Showing posts with label Cuddles. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cuddles. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Meghan Markle Puppy Love ... Cuddles at Animal Shelter

Meghan Markle‘s got some pretty sweet perks, even beyond the castles and tiaras … she gets to do some volunteering with super cute dogs.
The Duchess of Sussex stopped by The Mayhew shelter in London Wednesday to meet the staff, and pet some puppers. She even got to hold a sweet Jack ...
Meghan Markle Puppy Love ... Cuddles at Animal Shelter

Friday, July 21, 2017

Blac Chyna Cuddles Up to New Man (Check Out His Tattoo!)

Let us be clear:

In no way, shape or form did Blac Chyna deserve to have her naked photos released to the public by Rob Kardashian.

She didn"t deserve for him to rant and rave against her earlier this month, either, not when Rob stooped to such a level that he was calling his baby mama out as a plastic surgery-obsessed drug addict.

Kardashian was very much in the wrong here.

However… it is worth remembering, to some extent, that Rob"s diatribe stemmed from a video Chyna sent him of her and another guy (later identified as a rapper named Ferrari) making out.

Might Chyna be better served keeping her romantic dalliances private? Probably.

But she apparently has not learned this lesson.

On Friday morning, the reality star shared footage of her and a new man (some singer named Mechie) getting up close and pretty darn friendly.

There"s some touching, some kissing and one rather noticeable tattoo on Mechie"s neck.

Oh, yes, that appears to be a "BC" tattoo, which is exactly what Chyna wrote as a caption to this video: BC.

According to TMZ, Mechie and Chyna have been hooking up for about two months.

In the video below, she can be seen playing with the camera and locking eyes with her apparent new lover as Yo Gotti and Mike Will Made-It"s "Rake It Up" plays in the background.

That track features Nicki Minaj, with whom Chyna is collaborating on a new music video.

So, could this be all in good fun? Might it be some kind of promotion for that video? We guess so. It"s possible.

And, for the sake of Mechie, Pilot Jones would say it better be the case.

But how would that explain the BC tattoo?

Check out the quick piece of footage for yourself and see if you can judge whether the feelings between Mechie and Chyna are real or not…

Blac chyna cuddles up to new man and you wont believe whats on h

Monday, July 10, 2017

Blac Chyna Cuddles with Baby Dream During Feud with Rob Kardashian

It’s a massively stressful time in the lives of Rob Kardashian, Blac Chyna, and in a way, even little baby Dream. Little kids know when things change among their parents, and there’s a difference between “broken up but making it work” and “feuding with legal action.”

Understandably, a lot of what we’ve seen from the parents in recent days has been the explosive Rob Kardashian/Blac Chyna feud, but Blac Chyna took to Snapchat to cuddle with baby Dream.

And, in case, you’ve forgotten, these pics will remind you that Dream is the absolute cutest.

Look! At! Them!

Baby cheeks are the most kissable things on the planet.

You don’t have to want children of your own to be totally enthralled by baby cuteness.

Blac Chyna broke her silence today on Good Morning America, but we’re glad that she didn’t wait until the weekend was out to share these pics.

(Because yes, there are more)

It’s almost enough to momentarily forget the horrifying accusations that Rob Kardashian beat Blac Chyna during their relationship.

We hate to bring it up, of course, but one day Dream is going to know all of this.

This sort of thing has happened before with celebrity kids.

John McCain’s adoptive daughter was used as part of a smear campaign against him by Karl Rove during the 2000 Republican primaries.

And she absolutely learned of it when she was old enough, because Google exists.

What kind of hell is this going to be for Dream one day — or will Chyna explain all of it to her when she’s ready

Snapchat filters are generally a mixed bag.

Mostly because most people would rather see the actual person’s face.

(Which is why they follow them to begin with)

But Chyna and Dream looks so precious and happy with those pastel cat-ears and imaginary glasses.

It’s hard to find fault with that, you know?

Though it is nice to see Dream’s face, unfiltered.

Because she’s so adorable.

Dream is so cute and innocent and happy.

It seems sometimes like she’s the only person on Earth who doesn’t know the details of her parents’ feud.

And that’s for the best.

But the internet brings happier things than tidings of feuds.

Including baby photos.

It’s amazing how social media can let the world chart a baby’s growth right along with the parents.

Chyna’s been sharing adorable photos of herself with Dream since Dream was a newborn.

