Showing posts with label Walking. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Walking. Show all posts

Monday, November 5, 2018

The Walking Dead Recap: Did Rick Grimes Die?

The Walking Dead said goodbye to an original star on Sunday night. 

And no, we’re not talking about one of the recurring players here. We’re talking about the character who kickstarted the franchise on the series premiere, Rick Grimes!

If you watch The Walking Dead online, you know that Rick was injured at the close of last week’s episode after trying to lure two herds of walkers away from his comrades. 

With Rick going in and out of consciousness, he met a lot of his fallen friends, and one of them was Shane aka the man who got jiggy with Rick’s wife, Lori while he was in a coma. 

It was a surprising scene because it took Rick all the way back to his days as a police officer, patrolling the streets of Atlanta with his BFF. 

It didn’t last long, however, and Rick found himself back in the present and a walker about to kill him. He managed to fight it and escaped with his horse. 

Yes, it may seem like Rick is invincible, but he has been fighting these zombies for several years, so it makes sense … kind of. 

Another ghost from the past Rick met was Hershel who told Rick it was okay for him to let go, and that Maggie was growing as a leader every single day. 

All of these visions seemed to want Rick to know that he could die and everyone would be able to move on if they had to. 

The most striking vision was Rick on a huge landscape filled with bodies, but the bodies were of everyone Rick’s ever been close to. 

It was harrowing for sure, but there was a beacon of hope in the form of the dearly departed Sasha. 

“’Cause you did your part like I did mine… like the others did before us,” she said.

“They gave us the strength that we needed to do what we had to do for the others, and the others draw strength from us. We make each other better, and it never ends.”

“It crosses over toward the brave and loving.” 

With that, Rick woke back up and was saved by Michonne and his friends, but he was not out of the woods. As he prepared to die, his girlfriend had some words for him. 

It’s not over,” she said. “We don’t die.”

That’s when we learned that Rick was still unconscious and he imagined the reunion. He continued to try and take the zombies away from his friends. 

Rick found dynamite on the bridge with the walkers who were about to make their way to the other communities, so he blew the bridge up.

Everyone was stunned by the loss of Rick, noting that he died a hero. However, he was well and truly alive down the river. 

Anne appeared and claimed she was going to save Rick from this horrible world.  

“It’s not a trick, not anymore. I’m trying to save a friend who saved me,” she claimed to the people on the walkie-talkie.

“I have something for you now. We have a deal?”

Rick and Anne were picked up by the chopper and taken well and truly away from the danger zone. 

What the eff just happened? As if that big twist was not bad enough, we were thrown straight into the future to meet a much older Judith who was leading the charge on a rescue mission. 

What are your thoughts on Rick’s last stand?

Hit the comments below. 


Monday, October 29, 2018

The Walking Dead Recap: Did Maggie Kill Negan?

Ever since the brutal murder of Glen on The Walking Dead Season 7 Episode 1, the love of his life, Maggie has been desperately trying to find a way to avenge his death. 

Sunday’s episode of the AMC hit found Maggie arming herself to murder Negan, the former leader of the Saviors who carried out the deed. 

Jesus was on Maggie’s side, insisting that Rick was in the wrong for allowing Negan to breathe another day, but was another murder the way forward?

“I am,” she claimed after Jesus asked whether she was the right one to make the decision. “I’ll be back when it’s done.”

As Maggie set off on her fateful mission, Rick was learning a whole lot of bad news from Eugene. 

The bridge the communities were trying to restore was damaged beyond repair thanks to a storm, making all of the efforts a waste of time. 

Eugene felt awful that he couldn’t salvage the bridge and felt like if he had studied some different things he could have helped. 

It was a bad news day all round for Rick as he learned that Carol was taking her people back to the Kingdom and that Maggie was gearing up to kill Negan. 

Rick sent a message to Alexandria to keep Maggie away from the villain and set off to get there to deal with the situation. 

In a surprisingly silly move, Rick accepted a ride from Daryl, who took him in a different direction. That’s when Rick realized that his leadership was being called into question. 

The two men found themselves in a ditch and trying to get to the root cause of their issues, but Daryl admitted he would be ecstatic if Maggie took Negan out of the equation. 

“I’d die for you, and I would’ve died for Carl,” Daryl concluded. “But you’re chasing something for him that ain’t meant to be, man.”

While the men were hashing out their differences, Negan was trying to get closer to Michonne. Negan was having some sort of protest that found him refusing to eat food. 

“The hunger strike ends today,” Michonne complained, but Negan continued to imply that the two of them were very similar and that they would work well together. 

