Showing posts with label Instead. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Instead. Show all posts

Thursday, April 5, 2018

Jana Duggar: Forced to Do Chores Instead of Dating?!

Jana Duggar is 28 years old and single.

That may not seem like a big deal, but Jana was raised in a family that teaches children from a young age that women are put on earth to procreate.

So the fact that four of her younger sisters have now married and started families while she remains at home with mom, dad, and an ever-dwindling brood of siblings has got to weigh on Jana’s mind from time to time.

Jana has been dubbed “the Cinderella Duggar” due to her perceived ability to suffer in silence and devote herself to household chores.

But is she really suffering or is she found fulfillment in serving her family?

Complex questions, but most Duggar fans aren’t interested in seeking the answers or listening to what Jana has to say.

Instead, they’d rather focus on what they believe is new evidence that the woman flat-out hates life.

Recently, the Duggars posted a video of Jana doing some gardening.

Seems innocent enough, but like everything else Jana does, it fans quickly interpreted the activity as evidence that Jana is depressed and miserably lonely.

“It’s sad to watch a 28-year-old woman raising her mother’s ‘blessings.’ Too bad she can’t use her many talents for her own life,” commented one viewer.

“Agreed… it’s horrible that Jana is forced to be the mom for all her younger siblings,” remarked another.

Like we said, the act of growing vegetables was somehow taken as further proof that 

And what does Jana have to say about all of this?

Well, not much, sadly, and her silence has been interpreted as further evidence that she’s a miserable workhorse who’s being forced to shoulder the burden of her parents’ decision to sire 19 freakin’ kids.

However, it’s not unusual that Jana’s not speaking up for herself, as Duggar women are rarely permitted to say what’s on their minds.

It’s possible that she’s miserable, but it’s equally possible that she’s decided marriage and children are simply not for her.

It’s tough to say, as most of the comments on the subject are made not by her, but by her father.

“Jana is 28 years old and still single. She’s still praying about ‘the one,’” Jim Bob Duggar told the crowd at a recent Christian leadership conference.

Jana’s own comments on the situation often sound forced or scripted.

“I know how it feels to wait for Prince Charming to come along. I’m still waiting. Waiting is not always easy,” she said in an interview back in 2016.

She’s been mostly silent on the matter ever since.

Fans are desperate for Jana to find the right man, which has led to some interesting rumors over the years.

Some of them have been absurd (like the reports that Jana is courting Tim Tebow), but others have been thoroughly believable.

But others have been entirely believable.

Most recently, it was reported that Jana was dating Caleb Williams, who – like most of her alleged suitors – is a longtime friend of the Duggar family.

Unfortunately, Wilson denied the rumors and he and Jana have not been seen in one another’s presence since.

So we guess Jana wll remain the Cinderella Duggar for the foreseeable future.

At least she’ll always have her gardening.

Watch Counting On online for more on reality TV’s most controversial family.


Monday, March 26, 2018

Rick Santorum: Teens Should Take CPR Classes Instead of Protesting

Over the weekend, millions of patriotic Americans participated in the March For Our Lives protests, lobbying for gun control in order to put an end to the epidemic of gun violence that claims countless lives.

in the video that you can see below, former senator Rick Santorum says that teens who want to not be murdered shouldn"t ask their government to pass laws to make them safer.

He says that students would be better served by … learning to perform CPR.

Rick santorum state of the union on cnn

The next time that you see someone present CNN, of all networks, as the "liberal news source," remember that the network gave Trump billions in free air time during the election … and that they pay money to people like Rick Santorum to voice their opinions.

The former senator saw millions of teens marching with their families across America, hoping that they can finally pressure the government into protecting its citizens from lethal weapons of war like the AR-15.

Many Americans felt inspired or even, for the first time in too long, hopeful that things would change.

Rick Santorum felt that these courageous teens were … misguided.

He thinks that instead of asking the government — that is supposed to represent them and their interests — they should instead take individual action to prepare for future shootings.

