Showing posts with label Rick. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Rick. Show all posts

Monday, November 5, 2018

The Walking Dead Recap: Did Rick Grimes Die?

The Walking Dead said goodbye to an original star on Sunday night. 

And no, we’re not talking about one of the recurring players here. We’re talking about the character who kickstarted the franchise on the series premiere, Rick Grimes!

If you watch The Walking Dead online, you know that Rick was injured at the close of last week’s episode after trying to lure two herds of walkers away from his comrades. 

With Rick going in and out of consciousness, he met a lot of his fallen friends, and one of them was Shane aka the man who got jiggy with Rick’s wife, Lori while he was in a coma. 

It was a surprising scene because it took Rick all the way back to his days as a police officer, patrolling the streets of Atlanta with his BFF. 

It didn’t last long, however, and Rick found himself back in the present and a walker about to kill him. He managed to fight it and escaped with his horse. 

Yes, it may seem like Rick is invincible, but he has been fighting these zombies for several years, so it makes sense … kind of. 

Another ghost from the past Rick met was Hershel who told Rick it was okay for him to let go, and that Maggie was growing as a leader every single day. 

All of these visions seemed to want Rick to know that he could die and everyone would be able to move on if they had to. 

The most striking vision was Rick on a huge landscape filled with bodies, but the bodies were of everyone Rick’s ever been close to. 

It was harrowing for sure, but there was a beacon of hope in the form of the dearly departed Sasha. 

“’Cause you did your part like I did mine… like the others did before us,” she said.

“They gave us the strength that we needed to do what we had to do for the others, and the others draw strength from us. We make each other better, and it never ends.”

“It crosses over toward the brave and loving.” 

With that, Rick woke back up and was saved by Michonne and his friends, but he was not out of the woods. As he prepared to die, his girlfriend had some words for him. 

It’s not over,” she said. “We don’t die.”

That’s when we learned that Rick was still unconscious and he imagined the reunion. He continued to try and take the zombies away from his friends. 

Rick found dynamite on the bridge with the walkers who were about to make their way to the other communities, so he blew the bridge up.

Everyone was stunned by the loss of Rick, noting that he died a hero. However, he was well and truly alive down the river. 

Anne appeared and claimed she was going to save Rick from this horrible world.  

“It’s not a trick, not anymore. I’m trying to save a friend who saved me,” she claimed to the people on the walkie-talkie.

“I have something for you now. We have a deal?”

Rick and Anne were picked up by the chopper and taken well and truly away from the danger zone. 

What the eff just happened? As if that big twist was not bad enough, we were thrown straight into the future to meet a much older Judith who was leading the charge on a rescue mission. 

What are your thoughts on Rick’s last stand?

Hit the comments below. 


Friday, August 3, 2018

Rick Genest Commits Suicide; Lady Gaga Mourns Death of Music Video Co-Star

Rick Genest, a model best known to music fans for his appearance in Lady Gaga’s “Born This Way” video, was found dead in his Montreal home on Wednesday.

He was 32 years old.

gaga, Rick

According to local reports, the Canadian model took his own life, although no further details are available at this time.

In a message on Facebook, Genest’s management company said he “was loved by all those who had the chance to meet him and know him.”

Translated from French, this is what the message reads:

The whole dulcedo family is shocked and pained by this tragedy. Zombie boy, Rico, was loved by all those who had the chance to meet him and know him. Icon of the artistic scene and the fashion world, this innovator, against popular culture, has been able to charm all hearts.

We received the unfortunate news at the beginning of the afternoon and members of the team have come to support his family and relatives in this dark and difficult moment.

We want to present our deepest condolences and the legend will survive human.

Thank you zb for these beautiful moments in your company and for your radiant smile.

Lady Gaga, meanwhile, who has spoken out often about her own struggles with mental health and about the challenges others face in this area, also paid tribute to Genest on Instagram.

haha, genest

T”he suicide of friend Rick Genest, Zombie Boy is beyond devastating,” the artist wrote, adding:

“We have to work harder to change the culture, bring Mental Health to the forefront and erase the stigma that we can’t talk about it. If you are suffering, call a friend or family today.

“We must save each other.”

The singer subsequently added two other messages along these same sad lines:


Kindness and mental health aren’t one time practices. They aren’t just to do list items.

This fall, in partnership with @btwfoundation, I’ll explore the power of habits to build cultures of kindness and wellness.


Science tells us that it takes 21 days to form a habit, if you are suffering from Mental Health issue I beckon for today to be your first day or a continuation of the work you’ve been doing.

Reach out if you’re in pain, and if you know someone who is, reach out to them too.

boy zombie

Genest holds a Guinness World Record for the most insect tattoos on his body (a total of 176), as well as another record for the most human bone tattoos at 139.