“Behind walls, bars, we die,” he said, before saying she was likely happy that she lost her son. 

“Because you know all he woulda done was make you weak,” the villain said. But Michonne was done listening to him. 

As if that was not enough action for one outing, Carol caught up with the Saviors and realized they knew all about the Oceansiders offing their people. 

The most surprising thing here was that Carol was retreating because she was leading her people home. 

“You’re a weak little woman who got in a lucky shot,” Jed laughed at her, and that’s when Carol opened fire. 

Back in Negan’s little cell, Michonne returned to make him aware that they couldn’t be more different, and that while he has nothing to live for, she has her daughter and will battle for the life she deserves. 

In the end, Rick had to do battle with herds of walkers and found himself falling off his horse and out cold. 

Rick’s final episode airs on AMC next week. Could he be turning into a walker?

Hit the comments below!


Monday, October 22, 2018

The Walking Dead Recap: Who"s The Killer?

The final path for Rick and Maggie is starting to take shape. 

As previously reported, both Andrew Lincoln and Lauren Cohan are departing The Walking Dead during the first half of the current season. 

Sunday’s episode picked up Justin becoming a member of the undead, but all of the communities had no idea where he was. 

The Saviors were especially mad because they knew something happened to him, but the person was just going to get away with it. 

As all the communities tried to find him, Maggie noticed the reanimated version of him looking for some fine dining on the streets. 

Among the pool of suspects in the spate of disappearances were Daryl, Maggie, and Jadis. Daryl and Maggie have long been against the Saviors, and for a good reason. 

But Jadis had an alibi … or so we thought. Gabriel told the others she was him the night Justin went missing, so she could not be the one in the frame. 

After yet another big bust-up, Alden opened up to Rick about the Saviors feeling more at ease if they were trusted to have a firearm. 

Rick was not ready to reason with him and said that it was not out of the question. It was all a matter of finding out who was responsible for these disappearances. 

“You trust me, don’t you?” Alden said to Maggie. “How about trusting a few other people who’ve made a change?”

Rick ultimately grilled Daryl about the murder, and it showed just how fraught this friendship had become. 

“If I’d-a killed him, I’d-a killed him in plain sight,” Daryl complained, leading to Rick claiming that they were building a better future and they had to do their best to stick to it. 

But Daryl had heard it all before and felt like the Saviors took a lot of their comrades from them. 

“But killing each other when the world already belongs to the dead, it’s not the way, not anymore,” said Rick after claiming that killing is not the way forward anymore. 

Gabriel continued to question whether Jadis was only with him because she wanted a cover story for all of her misdeeds. 

The plot thickened when Jadis returned to her former stomping grounds, and brought out a walkie-talkie and called someone. 

“What do you have, an A or a B?” said the man who replied. “I paid my share,” she responded

After going back on forth on letters, Jadis said she would have an A by the next day. 

Okay then. 

When she returned to Gabriel she gave him the following offer:

“There’s another place that’s far from here,” she said, “but if we go together, we can get there.”

She was trading people for supplies for her people. But Gabriel did not want to help out and found himself knocked out. 

Daryl and Maggie found their way to a house that Cyndie once lived, and they found Cyndie, Bea and another girl going at it with Arat. 

The Saviors had murdered all of their friends and family, and that’s why they took action to take them down. 

After some back and forth, Maggie and Daryl allowed the women to murder Arat for his crimes. 

“We gave Rick’s way a chance,” she said. “It’s time to see Negan.”

What will become of these characters?

Hit the comments below. 

The Walking Dead continues Sunday on AMC. 


Monday, October 15, 2018

The Walking Dead Recap: Another Power Struggle Sets Up Lauren Cohan"s Exit

Building a better community is no easy task, and Rick learned the hard way on Sunday’s episode that he was not going to be able to blend these communities in the way he hoped. 

The episode was all about the revival of the bridge which was obliterated thanks to a storm. Without access, it was difficult to make supply runs, so it had to be fixed. 

While Aaron and Daryl were chatting as the communities rallied to fix the bridge, a fight broke out between Henry and a Savior named Justin. 

Henry was tasked with giving water in exchange for hard labor, and Justin did not want to play by the rules. But Henry proved that there would always be a punishment, so he knocked the man off his feet with a stick. 

As expected, it resulted in a full-on battle between everyone on the bridge. Rick arrived and was unimpressed that these people could not work together to secure the future of the blended community. 

Daryl continued to have doubts and told Rick that the Saviors would actually be an asset to them down the line if they’re already causing trouble. 

