Showing posts with label Accuse. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Accuse. Show all posts

Thursday, November 8, 2018

Paola Mayfield Claps Back as Body-Shamers Accuse Her of Being Too Sexy

90 Day Fiance star Paola Mayfield doesn’t let haters get her down.

She’s a fitness model who loves her body, and she’ll flaunt her baby bump in a bathtub if she sees fit.

But her new video has followers accusing her of posting “porn.”

As you are about to see, Paola Mayfield showed off the changes that her pregnancy is making to her body.

“Everything is growing so much,” she wrote in the caption. “And it is not only my belly.”

Pregnancy can have a drastic impact on your entire body.

“I thought it was going to be hard to see all of these changes,” Paola admits.

“But,” she continues. “To be honest I’ve been enjoying being pregnant.”

“I feel lucky and blessed to have such an amazing pregnancy,” she gushes.

This was the new footage of her that, as you’ll soon see, got her followers so riled up.

“I’ve been using the extra delicious calories to build muscle while working out,” she shares.

“But of course,” she admits. “I’ve gained weight.”

Paola then continues: “but to be honest that doesn’t bother me at all.”

It doesn’t bother her “because at the end I know how to get back to the way I was and I like it #noregrets.”

“The most important” thing, she notes. “Is that my little angel is growing strong and healthy.”

Even before the hateful trolls could fill up her mentions, Paola knew to head them off.

“*Before the #momshaming start with the blah blah blah comments,” she added as a note. “Let me tell you this.”

“No, I’m not worried what my kid’s friends will say about me when they see my photos or videos,” Paola affirms.

“That is way [too far] down the road for me to even worry about,” she explains.

“Plus,” she notes. “I haven’t even pushed this baby out yet lol!”

We hope that in the dozen or so years before baby Mayfield has friends with free reign on social media, society will view women more fairly.

Paola is a fitness model, and she says that pregnancy hasn’t altered her career goals.

“I’m not changing just because I’m pregnant or becoming a mom,” Paola affirms.

Good for her!

“I was proud before of who I am,” Paola writes. “And what I’ve done.”

“So,” Pao concludes. “There’s nothing to be ashamed of.”

She is absolutely right, and has been just right all along. Sadly, not all of her followers see it that way.

As they have all along at Paola’s previous pregnancy pics and videos, mom-shamers and body-shamers crawled out of the woodwork.

“Have some respect for yourself!” demaned one hater. “You’re about to be a mother for God sakes!”

Sometimes, self-respect is loving your body instead of being ashamed of it.

“Maybe U should focus more on your marriage and baby rather than your body,” suggested another shamer.

Her marriage is fine and her baby is healthy.

Then another accused Pao of posting “porn” and insisted that she get “some self respect and modesty.”

Anyone who thinks that an innocuous Instagram video of a non-nude pregnant woman is “porn” has some truly alarming tastes.

There was nothing pornographic about Paola’s video.

She showed the cheeks of her butt, as she has done countless times before, both as a model and as a human being who goes to the beach.

There is of course nothing wrong with sex work, but Paola was not engaging in that.

She’s just showing her body in the mirror.

Some people won’t be satisfied until every woman dons a nun’s habit.


Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Snooki Claps Back HARD After Mom-Shamers Accuse Her of Neglect!

Snooki ihas always been quite the character. As we’ve seen on the new season of Jersey Shore, not everything has changed.

But these days, Snooki is a mother.

And when mom-shamers descend upon her in a frenzy over her 4-year-old’s appearance, she’s not afraid to clap back.

Snooki attended Mike “The Situation” Sorrentino’s wedding shower, also known as the “Hitchuation.”

On Instagram, she shared a beautiful photo of her daughter, Giovanna, with Jwoww’s daughter, Meilani.

“Here’s a pic of us at our first red carpet event,” Snooki jokes in the caption.

These precious girls do look like their mothers. It’s very much a “mini me” situation.

Snooki’s joke continues: “We were so young. @jwoww”

This sweet photo of 4-year-old Giovanna Marie and Meilani Alexandra earned the expected praise and adoration.

Unfortunately, it also attracted some very strange, disturbing criticism.

“Girl. You have money dress your girl better. She’s beautiful but needs to look nicer,” one troll demanded.

That troll continued: “You take time to do your hair face and dress do the same for her.”

Another mom-shamer wrote: “Kids hair is crazy.”

Snooki claps back at mom-shamers 01

Snooki actually replied to these haters.

