her second child are dominating today’s Duggar news and providing some much-needed publicity for the second season of Counting On which happens to not-so-coincidentally premiere tonight.

But while the expansion of the Seewald clan will no doubt receive plenty of screentime, the show will reportedly focus primarily on the courtship between Jinger Duggar and Jeremy Vuolo.

Yes, Jinger and Jeremy are engaged and Counting On cameras were reportedly on hand to capture the early days of the couple’s relationship.

(They’ve only been dating for a few months, so in a way, we guess it’s still the early days.)

There’s no word yet on whether or not the JinJer wedding will be televised, but Vuolo was recently on hand for another couple’s nuptials, and you can bet the events of that night will definitely not be featured on a Duggar-approved show.

In fact, you can be sure Jinger’s parents are doing some serious cringing today:

The Duggar Family News Facebook page recently posted the above photo along with a caption reading:

“Jeremy doing the garter tradition to his cousin. I’m pretty sure we won’t see this at his wedding.”

Yes, the leg that Jeremy is getting so up close and personal with belongs to his cousin.

Now, to be fair, the garter thing is sort of like the bouquet toss for the single men at a wedding.

It’s not uncommon, but it’s a little weird in this case for a few reasons:

For starters, let us repeat that that’s Jeremy’s cousin.

That’s weird on its own, but considering he’s soon to marry into a family was recently involved in an incestuous sex scandal, you would think he’d just take a pass.

Speaking of Jeremy joining the Duggar clan, the family is so chaste that they don’t even allow engaged couples to kiss before the wedding.

Considering they don’t even allow their daughters to expose their ankles in public, we imagine that Jim Bob and Michelle aren’t too cool with the garter tradition.

Watch Counting On online to get caught up in time for tonight, then check out the premiere to see if Jer has some explaining to do.

He might find himself on the receiving end of a Jim Bob glare that could bend a spoon.

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Dan Dillard: Jill Duggar"s Brother-In-Law Gets Engaged!

Dan Dillard – the brother of Jill Duggar’s husband, Derick Dillard – may be on his way to starting a Duggar-sized family of his own.

According to The Ashley’s Reality Roundup, Dan got engaged to girlfriend Deena Tougaw over the weekend.

The proposal took place in picturesque Monterrey, California.

Deena posted the above photo, along with a caption reading:

“On a beautiful pier, in an incredible small beach town in California, as the sun was setting, I said yes to my prince. I’ve never felt so loved in all my life.”

Dan also posted a pic of the engagement and wrote:

“She said yes! So glad that [Deena] accepted my proposal to marry me!” 

Despite reports that Jill and Derick were coming home this week, the couple is still performing missionary work in El Salvador.

Wifi service is scant in the village they’ve made their home for most of the past year, and sources say several days passed before Derick learned of Dan’s engagement.

Derick eventually was able to post the following comment on social media:

“Congratulations to my brother and future sister on their engagement! The things you find out when you get wifi while on the mission field LOL! May the Lord bless y’all as you seek him.”

Last names aside, the two couples have a surprising amount in common.

Before Jill and Derick got engaged, they only knew each for a few months.

Dan and Deena followed suit, having reportedly met just earlier this year.

One major difference: Dan and Deena didn’t do the whole “courting” thing, which means they’ve totally probably kissed before! Scandalous!

Anyway, congrats to the happy couple.

Now, get to making babies, you two!

Thursday, June 23, 2016

Jill & Jessa Counting On: Season 2 to Focus on Jinger Duggar"s Courtship?!

As you may have heard, Jinger Duggar is officially courting Jeremy Vuolo, a former professional soccer player whom she met through her older sister Jessa.

Jessa is probably thrilled that she made the introductions, but not only for the obvious reason that her sister may be headed for the altar.

You see, Jinger’s courtship comes with a big bonus for Jessa and the rest of the Duggars, as it may have saved the once-beloved family from the brink of obscurity.

After a season of mediocre ratings and controversy-averse advertisers pulling their support, there was talk that the Duggars’ new reality show, Jill & Jessa: Counting On, would be canceled.

A couple weeks ago, TLC began to show indications that it would renew Counting On, but no official announcements were made.

Network execs were reportedly on the fence, and many insiders believe that the timing of Jinger’s big announcement was carefully planned.

