Showing posts with label Who's. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Who's. Show all posts

Thursday, January 3, 2019

Coachella 2019 Gucci Mane Gets Typo in Lineup ... Who"s Gucci Gang???

Gucci Mane, meet Gucci Gang — the name he’ll apparently be performing under at Coachella this year … according to Coachella promoters, anyway.
There’s a major typo on Coachella’s website right now, which calls the Atlanta rapper “Gang” instead of...
Coachella 2019 Gucci Mane Gets Typo in Lineup ... Who"s Gucci Gang???

Friday, November 2, 2018

Grey"s Anatomy Recap: Who"s Dying?

Ghosts from the past roamed the halls of Seattle Grace Memorial on Thursday’s episode of Grey’s Anatomy as Día de Muertos weighed heavily on the minds of our favorite characters. 

It was all thanks to a girl named Flo who was in the hospital for surgery, so her family decided to celebrate their tradition, and it resulted in a lot of blasts from the past. 

Before that, Richard pulled Meredith aside to let her know that one of his friends told him her father was dying of cancer and was in a hospice. 


This threw Meredith for a loop as she tried to conclude whether her deadbeat father deserved to be graced with her presence one last time. 

As such, she turned to Maggie because they’re as close as ever, but Meredith quickly realized the journey ahead was one she had to travel on her own. 

Cece set her up on another date, and she wasted no time in talking about her issues with her father, and it rendered the whole romance a dud. 

Both Link and DeLuca were in a battle for Meredith’s heart, so they were especially pissed to learn that she was still dating. 

After embracing Día de Muertos, Meredith exited the hospital, but there were ghosts from the past walking the halls. 

There was Derek, Lexie, George and even Meredith’s mother, Ellis. Meredith somehow found herself getting closer to Link after visiting Alex instead of her father.

Elsewhere, Miranda and Jo worked together with a woman who was planning her funeral because she was under the impression she was not getting the liver she needed in time. 

A patient died, and Miranda decided to try and salvage the liver from his body because he was a match with the woman who needed the liver. 

Despite the liver functioning, Alex shut the whole thing down, claiming that he couldn’t allow it to go ahead in case there were issues down the line that put the hospital under scrutiny. 

But Bailey and Jo went ahead with the surgery thinking they were saving a life, and that they did. The surgery went well, and the woman survived with a new lease on life. 

Jo thought Alex was going to flip out, but he loved that she was right and they got hot and heavy in his office.

Elsewhere, Betty went missing, and it threw a wrench in Teddy’s plan to tell Owen all about her carrying his child. 

Yes, this storyline is going to be dragged on until the midseason finale, you guys!

Amelia, Teddy, and Owen worked together to find the teenager, but their mission was unsuccessful. They ultimately gave up when Amelia had to go to a meeting because she thought she was being triggered. 

The mystery of Betty’s whereabouts will continue on next Thursday’s installment. 

What are your thoughts on the latest episode?


Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Duggar Kids: Who"s the Biggest Rebel Against Jim Bob"s Ridiculous Rules?

When the Duggars rose to fame in the early 2000s, audiences were drawn to their reality shows primarily because Jim Bob and Michelle had already sired a massive brood, and they seemed to have no plans to put the breeding on hold anytime soon.

As time went on, however, viewers realized that their fertility was not the most unusual thing about the Duggars.

Instead, it was the family"s bonkers belief system that made for such compelling viewing.

From courtship rules to insanely strict dress codes, the Duggars controlled every aspect of their kids" lives, and it was only a matter of time before the offspring started to rebel.

Take a look:

1. Josiah Can’t Be Tamed

Josiah duggar and lauren

First, there’s Josiah Duggar. Sure, he recently settled down and got married, but we’re guessing his days as the main cause of Jim Bob’s migraines are far from over.

2. Heartbreaker

Josiah duggar marjorie jackson photo

Josiah is unique among his siblings in that he was involved in a different courtship BEFORE he met his wife.

3. The Mystery Deepens

Josiah duggar and marjorie jackson

There’s still no word on what caused Josiah and Marjorie to call off their courtship — a move that’s almost unprecedented in Duggar Land. Scandalous!