Daryl left the scene immediately when Rick defended why they were doing it, and it was down to Carol to let Rick know that he might be dreaming if he thinks any of this is going to work. 

Tensions were still high at the Hilltop following Gregory’s well-deserved execution. Tami Rose was not allowed to see her husband Earl for his involvement in the plot to kill Maggie. 

It didn’t stop Tami from trying to get more people on her side to turn against Maggie. The true shocker was that Jesus was not fully on board with Maggie. 

“I don’t know if she hanged Gregory for everyone, for herself or both,” he shared, “but I’m not against a grieving mother seeing her husband.”

Instead of fully turning against his friend, Jesus went to Maggie to find out where her head was truly at. He admitted that she was going way too far by ostracizing Earl and that there would be some pushback. These decisions were ballsy, according to him. 

This gave Maggie some food for thought, and she agreed to let Tami Rose visit her husband. Once his wife was gone, Earl got a visit from Maggie who wanted to know more about him. 

Earl was desperate to know why Gregory was the one who was killed, but Maggie skirted around giving an answer. It turns out; she wants to hold her cards close to her chest. 

“What I did to you was in me,” Earl confessed. “Gregory didn’t make me do anything.”

Okay then. 

Things took a wild turn when thanks to a siren not being sounded, the walkers showed up at the bridge, and the unarmed Saviors were sitting ducks. 

Jed was scared to death, and let go of the rope he was holding … allowing all of the lumber to crash down and trap Aaron’s arm. Rick managed to dispatch of most of the walkers, but there was no saving Aaron’s arm. 

Daryl tried to make sense of what went down and opted to blame Justin. He was supposed to sound a siren to send the walkers away, but he didn’t. 

His defense? 

The walkie-talkie was dead, and Daryl was not buying it. He went all in kept hitting the kid before Carol showed up to tell him to quit the BS. 

Back at the Hilltop, Maggie and Michonne got into it over the recent decisions. 

“We can talk about common laws, but I’m not giving up the right to do what I think is s best for my people,” Maggie said to her friend. 

They continued to bicker, and Maggie relented that she did not regret wiping Gregory out because he was a danger to everyone. 

Meanwhile, Justin continued to prove he was a loser when he lashed out at Rick, trying to throw all the blame on him for what went down. 

“Stitches won’t fix what I do to you,” Rick yelled after telling him to get the eff out of the Sanctuary. 

As for Aaron? He did not blame Rick for losing an arm. Instead, he said that his friend was a beacon of hope. 

“You changed all that, Rick. It’s not the end of the world anymore; it’s the start a whole new one,” he said. 

Rick closed off the hour by visiting his nemesis, Negan. 

“It was a hard day,” Rick said. “People were at each other’s throats… [But] when the day was done, they came together. Not all of ’em. But enough.”

“That’s a real pretty picture you paint there,” Negan responded. “When do I get to see it?”

“You’re gonna die behind these bars,” Rick snapped. 

In all honesty, if the likes of Jesus is worried about Maggie, then there’s a good chance she’s going to be relieved of her duties before long. 

That could lead to her running off with her child or worse; she could be killed off. This is The Walking Dead!

What are your thoughts on the episode?

Hit the comments below. 

The Walking Dead continues Sundays on AMC. 


Monday, October 8, 2018

The Walking Dead Recap: Who Died?

The Walking Dead returned to AMC with a lot of surprises for longtime fans of the series. 

There was a time jump, two deaths, a proposal, blindsides and a whole lot of zombie action. 

The episode kicked off with a cute scene between Judith, Rick, and Michonne, showing that Alexandria really did manage to weather the storm. 

It was rising up thanks to the leadership in Rick, but there was a new mission for him and his allies to work on:

They embarked on a trip to Washington D.C. to garner supplies, but these weren’t the usual supplies these zombie slayers usually pick up. 

These ones would allow them to create transport that would not really on gas. Instead, they would rely on horses and a whole lot of manpower. 

That’s why the gang made their way to the Museum of Natural History because that was the best place to get some equipment to make carriages for the horses. 

TWD art

What followed was a tense scene as the group worked in tandem to get a carriage down a set of stairs and across a large room without making a noise. 

There were walkers right below them, and what made it even scarier was that it was a glass floor separating them. 

In a somewhat predictable chain of events, the ceiling gave way, and Ezekiel fell down. Thankfully there was a bit of rope that kept him dangling just long enough for his pals to save him. 

The first death of the hour came when the group was on the way back with the supplies. Walkers appeared from every direction. 

