Friday, December 29, 2017

Kate & Pippa Middleton: Feuding Over Meghan Markle?!

If you believe every tabloid story, Meghan Markle is creating more waves within the royal family than Henry VIII ever did.

Ever since Meghan and Prince Harry got engaged last month, the press has had Meg creating drama pretty much non-stop.

To hear the tabloids tell it, the royal family is like a soap opera with declining ratings, and Meghan is the sexy wild card that the writers bring in to stir things up.

First, it was widely reported that Meghan was feuding with Kate Middleton.

After Kate and Meghan were photographed together while apparently thoroughly enjoying one another’s company, the press was forced to change its tune.

Now, several outlets are claiming that Meghan and Kate are getting along too well–and Kate’s sister, Pippa Middleton, is not happy about it.

According to In Touch, Kate and Meg are inseparable these days, and the situation has Pippa feeling like the odd woman out.

“They used to do everything together and speak daily,” an insider tells the tabloid.

“But now that Meghan lives practically under the same roof as Kate at Kensington Palace, the dynamics have changed and Pippa feels shoved out.”

The source says Pippa voiced her complaint to Kate, but the Duchess was having none of it.

“Kate fought back and told Pippa that it’s her duty to make Meghan feel welcomed,” the insider claims.

Yes, apparently Kensington Palace is the coolest table in the cafeteria, and Kate is basically Regina George.

The situation may sound ridiculous, but so does the idea of a country having a royal family in 2017.

While all of this is going on, Meghan has her own drama back in the States, and no, we’re not talking about Suits.

Earlier this week, Harry threw shade at Meghan’s family, and now, the actress’ ever-shady half-sister Samantha Markle is publicly capping back.

Like we said, the reports about Meghan are sounding more and more like cheesy soap storylines, and we couldn’t be happier about it.

It’s not that we want her life to be filled with unnecessary drama; we just want her to suitably represent her homeland.

If our salty-ass president has taught the world anything, it’s that no one stirs up drama like Americans–and now, Meghan is driving that message home.