Now, several media outlets are reporting that TLC has quietly gone ahead with the renewal

“[Jinger and Jeremy’s] courtship will be a big part of the new season of Counting On when it returns to TLC later this summer,” a source close to the situation tells The Ashley’s Reality Roundup.

While no premiere date has been announced, the show will likely return to the airwaves much sooner than expected.

The Ashley and several other outlets are reporting that Counting On Season 2 is scheduled to drop sometime this summer.

As with Season 1, there’s been very little fanfare for such a high-profile show.

It could be that the network feels that heavy marketing isn’t necessary when the Duggars are involved – or it could be a way of staving off controversy for as long as possible.

Watch Jill & Jessa Counting On online to get caught up in time for Season 2.

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Jeremy Vuolo: Who Is Jinger Duggar"s New Man?

As we reported yesterday, Jinger Duggar is officially courting Jeremy Vuolo.

Duggar devotees know that the family regards courting as basically the step between dating and engagement.

More often than not, the courtship process results in marriage.

(Josiah Duggar and Marjorie Jackson broke up after several months of courting, but that’s rare in Duggarland.)

Needless to say, a lot is riding on the courtship of Jinge and Jer, and lots of Duggar fans have questions about the man who might soon be raising a litter of younguns with the 22-year-old daughter on Michelle and Jim Bob.

So here’s what we know about the possible future member of the Duggar clan:

Jeremy is a 28-year-old professional soccer player and former minister.

A native of Philadelphia, Vuolo is a graduate of Syracuse University, where he played goalkeeper for the Orangemen.

After a season with the Finnish club AC Oulo, Vuolo returned to the States and signed with the New York Red Bulls in 2012.

Vuolo was released from the team after one season, and he announced on his social media accounts that he planned to focus on ministry full time.

In 2013, however, he signed with the San Antonio Scorpions.

He played one full season and part of a second season with the team, but he lost his spot on the roster in 2014.

Since then, Vuolo has focused on performing missionary work.

“My identity needs to be in something that’s never going to change, and that’s Jesus Christ,” Vuolo said shortly after leaving soccer behind.

Vuolo is a longtime friend of Jessa Duggar and her husband Ben Seewald, and they reportedly introduced him to Jinger sometime last year.

But it wasn’t until the two of them took a missionary trip in May that they really hit it off.

Yesterday, the couple made their courtship official with an announcement to People magazine.

Yes, he’s an evangelical former pro athlete whose first name starts with a “J.”

Sounds like wedding bells are in Jinger’s future.

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Jill & Jessa Counting On: Have the Duggars Been Canceled AGAIN?!

The first season of Jill & Jessa: Counting On was a modest hit for TLC, but that’s no guarantee that the show will be back for a second season.

Unfortunately, for the execs who have been profiting off of their name for over a decade, the Duggars are no longer a safe bet.

In the wake of the Josh Duggar sex scandals, the network dragged its feet for months, but it eventually conceded to the rising tide of public outrage and canceled 19 Kids and Counting.

A few months later, in the hope that the television-viewing public might have already forgiven and forgotten, execs brought some of the least controversial members of the Duggar clan back with Counting On.

Following a limited run to test the waters in December of 2015, TLC made a surprise announcement that the Duggars would be returning to television with a full season of the show. 

As usual, the Duggar faithful turned out in droves, but the powers that be may still feel that a second of the show is simply more trouble than it’s worth.

Dozens of angry advertisers have already pulled their financial support from the show, and many of them issued public statements chastising the network and, in some cases, the Duggars themselves.

In recent weeks, the family has resorted to desperate measures to save the show, but it could be a case of too little, too late.

A social media campaign to save the show (complete with “#BringBackTheDuggars” hashtag) has failed to gain traction online.

It’s been rumored that Jill and Jess are planning to get pregnant at the same time, in part to boost ratings, but a Duggar pregnancy is about as newsworthy as a sunny day, and fans know that even if the family’s not on TV, the girls will still provide near-daily updates about their synchronized gestations on social media.

Despite all the hype surrounding the possibility of cancelation, the network has yet to make a statement on the matter, leading some to believe a decision has already been made behind the scenes.

So it looks like the Duggars long courtship with TLC may finally be coming to an end.

But don’t worry, fans, we’re sure such an ambitious clan won’t stay out of the spotlight for long.

