Thursday, March 31, 2016

I Am Cait Super Trailer: Who"s Kissing Whom?

Those who watch I Am Cait online or on their television set witnessed Caitlyn Jenner coming face to face with Hillary Clinton last Sunday.

That was a bit awkward, wasn"t it? Considering Jenner has recently referred to the Presidential hopeful as a "liar?"

But it looks like things may soon get even awkward for Caitlyn, as a new trailer for the remainder of I Am Cait Season 2 features her kissing… Kris Jenner?!?


But, no, not like that.

On an upcoming episode of this E! reality series, Kris actually joins her ex-husband’s group of friends on a trip to Mardi Gras – and, while aboard a bus, the Jenners smooch on the lips while Caitlyn"s pals cheer them on.

We somehow doubt this will lead to a reconciliation, however.

We do later see the ex-couple sitting down to have a profound talk, however, with both sides committed to mending their broken relationship.

"I just want to apologize for the way I acted," Caitlyn says to Kris in the sneak peek. "It didn"t have to be that way."

How nice, right?

Far nicer than what Caitlyn has to say about Republican Presidential hopeful Ted Cruz.

Check out the preview below to find out what she thinks of his viewpoints on life.

I am cait super trailer whats on tap