Ken did not want to see the horse die, so he quickly tried to slice the shackles to save it, but he gave up his own life in the process. 

One of the walkers feasted on his arm, and that was the end of him. His mother and father blamed Maggie for taking their son out to find supplies. 

Gregory was on hand to turn them against Maggie because that’s what the loser does. He always pops up to cause some drama. 

He successfully managed to get the boy’s father to try and murder Maggie as she was doing a midnight patrol around the Hilltop. 

Maggie was saved in the nick of time and went straight for Gregory’s place. The villain laughed at the very notion of trying to kill here before attempting to stab her on the spot. 

Maggie overpowered him and decided to call a town meeting. That involved bringing Rick over from Alexandria. 

Rick pleaded with Maggie to offer some assistance to the Saviors, but she was against it. If you watch The Walking Dead online, you will recall that she wanted Negan dead, but Rick saved him. 

Maggie offered a deal to Rick:

She will offer food and resources to the Saviors, but they will be the ones to build the bridge and provide most of the labor. 

Maggie then said that she was supposed to be in control of everything and that Rick was still grating on her nerves. 

She had a point, and Rick was genuinely blindsided by it. 

Maggie then executed Gregory, saying that everyone knows there are rules and she will inflict them on people if she so desires. 

Elsewhere, Daryl was freaking out when someone started writing “We are still Negan” on the walls of the Sanctuary. 

He confronted Rick about not wanting to work there anymore, but Rick said that someone else would have to take his place. 

Carol overheard the conversation and agreed to take over from her friend, so he had a break to get it together. 

We also learned that Carol and Ezekiel’s relationship was going from strength to strength. Ezekial even tried to propose marriage to Carol. 

She declined, and we’re left to wonder why. 

What did you think of the premiere? 

Are you on board? 

Hit the comments below. 


Sunday, October 7, 2018

Scott Wilson Dies; The Walking Dead Star Was 76

Scott Wilson, a veteran actor of the small screen and big screen, has passed away from complications related to Leukemia.

He was 76 years old.

Wilson had an extensive resume to his name at the time of his death, one that included well over 50 movie credits.

But he’s likely best known at this point for his long-running role on The Walking Dead of Hershel Greene.

In both the comic books on which the AMC drama is based, along with television series itself, Hershel was introduced by saving the life of Carl Grimes, the son of Rick Grimes, after the boy is shot by one of Hershel’s neighbors.

During his stint on the program, Greene served as the moral center of his group of survivors.

Wilson appeared on 37 episodes of The Walking Dead, debuting in 2011 and leaving in 2014.

Scott Wilson on dead

Scott’s rep, Dominic Mancini, spoke to TMZ and confirmed the cause of death fo the celebrity gossip website

He added that Wilson was “a national treasure, a calm voice, and a gentle spirit to everyone who came in contact with him.”

He reportedly passed away peacefully at his home in Los Angeles.

At The Walking Dead’s panel at New York Comic-Con just this week, showrunner Angela Kang said that Scott (along with former stars Sonequa Martin-Green and Jon Bernthal) would be returning for the upcoming ninth season.

It premieres this Sunday, October 7.

(This announcement took fans by surprise, considering Hershel was decapitated in the season four episode Too Far Gone, only to have his head turned into a zombie and then killed again in the later episode After.)

wilson, scott

While most modern TV fans know Wilson well from this role, he arrived to The Walking Dead after many decades in the entertainment industry.

Wilson’s career got underway in 1967 when he landed a role in the classic film, “In the Heat of the Night.”

He went on to appear in a multitude of other iconic movies, such as “In Cold Blood,” “The Great Gatsby” and “Dead Man Walking.”

Scott earned a Golden Globe nomination for Best Supporting Actor for playing Captain Billy Cupshaw in the 1980 film, “The Ninth Configuration.”

His other recent television roles include Hostiles, The OA, Damien and Bosch.

Tweeted Titus Welliver, the lead actor in the final show listed above, upon learning of Wilson’s passing:

Scott Wilson has departed. I am heartbroken. We are fewer. Go easy into the light brother.

Wilson’s survivors include his wife, Heavenly, an artist and attorney.

No memorial plans have been announced.

May the beloved actor rest in peace.