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Josh Duggar: Finally Forgiven By Anna Duggar"s Family?

While the news that Josh Duggar molested five young girls (four of whom were his sisters) may have been what decimated his family’s reputation and led to the cancelation of their popular reality series, it was the second round of scandals that threatened Josh’s marriage.

Insiders close to the family say Anna knew about the molestation incidents before she married Josh, but when she learned that he had created an online account to help him cheat on her, she briefly considered leaving him.

Divorce is all but forbidden under the Duggars belief system but Anna’s family hated Josh with such a passion that her parents and siblings had reportedly given her the go-ahead to do whatever she thought was best.

At one point, Anna’s sister publicly encouraged her to leave Josh.

Her brother took to social media to blast Josh for his transgressions.

Of course, that was all several months ago, when Josh was just beginning to receive treatment for his addictions to sex and pornography.

These days, it seems the Kellers are convinced that the disgraced 28-year-old has learned his lesson.

Anna’s grandmother passed away over the weekend, and not only was Josh in attendance at the funeral, sources say he posed with her family for a number of photos.

Predictably, a number of Duggar fans have been vocal about their disgust with the Kellers for so readily welcoming Josh back into their family.

“So, I guess the Kellers are forgiving Josh and are giving him another chance,” wrote one fan on the family’s official Facebook page.

“I hope they don’t regret that decision like many did after forgiving him for the molestation scandal and then being disappointed by the cheating scandal.”

Anna has stated that she’s forgiven Josh fully and has no plans of leaving him.

Her family’s willingness to forget his most recent transgressions has bolstered rumors that Anna is pregnant with her fifth child

Sunday, April 10, 2016

Anna Duggar FINALLY Opens Up About Josh Duggar"s Cheating: It Was Like a Bad Dream!

After months of silence over her husband Josh Duggar"s Ashley Madison cheating scandal, Anna Duggar is finally speaking out about how she is coping with the betrayal.

With a shaky voice and tear-filled eyes, Anna talks about her struggle with the shocking news.

"It just seemed like a bad dream, it didn"t seem possible and I just thought, I"m gonna wake up and everything is going to be okay and this really can"t be true," she confessed during an episode of Jill & Jessa: Counting On.

"It was definitely a hard thing and I think it is such a betrayal for a spouse to go through."

To say Josh has put Anna through H-E-double-hockey-sticks is an understatement.

In the last year alone, not only was he identified as a user of the Ashley Madison online affair site, it was revealed that he molested multiple children – including his younger sisters – and was accused of abusing a porn star who he paid to have sex with.

Oh, and by the by, all this just happened to go down while Anna was pregnant with their fourth child.

So, in other words, Josh is an unmitigated douchebag and an full-blown perv.

Josh recently returned home from a months-long stint in rehab, where he was being treated for a sex and porn addiction, if that"s actually a thing.

But despite all the lies and depravity, Anna remains true to her Christian faith, and thus committed to her husband.

"I respect other people"s views, but in my heart, when I got married, I vowed to God first and then to Joshua, for better or for worse, till death do we part," she says.

"My prayer and my heart"s desire is for our marriage is to be restored," she adds.

Toward the end, if you look deep into Anna"s bloodshot, terror-stricken eyes, you can detect some semblance of a soul left inside her screaming, PLEASE. HELP. ME.

Anna duggar finally opens up about joshs cheating it was like a

Friday, March 18, 2016

Jill & Jessa "Counting On" Ratings: Duggars DOMINATE For TLC!

The Duggar family is controversial to put it mildly, but the return of Jill & Jessa: Counting On proved that they are still a draw for TLC.

A big draw.

Tuesday’s premiere drew 1.9 million viewers, with even more tuning in to watch Jill and Jessa: Counting On online throughout the week.

That’s an impressive total for any series, but for the Duggars, who were off the small screen for nearly a year, it marked a huge comeback.

When 19 Kids and Counting, the precursor to Counting On, aired its final episodes in 2015, they were pulling in around 2 million viewers.

Despite Josh Duggar’s sex scandals sidelining the family for most of the next 12 months, Jill, Jessa and their siblings are proving resilient.

For his part, Josh is still persona non grata on Counting On.

His long-suffering wife, Anna Duggar, did all of the talking, going into great detail about the extreme pain he caused by cheating on her.