Prior to his passing, Genest was involved with the Home Depot Canada Foundation, an organization that aims to bring awareness to youth homelessness.

Per iHeartRadio, Genest found work as a model after being featured in the Gaga’s aforementioned music video, modeling for magazines such as GQ, Vanity Fair, and Vogue Hommes.

May he rest in peace.


Monday, July 9, 2018

Rick Ross Sued Over "Maybach Music" Tagline

Rick Ross’ entire “Maybach Music” marketing strategy is a rip-off, jacked from a 2007 track with a similar name … so says a rapper in a new suit. We broke the story … Ishaq R. Muhammad — aka Young Muhammad — threatened to sue Da Boss back in…


Rick Ross Sued Over "Maybach Music" Tagline

Rick Ross’ entire “Maybach Music” marketing strategy is a rip-off, jacked from a 2007 track with a similar name … so says a rapper in a new suit. We broke the story … Ishaq R. Muhammad — aka Young Muhammad — threatened to sue Da Boss back in…


Sunday, June 17, 2018

Rick Hilton is Helping Auction Off Italian Mansion for Cryptocurrency

Got millions in cryptocurrency laying around? Then we’ve got the Roman mansion for you! Rick Hilton’s Hilton & Hyland company is offering up a 17k square foot, $ 42-million mansion to the auction block. This is the first home in U.S. history to…


Rick Hilton is Helping Auction Off Italian Mansion for Cryptocurrency

Got millions in cryptocurrency laying around? Then we’ve got the Roman mansion for you! Rick Hilton’s Hilton & Hyland company is offering up a 17k square foot, $ 42-million mansion to the auction block. This is the first home in U.S. history to…


Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Rick Ross Hits the Boxing Gym with Adrien Broner, Check Out These Hands!

Rick Ross wants to brush up his fighting skills — so, he strapped on the gloves and hit the boxing gym with Adrien Broner … and he looks pretty good!  Tha Boss was throwing some decent jabs, some combos and a hard right hand … even…


Sunday, June 3, 2018

Rick Fox is Building Elite Fortnite Squad, Gunning for $100 Mil

Rick Fox says he’s got the $ 100 MILLION Fortnite prize money in his sites — and he’s got his people scouting the world looking to put together the best squad he can find.  Fox is one of the big dogs in eSports — his team, “Echo Fox,” is a…


Rick Fox is Building Elite Fortnite Squad, Gunning for $100 Mil

Rick Fox says he’s got the $ 100 MILLION Fortnite prize money in his sites — and he’s got his people scouting the world looking to put together the best squad he can find.  Fox is one of the big dogs in eSports — his team, “Echo Fox,” is a…


Friday, June 1, 2018

Lil Tay Hanging with Legendary Producer Rick Rubin

Legendary producer Rick Rubin is the architect behind Jay-Z, the Beastie Boys and now… Lil Tay?! The foul-mouthed 9-year-old rapper posted this video on her Instagram story for her more than 2 million followers to soak up. It’s a…


Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Rick Ross Promises to Clean Up TMZ Photog and Harvey"s Look

Rick Ross does not want to be approached by scrubs in the streets, which is a lesson our camera guy — and Harvey Levin — might need to learn the hard way. We got Rozay Monday leaving The London hotel in NYC, where our photog asked about how he…


Monday, March 26, 2018

Rick Santorum: Teens Should Take CPR Classes Instead of Protesting

Over the weekend, millions of patriotic Americans participated in the March For Our Lives protests, lobbying for gun control in order to put an end to the epidemic of gun violence that claims countless lives.

in the video that you can see below, former senator Rick Santorum says that teens who want to not be murdered shouldn"t ask their government to pass laws to make them safer.

He says that students would be better served by … learning to perform CPR.

Rick santorum state of the union on cnn

The next time that you see someone present CNN, of all networks, as the "liberal news source," remember that the network gave Trump billions in free air time during the election … and that they pay money to people like Rick Santorum to voice their opinions.

The former senator saw millions of teens marching with their families across America, hoping that they can finally pressure the government into protecting its citizens from lethal weapons of war like the AR-15.

Many Americans felt inspired or even, for the first time in too long, hopeful that things would change.

Rick Santorum felt that these courageous teens were … misguided.

He thinks that instead of asking the government — that is supposed to represent them and their interests — they should instead take individual action to prepare for future shootings.

"How about kids instead of looking to someone else to solve their problem, do something about maybe taking CPR classes or trying to deal with situations that when there is a violent shooter that you can actually respond to that."

That statement went viral because many found it to be mind-boggling.

First of all, CPR helps with only a select number of health situations. Very rarely does it do any good when someone has been shot.

Gunshots require very specific treatment that only a fraction of surgeons are prepared to perform.

And it also must be performed in a hospital.

