Monday, December 4, 2017

Danielle Mullins: Did Mohamed Jbali Accuse Her of Having an STI?!

We’ve been introduced to a whole host of new 90 Day Fiance stars, but will there ever be a couple as memorable as Mohamed Jbali and Danielle Mullins?

Just because they’re over doesn’t mean that this pair of exes didn’t impact each other’s lives. Danielle brought Mohamed to the US.

And Mohamed? Well, he may have started a rumor that Danielle Mullins has an STI. At least, that’s what fans seem to think.

Recently, Danielle Mullins has faced some disappointments, as what looked like the birth of a brand new reality career was cut short.

Mohamed Jbali has moved and is keeping busy, claiming that he’s working long hours but nonetheless finding the time to stir up controversy with his fans.

We’ll get into all of that in a moment, because it’s the couple’s past that we need to talk about at the moment.

See, Mohamed is from Tunisia and Danielle Mullins is from the US.

Danielle is quite a bit older than Mohamed, but the couple became engaged and even got married.

Though we know that Danielle and Mohamed did have sex — once, to consummate their marriage — the topic of intercourse was a contentious one within their relationship.

Basically, Mohamed Jbali would refuse to bang Danielle. And Danielle was not shy about demanding that he perform his husbandly duties.

The two eventually decided to divorce, though Danielle initially sought revenge against Mohamed by seeking an annulment (hoping to send him back to Tunisia).

Mohamed accused Danielle of having an unpleasant body odor, which he cited as the reason for his disinterest.

But was there more to it than a lack of attraction?

Let’s look at some of Mohamed Jbali’s words:

“Of course I’m not going to have sex with someone like Danielle,” he said to her.

Hurtfully, he added:

“You do not know that nobody will have sex with someone like you!”

(Note that many of Danielle’s 90 Day Fiance castmates were horrified by the way that Mohamed spoke to her, even if they didn’t particularly like Danielle)

But here’s the question:

Was Mohamed Jbali body-shaming Danielle for her appearance and alleged odor, as many of us first assumed?

Or was he referring to a sexually transmitted infection?

Let’s look at some of his other words for clues.

Before his stunned and horrified castmates, Mohamed declared this about Danielle Mullins:

“She has a problem that she needs to see a doctor before she has sex with someone.”

We don’t know if he’s referring to vaginal odor (which can happen when your pH balance gets out of whack — genital odor is normal to a degree, but if it’s unpleasant, there’s probably something wrong).

He may have been referring to something else.

Some people don’t use the right deodorant products, or don’t use them as directed. Or they don’t shower or they don’t wash their clothes enough. All of those can cause, well, some unpleasant olfactory experiences.

It’s also possible — and we are in no way saying this to shame Danielle Mullins’ figure — that Danielle may have had something extraordinary.

Sometimes there are tiny growths, such as yeast, that produce distinctive smells. These growths thrive in the folds of fat that some people may have (different people carry weight differently, of course).

However … the line directing her to see a doctor makes a number of fans wonder if perhaps Mohamed believes that Danielle has some sort of STI.

Perhaps, strange as it may sound, Mohamed felt that accusing her of being foul-smelling and unattractive was the less damaging option than explaining his real fear.

Fans are divided over what might be causing Danielle’s alleged odor. Some believe that Mohamed may have fabricated it altogether.

Regardless, we hope that Danielle has seen a doctor. Even if it’s just a pH balance issue or a hygiene problem, nobody deserves to go around while smelling unpleasant.

And if she doesn’t have a smell, well, the doctor can confirm that for her.

As for Mohamed Jbali’s current whereabouts … he has moved to Texas.

He’s told fans that he’s now working 13 hours a day … which is odd, because he has also claimed that he never misses a day at the gym. If both are true, it sounds like he’s sacrificing sleep.

(It’s not odd that he’s needing money — because 90 Day Fiance stars are paid shockingly little)

Mohamed also stirred up some controversy recently by making some statements that sounded homophobic to a number of fans. He later made multiple posts explaining that he’s fine with LGBT fans.

Danielle Mullins, in the mean time, lost out on a makeover show over alleged mental instability.

It sounds like Danielle was uncooperative and it’s been alleged that the management company with which she’s now parted ways was making some intrusive demands about her social media use.

Honestly, many feel that Mohamed Jbali and Danielle Mullins had dishonest intentions about getting engaged and married in the first place.

Some think that the couple deserved each other. We don’t know that we’d go that far.
