Showing posts with label Meghan. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Meghan. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Meghan Markle Puppy Love ... Cuddles at Animal Shelter

Meghan Markle‘s got some pretty sweet perks, even beyond the castles and tiaras … she gets to do some volunteering with super cute dogs.
The Duchess of Sussex stopped by The Mayhew shelter in London Wednesday to meet the staff, and pet some puppers. She even got to hold a sweet Jack ...
Meghan Markle Puppy Love ... Cuddles at Animal Shelter

Friday, January 11, 2019

Meghan Markle Half-Brother Thomas Busted for Drunk Driving

Meghan Markle‘s half-brother, Thomas, was arrested Friday for driving under the influence of alcohol … TMZ has learned. 
The 52-year-old was driving by Oregon State Police when police stopped him at 1:33 AM and took him into custody for impaired driving. 
Cops performed a f...
Meghan Markle Half-Brother Thomas Busted for Drunk Driving

Meghan Markle This Belly Can"t Slow Me Down!!!

Two things really seem to make Meghan Markle crack a huge smile … holding her ever-growing baby bump and helping others.
The Duchess of Sussex was all smiles Thursday as she hit up St. Charles Hospital in west London, where she became a royal patron at Smart Works. It’s an awesome c...
Meghan Markle This Belly Can"t Slow Me Down!!!

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Meghan Markle: Latest Wardrobe Malfunction Baffles Entire World

Before she married Prince Harry, Meghan Markle could do no wrong.

Now that she’s been saddled with a royal title, however, it often seems that she can do nothing right.

To be clear, nothing about Meghan’s behavior has changed.

It’s just that now she’s expected to meet the standards of a bunch of stuffy, pearl-clutching royal traditionalists every time she leaves the house.

As a result, headlines about Meghan breaching royal protocol are not uncommon these days.

Of course, these breaches are generally quite tame, such as the time Meghan’s curtsy was not up to the standards of some Brits.

Even the reports of Meghan’s “wardrobe malfunctions” are generally pretty lame.

The Royals have really delivered in the accidental nudity department in the past, such as when topless photos of Kate Middleton made their way across social media.

But with Meg the British tabloids get all fussy over stuff like this:

Meghan Markle Wardrobe Malfunction

This is like a game you might find on a child’s placemat at an especially perverse family restaurant: Find the Wardrobe Malfunction!

Give up yet?

Part of the problem is that you probably spent too much time focusing on the breastal region. 

We’re not perv-shaming you; that’s just one of the most common areas for clothing snafus.

Meghan Markle Wardrobe Malfunction 2

This time, however, the glitch was much further south — and much, much less interesting.

As you can see, Meghan has some splotches on her tights.

That’s it.

Seriously, there are people on social media trying to make a big deal out of it.

Granted, it’s puzzling — how did those splotches get there?!

But the answer is probably something disappointingly pedestrian, like someone spilled a cup of coffee or Meghan stepped in a puddle.

There was a time when spilling your drink on a Duchess was enough to earn you a trip to the guillotine, but sadly, the Brits don’t behead people for clumsiness anymore. Snowflakes.

Some folks have pointed out that Meghan didn’t wear pantyhose before she got married, which means the tights are likely a concession to the royal family’s penchant for ultra-conservative attire.

But we doubt Meghan just went around spilling drinks on her feet in the pre-Harry era of her life.

Maybe that’s one of the more underappreciated ways in which royal life is stifling — you can’t even walk around with wet feet!

This has been another installment of Ridiculously Boring Wardrobe Malfunctions, starring Meghan Markle. 


Prince Harry Cozies Up To Meghan Markle in Royal Family Photos

The Royals just released a family portrait for Prince Charles’ 70th birthday, and HEY NOW, WOULD YOU LOOK AT THAT STEAMY COUPLE GETTING COZY IN THE BACK!!! Check out Prince Harry with his left hand firmly on Meghan Markle’s waist … that’s a super…


Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Kate Middleton to Meghan Markle: Quit Stealing My Spotlight, Bish

Ever since Meghan Markle married Prince Harry back in May, the former actress has been the toast of London.