4. Still Rebelling

Josiah duggar and wife

After his relationship with Marjorie ended, Josiah continued to maintain an Instagram account in direct defiance of his parents’ rules.

5. What Courtship Rules?

Swanson and josiah duggar

He and Lauren Swanson also held hands, front-hugged and went on un-chaperoned dates before they were married. Someone arrest this man!

6. Four Can Play at That Game!

John david and abbie break the rules

But no one tossed the courtship rules right out the window quite like John David Duggar and his fiance Abbir Burnett.

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Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Teen Mom OG Recap: Look Who"s Back!

Teen Mom OG featured an unexpected return on October 29, 2018.

The MTV drama also revealed something unfortunate about one of the kids featured each week, along with more fighting between Bristol Palin and Dakota Meyer.

Yes, it remains ugly between the estranged former spouses.

Scroll down for a full recap of events and developments…

1. Hi There, Mackenzie Standifer

Mackenzie standifer returns

Standifer had said she was done with the show, but she joined Ryan Edwards’ parents, Jen and Larry Edwards, for a conversation about Bentley’s schooling on this installment.

2. The 10-Year Old Should Attend Private School

The 10 year old should attend private school

“Ryan’s put the money in the education account, so the funding is there for him,” Jen said about her grandson’s future, agreeing with Mackenzie that Bentley should be educated in a private facility. “He’s pretty much adamant about him not going to public school.”

3. Amen!

Ryan edwards and mackenzie standifer selfie

Mackenzie chimed in here, adding that her husband is “dead set” on the idea and saying: “A friend of mine is the admissions director, but Maci has to be the one to do all the paperwork. She has to be the one to really get it going.”

4. Wait a Minute…

Talking about bentley

Bookout grew irritated that Jen and Larry would even put the idea of private school into Bentley’s head … without discussing it with her first. She told her son that just because he wants to go, doesn’t mean he’s gets to go. It’s more complicated than that.

5. Why Not Go Public?

Pondering a future

Speaking to Taylor McKinney about the topic, Maci explained her stance: “It’s almost like he thinks because you have to pay for it, it’s special. Part of me thinks that, just for the fact that Bentley has grown up in an odd family situation and on TV, public school is better for him [because] he gets exposed to a lot of different walks of life than his. I don’t want Bentley to think he is on a pedestal or belongs on one, being on TV … He just expects when he wants something, at Jen and Larry’s, he gets it.”

6. What About Bristol and Dakota?

What about bristol and dakota

The divorce was a go and Bristol was prepared to move out. Talking to one of the show’s producers, Palin explained that she and her ex-husband still needed to hammer out custody details for their two daughters — and that she’s heartbroken to see how Meyer has allegedly iced out her son with Levi Johnston, Tripp.

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Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Married At First Sight Reunion: Who’s Expecting? Who’s Divorced?


A handful of bombshells were dropped on the Married At First Sight reunion special Tuesday night.

For instance, one couple is expecting a child… another is no longer together… and all involved have seen their lives significantly changed by their participation in this show.

Bobby Dodd and Danielle Bergman image

We might as well start with Bobby Dodd and Danielle Bergman, right?

These two basically enjoyed a perfect season, not even fighting a bit on decision day when Bobby got down on one knee and proposed to Danielle.

This helped Danielle feel confident that her husband was truly in love — and the twosome told viewers yesterday that they are yet to have their first disagreement.

Oh, and one more thing:


With their first child on the way, Bobby and Danielle confirmed that they’ll be a part of the spinoff series Married At First Sight: Happily Ever After? where they will join two other couples from the program who are expecting children.

Interesting twist, huh?

Tristan Thompson and Mia Bally dance

The news was less positive for Tristan Thompson and Mia Bally, however.

As previously reported, these newlyweds have filed for divorce.

And we now know why.

Once the cameras stopped rolling and the season ended, Mia walked out on Tristan for showing her pictures of his ex-girlfriend.

“He said I was not mentally strong or mentally tough,” Mia explained to the camera on this special episode.