We learned that Anna visited him in rehab and that this gave her hope, which she relayed to her family, though trust issues still remain.

Indeed, the new series seems to be focusing on the family healing and moving on … with Josh and parents Jim Bob and Michelle MIA.

Like any other TV show, Counting On is counting on sponsors, many of whom found the Duggars radioactive last spring and summer.

It seems many advertisers have come back around, however, but it’s no accident that Josh (and his parents) did not appear on screen.

TMZ even reported that the Duggar family is not allowed to let Josh film with them and that doing so would be a breach of contract.

Dillon King says no one trusts him. Apparently TLC concurs.

Time will tell if he makes a return at some point, possibly as part of his long road to redemption. But don’t mark your calendars for it.

Instead, expect topics such as whether Jana Duggar is courting (ditto Jinger or John-David) to become plot points on the new season.

There are so many options for a family that has its faults, to be sure, but retains a strong following because they are real and relatable.

Even with a growing chorus of critics hammering them for every move, the next generation of Duggars is back and better than ever.

By and large, we would say this is very positive to see.

You can love the Duggars or hate them, but at least Jana, Jinger, and their J-named siblings aren’t paying a price for things they didn’t do.

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Jill & Jessa Counting On Recap: The Duggars are Back ... and Better Than Ever!?

What did Jill & Jessa: Counting On Season 2 Episode 1, the first chapter of the 19 Kids & Counting offshoot’s first full season, have in store?

What didn’t we learn is the real question …

Those who watch Jill & Jessa: Counting On online will not be surprised by a bunch of the revelations, while others were more enlightening.

Tuesday’s season premiere focused heavily on the younger generation, especially the titular Jill Dillard and Jessa Duggar, of course.

When things got underway last night, we got an update on Jessa Duggar and Ben Seewald’s baby boy Spurgeon, born last November.

“I was expecting labor to be long and hard, and it was longer and harder than I expected,” Jessa said, smiling (Jill knows the feeling).

“The ending was a little bit frightening, yeah, but I’m happy it’s over, and I’m happy that we have our little baby boy now,” Ben added.

Ben explained Spurgeon’s name and his penchant for diaper duty, while the new family took part in a photo shoot with Jinger Duggar.

Instead of payment for her photography services, “I said, ‘You take my pictures, and I’ll match-make you with somebody,"” Jessa revealed.

Should Jinger take her up on that? Says Jessa: “I’m a terrible matchmaker, by the way. Nobody likes my ideas. It’s kind of sad. It really is.”

“I’ve asked John, and he always tells me, ‘There are more girls in the world than you know about,’ and I’m like, ‘I’m just trying to help!"”

For their part, for all the controversies they unwittingly start online, Jill Duggar and Derick Dillard seemed to be loving life as missionaries. 

Despite fears of the Zika virus and cougars next door (the animal kind, not the Kourtney Kardashian kind), they’re doing great apparently.

As for the family member we’re most curious about by far?

When we caught up with Josh Duggar’s maligned wife, Anna Duggar, she was preparing to visit him up in a Christian sex rehab center.

We finally got to hear her speak on his infamous sex scandals, too. “it was just feeling like your world instantly shattered,” she lamented.

“He had accounts set up on websites that were set up specifically for having an affair and cheating on your spouse, and …”

“How? Where? Why?” Anna added, emotionally. “Just all of those questions running through your mind. It was overwhelming.”

How is she coping with his rehab stint, which recently came to an end?

“We felt that something long-term would be helpful and probably the best situation for our family,” Anna said, but it hasn’t been easy. 

“It’s been good for our hearts for this time for each of us to get help separately, but it’s also been hard. Meredith was a month old.”

“Now she’s almost four months old. At the end of the day, I think about all of the fun and the special events that happened that day.”

“It’s really sweet, but different. I’m thinking about it by myself.”

“Normally that would be when Josh and I were talking about [the day], and so it is hard that we miss it, and aren’t able to enjoy life together.”

Though she was excited to see Josh – now out of rehab and home in Arkansas after more than six months away – she was nervous.

“I’m coming face-to-face with a lot of painful memories,” she sighed, adding that she planned on just taking everything a step at a time.

We didn’t see their reunion, but she did speak on it later.

“I just got back from visiting Joshua, and he loves each one of you guys very much and is just really grateful,” Anna told his siblings.