“Mind your own business tho,” Snooki replies. That is some pretty good advice.

“I let my daughter pick her own outfits,” she explains.

Snooki affirms: I let her express herself.”

“Are you a mother?” Snooki asks. “Worry about your own damn kids, and let us live.”

Snooki claps back at mom-shamers 02

“She’s 4 god damn years old, f— off”

To the “Kids hair is crazy” jab, Snooki also had a retort.

She simply replied: “Let her live.”

A fan chimed in that they would “rather have my daughter not give a damn what any judgmental snobs think about her.”

“Amen, dude,” Snooki agreed. “Humans are such d–ks i fear for my kids in the future …”

To hear some people tell it, Snooki’s 4-year-old daughter’s cute look heralds the collapse of civilization.

“That’s the problem with the world today u have no shame!” one terrible commenter laments.

“Your [sic] the mom who doesn’t bathe her kid daily, who doesn’t help her brush her teeth,” the hater clames.

The shamer continues: “The one whose kids wear the same clothes 2 days in a row because your too busy on social media or doing your own hair and makeup.”

“You spent half your morning on your eyebrows,” this troll claims: “But couldn’t wash or even brush your kids hair.”

The shamer concludes: “You should be ashamed and I’m glad these people are calling you out!”

A decade ago, we would never have imagined saying this, but … it really does sound like Snooki is a good mom.

Some people, particularly public figures, obsess over public perception and force their very small children to dress like fancy adults.

Giovanna looks absolutely adorable in these photos, but that is beside the point. Even if she looked a little out of place, it would be a good thing.

She is literally a 4 year old child. She doesn’t need to dress to meet someone’s weird, unhealthy expectations of what celebrity kids should look like.

We hope that these mom-shamers don’t have children of their own. Growing up in their households sounds … suffocating.


Monday, June 4, 2018

Demi Lovato: Fans Accuse Her of Sexual Harassment After Prank-Gone-Wrong

Demi Lovato decided to hold a Q&A session with fans on Twitter.

It didn"t go so well after Demi answered an innocuous question with a story that shocked and horrified a sizable chunk of her fans.

Demi tells fans that she once pulled a prank on her bodyguard by hiring a sex worker to surprise him.

She says that the sex worker groped his genitals during the process.

Demi shares this in a single tweet — and we do have to remember that sometimes people leave out important details while condensing a story.

But, to many, it sounds like she solicited someone to sexually harass one of her employees, and ultimately shares the blame for him being groped.

Though the bodyguard himself defended Demi, fans point out that an employee defending his boss isn"t exactly surprising.

The discourse among fans is actually really interesting, and both sides make really good points. Take a look.

1. This is how it starts

Demi lovato discourse tweet 01

We’re not sure why Demi decided to be this honest in answering the fan Q&A. She could have said something less controversial. She has since deleted this tweet.

2. Demi did not like the responses

Demi lovato discourse tweet 02

Fans, as you can imagine, did not like Demi comparing a story about sexual harassment to, uh, jellybeans. So … technically, she was right — people were pretty pissed about her jellybeant weet.

3. Demi tried to defend herself

Demi lovato discourse tweet 03

Wiord to the wise: “I was abused” is not a get-out-of-jail-free card. Unfortunately, some people who survive abuse can be very problematic as adults.

4. Demi then "apologizes"

Demi lovato discourse tweet 04

This, folks, is not an apology. She’s sort of saying that she regrets that other people reacted negatively to her statement. We’ve all “apologized” like this and we know that it’s what you say when you think that what you did was right.

5. The bodyguard spoke up

Demi lovato discourse tweet 05

Before he saw the discourse, Max just replied with a see-no-evil monkey emoji. Given the context, it sounds like he was not especially bothered by the prank.

6. Max then defends Demi

Demi lovato discourse tweet 06

When someone sexually harasses another person, is it sexual harassment if they say that it’s okay? Is that still the case if the person is an employee? The world is complicated.

View Slideshow

Thursday, May 24, 2018

Amy Roloff: Fans Accuse Her of Selfishness, "Playing the Victim"

On Tuesday night’s episode, Matt Roloff slammed Amy as “insecure” and strongly implied that she was dumb and lacked sense, both common and business.

As you can imagine, fans were quick to … condemn Amy Roloff.

Why? Well, she made a post on social media about spring cleaning, and they’re slamming her as being “selfish” and “playing the victim.” Oh boy …

Sharing a couple of photos of her in-progress work around the house, Amy writes:

“And the ‘purge’ starts up again- one room at a time. Laundry and extra pantry area.”