After the dramatic walk out, the couple decided they needed to simply dissolve their marriage, arguing on the reunionset over who initiated the split, but this is on legal record:

Mia filed the paperwork.

dave f

Can we at least end on a happy note with an update on Dave Flaherty and Amber Martorana?

No, actually.

Amber, who is now brunette, appeared on the reunion to announce that their romance had gone sour.

Amber moved out of Dave’s home after a few major fights, one of which included the unresolved issue of her previously dating one of his friends. Awkward!

“He just kind of felt more like he doesn’t know if he could fall in love with me,” Amber said. “I moved out. I felt like maybe he needs more time to know if maybe I’m the person he wants.”

amber image

Following the move, Dave simply couldn’t do it anymore.

Amber said she tried to save the marriage because she recognized her mistakes — but Dave had no desire to even go to counseling with her. He was done.

“I don’t think that we will be able to reconcile things,” Dave said. “We both hoped that it would be in a different place right now but I think that the reality is that it’s not.”

This revelation made Amber feel like a failure.

She said she was disappointed with herself.

Even though Dave’s choice might have been predictable, she was still very upset hearing it.

But, hey, at least Bobby and Danielle are having a baby! Good for them!


Monday, October 22, 2018

The Walking Dead Recap: Who"s The Killer?

The final path for Rick and Maggie is starting to take shape. 

As previously reported, both Andrew Lincoln and Lauren Cohan are departing The Walking Dead during the first half of the current season. 

Sunday’s episode picked up Justin becoming a member of the undead, but all of the communities had no idea where he was. 

The Saviors were especially mad because they knew something happened to him, but the person was just going to get away with it. 

As all the communities tried to find him, Maggie noticed the reanimated version of him looking for some fine dining on the streets. 

Among the pool of suspects in the spate of disappearances were Daryl, Maggie, and Jadis. Daryl and Maggie have long been against the Saviors, and for a good reason. 

But Jadis had an alibi … or so we thought. Gabriel told the others she was him the night Justin went missing, so she could not be the one in the frame. 

After yet another big bust-up, Alden opened up to Rick about the Saviors feeling more at ease if they were trusted to have a firearm. 

Rick was not ready to reason with him and said that it was not out of the question. It was all a matter of finding out who was responsible for these disappearances. 

“You trust me, don’t you?” Alden said to Maggie. “How about trusting a few other people who’ve made a change?”

Rick ultimately grilled Daryl about the murder, and it showed just how fraught this friendship had become. 

“If I’d-a killed him, I’d-a killed him in plain sight,” Daryl complained, leading to Rick claiming that they were building a better future and they had to do their best to stick to it. 

But Daryl had heard it all before and felt like the Saviors took a lot of their comrades from them. 

“But killing each other when the world already belongs to the dead, it’s not the way, not anymore,” said Rick after claiming that killing is not the way forward anymore. 

Gabriel continued to question whether Jadis was only with him because she wanted a cover story for all of her misdeeds. 

The plot thickened when Jadis returned to her former stomping grounds, and brought out a walkie-talkie and called someone. 

“What do you have, an A or a B?” said the man who replied. “I paid my share,” she responded

After going back on forth on letters, Jadis said she would have an A by the next day. 

Okay then. 

When she returned to Gabriel she gave him the following offer:

“There’s another place that’s far from here,” she said, “but if we go together, we can get there.”

She was trading people for supplies for her people. But Gabriel did not want to help out and found himself knocked out. 

Daryl and Maggie found their way to a house that Cyndie once lived, and they found Cyndie, Bea and another girl going at it with Arat. 

The Saviors had murdered all of their friends and family, and that’s why they took action to take them down. 

After some back and forth, Maggie and Daryl allowed the women to murder Arat for his crimes. 

“We gave Rick’s way a chance,” she said. “It’s time to see Negan.”

What will become of these characters?

Hit the comments below. 

The Walking Dead continues Sunday on AMC. 


Friday, September 28, 2018

How to Get Away with Murder Recap: Who"s Dead Now?!

Does How to Get Away with Murder know what viewers want? 