“Grateful for a family that’s willing to talk straight and to grieve when you’ve fallen, but also to love and forgive and have hope.”

“So I look forward to seeing what God has in the future.”

While the family was fairly supportive, John-David still had his reservations … the Duggars forgive Josh but they don’t trust him.

“I still love my brother and still talk to him on a regular basis, but things have definitely changed, some within the relationship,” he said.

Anna, though, was undeterred as far as salvaging her marriage.

“This visit was great because it definitely gives a lot of hope, but I think also the weight of everything is also there,” she reflected.

“It drives me deeper to my faith. God’s grace can give me the strength to love Josh when others would say he doesn’t deserve it.”

On z final, unrelated note … we heart Jana Duggar so hard.

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Duggars Promote Return to TV, FINALLY Mention Josh

As you may have heard, the Duggars are returning to TV later this month with a full season of Jill and Jessa’s spinoff series, Counting On.

Not surprisingly, the family has been in promotional mode lately, granting interviews, attending premieres for faith-based films and plugging the show on their blogs and social media pages.

So far, it’s unclear if Jim Bob and Michelle will appear on the show, but in any event, the Duggar parents are certainly lending a hand when it comes to scoring ratings.

Today, they took to their official  family blog to remind everyone that the show premieres in two weeks, and to provide a brief glimpse into life in the Duggar household.

The post featured a run-down of every Duggar’s favorite food (Mexican and Italian were the most common answers, which is a bit surprising, as “ethnic” isn’t exactly the first word that springs to mind when one thinks of the 19 Kids and Counting clan.), and that may not sound like a big deal – but it’s worth noting that when we say “every Duggar,” we mean every Duggar.

Yes, in case you wondering, Josh’s favorite food is Frito chili pie.

Nothing surprising about the choice (it’s something of a Southern staple), but it is surprising that the family casually made mention of Josh while promoting their new show.

It would have been odd if they’d left him off the list, but the eldest Duggar is a topic that’s usually avoided, particularly during the family’s recent push to rebuild their reputation.

There have been rumors that Josh will appear on Jill and Jessa’s new show, but that seems highly unlikely at the moment.

For now, the family is making small steps toward re-introducing Josh to the spotlight.

Say what you will about Jim Bob and Michelle – they know a thing or two about PR.

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Jill and Jessa Counting On: Which Duggars Will Be Featured?

As we reported yesterday, Jill and Jessa Duggar are returning to TLC next month, for a full-series version of the 3-part special they starred in back in December.

Like the special, the series is entitled Jill and Jessa: Counting On, but producers say just about every Duggar sibling will be featured on the series (with some obvious exceptions).

Early reports indicating that the show would heavily focus on Jana Duggar’s love life have turned out to be untrue, but the oldest Duggar girl reportedly will be heavily featured on the new show.

She and sisters Jinger and Joy-Anna have been spotted filming scenes around Tontitown, Arkansas, a fact that many in the Duggars’ tiny hometown are less than thrilled about.

But as the title indicates, Jill, Jessa, and their lives as new moms will continue to be the central focus of the series.

Naturally, the elephant in the room in the weeks leading up to series premiere is whether or not the disgraced eldest Duggar will appear in the series.

Sourcres say currently, Josh is hiding out in rehab until filming is completed so that his siblings will have an easy answer for why he’s not on the show.

Jill and Jessa: Counting On is scheduled to debut on March 15.

Friday, February 19, 2016

Bill Gothard: Male Plaintiffs Come Forward in Sexual Assault Case Against Duggars" Minister

Back in March of 2014, Institute for Basic Life Principles founder Bill Gothard resigned in disgrace amidst allegations that he had sexually abused dozens of young women, many of them former employees.

In October, five of those alleged victims filed a lawsuit against Gothard in an Illinois civil court.

To the surprise of many, Gothard has stood his ground and refused to settle out of court.

Even after 10 more victims came forward last month, Gothard continued to vaguely admit to some sort of impropriety, but maintained that he was not guilty of any criminal offense.

Earlier today, Radar Online delivered another crushing blow to the reputation of the man who’s best known as the former minister of the Duggar family, reporting that three young men have come forward claiming they were repeatedly sexually molested by Gothard beginning when they were as young as 13.

With the alleged victim total at 18, the plaintiff’s attorney and many in the media are comparing Gothard’s scandal to that of former TV legend Bill Cosby.