In fact, you could call her the Queen of the British Empire, were it not for the fact that that title is already held by an iconic nonagenarian who doesn’t seem to keen on the idea of relinquishing it anytime soon.

Of course, barring a series of violent tragedies that would make George R.R. Martin blush, Meghan will never actually be queen, as her husband is third in line for the throne.

Prince William, however, will likely wear the crown one day, which means Kate Middleton will join him as one of the world’s two most visible monarchs.

And if recent reports are to be believed, Kate is very much looking forward to the time when she can steal her spotlight back from Meg.

Yes, the news of Meghan’s pregnancy came just a few months after her wedding, and insiders say Kate feels as though she’s been shoved to the margins.

Of course, patience is Kate’s best-known virtue — she didn’t earn the nickname “Waity” for nothing — but when it comes to reclaiming her spot as the queen bee of Kensington Palace, Kate is not biding her time.

Royal watchers have noticed that the Duchess of Cambridge has been attending more events, posing for more pics, and rocking more daring fashions in recent weeks.

“A couple of years ago, you might have seen her being a little bit timid,” Royal expert Susan E. Kelley recently told Vanity Fair.

“Now, she seems like she’s in a more take-charge position,” Kelley added.

“I’m beginning to see the person who’s going to be queen emerging.”  

Of course, given the timing of Kate’s emboldened stance toward the media, it’s not hard to see why so many have jumped to the conclusion that she’s responding to the increased attention toward Meghan.

Insiders have noted that in many ways, Meg is the ideal royal spouse, having entered the role with years of media experience and a long history of philanthropic work.

British tabloids have described the relationship between Meghan and Kate as a rivalry, but that seems inaccurate.

Even if Kate is stepping her game up in response to the increase in attention toward Meghan, that doesn’t mean she feels threatened by the former Suits star.

It’s entirely possible she welcomes a little friendly competition.


Monday, November 12, 2018

Meghan Markle: Driving Royal Staffers to Quit with Her Diva Demands?

While rumors say that Kate Middleton resents Meghan Markle stealing her spotlight, it turns out that Meghan has gotten on the last nerve of others in the Palace.

Meghan and Harry lost three of their employees in a very short time.

A report says that Meghan may be causing this “stampede” with her insistence on following her own path instead of royal protocol.

According to a report by the Sunday Express, Meghan Markle and Prince Harry’s household has lost yet another staffer.

Samantha Cohen was the couple’s private secretary.

She has now departed from the post.

She was preceded in that job by Edward Lane Fox, who also left that position by his own choice.

And on Saturday, someone walked out who worked even more closely with Meghan.

Meghan Markle’s personal assistant was known only by “Melissa.”

Melissa has spent the past six months at Kensington Palace with Meghan.

Among her duties was having a very direct role in key elements of preparing for the Royal Wedding in May of this year. 

Well, Melissa has now reportedly resigned.

Some have interpreted the loss of three members of the Royal couple’s staff as a sign that something is wrong.

According to how a source characterized matters to the Sunday Express, this is very unusual.

“To lose one member of the household could happen to anyone,” the insider admits.

Two is happenstance. But three?

“To lose three in a few months is starting to look like a stampede,” the source says.

Maybe that is a little dramatic, but that does seem like a lot of turnaround for one couple’s household, right?

So … what’s sending these staffers running for the hills?

Allegedly, Meghan Markle’s independent attitude is driving away the household staff.

As an actress, Meghan was a public figure long before she began dating Prince Harry.

And, like most humans, she has a personal sense of style.

She remains dedicated to that style even as a duchess, and is resistant to certain Royal traditions that would dictate how she should dress.

Meghan wants to dress like herself.

She doesn’t feel a need to be dressed in outfits that are virtually identical to those worn by Duchess Kate.

We are meant to believe that Meghan’s sense of autonomy is viewed as “tiresome” by household staffers.

In June, Meghan wore an off-the-shoulder blush colored Caroline Herrera gown to attend the Trooping of the Colour event.

(Gosh, Britain has goofy names for things)

She has also worn purses whose straps cross the body rather than a simple clutch.