It certainly seemed that way on How to Get Away with Murder Season 5 Episode 1 which gave birth to a whole new mystery that is poised to find another key player getting, well, murdered. 

The murder in question takes place at Connor and Oliver’s wedding, and based on the slap Annalise hurls at Frank upon hearing about the unlucky player bleeding out on the snow, she’s pissed about it. 

Before we got much in the way of answers, this series went back to the beginning of the school year. 

A brand new year at Middleton University got underway, but there was a striking difference from the previous year:

Annalise Keating was back, and in good graces with the faculty. 

Did you really think her Class Action lawsuit against the justice system was going to result in her retiring? 

Um, no. Annalise returned… with new wigs, and the same old attitude. 

Celebrating her return to the school, she admitted off the bat that there would be a brand new clinic and that the surviving original members were not guaranteed a spot. 

That meant, Asher, Connor, Michaela, and Laurel aka the core four who have been associated a little too heavily with all the previous murders would have to impress her if they wanted to remain part of her team. 

Frank wanted to be part of the class, but he was relegated to the waitlist. Is he really wanting to be part of this class to find out more about the elusive Gabriel Maddox?

It sure seemed that way, but anything is possible with this show. Speaking of Frank, he was getting a little too comfortable with Laurel staying at his. 

It led to them having lots of sex. Frank was all too happy to throw his clothes off at any given moment, but there was heartbreak in store for him. 

Laurel decided it was best to move out before things got too serious. That’s when Frank got down on one knee and actually proposed to her. 

Did Laurel accept this offer to be with a man who murders when the going gets tough? 

Nope. She dumped him and moved in with Connor, Michaela and Oliver, so there’s that. 

The only silver lining in all of this was that he got to be Cristopher’s godfather. It seems Laurel is not quite ready for a relationship, you guys. 

In the meantime, Frank wanted to know what Gabriel Maddox was up to and whether he was this kid who was supposed to be dead. 

Thankfully, Frank was on hand to pull some strings. Even when this dude is away from Annalise, he still manages to find himself in crazy situations. 

He learned that Gabriel was the kid, but we never learned whether he was the child of Annalise or the child of Bonnie. 

This show certainly knows how to keep viewers wanting more. 

Annalise made her decision about the clinic and left Asher out in the cold. 

The reason?

She’s tired of hearing about him pining after Michaela. In her eyes, he needs to grow up and stop acting so god damn childish. 

Simply put, Annalise had a lot on her mind. She needed to find the right law firm to support her clinic. 

That meant fielding a lot of offers that would rake in a lot of $ . Just when it seemed like she was ready to get what she wanted, she was dropped like a hot potato from every firm. 

Taking on the justice system came back to bite her in a huge way. 

That’s when she returned to Caplan & Gold with a brand new offer. When they declined, she stormed out of the building. 

But she later got a call saying she should return to sign on the dotted line. Annalise has still got it, it seems.

The final scene featured the biggest bombshell of the night:

The person bleeding out on the snow was right next to baby Christopher.

Could it be Laurel?!

Would the show really kill off Laurel?

We’ll need to tune in this fall to find out!

What did you think of the premiere? 

Hit the comments below. 

How to Get Away with Murder continues Thursdays on ABC. 


Monday, September 17, 2018

Big Brother Recap: Who"s in Danger?

Brett is out, but who’s next?

The stakes are at an all-time high as Level Six is very close to having the remaining three members make up the final three of Big Brother Season 20. 

JC knew he was close to eviction after Angela and Tyler took Brett out of the game during the double eviction. He knew there was something amiss, and also that Tyler was not to be trusted. 

We quickly learned that Brett met up with Tyler during the double and Tyler played along with the plan to get either Angela or Kaycee out of the house. 

That explained why Brett was so blindsided to be put on the block, to the point that he couldn’t say much during his final plea for safety. 

For JC, he got scared during the double that he was going to be taken out, but Tyler was adamant that JC should trust him. 

As we know, it worked, but that’s not stopping JC from wondering how long he has left in the game. 