"The Walking Dead" Actor Scott Wilson Dies at 76

Scott Wilson — a veteran actor with more than 50 movie credits, but best known recently for his role as Hershel Greene on “The Walking Dead” — has died … TMZ has learned. Scott’s rep, Dominic Mancini, tells us he died due to complications from…


Monday, September 24, 2018

"Hot Felon" Jeremy Meeks" Ex-Wife Walking in First Fashion Show

Jeremy Meeks walked away from his ex-wife and moved onto bigger and better things … and now she’s walkin’ his walk — on her first runway as a fashion model.   Melissa Meeks — who was married to the “hot felon” for 8 years…


Thursday, September 6, 2018

The Walking Dead Season 9: What"s About to Go Down?

The Walking Dead Season 9 premieres on AMC on Sunday, October 7 at 9/8c.

It will feature the final run of episodes by Andrew Lincoln as Rick Grimes, as the actor shocked fans by announcing his departure from the beloved series this summer.

"I love this show. It means everything to me. I love the people who make this show," Lincoln said at Comic-Con in July, adding at the time:

"I promise not to cry, I"ve done enough crying on screen. I"m particularly fond of the people who watch this show…

"This has been the most extraordinary, amazing, and beautiful experience of my career, and largely, because of you guys and the relationship we have here with you in this room and also rooms across America and the rest of the world."

Will Rick be killed off? It"s very safe to assume.

But we get no indication in the official AMC synopsis of just how Rick will say goodbye.

Scroll down for a look at how the network is teasing the upcoming season; via this official summary and then a bevy of gorgeous character photos…

1. The Synopsis Begins as Follows…

Season9 trio

Last season brought the culmination of “All Out War,” which pitted Rick Grimes and his group of survivors against the Saviors and their cunning leader, Negan. With Negan’s life in his hands, Rick had a character-defining choice in front of him. By making the unilateral decision to spare Negan, Rick upheld the values his late son, Carl, championed in order to build for the future, but created conflict within his group…

2. It Continues:

Twd art

Now, we see our survivors a year and a half after the end of the war, rebuilding civilization under Rick’s steadfast leadership. It is a time of relative peace among the communities as they work together, looking to the past to forge the future, but the world they knew is rapidly changing as man-made structures continue to degrade, and nature takes over, changing the landscape and creating new challenges for our survivors…

3. And It Continues:

Season 9 art

As time passes, the communities confront unexpected obstacles, danger, and of course, walkers, but nothing quite prepares them for the formidable force they are about to encounter, which threatens the very idea of civilization that our survivors have worked so hard to build.

4. Ready for a Look at the Main Players?

The season 9 logo

AMC has shared the following collection of pretty awesome character/actor/actress photos in anticipation of Season 9. Check them out below!

5. Ross Marquand as Aaron

Ross marquand as aaron

6. Lauren Cohan as Maggie

Lauren cohan as maggie

View Slideshow

Friday, July 20, 2018

The Walking Dead Season 9: First Trailer!

Are you ready to say goodbye, The Walking Dead fans?

AMC has released the first trailer for Season 9 of this mega-hit, which is notable for a couple reasons:

ONE: New Walking Dead footage! Yes! Awesome! Hooray!

TWO: Andrew Lincoln will be leaving the series as Rick Grimes at the end of the upcoming new season.

He confirmed this very strong rumor at the show"s Comic-Con panel on Friday, July 20.

“This will be my last season, playing the part of Rick Grimes,” the actor announced in front of thousands of fans, adding:

“I love this show. It means everything to me. I love the people who make this show. I promise not to cry – I’ve done enough crying on screen."

He then cried, just a little bit, concluding:

"I’m particularly fond of the people who watch this show, you people.

"This has been the most extraordinary, beautiful experience of my experience… So I just want to thank you.

As for the trailer itself?

We hear Rick"s arch enemy, Negan, early on, as he growls:

“You think you’ve got all this on lock…"

Naturally, of course, it is anything but. 

At one point in the footage, we see Michonne warn Maggie that they need to come up with some rules of conduct for the newly blended communities.

Elsewhere, Daryl appears to have been appointed disciplinarian.

There"s also our first glimpse here at Maggie and Glenn’s baby, which is both precious and bittersweet, considering the fate of Glenn at Negan"s hands.

Or his bat, we guess, to be more specific.

“We’ll see our group together working in unity in a lot of ways, but you’ll also see some changes in the way that they deal with each other,” show runner Angela Kang has teased of Season 9.

“In some ways, you’ll see that the vision has succeeded beyond anybody’s wildest imagination. But you’ll also see the cracks in that."


The Walking Dead returns with new episodes on Sunday, October 7.

Remember to follow this link and watch The Walking Dead online if you need to catch up!

The walking dead season 9 first trailer

Wednesday, May 30, 2018

The Walking Dead Casting Shocker: Wait... Who"s Leaving?!?