Additionally, Meghan didn’t wear pantyhose for the engagement announcement.

All of that is beautiful and even stylish, but flies in the face of stuffy Royal traditions.

We’re not sure what to make of these reports.

Meghan seems to be a genuinely likeable person.

The narrative that she’s “difficult” and resistant to conforming to expectations is tempting, because she’s an American, but that doesn’t mean that it’s true.

And it’s difficult to imagine that Meghan and Harry’s secretaries are so personally offended that Meghan’s formal attire isn’t boring enough that they quit.

There can be real drama surrounding the Royal Family.

But that doesn’t mean that every story has a scandal just beneath the surface.

Sometimes, people just quit.


Meghan Markle: How She Got Owned by The Queen on Her Wedding Day

According to a new report, someone out there thinks Meghan Markle has a pretty serious attitude problem.

And here’s the thing:

That someone is NOT Meghan Markle’s half-sister.

And it’s not Meghan Markle’s father, either.

An insider tells The Sun that Markle wanted to wear a tiara with emeralds on her big wedding day back in May, but she was told this was an unacceptable choice.

Meghan had her “heart set” on this accessory, writes Robert Jobson in his new book, and she “hit the roof” when the Palace denied the request.

“The provenance of the tiara could not be established. There were concerns it could have come from Russia originally,” explains a source on why Markle was unable to don the item.

This same source adds that Queen Elizabeth herself was none too pleased with her pending daughter-in-law’s reaction to the flap.

“There was a very heated exchange that prompted the Queen to speak to Harry,” claims this report.

“She said, ‘Meghan cannot have whatever she wants. She gets what tiara she’s given by me."”

This is how Markle ending up rocking a diamond and platinum bandeau tiara when she exchanged her vows on May 19.

The book goes on to detail how the Queen also wondered why Meghan needed a veil for the wedding, given it was to be her second marriage.

“The message from the Queen was very much Meghan needed to think about how she speaks to staff members and be careful to follow family protocols,” alleges this insider, who says Markle has been accused on numerous occasions of mistreating employees at the Palace:

“Meghan can be difficult. She has very high standards and is used to working in a Hollywood environment.”

Allow us to pause here and say: LOL!!!!!

The implication is somehow that the environment on the set of the USA Network drama Suits, on which Markle starred for seven seaons, was more professional/formal than the environment at Kensington Palace.

Throughout her time in the spotlight as Prince Harry’s girlfriend, fiance and now wife, Markle has mostly received rave reviews.

She seems very respectful and comes across as a very positive presence in general.

But she has run in to a few problems of late, from accusations that she sucks at bowing on a national stage to allegations that she far too often thumbs her nose Royal Protocol.

And her terrible relatives, of course, think she’s a phony liar.

Jobson’s book is titled “Charles at 70” and mostly focuses on the life of Prince Charles.

But it does touch on the relationship between the Queen and Markle and says while they clash on occasion, as documented above, they get along at other times because they both love dogs.

That’s pretty cute to note, isn’t it?


Friday, November 2, 2018

Prince Charles: Meghan Markle Is WAY Cooler Than Kate Middleton!

Well, it’s official.

Pretty much everyone on the planet agrees that Meghan Markle is the coolest of the Royals.

That’s not a knock against Kate Middleton or anyone else who may have been in the running.

(To be clear: Prince William never stood a chance.)

In fact, Kate deserves credit for recognizing that her association with Meghan only serves to make her cooler.

She’s like the Scottie Pippen to Meghan’s Michael Jordan, eternally content to play second fiddle and bask in the glow of a living legend.

There are probably several good reasons that no one has previously used a ’90s NBA metaphor to describe the pecking order of the British Royal Family, but we’re standing by our sh-tty analogy.

Anyway, you might be wondering who decides this hierarchy, and there’s no clear answer.

For the most part, we suppose it’s the British public and the tabloid press, but there are also voters in this popularity contest whose ballots are weighted far more heavily than those of the plebes.

These people are super-delegates in the world’s most inconsequential election — Queen Elizabeth II, Prince Charles, and … well, we guess that’s about it, actually.