Both men admit to behaving inappropriately, but insist that they have not done anything that should necessitate the involvement of the law.

“I was very wrong in holding hands, giving hugs and touching their hair or feet,” Gothard said in a recent statement.

“I was also wrong in making statements that caused emotional turmoil and confusion. My guilty is compounded by my hypocrisy of requiring standards for others but not following them myself.”

Thus far, the Duggar family has refused to comment publicly on the matter.

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Duggars: Still Filming TV Series, Jana"s Still Babysitting

On January 7th, TLC executive producer and general manager Nancy Daniels had this to say in response to the fate of 19 Kids & Counting:

“We are still considering doing more but haven’t made a decision yet,” she told a group of reporters at the network’s Television Critics Association press tour panel. 

Meanwhile, twins John David and Jana Duggar took some of their younger siblings to Ridout Lumber, a short drive from the family’s Arkansas home.

According to Radar Online, the group was purchasing wood for a tree house, and they were joined by a film crew.

“The production company from Nashville called me last week, It was the day before they wanted to come in and film,” manager Jim Logsdon told the publication.

“Then the normal camera guy for the family called me and then John David did.”

“He [John David] sent over a list of things they needed to build a tree house. He wanted to make sure we have the stuff. We got it all together.”

Jana was the troop leader, it seems.

“Jana was really the one in charge. We asked her if she needed 4″ grooves or 8″ grooves and she knew the answer,” Logsdon recalled.

“She was the one giving all the instructions.”

While the family has shopped at Ridout several times in the past, this is their first time filming at the lumber yard.

Alrighty, so what’s up your sleeve, TLC?

Thursday, January 7, 2016

Bill Gothard: 10 More Women Accuse Duggars" Minister of Sexual Assault

In October of 2015, Institute of Basic Life Principles Bill Gothard was sued by 5 women who claim they were sexually assaulted by the disgraced minister either while they were under his employ, or after they’d come to him seeking help.

Gothard – who is best known as the former reverend and “spiritual mentor” of the Duggar family – has drawn unfavorable comparisons to Bill Cosby, as he allegedly avoided criminal charges by using coercion tactics to prevent the women from pressing charges until the statute of limitations for such crimes had expired.

Also like Cosby, Gothard’s hubris got the better of him, as he recently attempted a “triumphant” return to public life after lying low for more than a year.

Needless to say, it didn’t go well.

Gothard was bombarded by sexual assault allegations after launching social media accounts that he quickly deleted.

Now, the New York Daily News that despite his attempt to retreat from the spotlight, Gothard is still attracting plenty of negative attention, as ten more accusers have come forward this week with claims that they were assaulted by Gothard.

The women have filed suit against Gothard, and court documents obtained by the Daily News contain shocking and graphic allegations about Gothard and other church officials forcing themselves on women and teenage girls.

Gothard has declined to get into specifics, but the unmarried 81-year-old made the following statement when contacted by the Washington Post:

“Never in my life have I touched a girl sexually. I’m shocked to even hear that. That really is not true.”

In this latest suit, the alleged victims are seeking only $ 50,000 in damages – but Gothard’s legal woes might continue to get worse going forward.

“It would not surprise me if law enforcement got involved in this case,” says attorney David Gibbs III, whl is representing the 10 plaintiffs.

Gothard has refused to comment on the possiblity of facing criminal charges.

Monday, January 4, 2016

Derick Dillard: Photo of Jill Duggar"s Husband Sparks Concern Amongst Fans

As you probably know, 2015 was a difficult year for the Duggar family, so it’s not surprising that Jill Duggar-Dillard decided to close things out by paying loving tribute to her husband with what she thought would be a simple, scandal-free selfie.

Unfortunately for her, nothing has been going according to plan for the Duggars lately:

Jill posted that pic last week with a caption that reading simply, “I [heart Emoji] my hubby.”

The image garnered lots of attention, but not because of Jill’s romantic sentiments.

Many fans pointed out that Dillard’s appearance has changed considerably since his and Jill’s wedding last year, and the comment board on Jill’s Instagram page quickly became a place to diagnose Derick and debate the cause of his drastic weight loss.

“He looks anorexic,” one fan commented. “His face is gaunt and his eyes are sunk in. Compare wedding day photos with this photo. Definitely something wrong.”