A major cast member is set to make a run from The Walking Dead.

And it’s not hyperbole to say the show will never be the same after he’s gone.

A multitude of sources has confirmed to Us Weekly that series star Andrew Lincoln will leave the blockbuster drama after its upcoming ninth season.

In fact, he’ll only appearin six of the scheduled Season 9 episodes.

Why would Lincoln depart such a successful program?

For starters, most fans believe the best days of The Walking Dead are far behind this AMC hit, as both quality and ratings have dropped significantly in recent years.

Moreover, Lincoln has both a personal reason and a professional reason for making this decision at this time.

“Andrew is leaving because he’s had enough of it and wants to focus his energy on movies,” an insider close to Lincoln tells the aforementioned tabloid.

Lincoln, of course, got his truly big break in the romantic comedy Love Actually.

To many people, even still, he’s the guy who held up signs of affection for Keira Knightley’s character in that beloved holiday film, not the guy who splatters zombie guts all over the place on a weekly basis.

AMC is not expected to cancel its most-watched show in the wake of Lincoln’s departure, however.

A source tells Us Weekly that Lincoln’s costar, Norman Reedus, has negotiated a $ 20 million paycheck to stay on.

The Walking Dead is known for major cast turnover, having killed off numerous original characters since its debut.

Just last season, many viewers reacted in shock and anger when Rick’s son Carl, played by Chandler Riggs, lost his life.

But Lincoln has portrayed Rick Grimes since the very beginning and it’s hard to imagine the series without him front and center.

It’s also worth mentioning that Lauren Cohan, who plays Maggie, will be starring in the new ABC drama Whiskey Cavalier, and will therefore only return to The Walking next season on a part-time basis.

The end may truly be near for this long-running smash.

Following the Season 8 finale, Lincoln opened up to Entertainment Weekly about what’s next for Grimes after he took out down Jeffrey Dean Morgan’s Negan.

“I think there is always going to be a sense of he’s lost all of the most important parts of himself, and yet he has the legacy and gift that Carl gave him that is going to fuel his ambitions for the future,” the actor said, adding:

“He’s got a renewed purpose because of this and because of his son. So it’s absolutely a new man.

This is the man who couldn’t see what Deanna saw about the future and still couldn’t see it for a long, long time even throughout all of this and the battle he was hell-bent on vengeance.”

No word yet on just how Rick will be written off the show.

But let’s be serious, right?

We somehow doubt he’ll stroll happily into the sunset.

Will you keep watching The Walking Dead after Lincoln departs?


Saturday, May 19, 2018

Royal Wedding Program Still Lists Thomas Markle as Walking Meghan Down Aisle

Either the Royal Wedding programs were printed far in advance, or someone made a huge mistake … because they’re not updated to show Meghan Markle’s dad, Thomas, won’t be there. The Order of Service for Prince Harry and Meghan’s wedding was just…


Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Tori Spelling: Finally Walking Out on Dean McDermott!

Whether fans believe it or not, Tori Spelling and Dean McDermott are still married. In fact, they recently celebrated their anniversary, vacationing together to “reconnect.”

But apparently, it still wasn’t enough to mend their broken marriage.

In fact, Tori has reportedly walked away from Dean … and is spending more and more time with her mother, Candy. The one who has never liked Dean.

RadarOnline reports that Tori Spelling has walked away from Dean and is seeking comfort in Candy Spelling’s home, according to friends of the couple.

And while that might do wonders for Tori’s current issues, it may spell doom for her marriage.

“Candy has never liked Dean.”

A lot of in-laws may have issues with their, well, in-laws. It sounds like Candy has found Dean to be a disappointment.

“And she’s the first one to say ‘I told you so’ to her daughter.”

Tori went to her anyway, though.

“But Tori has five kids and had nowhere else to turn.”

Tori has had a troubled history with her mother.

Over a decade ago, Tori’s father, TV mogul Aaron Spelling, passed away.

The sudden death of a loved one can cause strain in any family. Add a financial element, and it can create an enduring rift that lasts for years.

See, Tori only inherited $ 800,000 from her father. His widow, Candy, controls the $ 600 million fortune.

Tori and Dean have struggled with finances over the years, which has been widely attributed to their lackluster careers and to their spending habits.

Candy is not unfeeling — she’s been doing a lot to support them.

“She’s been paying the couple’s monthly rent, buying groceries and paying for the children’s private school.”

It looks like things are much better between Tori and Candy. That’s good news … but maybe not happy news for Dean.

