Showing posts with label Drives. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Drives. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 8, 2018

South Carolina Woman Drives Drunk, Says She"s Too "White" to Get Arrested

A resident of Bluffton, South Carolina was pulled over for reckless driving last Saturday morning and arrested on a number of charges.

This, despite the fact that she was white.

That statement may seem like a ridiculous non-sequitor, but it was actually the argument used by Lauren Elizabeth Cutshaw at the time over her run-in with the law.

As documented by The New York Post, the 32-year old was caught by police officers blowing through a four-way stop sign at 60 miles per hour around 1:45 a.m. on August 4.

With eyes described in the official report as bloodshot and glossy, Cutshaw told the cops that she had only two glasses of wine.

But she was allegedly slurring her words and there was a strong scent of alcohol emanating from the vehicle.

“I mean, I was celebrating my birthday,” Cutshaw told the cops when they asked her how big the glasses were for her pair of drinks, according to the report.

This is a rather aburd excuse for two reasons:

  1. Her birthday is on August 9. 

  2. One’s birthday is not an excuse for breaking the law.

But this seemingly typical arrest has gone viral for a different reason.

Cutshaw gave the officers what she believes were perfectly reasonable explanations for why they shouldn’t place her under arrest. To wit:

She maintained perfect grades during all of her school years… she was a cheerleader … she was a member of a sorority.

Oh, and also:

“I’m a white, clean girl,” Cutshaw said, according to the report.

For some reason, however, this defense did not mean anything to the arresting officers.

When the officers asked what, exactly, Lauren meant by this announcement, she replied:

“You’re a cop, you should know what that means.”

(Translation: You guys only shoot and harass black people. So come on! Give me a break!)

What did mean something to these authority figures?

The fact that Cutshaw failed sobriety tests; and that a breathalyzer showed that her blood alcohol at the time was .18 percent (the legal limit in South Carolina is 0.08 percent).

The report actually cited Cutshaw’s “white” remark, noting: 

“Making statements such as these as a means to justify not being arrested are unusual in my experience as a law enforcement officer and I believe further demonstrate the suspect’s level of intoxication.”

And also of her white privilege.

In the end, Lauren was booked on charges of speeding, disregarding a stop sign, simple possession of marijuana, driving under the influence and possession of drug paraphernalia.


Sunday, June 3, 2018

Jay Leno Drives a Tank in Los Angeles

Jay Leno may have scared the crap out of people Saturday, when he drove what looked like a super-fortified tank through the streets of Los Angeles.  Jay — an avid car collector who seems to have just about every model built — was in the…


Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Jax Taylor Flips OUT, Drives Scheana Marie to Tears

Jax Taylor has had a rough year.

Granted, many of his problems are self-created, such as the drama that ensued when he was caught cheating on Brittany Cartwright.

But Taylor has also encountered some misfortunes that were not of his own doing.

In December, for example, Jax’s father died following a long battle with cancer.

Though the Vanderpump Rules star and his co-stars have had their share of ups and downs over the years, Jax’s friends, former friends, and even ex-girlfriends rallied around him in his time of need.

In fact, the entire Vanderpump cast was in attendance at one or both of the two memorial events held in the elder Taylor’s honor … with one notable exception.

Yes, Scheana Marie not only failed to attend either funeral, according to Jax she couldn’t even be bothered to offer her condolences.

Granted, Scheana had a lot on her plate what with her fixation on Rob Valletta’s ability to mount a flatscreen on the wall in seven minutes flat, but she still could’ve taken ten seconds to fire off a text.

Of course, it’s a classic he said, she said situation, with Jax claiming he never heard from Scheana, and Scheana insisting that she texted him as soon as she heard the news.

We may never know for sure who’s telling the truth (smart money is on Scheana, obvi), but the situation made for some major fireworks during the first part of this season’s Vanderpump reunion show.

It all started when Jax aptly pointed out that it was sort of messed up of Scheana to try and set Brittany up on dates 

(Encourage your friend to dump her problematic boyfriend all you want, but don’t getting third parties involved in an already messed-up situation.)