Though The Purge is a horror film franchise that examines America’s gun culture and its intersection with far-right nationalism, economic disparity, and conservative Christianity, Amy is simply referring to doing a little spring cleaning.

“It’s going to feel good. It’s hard to let go of some things though but in the long run it’s a good thing.”

Some people collect lots of objects until they are overwhelmed.

Amy reminds her fans and followers that unhealthy attachments can be detrimental.

“Isn’t that kind of like life- hanging on to stuff and people when it’s time to let go or the other way around.”

it sure is.

She continues, again ostensibly talking about miscellaneous household items that she has accumulated.

She then points out that sometimes we discard things that we should keep.

“Letting go when we need to hang on.”

True enough.

“Food for thought – what are we or not hanging onto?”

That’s basically a question intended for her followers to consider for their own lives.

Then, of course, Amy plugs her products.

“I think I’ll have some of Amy Roloff’s Little Kitchen Berry bread and share some of the delicious cookies after this hard work.”

She even includes a link.

“Visit and get some for Memorial day weekend.”

Fans immediately began to comment.

“Are you spring cleaning or moving?”

Initially, comments were friendly in nature.

“Moving? Hope not, but food for thought!”

Other comments clearly did not come from fans of Amy.

“Your selfishness comes out more and more every week! Caryn should own the farm!”

That’s quite a claim.

“Amy has always been rude and just plain mean and nasty to Matt. Grow up and move on from your jealousy towards Caryn. Matt deserves to be as happy as you are.”

Some of the commenters were filled with rage … and accusations.

“Awlays loved [Little People, Big World] but dude your bitterness & anger is ruining the show. You sound so cruel whenever you try and paint Matt in a bad light.”

That comment continues:

“(And I can’t believe you were jealous of Caryn holding Jackson. Omg most grandmas would be happy their grandchildren have so much love around them)”

We would question if this commenter has ever met a human being with emotions before.

“The jealousy makes you ugly. Whenever Matt has an issue with [you] he at least says it in a gentle way. Stop playing the victim all the time and get therapy and some meds please!!”

This is a great example of a person who determines who the bad person in a conversation is by their tone of voice rather than by the substance of their words or actions.

Comments devolved into a heated argument among Instagram users, with plenty of Amy-bashing.

“I am sorry but Amy is very defensive…has been from the beginning…and always ragging on Matt. Matt’s disability’s are way more of a challenge than what Amy deals with.”

“(she needs a step stool big deal)”

Wow, there’s nothing like marginalizing someone’s disability to make your argument stronger! (Disability, folks, is not a contest)

“I certainly feel sad for both of them if they were treated badly for being little people…that is so unacceptable and certainly not a minor thing to experience if that did happen..”

If it did happen?

The narrative, in which Amy is perceived to be a whiner and Matt seems to be some sort of martyr, continues.

“But the things Matt has accomplished, in spite of his physical struggles and numerous surgeries, are truly an indication of what an amazing man he is.”

This commenter thinks that Matt’s rude behavior towards Amy deserves to be forgiven.

“I give him a lot of credit and cut him a little slack for being so driven and focused…I am sure that is how he has had to navigate through life to get things done that some may have thought he wouldn’t be able to do.”

And they don’t think that Amy treats him well.

“He persevered and showed them he can do more than most. If he was my husband, my dad, my son I would be so proud and would praise him on a regular basis and I certainly wouldn’t belittle him on National tv.”

This, folks, is the terrible burden of being a reality star. And, perhaps, of being a woman.


Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Stormy Daniels and Michael Avenatti Accuse Michael Cohen of Leaking Audio

Stormy Daniels says Michael Cohen might be leaking like a sieve, and if he is … she wants the judge to shut him down immediately. Stormy’s attorney, Michael Avenatti, fired off a letter to the judge in her case against Cohen and President…


Stormy Daniels and Michael Avenatti Accuse Michael Cohen of Leaking Audio

Stormy Daniels says Michael Cohen might be leaking like a sieve, and if he is … she wants the judge to shut him down immediately. Stormy’s attorney, Michael Avenatti, fired off a letter to the judge in her case against Cohen and President…


Friday, January 26, 2018

Steve Wynn: Dozens Accuse Las Vegas Mogul of Sexual Misconduct

Of the various famous men accused of being sex monsters in recent months, many have been more famous but arguably none have been as influential as Steve Wynn.