Complete with Snapchat filters, of course.

Looking at this old one, it’s even easier to see how quickly Dream is growing up.

You know, considering how pissed the Kardashians are with Rob, we hope that Dream can stay close to her aunts.

And, of course, to grandmomager Kris Jenner.

They don’t have to like Blac Chyna — though, you know, she’s in their lives forever thanks to Dream.

But it doesn’t sound like Rob should ever be around Chyna again.

And at this point he isn’t displaying the emotional stability or maturity that should be allowed around any baby, including Dream.

Not to mention that Rob Kardashian could face revenge porn charges for posting those nudes of Chyna without her consent.

(The law is recent, because sometimes it takes a while for newly possible horrible things to be outlawed)

But the potential for multiple legal battles and the nature of this feud means that this whole mess isn’t likely to just go away any time soon.

We just hope that as little of it as possible will impact Dream.


Sunday, May 21, 2017

Scott Disick Slaps Ass in Vegas While Kourtney Kardashian Cuddles at Cannes (VIDEO)

Scott Disick and Kourtney Kardashian are worlds apart both in proximity and relationship status … he’s slapping ass in Vegas, and she’s cuddling her boo at Cannes. Scott hit up a party bus Saturday night after celebrating his 34th birthday at 1…


Scott Disick Slaps Ass in Vegas While Kourtney Kardashian Cuddles at Cannes (VIDEO)

Scott Disick and Kourtney Kardashian are worlds apart both in proximity and relationship status … he’s slapping ass in Vegas, and she’s cuddling her boo at Cannes. Scott hit up a party bus Saturday night after celebrating his 34th birthday at 1…


Wednesday, August 3, 2016

4-Year Old Will Miss Obama SO Much, Wants Cuddles

President Barack Obama currently has a 50% approval rating across most national polls.

This is an impressive figure for a Commander-in-Chief nearly eight years into his administration.

It makes it apparent that many people out there will be sad when Obama leaves office in January.

But no one will be sadder than the little girl featured in the video below.

According to Facebook, her name is Abella.

And, according to yours truly, she recently had the most adorable, most heartbreaking reaction we"ve ever seen to a President nearing the end of his two-term tenure.

The following footage was shared online by Abella;s mother, who wrote as a caption to the hilarious video:

My daughter Abella overheard me listening to the Democratic Convention last night and she is pretty devastated that Barack Obama is leaving the White House…

Who isn"t?!

At least half the country may be, just based on the approval percentage cited above.

But that isn"t the point here, of course.

The point is that Abella"s mommy eventually asks if the child wants to write a letter to Obama in order to express her feelings.

But this only makes Abella even more distraught.

What might help? A movie and being cuddled, she says, causing the Internet to break out into a collective AWWWWW just as she gets these words out.

We don"t typically laugh at the emotional pain of a four-year old, but we think it"s acceptable to make an exception in this case, don"t you?

It"s also unclear whether Abella will truly miss Obama … or whether she just fears who may take his place.

Her mother seems not to be concerned, however.

Watch below to see what we mean… and to laugh/smile/cry!

4 year old cant handle end of the barack obama presidency

4-Year Old Will Miss Obama SO Much, Wants Cuddles

President Barack Obama currently has a 50% approval rating across most national polls.

This is an impressive figure for a Commander-in-Chief nearly eight years into his administration.

It makes it apparent that many people out there will be sad when Obama leaves office in January.

But no one will be sadder than the little girl featured in the video below.

According to Facebook, her name is Abella.

And, according to yours truly, she recently had the most adorable, most heartbreaking reaction we"ve ever seen to a President nearing the end of his two-term tenure.

The following footage was shared online by Abella;s mother, who wrote as a caption to the hilarious video:

My daughter Abella overheard me listening to the Democratic Convention last night and she is pretty devastated that Barack Obama is leaving the White House…

Who isn"t?!

At least half the country may be, just based on the approval percentage cited above.

But that isn"t the point here, of course.

The point is that Abella"s mommy eventually asks if the child wants to write a letter to Obama in order to express her feelings.

But this only makes Abella even more distraught.

What might help? A movie and being cuddled, she says, causing the Internet to break out into a collective AWWWWW just as she gets these words out.

We don"t typically laugh at the emotional pain of a four-year old, but we think it"s acceptable to make an exception in this case, don"t you?