Sam also did some damage control for her hurtful comments towards Angela, presumably because Angela was still in the game and was in good standing with Tyler. 

While Angela accepted, she said in the diary room that “this bitch is going to send your ass home.” Wouldn’t it be hilarious if Sam won the HOH, and actually sent Angela home?

That would be a blindside that would sway the jury in Sam’s favor in the finale. 

When Tyler tried to quell JC’s fears, it was obvious JC was mad. 

“I didn’t know you were working that close to the girls,” he yelled, but Tyler was adamant the girls would be targeting Sam for eviction. 

When all is said and done, Angela secured another competition win, and it was her third HOH win of the summer. 

Angela was open and honest about who she was targeting: Sam. While JC is the bigger threat, it seems Angela wants Sam out of the equation in case Tyler takes Sam instead of her at the end. 

However, Tyler worried that JC could be the one to flip the tables on him and got to work to get him made the target. 

“I really need to start thinking about who I want to be sitting next to if I can get to the end,” he revealed to the diary room. 

JC continued to self-destruct and yelled to Tyler that he should win the veto, save him, and naturally, Kaycee would be on the block. 

With that, the houseguests were treated to a performance by Bebe Rexha, but it was obvious there was a lot of tension in the house. 

Angela closed the episode by nominating JC and Sam, noting that she could not win against either of them because she has not played the most loyal game. 

She has a point, despite the competition wins, she’s one of the most unlikable houseguests in the history of the series. 

What do you think of all of this?

Hit the comments below. 

Big Brother continues Wednesday on CBS!


Wednesday, August 22, 2018

The Hills Reboot: Who"s In? Who"s Out?

We suppose it was only a matter of time before TV moguls started taking a cue from their counterparts in the film world and began recycling old projects for new audiences.

It started with your favorite 3-camera 90s sitcoms, and now the reboot trend has expanded to reality TV.

And it should come as no surprise that MTV is leading the pack, as no one at that network has had a new idea since the Clinton years.

First, it was Jersey Shore, and now The Hills is coming back for a brand new season pointlessly subtitled New Beginnings.

And just like their East Coast equivalents, it seems not everyone from the SoCal squad is ready to step in front of a camera again.

Here"s what we know so far about the returning cast …

1. LC See Ya Later

Lc aka lauren conrad

The first question on the minds of most fans is whether or not Lauren Conrad will be returning to one of the two shows that made her famous. (Lauren was also a Laguna Beach OG.)

2. Dilemma

Lauren conrad curls

It’s hard to imagine The Hills without LC, but it’s also hard to imagine Lauren — the rare reality star who actually found post-show success — involving herself in the drama that made the show a success.

3. Bowing Out

Lc lauren conrad style

Those who know Lauren best say they’re not surprised the businesswoman and new mom has decided not to participate in the reboot.

4. Moving On

Lauren conrad cosmo picture

“She’s in a different place in her life,” a source tells People magazine. “But she wants everyone to enjoy themselves. She wishes everyone the best.

5. New Priorities

A lovely lauren conrad

“She loves being a mother and focusing on her family and on her work,” the source adds. “She has a very full and happy life.”

6. No Need For MTV

Lauren conrad and william tell are cute

The news doesn’t come as much of a shock. Lauren stepped away from The Hills in the show’s final season, and in the years since, she’s become one of those Jessica Simpson types who makes more money selling handbags and crap than she ever did on TV.

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Monday, August 20, 2018

Teen Mom OG: Look Who"s Joining the Cast Now!

That"s it, reality TV.

We give up. You win.

Every time we think this genre of entertainment cannot get any more absurd or far-fetched, we fire up the Internet or turn on the small screen and we"re proven wrong.

We figured we"d never be shocked again after Bristol Palin was hired to come on board as full-time Teen Mom OG cast member next season.

But now comes word that someone from who past will also appear on upcoming episodes.

Scroll down to see who we mean and prepare for your jaw to hit the floor in 3… 2… 1…

1. Yes, Bristol Palin Really is Joining the Show

Bristol palin looks crazy

This announcement, which we still cannot get over, was made in mid-July, taking all fans by total and complete shock.