He’s a billionaire. He’s an outspoken conservative and the finance chair for the Republican National Committee. He’s a Las Vegas casino mogul. 

And, according to dozens of accusers, his pattern of alleged sexual misconduct goes back for decades.

The Wall Street Journal reports that billionaire Steve Wynn has engaged in behaviors for years and years that create a working culture of sexual harassment.

According to dozens of current and former employees of Wynn Resorts, Steve Wynn’s demands for sex from female employees came under the guise of manicures, makeup applications, and massages that were performed privately in his offices.

It is there that these numerous sources say that Steve Wynn would exert pressure upon these women to engage in sex acts at his behest.

The Wall Street Journal describes employees conspiring to invent fake appointments that various female coworkers might have so that they could avoid spending time alone in their CEO’s office.

One woman recounted her story in which she alleges that Wynn forced her to have sex.

While working as a manicurist at Wynn’s flagship casino in 2005, she says that Wynn pressured her to remove her clothing.

She says that he then relentlessly pressured her to lie naked on the massage table in his office.

The Wall Street Journal spoke to coworkers of hers who remember her returning to where they were, looking visibly shaken and upset, immediately after the alleged incident.

That sounds like a horrifying abuse of power.

The Wall Street Journal says that they were the ones who reached out to employees, not the other way around.

They spoke to over 150 current and former employees in order to hear personal accounts and seek confirmation from others. We can only guess which stories they may have heard but were unable to confirm.

Citing Steve Wynn’s powerful influence throughout the Las Vegas strip, most of the employees who spoke were hesitant to speak on the record, worrying that it could hurt their careers.

At least one previous alleged incident with a manicurist led to a lawsuit and payout of $ 7.5 million.

All in all, the culture described by the report is one in which some female employees would hide in the bathroom if they knew that Steve Wynn was in the building.

In response to these allegations, Wynn’s company issued a lengthy statement.

Interestingly, both he and his company seem to believe that this report is part of a conspiracy by his two-time ex-wife, Elain Wynn (1963-1986, 1991-2010).

“The recent allegations about Mr. Wynn reflect allegations made in court hearings by Mr. Wynn’s ex-wife, Elaine Wynn.”

That’s part of a statement by Wynn Resorts, which also says:

“It is clear that Mr. Wynn’s ex-wife has sought to use a negative public relations campaign to achieve what she has been unable to do in the courtroom: tarnish the reputation of Mr. Wynn in an attempt to pressure a revised divorce settlement from him.”

The statement also iterates that Wynn Resorts is committed to a safe workplace.

Additionally, Wynn himself says that “the idea that I ever assaulted any woman is preposterous.”

We don’t know what Steve Wynn’s wife Andrea Wynn (formerly Andrea Hissom) thinks of all of this, but we do know what stockholders think.

Shares in Wynn Resorts fell by 5% … and then it was 8% … and then 9%.

The presentation of these accusations as a smear campaign is curious, as one would imagine that it would require enlisting over 150 accomplices and also hoodwinking The Wall Street Journal, a notoriously conservative news outlet that one would imagine would take extra care when accusing one of the nation’s wealthiest Republicans.

It is difficult to gauge what the fallout from this will be for Wynn, professionally. Las Vegas is not Hollywood.

Perhaps only time will tell if he’ll be ousted from any of his many, many business and political interests.


Monday, December 4, 2017

Danielle Mullins: Did Mohamed Jbali Accuse Her of Having an STI?!

We’ve been introduced to a whole host of new 90 Day Fiance stars, but will there ever be a couple as memorable as Mohamed Jbali and Danielle Mullins?

Just because they’re over doesn’t mean that this pair of exes didn’t impact each other’s lives. Danielle brought Mohamed to the US.

And Mohamed? Well, he may have started a rumor that Danielle Mullins has an STI. At least, that’s what fans seem to think.

Recently, Danielle Mullins has faced some disappointments, as what looked like the birth of a brand new reality career was cut short.

Mohamed Jbali has moved and is keeping busy, claiming that he’s working long hours but nonetheless finding the time to stir up controversy with his fans.

We’ll get into all of that in a moment, because it’s the couple’s past that we need to talk about at the moment.

See, Mohamed is from Tunisia and Danielle Mullins is from the US.

Danielle is quite a bit older than Mohamed, but the couple became engaged and even got married.

Though we know that Danielle and Mohamed did have sex — once, to consummate their marriage — the topic of intercourse was a contentious one within their relationship.

