Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Courtney Stodden Posts Makeup-Free Selfie, Praises Self for Bravery

Courtney Stodden is putting her hard-earned image as porn star Barbie aside to commit a truly commendable act of courage.

WOW, what did she do, you ask?

Run into a burning building to save a stray kitten? Well… no.

Stand up against rebel fighters threatening to silence women’s rights activists? Um, not exactly.

What, then? What exquisite gesture was proffered by the underage bride that is garnering such applause?

She posted a photo of herself to Instagram without ANY MAKEUP on.

“NO MAKEUP … NO HAIRSPRAY… NO FANCY CLOTHES… NO FILTER ‼️ just me. #BeingBrave,” she wrote in the caption.

While it’s true that we normally see Courtney with a fully painted face, we can’t help but feel chagrined at the reminder that sexism is not only alive but kicking when the world thinks a #NoMakeup selfie constitutes an act of bravery for women.

But then again, who’s actually looking at her face in the pic above? Egads, it’s like she’s got three heads.

Courtney and her mom Krista Keller have emerged as the breakout trainwreck team on The Mother/Daughter Experiment: Celebrity Edition this season – which is saying a lot given that Heidi Montag and Kim Richards also star in the show.

First, Courtney accused Krista of trying to steal her husband Doug Hutchison, the 55-year-old actor the young blonde married when she was just 16.

Then Krista defended herself by turning the tables and revealing that it was Doug who made the moves by coming to her for emotional support and expressing fantasies of a mother/daughter threesome with the pair.

It’s not tough to see why Courtney’s values may just be a teensy bit out of whack.

We think Courtney looks great without the glam, but can’t wait for the day when makeup isn’t regarded as a basic requirement for women – even moderately famous ones.