"How about kids instead of looking to someone else to solve their problem, do something about maybe taking CPR classes or trying to deal with situations that when there is a violent shooter that you can actually respond to that."

That statement went viral because many found it to be mind-boggling.

First of all, CPR helps with only a select number of health situations. Very rarely does it do any good when someone has been shot.

Gunshots require very specific treatment that only a fraction of surgeons are prepared to perform.

And it also must be performed in a hospital.

Furthermore, of course, there is the absurdity of demanding that teens accept that mass shootings are and will always be inevitable. These teens and their families and millions of others are demanding that their elected representatives 

One wonders what function Rick Santorum believes that government should serve, if not to protect its citizens.

Rick santorum at trump tower

Now, Santorum"s statement didn"t go unchallenged, and it was pointed out to him that these teens are taking action.

"They took action to ask someone to pass a law," he counters.

He lays out what — aside from, uh, CPR classes — he believes that teens who would prefer to not be murdered should do.

"They didn"t take action to say, "How do I, as an individual, deal with this problem? How am I going to do something about stopping bullying within my own community?""

It"s interesting that he brings up the "bullying" myth. Bullying is real, but the idea that it drives people to become shooters has been debunked, though people have been pushing that narrative since Columbine.

Rick santorum image

Rick Santorum continues with his list of questions that he believes that people who don"t fancy the idea of dying in a hail of bullets should ask themselves.

""What am I going to do to actually help respond to a shooter?"… Those are the kind of things where you can take it internally, and say, "Here"s how I"m going to deal with this. Here"s how I"m going to help the situation.""

What he is talking about is a culture of resignation, where people accept that mast shootings will happen and must happen and live every day prepared to lose friends and loved ones.

It"s one thing to be prepared for an emergency. It"s another to focus solely on preparation and not try to prevent the situation from occurring in the first place.

But Santorum sees lobbying the government to protect its citizens as a sign that people lack personal responsibility.

"Instead of going and protesting and saying, "Oh, someone else needs to pass a law to protect me.""

While his whole take is questionable, the fact that Santorum suggested CPR as a solution to gun violence is absurd.

He also says that "phony gun laws don"t solve problems." We"re not sure what about any of this is "phony," but gun laws have been clearly demonstrated to work.

Of course, Tomi Lahren stuck a gun down her pants, and the NRA countered that the Parkland survivors wouldn"t be famous if their classmates had not been shot … which is kind of the whole point.

So it seems that it"s safe to say that those who oppose gun control legislation are scrambling and voicing a variety of responses and, presumably, hoping that one of these counter-arguments will "stick."

We wouldn"t want you to google "Santorum video" (don"t ask), so please take a look at the video of his statement below.

Rick santorum teens should take cpr classes instead of protestin

Sunday, March 25, 2018

Rick Santorum Says Students Should Learn CPR Instead of Protesting for Gun Control

Rick Santorum says students who were protesting for gun control this weekend should look inward to help to solve mass shootings … by learning CPR instead of taking to the streets. You heard right. Santorum — a former Republican U.S. senator –…


Friday, March 16, 2018

Jenelle Evans: MTV Should Have Fired Me Instead of David Eason!

If you want to hear some elaborate, bizarre, kind of hilarious delusions, then Jenelle Evans is your girl.

And, as we’re starting to learn, it looks like David Eason is your man.

To refresh your memory on what’s going on with these people real quick, David got fired last month after going on an unhinged Twitter rant.

He made lots of homophobic remarks, including likening gay and transgender people to dogs with fleas, and he made lots of intense pro-gun statements.

Which, you know, was pretty alarming for a guy who’s been convicted of violent crimes and who apparently has an arsenal in his home.

Oh, and he also told Chelsea Houska’s dad to “eat a bag of dicks,” so that wasn’t good either.

So David got fired for that, and we know that because MTV released a statement about how “effective immediately, we are ending our relationship with him.”