It didn’t take long for Jax to leap from one sore subject to another, 

“You didn’t even call me when my father died,” he shouted.

Scheana became visibly upset, but as we learned earlier this season, once Jax loses his cool, it’s not easy to reign him in.

“F-ck you! You can’t even keep a boyfriend for more than five minutes,” he screamed, causing Scheana to run off stage.

Of course, Scheana’s absence didn’t bring an end to Jax’s tirade:

“Once in a while be a human being and don’t be an ‘I’m on a TV show all the time.’” he went on.

“Maybe that’s why half of her relationships have gone down the sh—ter.”

We can’t help but think there’s more going on between these two than social faux pas from six months ago.

Watch Vanderpump Rules online for more pasta-fueled insanity.


Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Pete Rose Drives Rolls-Royce Despite $1 Million IRS Debt

Pete Rose owes more than $ 1 MILLION to the IRS … but you wouldn’t know it by looking at his car — ‘cause the ex-MLB star is still pushing a very expensive Rolls-Royce! TMZ Sports has obtained pics of Rose’s Rolls-Royce Wraith — a car that…


Pete Rose Drives Rolls-Royce Despite $1 Million IRS Debt

Pete Rose owes more than $ 1 MILLION to the IRS … but you wouldn’t know it by looking at his car — ‘cause the ex-MLB star is still pushing a very expensive Rolls-Royce! TMZ Sports has obtained pics of Rose’s Rolls-Royce Wraith — a car that…


Thursday, January 25, 2018

Christina Aguilera Drives 272 Feet Instead of Walking

Christina Aguilera can’t be bothered to use her 2 feet when she has 4 perfectly good wheels to get her around … even if she’s only going just 200 feet or so. Christina made the rounds in WeHo Wednesday night, hitting up at least 3 places with her…


Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Ashanti"s Ride Sideswipes Car, Mom Drives Off Before Exchanging Info

Ashanti and her mom were involved in a car accident in Beverly Hills that left the other driver in tears. Ashanti’s mother was behind the wheel of their SUV Monday as they pulled away from a parking spot, and apparently sideswiped a much…


Friday, November 10, 2017

Jeremy Vuolo Drives Duggar Fans WILD With Tight Pants!

You have to see this “sexy” photo of Jeremy Vuolo that has Duggar fans losing their minds.

But you’ll need to decide for yourself whether he really looks as dreamy as they say …

… Or if all of this thirsting says more about Duggar fans than it does about Jinger’s husband.

Last winter, Jinger Duggar started wearing pants. The Duggars are famous for forcing their women to wear skirts, lest their sinful leg-shapes ensorcell a man to lustful thoughts.

It was with the permission of her lord husband (or whatever), Jeremy Vuolo.

In the particular vein of extreme Christian fundamentalist that runs (and ruins) the lives of the Duggars, women are the property of their fathers until they are married off, when their husbands take the reins.

And Jinger’s gone so far as to wear ripped jeans, sending Duggar fans into a state of shock.

Though the cold weather of Laredo, Texas has been brought up as an “excuse” for her devilish new wardrobe, Jeremy Vuolo’s theological beliefs are what allows it.

“Jesus does not save people to make them wear skirts,” he has stated in the past.

Of course, Jinger isn’t the only one who dresses for the weather in Laredo. And she’s clearly not the only one in her marriage wearing pants.

But it’s Jeremy Vuolo’s “tight” pants that seem to be driving Duggar fans into lustful fits.

Jeremy Vuolo definitely looks stylish here.

We don’t know that we’d call these pants anything similar to skinny jeans, but they look like they actually fit him.

A lot of Duggar men wear “dad jeans” that don’t fit so well or flatter the wearer.

(We guess that dressing in an appealing way is some kind of unforgivable sin — unlike Josh Duggar’s child molestation, which they seem to consider a forgivable slip-up)

While current temperatures in Laredo, Texas are in the 60s and 50s, which is hardly “cold” to most people who aren’t senior citizens and wouldn’t strike everyone as jacket weather, Jeremy looks all dressed for winter.

