Showing posts with label Photographer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Photographer. Show all posts

Thursday, November 8, 2018

YouTube Star Lele Pons Witnesses Photographer Friend Seriously Injured in Hit & Run

1:29 PM PT — Lele just addressed the hit-and-run on Twitter, saying the car that struck Corentin was a grey Acura … adding that she and her team have provided all the details they witnessed to police. She also said she’ll be taking a break from…


Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Kim Kardashian Prays for Her Photographer Injured in Serious Car Crash

Mom-shamers like to slam Kim Kardashian for posing nude, but she poses with a purpose, and usually with a professional photographer.

Tragically, Kim’s photographer, Marcus Hyde, has been in a truly horrific car accident.

Kim shared the news and is asking fans to pray for his recovery.

On Tuesday, Kim Kardashian tweeted out the news about Marcus Hyde’s terrible accident.

“Please pray for my friend @MarcusHyde,” Kim tweeted.

She also included an image, appearing to show the two of them, with words imposed over it.

“I’m trying to find the perfect picture but I don’t want to share them,” Kim writes.

Kim explains her reluctance: “We were saving these for our book.”

Clearly, she doesn’t want to signal that there’s no hope by sharing the photo. She’d rather believe he’ll recover.

Kim Kardashian tweets about Marcus Hyde, asks for prayers

Her comments go on, now directly addressing Marcus.

“Angels are surrounding you,” Kim writes.

She continues: “I’m praying so hard for you.”

“Please be ok,” she begs.

Kim’s message concludes: “Please come back @marcushyde.”

This is truly heartbreaking.

Marcus Hyde is a photographer known for his work with tasteful, artistic nudity.

He is especially famous for his work with Kim Kardashian and her sisters, including Khloe and Kendall.

TMZ reports that Marcus’ terrible accident took place Monday morning, October 29.

He was on the Pacific Coast Highway in Malibu when he apparently lost control of his vehicle.

Marcus went over an embankment.

From the looks of things, the Mercedes AMG CLS that he was driving has been totaled.

He himself was airlifted to the Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center.

He had a female passenger in the vehicle at the time.

TMZ reports that, per their sources, this unidentified woman was also hospitalized.

We don’t know Marcus’ exact condition — but he reportedly suffered a critical head injury.

Sources also say that Marcus Hyde was suffering seizures as a result of the crash and the head injury.

That is devastatingly serious.

Marcus has traveled the globe with Kim and with Kanye.

He has been the man behind the camera for some of her most famous photos.

He was also the photographer for the Kardashian (and Jenner) Calvin Klein photos late last year.

This man’s artistic vision has been a part of Kim’s brand for a long time.

Kim is clearly reeling from this news. It’s no wonder that she’s asking fans for prayers.

As we mentioned, the fact that she’s unwilling to release photos of the two of them means that she’s clinging to hope.

She wants Marcus to survive, recover, and then release that book with her.

If she were to release a photo now, it would feel like she was giving up on him.

We absolutely understand the way that she is thinking.

We here at THG sincerely hope that Marcus Hyde and his passenger make a full and speedy recovery from this horrific ordeal.

We also hope that his friends and loved ones — Kim included — can find comfort and hope while they wait for news.


Thursday, September 20, 2018

Liev Schreiber Pleased After Photographer Harassment Case Gets Tossed

Liev Schreiber can sleep a little easier tonight — a judge just dismissed a harassment charge stemming from an alleged run-in with a photographer. According to new legal docs … the “Ray Donovan” actor’s actions in June — when he allegedly told a…


Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Jimi Hendrix Photographer Sues Jimi"s Family Over Classic Image

A shot of Jimi Hendrix jamming on his guitar is popping up on all sorts of merchandise, but the guy who took the pic says Jimi’s family ripped him off. David Sygall says he did a photo shoot with Jimi back in the ’60s during a rehearsal — he…


Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Photographer Tyler Shields Wants Kathy Griffin to Shoot Documentary on Trump Beheading Photo

Shock photographer Tyler Shields says his biz is booming since he shot the photo of Kathy Griffin holding a bloodied Trump mask — and he has a plan for Kathy to rebound from the controversy. We got Tyler at LAX Tuesday where he insisted the…


Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Famed Photographer Bruce Weber"s Alleged Sexual Misconduct Victims Talk (LIVE STREAM)

Two male models are coming forward to detail allegations of sexual misconduct at the hands of famed fashion photographer Bruce Weber … and TMZ will be streaming live. The male models will be flanked by their attorney, Lisa Bloom, who has…


Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Terry Richardson: Controversial Photographer Blacklisted Amidst Sex Scandal

The past few weeks have brought a number of surprising allegations against some of the most influential men in Hollywood, most notably, formerly esteemed mogul Harvey Weinstein.

Just kidding, there were actually surpsised that Weinstein is a gross predator who’s been using his power to get away with all manner of despicable things pretty 

In fact, here at THG, we’ve been reporting on harassment allegations against Weinstein for years.

We say that not to pat ourselves on the back, because that would be incredibly gross, but merely to point out that anyone who’s paid attention to Weinstein’s career knows that allegations of sexual misconduct have clung to him like a bad smell.

And if they claim otherwise, they’re full of it. (We’re looking at you, Matt Damon.) 