Basically, Mohamed Jbali would refuse to bang Danielle. And Danielle was not shy about demanding that he perform his husbandly duties.

The two eventually decided to divorce, though Danielle initially sought revenge against Mohamed by seeking an annulment (hoping to send him back to Tunisia).

Mohamed accused Danielle of having an unpleasant body odor, which he cited as the reason for his disinterest.

But was there more to it than a lack of attraction?

Let’s look at some of Mohamed Jbali’s words:

“Of course I’m not going to have sex with someone like Danielle,” he said to her.

Hurtfully, he added:

“You do not know that nobody will have sex with someone like you!”

(Note that many of Danielle’s 90 Day Fiance castmates were horrified by the way that Mohamed spoke to her, even if they didn’t particularly like Danielle)

But here’s the question:

Was Mohamed Jbali body-shaming Danielle for her appearance and alleged odor, as many of us first assumed?

Or was he referring to a sexually transmitted infection?

Let’s look at some of his other words for clues.

Before his stunned and horrified castmates, Mohamed declared this about Danielle Mullins:

“She has a problem that she needs to see a doctor before she has sex with someone.”

We don’t know if he’s referring to vaginal odor (which can happen when your pH balance gets out of whack — genital odor is normal to a degree, but if it’s unpleasant, there’s probably something wrong).

He may have been referring to something else.

Some people don’t use the right deodorant products, or don’t use them as directed. Or they don’t shower or they don’t wash their clothes enough. All of those can cause, well, some unpleasant olfactory experiences.

It’s also possible — and we are in no way saying this to shame Danielle Mullins’ figure — that Danielle may have had something extraordinary.

Sometimes there are tiny growths, such as yeast, that produce distinctive smells. These growths thrive in the folds of fat that some people may have (different people carry weight differently, of course).

However … the line directing her to see a doctor makes a number of fans wonder if perhaps Mohamed believes that Danielle has some sort of STI.

Perhaps, strange as it may sound, Mohamed felt that accusing her of being foul-smelling and unattractive was the less damaging option than explaining his real fear.

Fans are divided over what might be causing Danielle’s alleged odor. Some believe that Mohamed may have fabricated it altogether.

Regardless, we hope that Danielle has seen a doctor. Even if it’s just a pH balance issue or a hygiene problem, nobody deserves to go around while smelling unpleasant.

And if she doesn’t have a smell, well, the doctor can confirm that for her.

As for Mohamed Jbali’s current whereabouts … he has moved to Texas.

He’s told fans that he’s now working 13 hours a day … which is odd, because he has also claimed that he never misses a day at the gym. If both are true, it sounds like he’s sacrificing sleep.

(It’s not odd that he’s needing money — because 90 Day Fiance stars are paid shockingly little)

Mohamed also stirred up some controversy recently by making some statements that sounded homophobic to a number of fans. He later made multiple posts explaining that he’s fine with LGBT fans.

Danielle Mullins, in the mean time, lost out on a makeover show over alleged mental instability.

It sounds like Danielle was uncooperative and it’s been alleged that the management company with which she’s now parted ways was making some intrusive demands about her social media use.

Honestly, many feel that Mohamed Jbali and Danielle Mullins had dishonest intentions about getting engaged and married in the first place.

Some think that the couple deserved each other. We don’t know that we’d go that far.


Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Brett Ratner: Olivia Munn, 5 Others Accuse Director of Rape, Harassment

You may not be familiar with the name Brett Ratner, but if you’re a movie fan, you’ve almost certainly encountered his work.

In addition to directing the popular Rush Hour series and X-Men: The Last Stand, Ratner has produced more than 70 film and television titles as head of RatPac-Dune Productions, including The Revenant, Prison Break, and Horrible Bosses.

In other words, he’s nearly as successful as Harvey Weinstein–and it sadly, it seems the similarities between the two moguls don’t end there.

This morning, the LA Times published a scathing report in which six women–including prominent actresses Olivia Munn and Natasha Henstridge–accuse Ratner of sexual misconduct ranging from harassment to rape.

Henstridge recounts an incident in the early 1990s, in which Ratner reportedly forced her to perform oral sex.

“He strong-armed me in a real way. He physically forced himself on me,” she said. “At some point, I gave in and he did his thing,” she tells the newspaper.

Munn recounts a number of appalling incidents involving Ratner, including one that she first revealed several years ago.

In her 2010 memoir, Munn recalled an incident in which Ratner masturbated in front of her on a film set.

He then falsely claimed to have had sex with Munn and told the actress that he’s ejaculated on magazine covers with her photo.