It’s been rumored for quite some time that QE2 prefers Harry and Meghan to the “lazy” William and Kate.

And now, it seems Charles is seconding that opinion:

According to a new profile in Vanity Fair, Charles likes to throw subtle shade at Will and Kate.

He often boasts, for example, that at the age of 68, he’s quicker on his feet and better “prepared” for most social functions than either of them.

Conversely, both he and wife Camilla Parker-Bowles are often effusive in their praise for Meghan.

“They clearly really like each other,” one royal insider tells the magazine.

“There is real warmth and support. Camilla has been very helpful to Meghan.”

That’s gotta sting a little bit, but we’re sure Will and Kate are taking it in stride.

After all, Will never had a shot at being the cool one in the family, and the Duchess of Cambridge reportedly gets along swimmingly with her new sister-in-law.

In fact, Kate is hosting Meghan’s baby shower — and insiders say she’s more than happy to continue dishing out assists after the royal bundle of joy arrives.


Kate Middleton to Meghan Markle: Your Baby Shower"s Gonna Be a Rager!

As you’ve likely heard by now, Meghan Markle is expecting her first child.

This means, of course, that her loved ones will be hosting a baby shower — and by “loved ones,” we’re referring to her Meghan’s in-laws and not the awful members of the Markle family.

Granted, a Markle shower would be quite the amusing trainwreck, especially the part where everyone reads their top one hundred complaints about the way Meghan has chosen to live her life.

But at the end of the day, the Windsor clan will probably host a more enjoyable soiree for the guest of honor.

Not surprisingly, Kate Middleton has reportedly been placed in charge of the festivities.

“[Kate]’s a complete perfectionist and has already begun planning the celebration months in advance,” a source tells Life & Style.

“Duchess Kate considered having the shower at Soho Farmhouse, but thinks it’ll be easier to host it at her Kensington Palace apartment.”

The insider goes on to describe Kate and Meghan’s relationship as “togetherness at its finest,” noting that Middleton “has been Meghan’s rock during the pregnancy.

“[Meghan] has been turning to Kate for all kinds of baby advice,” says the insider. 

“It’ll mean the world to Meghan — and Prince Harry — once they find out that Kate’s gone out of her way to organize the shower.”

We’re guessing it’s sort of assumed that Kate is gonna go all out.

She’s literally a duchess who used to be a professional party planner.

Would be a bit of a disappointment if she just hung some streamers and picked up a veggie platter from whatever the London equivalent of Wegman’s is.

As for the details, the insider says it’ll be a star-studded affair that should make Meghan feel right at home:

“It’ll be a daytime event,” says the source.

“Guests, including Meghan’s pals Jessica Mulroney, Priyanka Chopra, Serena Williams and Amal Clooney, will be treated to an American-style feast.” 

American-style? So a buffet line of steam trays filled with sandwiches and tacos in which the bread and tortillas have been replaced with fried chicken?

Sounds effing delicious. How do we score an invite?


Prince Harry Snaps Truly Breathtaking Maternity Photo of Meghan Markle

Prince Harry may have a second career ahead of himself.

If the Royal ever gets sick of being a really handsome person who appears in public to raucous applause and excited stares, he could look into becoming a photographer.

The gorgeous father-to-be proved on a stop in New Zealand this week that he clearly has the talent for it.

While on the last stop of his well-received tour with pregnant wife Meghan Markle, Harry snapped a picture of his lovely Duchess at the Redwoods Treewalk Rotorua.

As you can see below, the snapshot is simply stunning.

It features Markle cradling her baby bump while standing among the massive 117-year-old Redwood tree all around her.

Shared by Kensington Palace on its official Instagram account, photo credit is given to the “Duke of Sussex,” making it evidence who was behind the camera.

Check out the viral image for yourself here:

“Thank you New Zealand for the most wonderful last week of our tour. It has been a privilege to meet so many friendly Kiwis,” reads a statement from the couple in the caption.

It adds:

“Australia, Fiji, Tonga and NZ – we leave feeling inspired and reminded of how every single one of us can make a difference.”