After that, it wasn’t clear what would happen with Jenelle. Several reports claimed that network executives were trying to figure out what to do with her, and there was a real chance she could lose her job.

Earlier this week, another report stated that she’d be resuming filming soon, and that those new episodes would focus on her relationship with her mother, since David is still out.

But both Jenelle and David gave a little interview to TMZ, and the way they tell it, that’s not the whole story.

And before we get started, just know that you’re going to want to prepare yourself: their story is really, truly ridiculous.

First, David was asked if he felt like he should apologize to the LGBT community, and this goof-ass actually answered with “I mean, I don’t even know what that means, so …”

Yep, he’s trying to say that he’s so far removed from anyone that could possibly be gay that he doesn’t even know what “LGBT” means.

OK, bud.

“But for gay people or whatever, if that’s what that abbreviation means, I’m sorry.”

The poor soul doing the interview confirmed that LGBT does mean “gay people or whatever,” and David said “Yeah, but see, I don’t even know. I don’t study that. It’s not in my life, it’s not in my family’s life to have to worry about something like that.”

The ignorance actually hurts, doesn’t it?

He explained that “if it become a problem, then we would focus on it then,” because obviously to him, having an LGBT family member would be “a problem.”

Just … OK, David. OK.

Next he was asked if he felt like MTV wronged him by firing him, and he said “MTV never fired me.”

See what we mean about the delusions?

“I don’t know who posted the thing on Twitter from the MTV account, but whoever runs MTV’s social media is not the boss man,” he said. “That’s not the person that makes the rules.”

“They never called me and said I was fired,” he continued. “They never told me that I’m not getting my money. So they can do whatever they want, because it doesn’t really matter to me.”

By the way, during this whole conversation, Jenelle is just standing there, and it really looks like she knows how embarrassing he’s being right now.

Because of course he was fired. It was tweeted by someone on the social media team, obviously, but the statement came from higher up. Everyone knows that.

He tried to say that they told him they didn’t want to film for the next three episodes, which, as we’ve heard, would be the last three episodes of the season.

Meaning that he was fired immediately, not that they wanted him to take some kind of break.

Interestingly though, when he was asked if he’d be filming next season, Jenelle said “if we have one,” which kind of sounds like she’s trying to say a new season of Teen Mom 2 is up in the air altogether?

But she corrects herself, saying that they’d film “if we want to do it.”

And hold on to your hats, friends, because here’s where it gets extra wild.

Jenelle told TMZ that “The big issue with MTV right now that I’m having a hard time swallowing is … no offense, but they showed me shooting up heroin. They showed me smoking weed. They showed me almost ODing on a couch.”

“But he gets fired.”

Wait, so David just did that whole big thing about not being fired, then she decided to follow up with all the awful things she’s done on the show that she should have been fired for?

And then confirmed that he was fired?

Do these people even listen to themselves?!

Apparently not, because David jumped right on that train with her, adding that “they showed Ryan driving on drugs and almost killing everybody, and he’s not fired.”

So are you fired or not, David?

According to a source who spoke with The Ashley’s Reality Roundup, he’s definitely fired.

The source explained that he said he wasn’t fired because “he thinks he quit” because after being asked to apologize for his remarks, he refused.

And so “by not agreeing to do what they wanted, he knew he was going to be off the show. So he believes HE made that choice, not MTV.”

As for his statement about not filming the next three episodes, the source said that he’s “not really lying” there, because a new season hasn’t been confirmed yet.

So officially, there are only three episodes left to film. But when the show gets picked up again — because come on, you know it will be, “he will not be part of it.”

And we look forward to hearing all about that meltdown whenever he finally figures out what’s happening.

But of course we do fear for any balloons that may be around him at that time.


Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Rampage Jackson Almost Got Manager a Crappy Used Car, Dropped $130k Instead!