“Did he have a stroke or something?” wrote another. “Even on their 3 episode special he had some weird stuff going on with his face.”

Theories put forth by fans ran the gamut from neurological impairments to religious fasting, but the real reason for Derick’s changing is likely much simpler.

If you go back and watch 19 Kids and Counting online, you may notice that the Duggar clan is strangely fixated on teeth.

It may be for that reason that Derick underwent oral surgery to extend his palette and began wearing braces shortly after his marriage to Jill.

Such procedures have been known to result in weight loss, as they often require patients to adhere to liquid diets for several weeks at a time.

Of course, the stress of the past year probably didn’t help Derick put the pounds back on.

In addition to the Josh Duggar sex scandals that made tabloid headlines, Jill and Derick were accused of lying about their missionary work in Central America in order to scam fans out of donations.

It would be a lot for anyone to deal with, and unlike his wife, Derick is no reality TV veteran.

Hopefully, the new dad will just keep a low profile and spend time with his family in 2016.

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Duggar Divorce Drama: Amy Duggar"s Parents Call It Quits!

Earlier today, Life & Style reported that Michelle and Jim Bob Duggar are headed for divorce.

That’s almost certainly BS, but another Duggar couple is calling it quits, and Radar Online has obtained the court documents to prove it!

According to the website, Deanna Duggar and Terry Jordan have filed papers to end their nine-year marriage.

Deanna is the older sister of Jim Bob Duggar. She and Jordan are best known to fans as the parents of Amy Duggar – the rebellious cousin of the 19 Kids and Counting clan.

“The Defendant has treated the Plaintiff with such indignities as to render his condition in life intolerable,” reads a statement from Jordan’s attorneys.

The documents alluded to several past separations, but did not address the question of whether Jordan is Amy Duggar’s biological father.

Amy recently confirmed that she was born out of wedlock, and the confession was a source of controversy due to the Duggars’ arch-conservative religious beliefs. 

In the months that followed, several tabloids speculated that the identity of Amy’s father is unknown, even to Deanna.

Throughout her family’s scandal-plagued year, Amy has cemented her place as a fan favorite, speaking candidly about Josh Duggar’s sexual indiscretions and the impact that his actions have had on his parents and siblings.

Amy married Dillon King in September and joked to the press about her famous relatives leaving the reception in a hurry once the bar opened and the music started playing.

She has yet to speak publicly on her parents’ decision to divorce.

Friday, December 11, 2015

Josh Duggar"s Younger Brothers Speak Out: We Don"t Want to Be Like Him!

With the premiere of Jill & Jessa: Counting On right around the corner, many have wondered if the embattled Duggar clan will address the scandals that got them removed from TV the first time around.

While some clips have shown Jill and Jessa discussing pregnancy and bonding in the sort of family-friendly scenes that viewers once expected from the Duggars, much of the show"s marketing material has revealed that the Josh Duggar"s 18 siblings will be opening up about his egregious misconduct.

Yesterday, Jill Duggar went off on Josh for hiding scandalous secrets that eventually tore his family apart.

The full trailer for Counting On released earlier today shows that several family members will offer their (mostly unfavorable) opinions on Josh and his misdeeds as the series progresses.

Now, a new preview clip posted by TLC moments ago gives us a glimpse of how Josh"s younger brothers feel about his downfall.

"I always wanted to be like him. But one of the toughest things I had to tell my older brother was, I don"t want to be like you anymore," 25-year-old John David reveals.

"I don"t think there"s any way any of us would have known that my brother was living such a secret life," says 20-year-old Joseph Duggar.

"It broke my heart. Whenever somebody you respect the most is willing to get up and proclaim what we believe as Christians, about being true to your wife, you"d never think that that"s the person who"s involved in it." 

Check out the clip below for more heartbreaking comments from Josh"s brothers.

Josh duggars younger brothers speak out we dont want to be like

Friday, December 4, 2015

June Shannon: The Duggars Don"t Deserve a Second Chance!

In October of last year, TLC canceled Here Comes Honey Boo Boo after it was revealed that June Shannon dated a man who was convicted of molesting one of her daughters.

In a bizarre case of history repeating itself, the network found itself dealing with a similar problem in May of this year when the world learned that Josh Duggar molested five young girls (four of whom were his sisters), and his parents went to great lengths to cover it up.