2. Is Bristol a Teen Mom?

Bristol and 3 kids

No, but she was easily the most famous pregnant teenager in the country back when her mother ran for Vice President in 2008 and America learned that Palin, at 17 years old, was expecting a child.

3. What About Now?

Bristol palin legs

Palin has three kids: a son named Tripp and two daughters, Sailor and Atlee. She is divorced from the father of her second two children, Dakota Meyer.

4. Who is the Father of Her Firstborn?

Bristol palin and levi johnston

Levi Johnston, to whom Bristol was briefly engaged back during the 2008 Presidential campaign and someone who was rather prominent on the national scene at the time.

5. It’s True!

Levi johnston at rnc

This goes back a decade, so we understand if some readers may not have been following the news closely back then. But, look, here he is ON STAGE at the Republican National Convention.

6. And Here He Is Shaking Hands with Presidential Candidate John McCain

Levi johnstonmccain

It was as surreal as it sounds, partly because we cannot fathom how parts of the country would have responded if one of Barack Obama’s daughters was pregnant out of wedlock at the time and her teenage son was making all of these appearances.

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Thursday, July 26, 2018

The Real Housewives of New York Season 10 Episode 16 Recap: Guess Who"s Arguing at Dinner?

It sure looks like there’s no hope for Bethenny Frankel and Carole Radziwill. 

Their feud continued on The Real Housewives of New York Season 10 Episode 6, and while it made for good TV, you could tell both women were done with each other. 

When the episode got underway, Bethenny was wailing about how busy she was and that she had very little support. 

“I’m cracking,” she said to Dorinda Medley. 

But things never got any better, and Bethenny called her boyfriend, Dennis for some guidance. 

“I’m crying nonstop like a crazy person. I have no relationship with Carole. I don’t know. I’m not welcome here,” she continued. 

Tensions continued to mount during a group dinner in which the two women tried to figure out what really caused their friendship to go down. 

“I’m just sad, and I’m hurt,” Bethenny said to Carole, but the former journalist genuinely seemed concerned about her frenemy. 

“This has been the worst vacation of my entire life,” said Bethenny after Carole gave her a kiss on the head. 

While that may have seemed the extending of the olive branch, Carole later said in a confessional that her relationship with Bethenny was like an abusive relationship. 


As if things were not bad enough, Luann de Lesseps and Dorinda got into it at the same dinner table, and it all started because of the alcohol. 

“How are the margaritas?” Luann asked.

“What?,” Dorinda replied as though someone had just stolen her margarita. 

“She’s turning,” said Luann of Dorinda. If you watch The Real Housewives online, you know that Dorinda has had some big bust-ups fueled by alcohol. 

“Darling, what’s that mean, darling?,” Dorinda fired back, clearly irate by the way she had just been spoken to. 

Things took a wild turn when Luann refused to apologize.

“Drink some more and get arrested. Felony,"” Dorinda barked at her friend. 

That’s a low blow when you consider the fact that Luann’s arrest and battle with alcohol recently played out on the show. 

Luann managed to keep her cool but told Dorinda to cut the crap, but Dorinda persisted, even going as low as bringing up the mugshot from Luann’s arrest. 

We think it’s fair to say that mugshots are rarely flattering, so we don’t get where Dorinda was going with this. 

Carole decided to immerse herself int that argument, saying Luann has been sober for “two minutes” so should not be passing judgment on others. 

After the ladies talked smack about each other, Bethenny and Luann met up to chat about Dorinda. 

Bethenny brought up the drinking at the aide mission in Puerto Rico. 

“She has a drinking problem,” Bethenny said.

Bethenny then tried to talk to Dorinda about what happened between her and Luann, and Dorinda said the following:

“Yeah, I f***ed my relationship with Luann. It doesn’t matter,” she said.

While Dorinda was ready to forget all about it, Bethenny was adamant that Luann still liked her and they could make things right. 

God, these women really know how to bring the drama. 

What are your thoughts on all the drama?

Hit the comments below. 

The Real Housewives of New York continues Wednesday on Bravo. 


Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Justin Bieber & Hailey Baldwin or Ariana Grande & Pete Davidson: Who"s More Likely to Actually Wed?

Millennial heart throbs Justin Bieber, Hailey Baldwin, Ariana Grande and Pete Davidson have all made headlines with abrupt engagements.

They’re young. They’re hot. They’re celebrity gossip and pop culture staples, and they’re head overheels in love right now. 

But will either couple actually tie the knot?

That’s the million-dollar question THG’s staff debates below. We’re spilt on the subject, so read our views and share your own below.

JUSTIN & HAILEY by Tyler Johnson

When word got out that Ariana Grande and Pete Davidson were engaged, fans were flat-out stunned – and rightfully so.

After all, here was one of the world’s most famous and beloved women coupled up with an SNL bit player who seems incapable of playing any character other than himself. 

It’s one of those Julia Roberts-Lyle Lovett mismatches that makes you fully believe in the power of that intangible attractant that’s recently been dubbed “big dick energy.”

Ariana has enthusiastically tweeted about Pete’s massive dong, but my best guess as to what really draws her to Davidson is the fact that he represents a sort of down-to-earth groundedness that can be hard to come by in the world of an A-list celeb.

After back-to-back relationships with self-serious rappers, Ariana has found herself a goofy Staten Island stoner with a penchant for self-deprecation.

The problem is, she hasn’t been with Davidson long enough to know if his schtick will grow old.

And as someone who’s seen LOTS of Pete thanks to a non-existent social life that’s led to many a Saturday night in front of the TV, well …

… I can pretty much guarantee that it will.

That’s why you need to let the heady thrill of a blossoming romance subside before you make any major decisions about your future together.

Pete’s penchant for Harry Potter-inspired pot comedy might seem cute now (“More like Hufflepuff, puff pass, amiright?!” we imagine him quipping before coughing up a cloud), but world famous pop icons tend to get bored easily.

When Ari begins to realize that Pete’s humor leans more toward early Adam Sandler than the best of Seth Rogen, whatever he’s packing in those pricey sweatpants might not be enough to save the relationship.

Justin and Hailey win by default.

ARIANA & PETE by Free Britney

This is not a vote of confidence in Ariana Grande and Pete Davidson as much as a vote of no confidence in Justin Bieber. 

Forgive me if I’m not buying his newfound commitment to settle down with one woman for the rest of his life.

He’s shown no ability to keep one around (or not act like a lost puppy slash derelict of society) for more than a few weeks at a time. 

See above. And here.

Also, Hailey is 21 and just broke up with a 19-year-old. She’s model gorgeous and has her whole life ahead of her. 

You think she’s not going to wake up one day and realize she’s settling for a washed up pop star who can’t keep it in his pants (either when fornicating or urinating in public) and who obviously pines for someone else?

As for Ariana, well, at least she’s a serial monogamist, and Pete is so against type that there’s gotta be something absolutely electric there. 

Or just long and wide. In any case, both couples face steep odds, but give me Grandson to outlast Biebwin any day. 

JUSTIN & HAILEY by Hilton Hater

Oh, God.

No, this was not my reaction to the news that Justin Bieber and Hailey Baldwin are engaged. This is my reaction to the haters who think they won’t last.

Such doubters appear to have overlooked not just Hailey, but the Higher Power to whom Justin has now pledged his life.

Have you not noticed that he hasn’t released new music in months? That he stopped touring early last summer?

That he brought Selena Gomez to church when those two got back together and that sources have said he’s been doing the same with Baldwin?

Bieber may have had problems with his ego, his temper and with commitment to his cacophony of lovers in the past, but the singer has clearly changed his ways. 

He’s on a different path now, one defined by things more important than albums recorded or arenas sold out – and he wants a true partner by his side for this journey.

I believe that person is Baldwin. I believe in their love.

ARIANA & PETE by Simon Delott

I’d have to put my money on Ariana Grande and Pete Davidson.

I’m the first to admit that I love Ariana and Pete too much to view either of them objectively, let alone their relationship. But …

… I can and will cite a pseudo-scientific indicator that these two are more likely to stay together.