MMA star Rampage Jackson says he came thiiiiis close to getting his manager, Tiki, a hoopty Range Rover at the used car lot … before deciding to be a boss and drop a small fortune! “I was thinking about going the cheap route … you almost had a…


Friday, February 23, 2018

Matt Barnes" Ex-Wife Rejects Olive Branch, Trashes NBA Star Instead

Matt Barnes asked his ex-wife last night if they could finally make peace — instead, a war ensued — with the two sides trashing the hell out of each other online.  It started when Matt posted a message to Gloria Govan on social media…


Thursday, January 25, 2018

Christina Aguilera Drives 272 Feet Instead of Walking

Christina Aguilera can’t be bothered to use her 2 feet when she has 4 perfectly good wheels to get her around … even if she’s only going just 200 feet or so. Christina made the rounds in WeHo Wednesday night, hitting up at least 3 places with her…


Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Farrah Abraham: Teen Mom is SOOO Fake! Watch THIS Show Instead!

You know, it’s starting to look like Farrah Abraham really was fired from Teen Mom OG

Because you don’t normally bite the hand that pays you … unless it’s no longer paying you.

And Farrah is now singing the praises of a new reality series about pregnant teens … and bashing Teen Mom in the process.

It’s still not entirely clear what went down behind the scenes, but Farrah Abraham ranted and raved to the world that she had been fired from Teen Mom OG in a “hate crimes” committed by MTV.

Farrah Abraham not knowing what a hate crime actually is and apparently thinking that it’s just when someone does something that you don’t like is … not surprising.

It seemed that she was fired for her sex work — specifically, for Farrah’s adventures as a camgirl when she strips down and masturbates for paying viewers.

Apparently, that totally honest (and legal) work ruffled someone’s feathers at MTV. But did they really just fire her over it?

Things only got more confusing when Farrah said that she wasn’t actually fired, apparently after talking with someone at Viacom. So … had someone at MTV told her that she was getting fired? And, if so, was it a lie?

Unfortunately, Farrah is not a clear source of information on anything except maybe what she looks like in lingerie.

Whatever her situation, Farrah is now taking to Twitter heaping praise on a new reality series, Unexpected.

Farrah tweeted:

“Love Unexpected @TLC how honest and non scripted it is!! Honest story telling! @MTV needs to take notes their fake teen mom quality is not even credible to watch anymore.. OG real talk.”

For some reason, when Farrahy says “fake teen mom” we hear it in the same tone as when Trump tweets about the “failing New York Times.”

Not a flattering comparison for either of them, really. Trump would hate to be compared to a woman, and absolutely no one wants to be compared to Trump.

A fan tweeted (and was retweeted by Farrah):

“Farrah’s right. Teen Mom is so unrealistic that people don’t even know what being a teen mom is really like anymore. I hope this new show gets the message out better than MTV has.”

There’s no telling if that fan is sincere or if they were just agreeing with Farrah in the hopes of getting a shout-out.

So, what’s all the fuss about?

Unexpected follows three pregnant teen girls.

Yes, teen pregnancies are down among Millennials and Generation Z (both generations have members in high school at the moment), but there are still 15-year-old girls who get pregnant. Often because their schools and parents fail to educate them properly.

But there’s a twist that sets Unexpected apart from Teen Mom:

All three girls’ mothers were also teenage mothers.

(You might think that they’d have taken extra steps to impress upon their daughters how their lives were transformed by their pregnancies and how best to use birth control … but maybe these moms still aren’t making great life decisions)

Anyway, so there’s extra emotional baggage attached to these girls and their situations.

And previews for the series have shown that, to no one’s surprise, girls who get pregnant in high school don’t always have the most realistic ideas about pregnancy, motherhood, or whether or not their baby daddies will stick around.

But whether or not it’s really less scripted … who can say?

We think that we know why Farrah’s loving it, though. And there’s more to it than spiting Teen Mom.

Remember Heather Walsh from Teen Mom OG?

She was fired from that show after breaking professionalism rules. Basically, because she became friends with Farrah Abraham and crossed some boundaries.

(Not sex boundaries, you perv, just platonic sleepovers that producers were told that they should not be doing)

Well, Heather is now a producer on Unexpected.