“I’ve made specific, conscientious choices not to work with Brett Ratner,” Munn tells the Times.

“It feels as if I keep going up against the same bully at school who just won’t quit,” she adds.

“You just hope that enough people believe the truth and for enough time to pass so that you can’t be connected to him anymore.”

Actress Asia Argento, who alleges she was raped by Harvey Weinstein has tweeted about the connections between Ratner and the founder of the Weinstein Company:

“Weinstein himself crowned you king of the pigs, @BrettRatner. Looking forward to hear your lame excuses/apologies for your hideous crimes,” she wrote this morning.

Marty Singer, an attorney for Ratner, penned a letter to the Times, in which he states that his client “categorically” disputes the allegations against him.

“I have represented Mr. Ratner for two decades, and no woman has ever made a claim against him for sexual misconduct or sexual harassment,” Singer writes.

“Furthermore, no woman has ever requested or received any financial settlement from my client.” 

Ratner has not yet responded to the allegations personally.

We’ll have further updates on this developing story as more information becomes available.


Friday, October 27, 2017

Selma Blair & Rachel McAdams Accuse James Toback of Sexual Harassment

Just a few days ago, 38 women came forward and accused director James Toback of sexual misconduct. 38 is an alarmingly high number.

The number of accusers has now grown to the hundreds.

Among Toback’s accusers are Rachel McAdams and Selma Blair, who are bravely sharing their harrowing stories.

In the wake of the Harvey Weinstein sexual harassment scandal, more and more people in Hollywood are sharing their #MeToo stories and feeling brave enough to speak up, and shatter the culture of silence.

One of the men accused of perpetrating a pattern of sexual misconduct in the entertainment industry is an Oscar-nominated director.

According to the initial allegations, James Toback uses similar tactics on different women.

He allegedly approaches young women if they aren’t sent to him and promises to boost their careers, citing what he did for Robert Downey Jr.

Once alone in a place like a hotel room, he reportedly becomes inappropriate, all under the guise of it just being part of the entertainment business.

He would reportedly try things like humping women’s legs, masturbating in front of them, and ask them unacceptable questions.

(In particular, based upon the accusations, he seems obsessed with talking about masturbation and fixated on women’s pubic hair)

The issue, of course, is that none of this was consensual.

These aren’t accusations of weird dates, these are accusations that he used the false pretense of work-related meetings to lure women to him, where he would then ambush them and coerce them — successfully or not — into playing their role in his twisted fantasies.

All of that is enough to turn your stomach, but there’s more.

As we said, hundreds of women have now reached out to say that they had experiences like those described with James Tomack.

And two big-name actresses, Rachel McAdams and Selma Blair, are sharing their stories with Vanity Fair.

Selma Blair says that she met with him to discuss Harvard Man, at a time when Selma Blair had filmed her famous role in Cruel Intentions but the film had not yet been released.

After Toback apparently refused to leave his hotel room to meet her in the restaurant, Selma went up to meet him. She describes how uncomfortable she became.

“He said, ‘Where are your parents?’ I was thinking, ‘Why is he trying to make me feel so uncomfortable?’ But I realize now he was really trying to figure out what support system I had. I answered him. My mother was in Michigan, and I had an estranged relationship with my father.”

Meaning no family support network in town to speak of.

“James said, ‘You know, I could have him killed.’ He sat back in his chair and said really confidently, ‘I do it all the time. I know people."”

That’s scary … and it will come up again.

“It was about 40 minutes in and he said, ‘Will you trust me? I cannot continue to work with you unless you trust me.’ He said, ‘I need you to take your clothes off. I need you to do this monologue naked."”

As ridiculous as that sounds, Selma was thoroughly intimidated at this point and ended up caving to his request. She says that then, of course, he started rubbing himself through his clothes … and asking if she would have sex with him.

She declined, but he didn’t seem impressed by her refusal.

“I felt trapped. I did not know how to get out and save face and not make a scene. Was I imagining it? He dropped some names [of actresses] that he did some really dark sexual things with.”

And there was an implied threat in that.

“These felt like lies and dark gossip and that he would add my name to the list. I went to leave and he got up and blocked the door. He said, ‘You have to do this for me. You cannot leave until I have release."”

“He said, ‘It’s O.K. I can come in my pants. I have to rub up against your leg. You have to pinch my nipples. And you have to look into my eyes.’ I thought, ‘Well, if I can get out of here without being raped …"”

No one should ever be put into this position.

