Friday, March 25, 2016

Bristol Palin Baby Daddy: Actually Holding His Baby!

The war between Bristol Palin and Dakota Meyer has ended in peace.

After initially refusing to divulge that Meyer was even the father of daughter Sailor Grace, Bristol has now done a total 180. Consider the photo she just posted on Instagram below…

“Too cute not to share,” Palin wrote as a caption to the cute image, which is our first look at Meyer actually spending with with his child.

The parents, who were set to get married until Bristol called off the wedding at the last minute last summer, reached a custody agreement over Sailor earlier this month.

Meyer had filed a motion at the end of February requesting joint legal custody and Alaska Judge Herman G. Walker Jr. granted in court that the former lovers would share interim joint legal and physical custody of their baby.

As part of the process, text messages Bristol sent to Dakota were made public, each one actually showing that Palin did want her ex to be a part of her child’s life.

“There’s nothing on my end holding you back Dakota,” Bristol wrote at one point.

“I want you (and your family) to be in her life as much as possible. It’s not about us, and I don’t care if you hate me, put it aside and put her first.”

As it stands for now, Meyer will make the trip to Alaska from Kentucky twice a month and stay for four days each visit.

His visits have clearly started, as evidenced by the photo above, but sleepovers won’t commence until May.