So it’s no surprise to see Farrah Abraham praising her friend’s show while bashing the show that (maybe) fired her.

To Farrah, that’s two birds, one stone.


Thursday, October 12, 2017

Adam Lind: Not Paying Child Support, Buying Meth Instead?!

Adam Lind … every time we hear about this jackass, he just sounds worse and worse.

Which is surprising, considering that we already know he’s a deadbeat dad with a penchant for meth and murdering puppies.

“How could he possibly get worse than that?” you may find yourself wondering.

And to that, we say this:

Adam Lind always finds a way.

For his latest act of awfulness, Adam has — surprise, surprise — fallen behind yet again on his child support payments.

This time, to the tune of over $ 9,000.

In court documents obtained by Radar Online, Taylor Halbur headed to court back in August to let the powers that be know that Adam was slacking again when it came to making payments for their daughter, Paislee.

To make up the missed payments, he was ordered to cough up $ 9,062.68, which of course he didn’t do.

And you probably won’t be surprised to learn that he still hasn’t paid.

Because hey, why provide child support for a child you never really see when you could buy meth and steroids instead?!

Yep, this new information fits along nicely with a report we heard about Adam earlier this month — one that claimed he was still on drugs.

Things have gotten so bad for him that his longtime girlfriend, Stasia Huber, has moved out of their home because of lies he told her about his drug use.

An insider said that he “doesn’t set up time” to visit with Paislee, and that he “hardly” ever visits Aubree, his daughter with Chelsea Houska, either.

“He has the potential to be a good dad when there aren’t obstacles in his way,” the insider explained.

“At the end of the day all that matters though is his actions and his effort and it’s just not there. He only works on his cars and sleeps a lot.”

And spends his money on anything put supporting his children, apparently.

If he owes over $ 9,000 for Paislee, then it’s pretty safe to assume he’s fallen behind on payments for Aubree, too.

The difference is that Paislee’s mother isn’t a successful reality star with a salary to match — Chelsea has said that Adam’s child support payments goes straight to a separate bank account that she rarely looks at, so she may have not noticed a lapse in payments yet.

It’s also worth noting that this isn’t the first time Adam has fallen behind on his child support payments — not by a long shot.

About this time last year, two warrants were issued for his arrest: one for falling $ 3,805 behind in payments for Aubree, and one for falling $ 5,489 behind in payments for Paislee.

That time, he managed to pay the money he owed, but this time, things aren’t looking so good.

He finally kept his promise in quitting Teen Mom 2 this season, and if he really does have that bad meth habit he’s rumored to have, he probably doesn’t have any money squirreled away from his time on the show.

So maybe a couple more arrest warrants will be issued — and maybe he’ll actually see some consequences for his actions this time.

We can only hope.


Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Beyonce Loses Out on Houston Rockets, CNBC Star Gets Team Instead

Beyonce’s hopes of buying the Houston Rockets just got pushed to the left … to left — instead, the team will be sold to billionaire restaurateur Tilman Fertitta.  Fertitta will fork over a check to current owner Leslie Alexander for $ 2.2…


Friday, September 1, 2017

Beauty Queen Asked to Lose Weight, Hands in Crown Instead!

With all the tragedy that’s been going on in the world lately, it feels like it’s high time for a nice, uplifting story, right?

And drop dead gorgeous beauty queen Zoiey Smale has just the thing!

That’s Zoiey. She’s really, really beautiful — and she’s also a size 10.

A size 10 in her native United Kingdom, that is. In U.S. sizes, she’s about a 6.

But why are we even talking about her dress size? Because, after winning a UK beauty pageant called Miss United Continents, she was informed that she needed to lose weight.

No, really. Someone actually looked at her and then told her that.

Not that that sort of body-shaming is OK anyway, but for real, look at this girl. In what universe does she need to lose weight?

As Zoiey explained in an interview with the Daily Mail, she won the UK title, but was expected to go on to compete for the international Miss United Continents title in Ecuador this month.