“He walked me back to the bed. He sat me down. He got on his knees. And he continued to press so hard against my leg. He was greasy and I had to look into those big brown eyes.”


“I tried to look away, but he would hold my face. So I was forced to look into his eyes. And I felt disgust and shame, and like nobody would ever think of me as being clean again after being this close to the devil. His energy was so sinister.”

After that, Selma says, he reminded her that he could supposedly have people killed, and admonished her to keep quiet.

That didn’t stop Selma from telling her manager that Toback was “vile,” and warning her to note send any women to him again. But she didn’t tell the whole story, she says, to anyone except for two people.

Until now.

Rachel McAdams also shared her horror story in Vanity Fair.

She was a 21-year-old theater student at the time, and she was also auditioning for Harvard Man.

At the time, Rachel McAdams had her first TV job to film early the next day, but she eventually agreed to meet him that night. It could, after all, end up being her big break.

(Remember, this is before Mean Girls or The Notebook)

“Pretty quickly the conversation turned quite sexual and he said, ‘You know, I just have to tell you. I have masturbated countless times today thinking about you since we met at your audition."”

That … is not appropriate in a workplace environment. And yes, an audition or anything audition-related is very much a workplace environment.

Also … gross, dude.

Rachel says that he then had her read to him a number of seemingly unrelated passages — like reviews about his work.

(There’s no telling if he wanted to make sure that she was impressed, or if he … ugh, gets off on that)

“Then he went to the bathroom and left me with some literature to read about him. When he came back he said, ‘I just jerked off in the bathroom thinking about you. Will you show me your pubic hair?’ I said no.”

It sounds like, for whatever reason, Toback was less aggressive with her than he is accused of having been with Selma Blair.

“Eventually, I just excused myself. I can’t remember how long I was there. I felt like I was there forever. This has been such a source of shame for me — that I didn’t have the wherewithal to get up and leave.”

Countless other women didn’t. Few would, in that situation. Society trains us to be polite, innate survival instincts tell us to play along, and the man’s very real power to boost careers added even more complications.

“I kept thinking, ‘This is going to become normal any minute now. This is going to all make sense. This is all above board somehow.’ Eventually I just realized that it wasn’t.”

And Rachel acknowledges how fortunate she was.

“I was very lucky that I left and he didn’t actually physically assault me in any way.”

Even so, no one should have to endure that.

With hundreds of accusers having come forward, there’s no telling how many are keeping silent.

After all, reading a story or a woman who got away or said “no” enough times might actually be discouraging to a woman who did not, rather than liberating.

But it’s so important that women — and men — who have faced this kind of unacceptable sexual harassment and sexual assault continue to come forward so that predators can be dragged out into the light of day.

There can be healthy relationships between people who work in the entertainment, whether they’re casual or romantic. They might even be for personal gain.

They must always be truly consensual, however. Making someone feel cornered or trapped or afraid is a monstrous tactic.

If someone fears for their safety or their career if they say “no,” then it’s not consent.

And, basically, no one should ever do any of the thing that James Toback is accused of having done. Please.


Monday, October 23, 2017

James Toback: 38 Women Accuse Director of Sexual Misconduct

James Toback, an Academy Award-nominated director/writer, has been accused of sexual harassment by 38 different women.

According to The Los Angeles Times, Toback would approach his alleged victims in all sorts of different settings, typically offering up his resume early on in order to impress them.

“In a hotel room, a movie trailer, a public park, meetings framed as interviews or auditions quickly turned sexual,” writes the publication.

It went on to detail how Toback would brag about his Oscar nomination (for the Warren Beatty film Bugsy) and how he claimed to have “invented” Robert Downey Jr. by directing him in a trio of films.

These disturbing allegations come on the heels of producer Harvey Weinstein also being accused of sexual harassment, misconduct and assault.

Referring to Toback, The Los Angeles Times writes:

“He prowled the streets of Manhattan looking for attractive young women, usually in their early 20s, sometimes college students, on occasion a high schooler.

“He approached them in Central Park, standing in line at a bank or drug store or at a copy center while they worked on their resumes.”

Most of the woman who spoke to the newspaper went on the record with their encounters.

Take actress Adrienne LaValley, for example, who outlined a 2008 encounter in a hotel room:

“The way he presented it, it was like, ‘This is how things are done.”

She said Toback tried to rub his crotch against her leg and when she recoiled, he simply masturbated inside his pants.

“I felt like a prostitute, an utter disappointment to myself, my parents, my friends. And I deserved not to tell anyone,” she says now.