Furthermore, of course, there is the absurdity of demanding that teens accept that mass shootings are and will always be inevitable. These teens and their families and millions of others are demanding that their elected representatives 

One wonders what function Rick Santorum believes that government should serve, if not to protect its citizens.

Rick santorum at trump tower

Now, Santorum"s statement didn"t go unchallenged, and it was pointed out to him that these teens are taking action.

"They took action to ask someone to pass a law," he counters.

He lays out what — aside from, uh, CPR classes — he believes that teens who would prefer to not be murdered should do.

"They didn"t take action to say, "How do I, as an individual, deal with this problem? How am I going to do something about stopping bullying within my own community?""

It"s interesting that he brings up the "bullying" myth. Bullying is real, but the idea that it drives people to become shooters has been debunked, though people have been pushing that narrative since Columbine.

Rick santorum image

Rick Santorum continues with his list of questions that he believes that people who don"t fancy the idea of dying in a hail of bullets should ask themselves.

""What am I going to do to actually help respond to a shooter?"… Those are the kind of things where you can take it internally, and say, "Here"s how I"m going to deal with this. Here"s how I"m going to help the situation.""

What he is talking about is a culture of resignation, where people accept that mast shootings will happen and must happen and live every day prepared to lose friends and loved ones.

It"s one thing to be prepared for an emergency. It"s another to focus solely on preparation and not try to prevent the situation from occurring in the first place.

But Santorum sees lobbying the government to protect its citizens as a sign that people lack personal responsibility.

"Instead of going and protesting and saying, "Oh, someone else needs to pass a law to protect me.""

While his whole take is questionable, the fact that Santorum suggested CPR as a solution to gun violence is absurd.

He also says that "phony gun laws don"t solve problems." We"re not sure what about any of this is "phony," but gun laws have been clearly demonstrated to work.

Of course, Tomi Lahren stuck a gun down her pants, and the NRA countered that the Parkland survivors wouldn"t be famous if their classmates had not been shot … which is kind of the whole point.

So it seems that it"s safe to say that those who oppose gun control legislation are scrambling and voicing a variety of responses and, presumably, hoping that one of these counter-arguments will "stick."

We wouldn"t want you to google "Santorum video" (don"t ask), so please take a look at the video of his statement below.

Rick santorum teens should take cpr classes instead of protestin

Sunday, March 25, 2018

Rick Santorum Says Students Should Learn CPR Instead of Protesting for Gun Control

Rick Santorum says students who were protesting for gun control this weekend should look inward to help to solve mass shootings … by learning CPR instead of taking to the streets. You heard right. Santorum — a former Republican U.S. senator –…


Saturday, March 24, 2018

Rick and Kathy Hilton, Prenup for Paris???

Rick and Kathy Hilton are almost always interesting … and they did not disappoint Friday night when we asked them about Prenups and soon-to-be-married Paris. We got Paris’ mom and dad in Bev Hills at Mr. Chow, and raised the prenup issue with…


Monday, March 19, 2018

Rick Ross Performs In Miami Day After Vegas Comeback Gig

If Rick Ross was in dire straits earlier this month, he didn’t show it at all while doing TWO shows this weekend … on both sides of the country. A day after his first show since being hospitalized — Ross jetted back to his hometown of Miami for a…


Rick Ross Says "Free Meek Mill" in First Performance Since Hospitalization

Rick Ross returned to the stage for the first time this weekend since his hospitalization, and one of his main orders of business was shouting out his locked up label mate, Meek Mill.  Da Boss performed early Sunday morning at The Light…


Saturday, March 17, 2018

Lil Uzi Vert Added to Rick Ross Lawsuit Over Concert Cancellation

Lil Uzi Vert was supposed to co-star with Rick Ross on a summer show together, but instead they took the money and left fans hanging … according to a lawsuit. A Pennsylvania entertainment company just added Uzi as a defendant in the…


Thursday, March 15, 2018

Rick Ross Recovering, Back to Family Biz

Rick Ross is looking thinner, but also much stronger after his intensive care health crisis — and he’s even taking time to deal with family matters. Rick was out with his mom, Tommie Roberts, earlier this week in Fort Lauderdale. The Boss was…


Friday, March 9, 2018

Rick Ross Back in Action, Takes Daughters on Shopping Spree

Here’s photo proof Rick Ross’ recovery is in full swing — 8 days after he was rushed to a hospital, he was kicking it with Elmo … and his daughters … during a Miami-area shopping spree. Rick cradled his baby girl, Berkley, on Friday while…


Rick Ross" Manager Black Bo Died at Rick"s Home 2 Months Before His Medical Emergency

Rick Ross isn’t the only person to suffer a medical emergency at his home recently … his manager died there just months before Ross’ hospitalization. According to the investigation report … cops were called to the rapper’s Florida home…