The beloved couple also included a quote from Kate Sheppard, a prominent member of the women’s suffrage movement in New Zealand:

“The rain that refreshes the parched ground, is made up of single drops.”

Beautiful, right?

For the most part, Harry and Meghan have enjoyed a wildly successful trip abroad over the past few weeks.

It actually kicked off right around the time they announced they were expecting.

Yes, at one point Meghan may have delivered a terrible curtsy while meeting a king and a queen.

At another point, she may have accidentally flashed her underwear.

But the Duke and Duchess mostly carried themselves very well and simply increased their impressive popularity around the globe.

Prince Harry, meanwhile, shared his first-ever Instagram story in New Zealand a few days before taking the special photo featured here.

We saw it wheb Kensington Palace posted a shot of Abel Tasman National Park from the sky.

Despite the gloomy weather, the beauty of the land was apparent in the image of a lake surrounded by mountains.

“Traveling to the beautiful Abel Tasman National Park,” read this caption, along with a helicopter emoji and a photo credit to the Duke of Sussex.

Seriously, the guy’s got skills.

Perhaps he ought to be hired to take his very own baby photos this spring.

Just an idea.


Thursday, November 1, 2018

Meghan Markle Suffers Wardrobe Malfunction, Shows Her Underwear to the People of New Zealand

Ever since she married Prince Harry back in May, we’ve been hearing a lot about Meghan Markle’s various gaffes and faux pas.

Meghan’s breaches of royal protocol are generally pretty tame, of course.

Take, for example, the time Meghan failed to curtsy properly.

Only the very stuffiest of royal traditionalists would ever get upset over something so patently ridiculous.

Meg’s latest slip-up is a bit more scandalous than all of that, but while it may have caused much pearl-clutching among elderly residents of the UK, it probably won’t make many waves on this side of the pond.

Meghan Markle Wardsrobe Malfunction

That’s it, folks.

That’s the “wardrobe malfunction” that supposedly has Buckingham Palace up in arms.

Meghan is wearing a sheer skirt during an appearance in New Zealand, and while a faint outline of the royal knickers is visible, this certainly is not the sort of thing that’s likely to spark a national incident.

And so, it’s time once again to play our favorite game, Is Meghan Being Judged More Harshly Than Her Royal Peers and Predecessors?

To be fair, it’s not as if the UK tabloids have ever been especially nice to Kate Middleton.

In fact, they had a field day when nude photos of Kate made their way onto social media.

But it often feels as though they weren’t quite so quick to find fault with every little thing Kate did, the way they do with Meghan.

There are numerous reasons why the press might be giving Meg a harder time.

They range from the nefarious (low-key racism) to the benign (Meg is an American and a former actress).

It’s even been suggested that the media dislikes Meghan’s awful family and they’re projecting those feelings onto Meg herself.

That’s a depressing possibility to contemplate, as it basically means that Meghan’s family is winning.

They’ve set out to destroy her, and if the press is judging her more harshly 

Of course, it’s entirely possible that we’ve devoted way too much thought to this brief glimpse of Meghan’s underwear.

This has been Deep Thoughts About a Pseudo-Wardrobe Malfunction.


Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Meghan Markle Accused of Making "Worst Curtsy" in Recorded History

Meghan Markle played a lawyer on the USA Network hit drama Suits.

But criticism continues to pour in regarding the Duchess of Sussex, most notably that she simply cannot play the role of a Royal with the proper respect it deserves.

Over the past several weeks, sources have come down hard on Markle for snubbing various Palace traditions, typically ones associated with fashion and decorum.

And now it seems as if certain people are also taking issue with the way Markle is acting overseas.

The expecting mother and Prince Harry have mostly been receiving rave reviews for their behavior on their ongoing tour — but Markle is coming under fire at the moment for how she greeted Tonga’s King Tupou VI and his wife Queen Nanasipau’u last week.

Specifically, how weakly sue curtsied on front of the powerful couple.

Here is a still shot of the bow in question:

Did Markle get down low enough?

Did she hold her form for long enough?

Did her facial expression make it clear she just wasn’t that into the gesture?