In July, the national pageant director called her up and told her that she had some “feedback” for her from the international director.

“She said to me ‘They want you to go on a diet plan and they want you to lose as much weight as possible for the finals.’ I was like, ‘Pardon?"”

“It was one of those things, in the 21st century you don’t actually expect people to be that blunt,” she added.

“I’m not big at all, I’m just bang on average. I just think to be told to lose as much weight as possible for a competition, why would people say that?” she continued.

“It’s horrible and it made me feel so rubbish about myself for a long, long time.”

Which is terribly sad, because obviously she’s not the one with the problem in this story.

She said that she hung up with the director and took time to consider how exactly to respond, because “I was so angry I didn’t just want to throw out insults.”

Eventually, “I said to my director, who was really supportive, that I don’t think someone should say that to girls, it’s awful and it’s horrible and it’s wrong.”

“I don’t think to be a good role model you have to be stick thin and I explained my reasoning that way.”

Finally, “I handed my title back because I’m not going to support a competition that can do that to people, I just think it’s so, so wrong.”

“People wonder why there’s a stigma behind beauty pageants and this is not really helping the matter.”

When she did the first part of the competition, the part for the UK title, she said that there was an emphasis on charity work, but things changed.

“This one took completely away from promoting giving,” she said. “It’s more you’ve got to be as stick thin as possible because that’s what the guys want to see.”

“So I just handed my title back and I just shut that door.”

Absolutely amazing.

Zoiey may no longer be the queen of this particular pageant, but we’re going to go ahead and say it …

She may have just landed a new title as the queen of our hearts.


Wednesday, May 10, 2017

The Game Rips Michael Jordan, Supports Lonzo Ball"s $495 Shoe Instead

The Game says Michael Jordan hasn’t done enough for the black community — so he’s going to use his cash support a DIFFERENT shoe entrepreneur … Lonzo Ball.  The rapper just spent $ 2,000 on Ball’s new ZO2 shoes — which run $ 495 a pair — and…


Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Chloe Grace Moretz Declines Cookies from Admirer, Calls Cops Instead

Chloe Grace Moretz declined a doorstep offering of cookies from a young male admirer … and reported him to authorities instead. Law enforcement sources tell TMZ … the “Neighbors 2” star had an uninvited guest roll up to her home on a skateboard…


Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Husband Sends "Kill My Wife" Texts to Ex-Boss Instead of Hitman

A 42-year-old Washington man allegedly sent a text message to a hitman requesting the murders of his wife and daughter. Or he tried to.

The text instead went to his former boss, who called police.

We"ve all been there with the errant text, right people?!

Jeff Lytle (above) was arrested last week on two counts of criminal solicitation for first-degree murder, according to multiple reports.

Lytle remains in police custody on $ 1 million bail and court records indicate that he has yet to enter a plea to the charges he is facing.

After receiving the text on February 7, his former boss was “disturbed” and notified the Snowhomish (Wash.) County Sheriff’s Office.

The message, addressed to “Shayne,” indicated that Lytle would allegedly be willing to evenly divide a $ 1.5 million insurance payout.

He anticipated receiving that amount upon the hypothetical, desired killings of his wife and 4-year-old daughter, the affidavit alleges.

“You remember you said that you would help me kill my wife … I’m going to take you up on that offer,” Lytle is accused of texting the hitman.

The text added that his spouse"s insurance policy “is worth 1 million and if you want a bonus you can kill … Her life insurance is 500K.”

He seemingly urged “Shayne” to commit the killings while making the heinous acts “look like a robbery gone wrong or make it a accident.” 

The text also provides his wife’s work schedule and work location as well as his own, but again, this did not go to Shayne in the end.

Police say that after initially denying the message came from his phone, Lytle, a resident of Monroe, Wash., admitted writing the text.

He said the message was his way of “venting” his anger at his wife, but doesn"t even know anyone named “Shayne,” and the text was old.