The situations are similarly appalling, but there’s one major difference between them:

While TLC permanently cut ties with Honey Boo Boo’s proudly redneck family, the network is giving the Duggars a second chance with Jill and Jessa: Counting On premiering next Sunday. 

Clearly, the decision was based on the bottom line, as the Duggars consistently brought on much higher ratings than the Shannon-Thompson clan. 

But despite the fact that her family never had quite as much clout as the Duggars, “Mama June” Shannon is still calling the network out for what she sees as an act of egregious hypocrisy. 

Of course, she didn’t put it in quite those words:

“TLC does some crazy stuff. Jill and Jessa are going back on TV,” Mama June said in a recent interview with Radar Online.

“Don’t tell me the Duggars aren’t going to be a part of that. They are working the Duggars back on TV in their own secret way.

“TLC took everything from us. They took so much away from the girls. Their bodyguards. They made them leave. The Duggars had security for weeks after they were canceled.”

Yes, apparently Honey Boo Boo had a full-time security detail. And Mama June is pissed that they’re not still around:

“They took out the two people who had been in my kids’ lives for three years,” she told the website. “If you were concerned about my kids, then why did you do that?”

And June believes TLC’s preferential treatment doesn’t stop with the Duggars:

“They are bringing Kate Plus 8 and they told me she was the worst person to work for and they were never going to bring her back,” she said. “I can’t believe TLC is bringing her back.”

June and “Sugar Bear” Thompson will star in the new season of Marriage Boot Camp, which premieres tonight on WE TV. 

Shannon says she’ll take the opportunity to clarify some misconceptions about her affair with convicted child molester Mark McDaniel:

“Mark’s not an issue. I’m not with him. I’m not dating him I never have,” Shannon told Radar.

“I honestly will feel better once the show comes out and the truth is revealed. The truth. Not just me saying it, the truth.”

Shannon adds that she Boot Camp producers even had her take a lie detector test while answering questions about her relationship with McDaniel.

Should be interesting – but it’ll never bring in Duggar ratings.

Sarah Palin: FIRED From Fox News For Supporting the Duggars?!

Earlier this week, Sarah Palin spoke publicly for the first time about being fired from Fox News:

“Some things happened that I haven’t talked about publicly, things like getting canned from a job I really liked, sort of out of the blue, because I called somebody out,” Palin said in an interview.

“Next morning I got word, ‘Oh, we no longer need you anymore.’ Yeah, it was a shock, but more power to Fox News. I have a great relationship with them. It was just kind of a little bit of a shocker of knowing that the haters are going to love this one.”

Well, you know what they say, haters gonna…love?

Anyway, as Sarah Palin quotes go, that one’s surprisingly coherent, and while she’s clearly not trying to burn any bridges, it seems as though Sarah is throwing some subtle shade at her former employer.

Many have noted that in her last appearance as a Fox News commentator, Palin blasted the media for its coverage of the Josh Duggar sex scandal:

In the clip above, Palin argues that the media should have ignored the scandal, as she claims Josh’s criminal records were released illegally:

“The release of these confidential records is, it’s tragic, it’s illegal, it’s unethical,” Palin says. “Why isn’t the dialogue going right now towards ‘Hey, let’s get that law enforcement official he or her who released this file’?

“It was confidential.’ You know it was [released] for political reasons.”

Palin was demonstrably wrong on that point, and an investigation into the matter has determined that Josh’s criminal records were released legally, in accordance with the Freedom of Information Act.

But apparently that’s not what got her fired.

No, Palin has reportedly been telling friends that she was canned for biting the hand that fed her.

You may remember that several members of the Duggar family (including two of Josh’s molestation victims, Jill and Jessa Duggar) were  interviewed by Megyn Kelly not long after news of the Josh’s predatory past went public.

Palin’s comments about the media exploiting the situation came on the heels of Fox’s heavily-hyped exclusive sit-down, and it sounded to many as though the former Alaska governor was dissing her own network.

Palin has never revealed whether that was her intention, but based on her most recent remarks, it seems she believes she was unfairly fired for siding with the Duggars.

Oh, well. Look on the bright side, Sarah: Now you’ll have more to time to spend at home, peering at Russia through the scope of a high-powered rifle.

Someone’s gotta be vigilant, dontcha know!