“Now that Tori has run off to Candy’s house, maybe Dean will realize how dire this situation is and find a way to keep the family intact.”

Sometimes, it takes something big to function as a wakeup call.

“With Tori out of commission, Dean is changing diapers, driving the kids back and forth to school, and cooking meals.”

Well … that’s a normal part of being a parent. Apparently this is a bit of a change for him, which is … illuminating if true.

“And he’s exhausted.”

Candy has apparently suggested, and the couple has reportedly agreed, that the kids and Tori could spend a couple of nights a week with her … ostensibly to give Dean a break.

“She’s telling Tori that this will work wonders for her marriage.”

But this source claims that Candy has an ulterior motive.

“But really, Candy’s goal is to get her away from Dean for good.”

Instead of trying to push for that directly, she’s allegedly taking baby steps to make Tori reach that conclusion.

“Two days a week is just the first step.”


Apparently, a big motivator for Candy was seeing Tori’s mental health scares.

“Candy felt she could no longer sit by and watch Tori unravel, so she jumped into action and opened her doors.”

And she reportedly hopes that this will all work out for her family. Well, for the parts of her family that she values.

“Candy is a shrewd woman, and is hoping Tori may finally be ready to walk out.”

This sounds like it could ultimately lead to what’s best for Tori and the kids. A closer relationship with Candy and perhaps even less stress.

But … is it true?

A lot of it sounds like speculation about Candy’s motives, so we cannot help but feel a little leery.

Perhaps, in time, the truth will become clear.


Thursday, May 3, 2018

"The Walking Dead" Begins Shooting Season 9

Rick Grimes, Daryl Dixon and Michonne are all back in front of the same bloody camera lens — shooting for season 9 of “The Walking Dead” is officially underway. The surviving cast of ‘TWD’ were all spotted on set Thursday as filming for the new…


Monday, April 16, 2018

The Walking Dead Season 8 Episode 16 Recap: Wrath

Did the end of the war live up to the tremendous hype?

On The Walking Dead Season 8 Episode 16, the fight against the Saviors reached a dramatic conclusion. 

When the episode got underway, Rick and the members of the AHK alliance were getting ready for the big battle at the Hilltop. 

Morgan struggled to get to grips with the fact that he was embroiled in another war, and worried that taking innocent people out was going to change him in a way he did not like. 

When Rick warned Morgan that it was best to stay behind and out of the fight, Morgan noted that each of them were horrible now and that was a result of the decisions they made. 

At the Sanctuary, Negan and his minions were preparing for the war, knowing they were going to have the upper hand because Dwight gave the Hilltoppers some fake news. 

Eugene was on hand with the bullets he custom built for the saviors. Negan and his team set off and even took Father Gabriel along for the ride. 

Negan admitted to Gabriel on the road that he was messing with Rick by putting some of his men in a place that Rick and the AHK alliance would find them. 

This would give Negan more time to laugh because it meant Rick would think the information Dwight gave them was the real deal. 

In true Rick fashion, he figured that it was all a ruse, and told his people it was time to change things up. 

Gabriel made a run for it, but Eugene appeared in the woods and held him captive until Negan showed up. While Negan wondered whether to kill Gabriel, he decided to keep him as a bargaining chip. 

Just when Negan thought he had the upper hand and his men were ready to fight the AHK alliance, their bullets blew up in their guns. 

Oh yes, Eugene was still working with his original alliance, and it was a plan months in the making. Negan tried to make a break for freedom. 

At the Hilltop, another round of Saviors tried to take over, but the Oceanside women were talked around to helping the AHK alliance. 

They chucked bombs at the Saviors and allowed Hilltop to remain under the spell of the good guys. 

Rick and Negan fought it out, and Rick eventually cut Negan’s throat. But that did not mean he was going to die, and Rick ordered Siddiq to save the villain’s life. 

Rick said that he was ready to put the past behind him and that everyone will stop the fighting. Maggie and Daryl were less than enthused by this, and seem poised to go after Rick. 

Finally, Negan woke up and Rick and Michonne admitted they were keeping him alive so that everyone knew they were building a civilization. 

It looks like Carl’s letter had a lasting effect on Rick, and that’s why the father wrote a letter of his own back to his son. 

Yes, it seems like The Walking Dead Season 9 is going to be very different. 

What did you think of the episode?

Sound off below. 


Monday, April 9, 2018

The Walking Dead Season 8 Episode 15 Recap: Worth

The end of the war is fast approaching. 