Lytle claims the text was written months ago, after a fight he had with his wife, and that he writes "cathartic" texts that he later deletes.

Cathartic texts to hypothetical contract killers?

He theorized his daughter may have been the one to send out the text after discovering it in his “Drafts” folder, according to the affidavit.

According to police, Lytle’s wife told police the couple had been married for seven years and that she was aware of no marital distress.

She said that the couple have been struggling financially as Lytle has been out of work, but was as taken aback by the text as anybody.

Husband sends kill my wife texts to ex boss instead of hitman

Friday, November 4, 2016

Ex-NFL"s Shaun Phillips -- NFL Should Provide Free Weed ... Instead of Free Rx Pills (VIDEO)

Ex-NFL defensive stud Shaun Phillips says the NFL is giving out the wrong drugs — saying the league should be handing out marijuana to players … and just saying NO to prescription pills.  Phillips played 11 seasons in the league — killing…


Friday, April 1, 2016

Adam Lind Accidentally Texts Nude Photo to Jenelle Evans Instead of Chelsea Houska, Sh!tstorm Ensues on Twitter!

Back in February, graphic photos of Adam Lind having sex with a former girlfriend leaked online, causing the famously short-tempered Teen Mom 2 star to flip out and demand that the pics be deleted from social media.

You might think that the incident would’ve taught Lind to be a bit more cautious with his racy selfies. You would be wrong:

Not only has Lind been posting nude photos online, he’s been texting them to his ex Chelsea Houska. Or at least trying to, anyway…

Moments ago, Chelsea’s co-star Jenelle Evans tagged Houska in a tweet that was initially thought to be a joke:

“Hey @ChelseaHouska tell your dude Adam Lind to stop sending me dick pics,” Evans wrote. “I can see why you cut his ass loose. Looks like those steroids are having some BAD side effects LOLOLOLOLOL!!!”

Houska replied:

“Adam is not my dude. If he’s sending you dick pics that’s between the two of y’all!”

The ladies went back and forth with Chelsea mostly keeping her cool, but eventually implying that she thinks Jenelle is lying (a fair assumption, as Jenelle lies about everything).

That’s when things got really ugly:

“Bitch I will post your baby daddy’s shriveled-ass ‘roid dong right here just to prove I ain’t lying,” Jenelle tweeted. “I have 1.2 million followers and they’re all about to be busting out their magnifying glasses.”

Lind hasn’t tweeted since 2011, but someone must have alerted him to the goings-on, because he intervened just as it seemed that Jenelle was about to show his man bits to the world:



The situation is shocking not only for the feud it appears to have kicked off between Jenelle and Chelsea, but also because it seems that we just discovered the big (or should we say small) reason that Adam Lind is so angry all the time.

Surprising stuff – or at least it would be, were it not for the fact that this is just a really long April Fool’s joke! HA!

Watch Teen Mom 2 online at TV Fanatic for some actual drama.

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Drunk College Student Wants Mac & Cheese, Gets Arrested Instead

We"ve all been there. It"s late; perhaps you"ve enjoyed a few adult beverages, and some greasy, salty concoction that would probably nauseate you at any other time is suddenly your Holy Grail.

Fortunately, unlike 19-year-old Luke Gatti, most of us aren"t willing to literally fight for our colon-clogging booze-sponge treat of choice.

The problem, it seems, is that Luke walked into his school"s cafeteria area with an open container and was denied service. As you can see in the footage above, he didn"t take it well.

The man really wanted some "f–king bacon jalapeño mac and cheese" – so much so that he was willing to go to jail for it.

Due to his unthinkably douchey behavior, Gatti was arrested and charged with breach of peace and criminal trespass.

His first court date is October 15, and he may be facing expulsion from school.

Sadly, Luke never got his mac and cheese. On the bright side, the video of his heroic showdown is up there with drunk late night snack wife and pretty much any footage of Jessica Simpson as one of our favorite booze-soaked viral clips of all time.

And for that, we thank you.


Drunk college student wants mac and cheese gets arrested instead