It"s also unclear whether Abella will truly miss Obama … or whether she just fears who may take his place.

Her mother seems not to be concerned, however.

Watch below to see what we mean… and to laugh/smile/cry!

4 year old cant handle end of the barack obama presidency

Friday, March 25, 2016

Ben Affleck Cuddles Superhero Puppies, Universe is Smitten

You could be the world"s biggest a-hole, but when you are seen cuddling a puppy, then all is forgiven.

Last night, Ben Affleck went on The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon to promote his upcoming blockbuster, Batman vs. Superman: Dawn of Justice (out today).

Fallon loves golden retrievers (he has one named Gary Frick), and really has the market cornered on retriever puppy segments.  

Imagine my delight when Fallon and Affleck played a game of "Pup Quiz," where the prize for a correct answer was a puppy dressed as a superhero.

I know.

The Tonight Show"s announcer Steve Higgins acted as host, fielding the first question to Affleck while holding a puppy in a Batman costume (complete with bat ears).

"In the DC Comics series, what was the name of Batman"s canine crime-fighting partner?" Higgins asked.

"Was it A) Rex The Wonder Dog? B) Ace the Bat-Hound or C) Bat Dog?"

The Boston native clearly didn"t do his homework, because he guess wrong (the correct answer was B).

The Batman puppy was then handed over to Fallon.

For the "Final Puppardy" round, Higgins asked "Roughly how many dogs live in New York City?"

I could watch this segment all the live-long day.

Ben affleck cuddles superhero puppies universe is smitten

Monday, November 30, 2015

Kristin Cavallari Cuddles Daughter Saylor, Misses Laguna Beach Reunion

Yesterday, Kristin Cavallari Instagram’d a photo of her newborn daughter, Saylor James, who was wrapped in a pink blanket.

The reality star, 28, wrote about not being able to attend her high school reunion. 

Yes, it’s been ten years since Cavallari whined about “STEE-PHEN” on MTV’s Laguna Beach.

Really sad about missing my 10 year high school reunion last night…so many people I wanted to see…but at least I have a good excuse,” Cavallari wrote.

Cavallari gave birth to Sawyer on November 23rd; the little girl is Cavallari’s third child and first daughter with Chicago Bears quarterback, Jay Cutler.

Cavallari and her fellow castmates Jason Wahler, Alex Murrel, Taylor Cole, Alex Hooser and Talan Torriero starred in the second season of Laguna Beach.

Last night, Wahler attended a Lakers game with Casey Reinhardt, who used to wear ratty hair extensions on the show and helped spread a rumor about Murrel’s personal hygiene.  Rude.

Murrel got married last year, and spoke to TooFab about who was in her wedding party, and who she still keeps in touch with.

“Well Taylor [Cole] was in the wedding, of course, and Morgan was actually my maid of honor and Alex H. [Hooser], who was also on ‘Laguna Beach,’ was in my bridal party as well,” Murrel said. 

“And you know I speak to Kristin [Cavallari] every once in a while, but she was busy and has her little guys running around. It was more of an intimate setting so I kept it to my immediate circle of friends.”

Monday, November 16, 2015

Kourtney Kardashian Goes Makeup-Free, Cuddles Daughter Penelope

Over the weekend, some surprising rumors about Kourtney Kardashian getting back together with Scott Disick emerged.

Kourt has yet to address those reports, but she did remind fans that Scott would be lucky to win her back:

That’s Kourtney and 3-year-old daughter Penelope enjoying a tender moment on Instagram.

Though it’s not the first time that Kourtney has gone makeup-free on social media, it’s rare to see any member of the Kardashian clan completely bare-faced and unfiltered. 

As a result, the pic has become a big hit with Kourtney’s followers.

Of course, the 36-year-old mother of three wasn’t the only one feeling familial, as Disick (who’s reportedly been doing everything in his power to win Kourtney back) posted a photo of Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie in Mr. & Mrs. Smith, with a caption reading, “Feelin’ some type of way.”

Of course, Brad and Angie’s latest offering, By the Sea, became one of the great vanity project flops in Hollywood history over the weekend, so if Scott was comparing the A-list couple to himself and Kourtney, his timing may have been a bit off. 

Keep trying, Scott. Amazingly, it looks like Kourtney is willing to give you a 47,000th chance. Try not to blow it again.