A normal response is “wow, this guy looks stylish,” possibly mixed in with “too bad he thinks that the Duggars aren’t anti-LGBT enough.”

Duggar fans, however, have been commenting under Jinger and Jeremy’s shared Instagram account (have we mentioned how weird joint marital accounts are? don’t do that, guys) and under this photo.

And they are heaping praise on “sexy” Mr. Vuolo.

The comments range from politely complimentary to thirstily direct. Take a look at some real comments that some real people wrote:

“Jinger got the best catch of all the married sisters.”

“Sexy man, I would I could find a husband like that.”

“That’s a Dapper Dan right there!!”

“Very dapper. Jing is a lucky lady.”

“Great photo of a handsome guy styled perfectly by his sweet wife!”

“Jeremy be stylin”

“Your husband looks like a model. You two are very handsome couple”

“Love the outfit so handsome”

“Your husband is hot”

“Your husband is such a stud”

“Love his style! It’s so classy and handsome! Wish this [were] the ‘norm’ again!”

We’re not sure what that last comment means — this is a normal outfit (for colder weather, anyway), not a throwback to the wardrobe of yesteryear.

But a lot of Duggar fans are the very specific sort of conservatives who like to wax nostalgic about an “idealized” past that never really existed.

We doubt that any of the Duggars set out to be fashion icons, but Jeremy Vuolo is looking stylish here.

That doesn’t mean that we share his values or think that he’s a good person. But hey, credit where credit is due. It’s a good look.

We would love to know what Jim Bob Duggar thinks of such a “flashy” outfit, though.


Yasiel Puig Drives Away In $400K Car, Has Been Batman All Along

Yasiel Puig just made a HUGE mistake, revealing his secret identity to TMZ Sports while leaving Delilah in Hollywood and the tip-off was the ridiculously hot car he was driving. Yasiel Puig, Dodgers star, is Batman. We know how it sounds, but…


Monday, October 9, 2017

Middling Dolphins Season Drives Coach to Snort Cocaine


This is one way to distract from the ongoing NFL national anthem controversy…

On Sunday night, shocking footage of Miami Dolphins offensive line coach Chris Foerster went viral, as an exotic dancer named Kijuana Nige released the video below and claimed Foerster "recorded [it] himself."

She adds that it features him "professing his love" for Nige – and it certainly appears to feature the coach snoring multiple lines of cocaine.

While using a $ 20 bill to snort some kind of powdery substance off a table, a man who everyone believes to be Foerster says the following:

"Hey, I miss you. … Thinking about you. … How about me going to a meeting and doing this before I go."

So it appears Foerster isn"t merely taking this hard drug, he"s doing so prior to attending a meeting at work. And bragging about it to Nige.

"There’s those big grains falling, but I miss you. I miss you a lot. [snort] What do you think? Crazy? I know, babe," he adds.

From there, Foerster strongly implies that the stripper is pregnant… with his baby, we presume.

"It’s gonna be a while before we can do this again, because I know you’re going to keep that baby," he says.

"But I think about you when I do it. I think about how much I miss you, how hot we got together. How much fun it was. So much fun. 

"Last little bit before I go to my meeting. [snort] [inaudible] You think? I think not. I wish I was licking this off your pussy."

Yeah. He went there,

The Dolphins have apparently seen the video and have released the following statement in response:

"We were just made aware of the video and will have no comment at this time."

(UPDATE: Foerster has resigned.)

The team sits at 2-2 and is in last place in the AFC East, a division that also includes the New York Jets and Buffalo Bills.

So we understand the ongoing frustration of those associated with this perennially mediocre squad.

But that doesn"t mean we condone cocaine use.

Watch the troubling video below:

Chris foerster miami dolphins coach seemingly snorts cocaine

Thursday, July 27, 2017

Justin Bieber Accidentally Drives Into, Injures Photographer

Justin Bieber accidentally ran over a photographer as he left a church service in Beverly Hills … and the loud impact was captured on camera. Justin was leaving the Saban Theater, where he’d been worshipping at a City Church event. He climbed…


Friday, May 26, 2017

Jenelle Evans: My Mom Drives Drunk With Kids in the Car!