Several years ago, sociologists at NYU used decades of statistical data from 4,500 families and found that couples in which the man was much taller than the woman were, for whatever reason, more likely to stay together.

Folks, Ariana Grande is 5 feet tall.

Pete Davidson is 6-foot-3.

Those 15 inches could see them through to the end. And, speaking of inches, Ariana herself started a rumor that Pete is what one might call genitally gifted.

We’ve all seen couples stay together for worse reasons.

It could very well be that Justin Bieber and Hailey Baldwin actually make it down the aisle. After all, they’ve dated before and they seem compatible. 

They both have very Christian parents and are outspoken Christians themselves. They’ve even been attending Hillsong Church services together.

But they are exes.

If they broke up before, they can and probably will break up again. Justin just got finished doing this same thing with Selena Gomez.

He calls her out of the blue, says that he wants to talk, and suddenly they’re spending time at Hillsong together as if Justin’s suddenly a brand new, much better person than he was.

Well, we all saw how long that lasted. 

So, sure, Justin and Hailey could be endgame. But it seems more likely that, as soon as that oxytocin high of reuniting with an ex dies down, the game will end.

Now it’s your turn, THG Nation.

Vote below and hit the comments!

And the Winner is?

Justin Bieber and Hailey Baldwin are engaged. So are Ariana Grande and Pete Davidson. Both face a chorus of critics doubting that it can possibly last, so we ask: Which duo is more likely to?! View Poll »


Monday, July 9, 2018

Teen Mom 2: Who"s the Real MVP of This Season ... and Franchise!?

It is about to be totally on between the Teen Mom 2 cast members, THG Nation. No, there"s no new scandal you missed.

There was no fresh shade thwon between Kailyn Lowry, Jenelle Evans, Briana DeJesus, Chelsea Houska or Leah Messer.

But there is a debate to be had.

Over the past several months, we"ve been exposed to one explosive fight after another; one allegation of child abuse after …

… actually, there"s been just one allegation of child abuse so far, but that"s a story for another time (and another time, and another).

Bottom line: the prominence of Teen Mom 2 news and gossip has forced us to think about this MTV show more than ever.

With many arguments breaking out within THG Headquarters, our staff has decided to come together below to settle this:

WHO IS THE MVP OF TEEN MOM 2? Below, we make the case for Kail, Jenelle, Briana, Chelsea and Leah …

1. Kailyn Lowry: The Resilient Success Story.

Classic kailyn

As with any Teen Mom 2 star, Kailyn has had her ups and downs. She became a mother at 17 years old while appearing on the second season of MTV’s 16 and Pregnant. First, fans watched Kail grapple with a lack of support from her family. Being pregnant as teenager is hard enough without having rely upon your baby daddy’s family.

2. Unlucky in Love

Javi kailyn and kids

Then, on Teen Mom 2, fans have gotten to watch this unlucky-in-love mother struggle with romance, additional pregnancies, and with co-parenting. Once you dig through the ins and outs with Javi Marroquin, the sometimes frightening drama with Chris Lopez, and all of the frustrations of being a reality star, she’s a mom.

3. She’s Their Whole World

Kailyn lowry three sons

To Isaac, Lincoln, and baby Lux, Kailyn is their whole world. And though her taste in men leaves much to be desired, she is a much, much better parent than some of her co-stars. She seems to have mastered co-parenting as much as anyone in her situation possibly could, juggling holiday events with baby daddies and even their extended families.

4. Kail Does Not Mince Words

Kailyn lowry in her calvins

On top of everything else, Kail is not afraid to be open and honest with her fans on social media, whether it’s about her bisexuality or her careful decisions regarding plastic surgeries.

5. Hustle and Heart

Kailyn lowry ad

She’s taken plenty of flak for having three kids with three different guys, but Lowry’s not looking for handouts. She recently graduated from Delaware State and is always hustling – whether it’s promoting products, her own books and podcast, or embarking in other business ventures.

6. Never a Dull Moment

Kailyn lowry nude

It doesn’t hurt that she’s very entertaining. Just saying. – Simon Delott

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