That much became abundantly clear on The Walking Dead Season 8 Episode 15 as the final pieces were put in motion before the final battle kicked off. 

When the emotional episode kicked off, Rick had finally worked up the courage to read the letter from Carl. 

The kid wrote a lot about what life was like before the apocalypse, and how he would love if Rick and Negan put their feud aside. 

While Rick was against it, Carl’s letter reiterated that nobody had to forget what Negan did. All they had to do was stop the fighting. 

When the action moved to the Sanctuary, Dwight and Simon were shocked to the core by the return of Negan. 

Negan had a meeting with them and revealed he knew the truth about Simon’s act of betrayal by giving the kill order against the Heapsters. 

Just went it seemed like Simon’s brains were about to become Lucille’s next meal, Negan said that all was forgiven. 

Would Negan really let someone off the hook? It certainly seemed that way, but Simon continued to act out and coerced Dwight into joining in on his fight against Negan. 

Negan rounded his group up, and told them about his elaborate plan to take over the Hilltop and take out everyone who was against them. 

This gave Dwight his biggest lead yet to help Rick and Daryl know what was going on. Dwight sent Gregory off on a mission with a map to let them know the truth. 

Just when it seemed like Simon and Dwight’s plan was going to be the one to save everyone, Negan appeared during a meeting with the pair, and we found out that Dwight had already told Negan about Simon’s plan. 

Negan then decided enough was enough and challenged Simon to fight him to the death. In true Negan fashion, the villain brutally killed Simon. 

But the insanity was only just beginning. Dwight made his way back to the room after Negan was singing his praises. 

There was a gift waiting for him: Laura. She was the one who knew all about Negan’s plan to leave the Saviors behind and work with another group. 

Laura was the person Negan picked up on the road during The Walking Dead Season 8 Episode 14. and told Negan everything. 

Negan decided to let Dwight live, but what does he want in return? We’ll find out soon enough!

Finally, Michonne called Negan and told him about Carl’s letter pleading for peace. Negan said that he was not ready to put the past behind him and that the final battle was looming. 

Yes, it sure sounds like a big battle is going to be occurring on The Walking Dead Season 8 Episode 16, and it’s about time. 

What did you think of all the twists?

The Walking Dead continues Sunday on AMC!


Monday, April 2, 2018

The Walking Dead Season 8 Episode 14 Recap: Still Gotta Mean Something

Jadis is probably one of the smartest survivors in the wasteland that is The Walking Dead. 

When The Walking Dead Season 8 Episode 14 kicked off, we learned just how Jadis managed to survive the attack Simon ordered on her people a few weeks back. 

She played dead when the kills were coming fast and furious before deciding it was time to find and kill the leader of the Saviors: Negan. 

Negan tried to tell Jadis he was not the one who gave the order to kill her people. 

“That was the work of someone not following the program,” the villain said as Jadis prepared to take him down. 

Jadis threatened to destroy Lucille because she was the one in control and it was time to dole out a nice dose of revenge to those who had wronged her. 

Negan managed to overpower her in one of the most predictable scenes of the entire series. 

“You took away everything — you took away me,” Jadis wailed at Negan, but in a rare moment, Negan opened up about how he named the bat after his wife when she died. 

Things took a dramatic turn when the chopper appeared once again, and Jadis tried to send a flare towards it. But Negan stopped her from doing anything … even killing him. 

Jadis was all talk, but very little action and that’s what was more frustrating. She let Negan leave after he asked her to join his cause, but he said he would return. 

Negan picked someone up from the side of the road, and we never got to see who it was, but the pair returned to the Sanctuary and went into hiding. 

Meanwhile, Rick continued to struggle in the aftermath of Carl’s death. Michonne admitted that she moved from place to place after the death of her kids, and Andrea stopped her. 

Michonne wanted to be that person for Rick. Ultimately, Rick went on a mission to round up the escapees with Morgan, and they both struggled to come to terms with everything. 

They were caught by the inmates, and while things were more subdued than we expected, the inmates decided to cut the crap and talked to the men. 

But Rick and Morgan were not taking any chances and murdered them all without so much as a second thought. 

Rick and Morgan chatted a lot about what had been happening to them over the years and how they were different now. It seemed to foreshadow Morgan’s exit as he moves over to Fear The Walking Dead. 

All told, “Still Gotta Mean Something” was all about character development, but it set up the final two episodes really well. Negan looks set to change things up at the Sanctuary and that might include killing Simon for going behind his back. 

What did you think of the episode?

Sound off below. 

The Walking Dead continues Sundays on AMC. 