Earlier this week, we reported that Jenelle Evans lost her custody battle against her mother, Barbara Evans.

The judge in her case apparently determined that Jenelle remains incapable of providing a stable home environment for her eldest son, Jace.

In addition to declaring that Jace will stay with his grandmother, the judge issued a set of rules that both Jenelle and Barbara will be required to follow, on penalty of losing custodial rights.

At first, we assumed the stricture prohibiting either party from drinking or doing drugs in front of Jace was intended for Jenelle.

Now, however, Radar Online has obtained a video in which Jenelle accuses Barbara of attempting to drive drunk with her kids in the car.

The video shows a typical Jenelle vs. Barbara screaming match, but with a twist:

This time, it’s Jenelle leveling substance abuse allegations and accusing Barbara of putting the kids.

“Mom, you’re drinking with three kids!” Jenelle screams at her mother in the clip.

“I didn’t have anything to drink!” Barbara shrieks back.

Jenelle goes on to maintain that Barbara was drinking wine at dinner (though tellingly, she makes no claims as to how much) and insists that she’s in no shape to drive home.

“Will you stop it?” Babs implores. “I’m not drinking. I’m having dinner with my friends.”

“You need to take a taxi home,” Jenelle shrieks.

“This is unsafe. Do you realize this? What you’re doing is unsafe!”

It’s worth noting that in all their time on camera, we’ve never seen Barbara intoxicated, but we’ve seen Jenelle intoxicated many, many times.

That’s not to say Barbara hadn’t been drinking on the day in question, but we wouldn’t put it past Jenelle to put something like this out there knowing full well that her mother wasn’t over the legal limit.

Sure enough, moments ago, Barbara spoke to Radar and revealed that Jenelle basically staged the whole encounter:

“I knew Jenelle was trying to set me up. She called me at 4:30pm saying she wanted to see Jace. No. It doesn’t work like that. You can’t just call me like that,” Babs tells the site.

She adds:

“I had just sat down with my friends and had one sip of wine. I saw Jenelle standing there making a big scene. So I threw $ 40 on the table and got up and left.

“I was walking across the parking lot when [Jenelle and her fiancé David Eason] started filming me. They accused me of being drunk. I told them to stop filming me.”

Barbara concluded her statement to the site with:

“I asked Jenelle, ‘What is wrong with you?’ I knew she was trying to set me up. The kids looked at her like ‘She’s out of her mind.’ How dare she do this to me? Her 64-year-old mother. She had the audacity to set me up.”

What’s wrong with Jenelle?

Babs, we wish we could count the number of times we’ve asked ourselves that question.

Watch Teen Mom 2 online for more of the ongoing battle between the Evanses.


Thursday, May 11, 2017

Bears Rookie QB Mitch Trubisky Drives Grandma"s Beat-up Toyota To Practice (PHOTOS)

Here’s the best example of keeping it real we’ve ever seen … Bears rookie — the 2nd pick in the Draft — Mitch Trubisky pushing his grandma’s ’97 Toyota Camry to his first pro football camp. Before we go any further, Trubisky is rich — with the…


Thursday, April 13, 2017

8-Year Old Boy Drives (Yes, Drives!) Little Sister to McDonald"s

Kids these days, huh?

They throw tantrums in front of The Queen… they steal The Pope’s hat… and they don’t believe the number four exists.

Oh, and they also steal their parents’ car and drive their little sister to McDonald’s because they crave some fast food.

At eight years old.

According to the Ohio Police Department, a young boy grabbed the keys to his family’s car after both his parents fell asleep this week.

He also grabbed his four-year old sister, who was totally down with eating some cheeseburgers, and used the lessons he had learned on YouTube to successfully drive all the way to his local McDonald’s.

Really, that may be the most amazing part of this hilarious story;

The child maintained the speed limit and executed a perfect left turn into the drive-thru lane, where he came to a stop at the window and actually placed his order.

“It was remarkable,” East Palestine Police Officer Jacob Koehler told Inside Edition on Wednesday.