All of the above, Twitter users appear to be saying. Here is a sampling of their most harsh responses to Markle’s lame curtsy:

Those were the two worst curtsies I think I’ve ever seen!

I wonder if maybe she wasn’t sure if she should curtsy? Either way, you gotta commit.

I saw this video on Instagram. Gives the impression she did not know if she should curtsy or not.

That seems plausible, right? It can be tricky to remember all the customs of various nations, especially for someone not raised in such an environment.

In case you somehow haven’t heard, Markle is pregnant.

So it’s also possible that she only gently curtsied in order to protect her fetus.

We really can’t say for certain at the moment.

However, a so-called etiquette expert named William Hanson told The Daily Mail that Markle has a lot to learn about how a Royal should act overall.

He says she sticks her hands into her pockets on far too many occasions.

“We know that Their Royal Highnesses The Duke and Duchess of Sussex are pioneering a new, relaxed, tactile branch of monarchy, but having hands in the pocket is a step too far,” this random critic says, adding:

“There is good casual and there is bad casual.

“Placing a hands in the pocket is too relaxed and unprofessional.”

Markle, of course, is no stranger to criticism.

Just ask her awful half-sister.

We doubt she’ll respond to the backlash she is garnering here, especially because Hanson admits that her actions aren’t actually a big deal.

Not in the grand scheme of life, that is.

“Will the world end? No,” he concludes to The Mail. “It is just a small blip in Meghan’s usually delightful manners that can be easily corrected for future engagements.”



Monday, October 29, 2018

Meghan Markle Baby Name: What Should She Pick?!

Breaking news: Meghan Markle is pregnant with her first child! She and Prince Harry are expecting sometime next spring.

Okay, so you probably heard that last week. But speculation about the newest royal baby’s name is already heating up!

Despite unconfirmed reports that Meghan is having a boy, and that Harry wants a girl, they’ve yet to confirm their offspring’s gender.

That’s not about to stop us from weighing in on her child – specifically what the Duke and Duchess of Sussex should name it.

Let’s just say that if she listens to our staff writers, she’ll have plenty of options for an idea that … wait … wait … Suits her.


Suits has given Meghan Markle so much already: it was through the show that she first came to global prominence.

The Pearson Darby storyline from Season 2 guided her through her first British merger. And as she was born Rachel Meghan Markle, choosing to take her middle name professionally, the show even gave her the opportunity to reclaim her birth name as Rachel Zane.

It is only fitting, then, that Suits provide the Duchess with the name of her first child. But which name to pick?

Unfortunately, the show’s three mainstays are out, as Harvey, Donna and Lewis are terrible first names. How about finding inspiration in the last names, then?

After all, Markle’s love life has been bereft of last names: on Suits, she married Mike Ross, a man with two first names. And in real life, she married Prince Harry, a man with no last name.

Again, this is a no-go: Specter is out, as naming a child after the organization out to kill James Bond is probably not the best way for a foreigner to ingratiate one’s self with the British populace.

As is Zane, as the break-up of One Direction is a wound far too fresh for England to reopen, even with a slight spelling change. 

But perhaps there is something with Zane after all. Suits never lacked for drama, but it, like all shows, will eventually come to an end. The only drama that lasts forever is family drama. 

While Markle has largely stayed above the muck that her estranged family keeps wading into, the naming of her child provides an opportunity for her to end that drama once and for all: name the child “Robert” after Robert Zane, her father on Suits and the best father figure Markle has ever had. 


For a boy: Harvey.

Generally, royal babies are given traditional names like Henry or Aethelred, so that if they wind up ascending to the throne due to freak accident or bloody war of succession, they can just slap a Roman numeral on the end and be done with it.

I say that’s lame, and it’s for nerds.

It worked for centuries, because the royal family is comprised entirely of lame nerds. But Meghan Markle is cool and hot and she’s from Hollywood, which is why, if she has a son, she should name it … Harvey.

Hear me out!

It’s been rough year for that particular moniker, but not all Harveys are sexual predators. Before she became the Duchess of Sussex, Meg was best known for her role on Suits, and her boss on the show was named Harvey Specter.

