Friday, March 25, 2016

Ben Affleck Cuddles Superhero Puppies, Universe is Smitten

You could be the world"s biggest a-hole, but when you are seen cuddling a puppy, then all is forgiven.

Last night, Ben Affleck went on The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon to promote his upcoming blockbuster, Batman vs. Superman: Dawn of Justice (out today).

Fallon loves golden retrievers (he has one named Gary Frick), and really has the market cornered on retriever puppy segments.  

Imagine my delight when Fallon and Affleck played a game of "Pup Quiz," where the prize for a correct answer was a puppy dressed as a superhero.

I know.

The Tonight Show"s announcer Steve Higgins acted as host, fielding the first question to Affleck while holding a puppy in a Batman costume (complete with bat ears).

"In the DC Comics series, what was the name of Batman"s canine crime-fighting partner?" Higgins asked.

"Was it A) Rex The Wonder Dog? B) Ace the Bat-Hound or C) Bat Dog?"

The Boston native clearly didn"t do his homework, because he guess wrong (the correct answer was B).

The Batman puppy was then handed over to Fallon.

For the "Final Puppardy" round, Higgins asked "Roughly how many dogs live in New York City?"

I could watch this segment all the live-long day.

Ben affleck cuddles superhero puppies universe is smitten