“He got him and his sister to McDonald’s without hitting anything or running any red lights.”

The unnamed eight-year old apparently took money from his piggy bank to finance the fast-food adventure.

According to The Morning Journal, employees at the restaurant thought they were victims of a prank when they saw the boy behind the wheel and then listened as he calmly asked for his food.

Police officers say they receiver two calls from pedestrians about a little boy driving a big van, Koehler explained.

The cops arrived at the McDonald’s around 8 p.m. Sunday, just as the boy was pulling up to the drive-thru window.

“He said he and his sister looked up how to drive on YouTube,” Koehler said. “They waited until mom fell asleep and grabbed her keys.”

Not wanting to actually place children of this age inside a cruiser, the police allowed the boy and his sister to wait inside the restaurant for their grandparents to pick them up and take them to the police station.

They gobbled down on a cheeseburger, chicken nuggets and fries during this time.

The parents then retrieved their kids from the station and no charges were filed in the incident.

Still, Koehler remained most stunned that such a little boy was able to handle such a large vehicle.

“This was a one-ton work van,” the officer said. “This thing was huge.”

He added:

“I was expecting to get call after call about mailboxes being knocked over, stupid stuff like that. But he didn’t hit a single thing.”

We bet those burgers sure hit the spot, though!


As you can see immediately above, this is somehow only the second weirdest story about a trip to McDonald’s we’ve written about on the site.


Friday, March 31, 2017

Halle Berry Shares Epic Instagram Pic, Drives Twitter Batty

Halle Berry knows how to make an impression on social media.

The Oscar-winning actress doesn’t post all that many photos on her Instagram page, but when she does… HOLY HOTNESS.

She. Makes. Them. Count.

One year ago, Berry jumped into the Instagram fray via a topless photo that most definitely caught the attention of those across the Web.

But she was facing away from the camera at the time.

The tantalizing prospect of what Berry’s chest would look like if she turned around made for quite an opening Instagram post, but it also left far too much to one’s imagination.

Fortunately for all warm-blooded men, however, Berry has learned from this mistake.

Just consider the image she shared online four weeks ago:

Not shabby, huh?

This seductive snapshot only served as a warm-up act for the Internet-halting photo Berry posted on Thursday evening.

Despite not having any major movies on the way and despite a boring lull in her love life, Berry managed to make endless headlines with the following, bra-free photograph:

“Me when someone says ‘I’m coming over and I’ve got snacks,"” the 50-year old* captioned the photo, which depicts her posing outside with long tousled hair and sans makeup.

(*Yes, Halle Berry is 50 years old!)

Berry is standing with her arms outstretched and the outline of her boobs visible under a sheer white lace dress that plunges to her navel.

And Twitter has A LOT to say about pretty much everything included in this amazing picture.

As of this writing, the photo has nearly 112,000 Likes on Instagram (including one from Tyrese Gibson!) and has elicited reactions such as the following:

berry reaction

“Um @halleberry…I’m coming over and I’ve got snacks? #TheNewAllStateMantra,” wrote Questlove in response to this posting.

A mother of two, Berry said in 2015 that she often felt pressure from Hollywood to go under the knife.

“It is pressure,” she said of getting plastic surgery.

“When you see everybody around you doing it, you have those moments when you think, ‘To stay alive in this business, do I need to do the same thing?"”

Still, Berry has resisted.

And you’ve gotta admire her reason why.

“I just have kept reminding myself that beauty really is as beauty does, and it is not so much about my physical self,” she told Us Weekly, adding:

“Aging is natural, and that’s going to happen to all of us. I just want to always look like myself, even if that’s an older version of myself.”


It’s safe to say that looking like an older version of herself is working out quite well for Berry, isn’t it?