Yes, her husband on the show was named Mike, but you can’t give a royal baby such a basic-ass name. No one wants to bow before King Mike.

So christening the wee lad Harvey would be a great way to honor Meghan’s past while also reclaiming what could be a cool name and preventing future generations from associating it with a sweaty scrotum monster.

I’d be lying if I told you I knew I’d end up using that phrase in an article about baby names.

For a girl: Tatiana.

Ha! All the Suits fans out there thought I was gonna go with Rachel, in honor of Meghan’s character on the show. Well, I’ve got a surprise for both of you!

Yes, I’m once again paying tribute to MegMar’s acting career, but unlike all you bandwagon-jumpers, I’m aware that her most essential contribution to the world of cinema is her uncredited role as Tatiana in the largely forgotten Russell Brand-Jonah Hill classic Get Him to the Greek.

(Her part as a Fed Ex girl who gets hit on by Jason Sudeikis in Horrible Bosses is a close second.)

If I’m being completely honest, I had no idea Meghan was even in that movie until I Googled her filmography five minutes ago, and it looks as though her scene has been buried by the sands of time – if it even made the final cut.

But that’s neither here nor there.

At its core, this idea is about my desire to see the look on the Queen’s face when Harry and Meghan tell her they’re naming their daughter Tatiana because of a Russell Brand movie, a moment that I hope they would capture on video and put on YouTube for the world’s amusement.

This has been the first installment in my series on the many ways in which the royal family could be way cooler.


If you grew up wanting to be a parent, there’s a good chance you’ve spent at least a little bit of time thinking about baby names.

And if you meet an actual prince then fall in love with him and decide to get married, and you have some weird obligation to make more little baby princes and princesses … You DEFINITELY have some names floating around in your head.

What we’re saying is that Meghan and Harry are probably way, way ahead of us in thinking of potential names for their baby.

So we have a lot of catching up to do! First of all, let’s go ahead and throw out the name everyone’s going to be thinking of: Diana.

Sure, William and Kate used it as like the third name for their daughter, but it’s not like they own the name, you know?

But then again, Meghan is pretty much the coolest thing that ever happened to the royal family, so that might not be hip or original enough for her.

Maybe they’ll go with something that ends in “-ayden,” right? A lot of people seem to be into that. Or just a random but adorable noun, like River or Olive or Lamp. 

Let’s see, one of her old dogs was named Bogart, so maybe they could reference some classic movie star? Hepburn? Monroe? Brando?

Ooh, ooh, or Grace Kelly, because she was a Hollywood star who became a princess, just like Meghan?! But you know what?

This whole thing would be way more fun if we all didn’t know that what’s going to happen is that they’re going to pick some old, boring name.

James, Mary, Victoria, Henry … Basically open up a history book, find the section about all the British kings and queens and their kids and dogs or whatever, and that’s where you’ll find your Harkle baby name. Such a waste.


What Harry and Meghan name their first child is a deeply personal choice that will reflect who they are as people as well as their child’s relation to the royal family.

So, naturally, I’m sure that they’d love to hear my opinion.

Alexander or Alexandra remain arguably great names, because they fall within the traditional names of British nobility and are also normal names.

William and Kate made similarly good choices with George and Charlotte but then stumbled on that front with Louis.

Louis is very royal but only a “normal” name if you are a duckling who wears green. But while variations of Alex may be good choices, they’re not super interesting.

We have already mentioned that Harry’s children will not have princely titles unless his grandmother intervenes to make it so.

By default, it is expected that Harry’s eldest son will be an Earl at birth. So Harry and Meghan should just name their son Earl.

It’s a dignified name and will effectively strong-arm the Queen into giving him a better title so that he doesn’t go around being called Earl Earl.

Instead, he’ll just grow up with resentments, like a normal child, and with no great love for the Dixie Chicks.

If they have a daughter, they should name her America. To be clear, that’s after America Chavez, a really great superhero.

By coincidence, it’ll be an eternal and glaring reminder of the land of Meghan’s birth. You know, in case anyone forgets.