Hollywood insiders like to throw around the term “open secret” because it’s easier than acknowleding the ugly truth of the situation:

There are certain people in Hollywood who can get away with literally anything, including harassment and rape, and everyone who’s lower than them on the totem pole will ignore it, because they hope to one day be that powerful themselves, and they know that guys like Weinstein hold the keys to the castle.

Of course, this sort of behavior isn’t limited to the movie business.

There are predators in every line of work, and many will happily abuse the smallest modicum of power.

Take, for example, famed photographer Terry Richardson.

Just when you didn’t think it was possible for anyone to be a more obvious perv than Weinstein, along comes the revoltingly-nicknamed “Uncle Terry.”

You may not be surprised by the fact that a man who’s bragged about his talent for convincing reluctant celebrities to take their clothes off has some issues with boundaries, but apparently many of his colleagues were.

Richardson is a household name in the worlds of fashion and photography, and you may know him as the director of Miley Cyrus’ “Wrecking Ball” video and the name is mentioned alongside avery self-consciously “artsy” black-and-white nude photo of a famous person.

Unfortunately for Richardson, it seems that in the wake of the Weinstein allegations, he’s been called out by numerous women who claim he’s guilty of various acts of harassment and abuse.

According to the New York Post, publishing powerhouse Condé Nast has already cut ties with Richardson and ordered that all work of his that’s been commissioned but not yet used should be “killed or substituted with other material.”

Other major media outlets that have used Richardson’s work in the past are expected to follow suit.

Details about the allegations against Richardson are scarce at this time, but it’s telling that none of his current or former colleagues are rushing to the photographer’s defense.

In fact, the biggest question being asked today is–why did take so long for Richardson to be called out?


Friday, September 22, 2017

Tupac Photographer Sues Macy"s, Urban Outfitters for Jacking Pics to Sell Shirts

Some of the most famous photos of Tupac Shakur have been stolen and slapped on shirts at a couple popular retail stores, and the photog wants justice … according to a new lawsuit. Chi Modu, known for his portraits of hip-hop artists, claims a…


Thursday, July 27, 2017

Justin Bieber Accidentally Drives Into, Injures Photographer

Justin Bieber accidentally ran over a photographer as he left a church service in Beverly Hills … and the loud impact was captured on camera. Justin was leaving the Saban Theater, where he’d been worshipping at a City Church event. He climbed…


Friday, July 7, 2017

Kylie & Kendall Jenner Sued by Famed Photographer for Tupac T-Shirts

Kylie and Kendall Jenner have been slapped with a lawsuit for straight-up jacking Tupac Shakur pics and trying to profit off the work … so claims the famed photographer in a new suit. Renowned photographer Michael Miller — whose…


Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Chris Brown Must Return $30k Fee, Says Tampa Club Where Singer Allegedly Punched Photographer

Chris Brown’s gonna take a huge hit if a Tampa club has its way — it wants the singer to give back the $ 30k it paid because he bailed on his appearance after allegedly punching the club’s photographer. Club sources tell us CB was hired to perform…


Chris Brown Must Return $30k Fee, Says Tampa Club Where Singer Allegedly Punched Photographer

Chris Brown’s gonna take a huge hit if a Tampa club has its way — it wants the singer to give back the $ 30k it paid because he bailed on his appearance after allegedly punching the club’s photographer. Club sources tell us CB was hired to perform…


Friday, January 13, 2017

Uma Thurman to the Rescue of Fallen Photographer (VIDEO)

Uma Thurman’s custody hearing with her ex-fiance got off to a rocky start … for the paparazzo trying to shoot her as she walked into court. The video’s pretty hilarious for everyone but the guy who went down … hard. To her credit, Uma didn’t…


Friday, March 4, 2016

Kendall Jenner PUNCHES a Photographer in Paris!!

Don’t mess with Kendall Jenner, people! She’s got a mean left hook.

The supermodel allegedly threw a punch at a paparazzo who got too close for comfort outside a nightclub in Paris last night.

Kendall and her BFF Gigi Hadid were just trying to get their party on when the event went down.

Luckily, Kendall’s bodyguard stepped in to break up the kerfuffle and reportedly told the photographer off.

Sporting fresh blond locks (possibly a wig), the model and reality star had just opened and closed the Balmain runway show earlier that day. 

Perhaps her new ‘do brought out some fierce rage we never knew was there.

Also, in an Instagram post earlier that day, she posted the photo above with a caption reading, “MOOD” along with a frowning, side-eyed emoji.

However, Kendall has expressed frustration with the paparazzi in the past.

“There are definitely moments when the paparazzi scare me,” she recently wrote in a post on her website and app.

“I’m always more worried about other people’s safety, especially when they’re driving,” she explained.

“For example, if the paps run a red light – all twelve of them – and almost kill someone else, I’ll definitely tell them off. I stop, tell them to pull up next to me and I say, ‘You a–holes! Not only are you going to kill yourself, but you’re going to kill innocent people around you.’

In addition, she recently told LOVE magazine she wanted to shoot the paps (with paint):

“If I could get back at the paparazzi, I would get paint ball guns and paint ball them all day,” Kendall said.

“Or I would get my own camera and stalk them and their families and take pictures of their children all day.”

Looks like she got back at them this time, though not with paint, but with a five-finger sandwich.

Her new attitude is in stark contrast to the fun-loving imp we saw in a video for Vogue earlier this week, when she pranced around topless and enjoyed all the perks of being a top model.

Sorry, Kendall, there are definitely some drawbacks, too.