Sunday, December 18, 2016

Kim Kardashian Drives with Kids in L.A. (PHOTO GALLERY)

Kim Kardashian is venturing out again, though very tentatively. Kim’s pretty much been MIA since her robbery in October, but she got behind the wheel Saturday night after leaving sister Kourtney’s house with North, Saint and best pal Brittny…


Kim Kardashian Drives with Kids in L.A. (PHOTO GALLERY)

Kim Kardashian is venturing out again, though very tentatively. Kim’s pretty much been MIA since her robbery in October, but she got behind the wheel Saturday night after leaving sister Kourtney’s house with North, Saint and best pal Brittny…


Friday, October 28, 2016

Student Drives Drunk, Snaps Topless Selfie, Crashes Into Police Car

A 19-year-old Texas A&M University student was arrested on Wednesday night.

For being an all-time idiot, basically.

According to the Bryan Police Department, Miranda Rader got drunk this week… got behind the wheel of a car… snapped a topless selfie for her boyfriend… and then crashed into a police cruiser.

The accident took place near the university, approximately 100 miles northwest of Houston, and was serious enough that the airbag in Rader’s car deployed.

Police said that when the officer whose vehicle had been hit approached Rader, she was attempting to put her blouse back on.

“I asked her why she was not dressed while driving and she stated she was taking a Snapchat photo to send to her boyfriend while she was at a red light,” the arresting officer wrote in an affidavit.

Rader was arrested on suspicion of driving while intoxicated and released on a bond of $ 2,000, police said.

But this story actually gets better.

Or a lot worse, if you’re Miranda Rader…

crash pic

In July, Rader shared a link on her Facebook page to a news story about a Texas teenager who was killed that month in a drunken driving accident.

The headline of the story said the family of the 18-year old killed in the crash hoped that others would learn from the tragic fate of their son.

This is more ironic than rain on your wedding day or plastic spoons when all you need is a knife.

But it’s also downright sad, scary and disturbing, considering how strongly Rader did NOT heed the sage words of this poor victim’s parents.

DUI link

Rader is a freshman at Texas A&M University who hails from Austin.

She was released Thursday morning after posting $ 2,000 bail and is yet to comment on this scandalous behavior for the public.

It’s also unknown when she is scheduled to be be in court.

But we really hope she’s wearing a shirt for the judge.

The family of the 18-year-old West Austin victim, Jack Cloudt, talked to KEYE-TV about their son’s crash in an effort to help others learn from his tragic death.


Monday, February 1, 2016

Harry Styles Quotes Taylor Swift, Drives Internet Bonkers

Harry Styles doesn’t know about you.

But he’s feeling 22.

He’s apparently also feeling like messing with the emotions of millions of people around the world.

The handsome singer celebrated his 22nd birthday on Twitter today by writing the following message to followers:

“I don’t know about you, but I’m feeling 22.”

That is a lyric, of course, from the Taylor Swift track “22.”

Swift and Styles were a semi-serious item for a few months back in 2012.

According to rumors and innuendo, Styles broke up with Swift because she was too prude. She then went on to allegedly write a song about him.

(The song was titled “Style,” so we can likely strike the word allegedly from that sentence.)

It’s been many years since Styles and Swift were in a relationship and each has since moved way on.

Taylor has been dating Calvin Harris since 2014, while it appears as if Styles is giving it to Kendall Jenner these days.

So we’re not really sure what prompted Styles to make this birthday reference. Let’s face it: he clearly knew the uproar that would follow on Twitter.

Is he just trolling Taylor?

Having a tiny bit of fun at her expense, considering the way she often has fun at the expense of her ex-boyfriends in her songs?


But whatever. It’s Harry’s birthday and he can have whatever kind of fun he wants to.

Monday, October 5, 2015

Puppy Drives Tiny Owner Around in Tiny Car

Move over for a second, Jesus. This dog would like to take the wheel.

In footage shared online by Jessica Wolf, this young woman’s son, Oliver, is going for a ride around his neighborhood. No big deal, right?

Sort of a big deal. Because Oliver was going for a ride alongside his dog, Daisy

"Daisy loves to drive Oliver around in their car," Jessica wrote as a description on YouTube. "Yes she is really steering it. Hope you enjoy."

We sure do!

For the record, Jessica added that she can control the car"s movements via remote control. So there"s no real danger at stake here.

In other words: feel free to laugh out loud guilt-free! We certainly did.

Puppy drives tiny owner around in tiny car