Adds Lousie Post, guitarist and singer for Veruca Salt:

“He told me he’d love nothing more than to masturbate while looking into my eyes.”

Altogether, the newspaper spoke to 38 women who leveled similar accusations against Toback; 31 of whom were willing to use their names.

In their retelling, the women said Toback boasted of sexual conquests with celebrities and then asked embarrassing personal questions of them, such as:

How often do you masturbate? How much pubic hair do you have?

He’d tell the woman that he couldn’t get a full erection unless he “jerked off” several times a day.

As described above, he would often then he’d dry-hump them or masturbate right in front of them, ejaculating into his pants or on to their bodies and then walk away.

Contacted by The Los Angeles Times for comment, Toback denied these allegations, saying that he had never met any of these women – or, if he did, it “was for five minutes and have no recollection.”

The director also alleged that it has been “biologically impossible” for him to engage the sort of behavior described here because he had diabetes and a heart condition that required medication.

Toback declined to include more details.

As for Weinstein, over 40 women have come forward against him with stories of inappropriate behavior, ranging from sexual harassment to rape.

Through a spokeswoman, Weinstein has “unequivocally denied” all allegations of rape.

But he’s admitted to other instances of crossing the line and said he will seek professional assistance.


Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Audrina Patridge, Corey Bohan Accuse Each Other After NEW Incident!

When news first broke that former The Hills stars Audrina Patridge and Corey Bohan had split, some despaired. Others saw it as confirmation that reality TV couples just can’t last.

It was the abuse accusations that Audrina has leveled against Corey that has people much more concerned.

We were understandably alarmed to hear that there’s been a new incident, but Audrina and Corey are telling very different stories.

Audrina Patridge’s abuse claims against Corey Bohan are, frankly, disturbing.

Corey is accused of primarily emotional abuse, displaying anger issues and instability that at the very least make him a potential danger to himself.

According to Audrina, he has even shoved her while she was holding their baby daughter, Kirra.

Corey has reportedly also done things like empty out Audrina’s purse and harm himself in her presence, effectively blackmailing her into staying with him or he’ll “do worse.”

Based upon that, a divorce sounds like absolutely the right call.

They were together for 9 years and got married last November, so we are anxious to know if this had been going on in a gradually escalating manner all along … or if this is an altogether new behavior that manifested since they were married.

We wonder if there’s some newly emerged medical issue that could be driving this … but either way, this couple shouldn’t be together.

Unfortunately, when you’ve been an item for almost an entire decade, it’s difficult to extricate yourselves from each other’s lives.

For example, they’ve been living in the same house … which is what brought them into conflict.

Thus, this new incident.

Entertainment Tonight obtained court documents that show both Audrina and Corey’s versions of what happened.

What they can both agree on?

Audrina and her father, Mark, returned to Audrina’s home in Irvine, California with the intention of collecting Audrina’s belongings.

Within the court documents, Audrina alleges that Corey is “holding all of my personal possessions and my home hostage.”

Audrina has stated that the house in which the couple lived was hers prior to their marriage.

More than that, the two apparently have a prenup agreement that confirms that yes, Audrina is the sole owner of the house and will remain that.

But, presumably because she is the one who fled from the home with Kirra and took up temporary residence at the home of her parents, a judge denied Audrina’s request to have Corey removed from her house.

(Which sounds super unfair, but I imagine that laws are structured to make it difficult for one spouse to render the other homeless during a dispute — just a guess, though)

When Audrina went with her parents, Corey allegedly cursed her out — part of a pattern that she has described in which he uses expletives and yells and cannot seem to keep from doing so in front of their baby.

Audrina also accuses Corey of having installed additional surveillance devices in her house.

(If you’ll recall, Audrina’s initial claims when they split and she sought a restraining order mentioned that part of Corey’s emotional abuse involved installing cameras in their home that he used to spy on her)

She is once again imploring the court to remove Corey from her home.

Corey’s side claims that Audrina and her family “literally barging in the house through the garage door” with only 15 minutes of notice.

He says that he’d asked them to arrange a time when he wouldn’t be there.

He claims that he hasn’t installed any new surveillance devices, that the only cameras are a nanny cam in the living room and a camera by the front door. 

Corey claims that he did not yell or curse but merely “spoke calmly” to the Patridges, and says that Audrina’s father, Mark, was trying to instigate a fight.

No matter what you believe about this couple and their conflicts, no part of this sounds good.
