Showing posts with label Tampa. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tampa. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Donald Trump Fundraiser Held at Home of Tampa Bay Buccaneers Owner

Donald Trump will be rubbing elbows with his supporters in one of the ritziest gated communities in Southern California. TMZ has learned the fundraiser will go down at the home of Ed Glazer, the owner of the Tampa Bay Buccaneers. He lives in the…


Monday, December 25, 2017

Tampa Bay Bucs Player Drops $1,000 Tip at Applebee"s On Xmas Eve

Tippin’ good in the neighborhood …  The entire staff at an Applebee’s restaurant in Tampa Bay got hooked up fat on Christmas Eve … and it was all thanks to a very generous Bucs player.  TB defensive tackle Sealver Siliga and some…


Saturday, September 30, 2017

Tampa Bay Bucs Star Gerald McCoy Excited to Meet "GOAT" Stan Lee

Tampa Bay Buccaneers lineman Gerald McCoy isn’t your normal jock — he’s not afraid to geek out and hit up a comic book convention … especially when there’s a chance to meet his childhood idol. McCoy met Marvel legend Stan Lee at…


Thursday, August 17, 2017

Tampa Bay Bucs, Rays & Lightning: We"ll Pay to Take Down Confederate Statue

Three major Tampa sports teams are pitching in to remove a Confederate monument from the city’s courthouse in the wake of the backlash against similar statues in Virginia.  The statue in the middle of the controversy is the…


Saturday, July 29, 2017

Kate Beckinsale Files Police Report After "Overzealous Fan" Gets Booted from Tampa Bay Comic Con

Kate Beckinsale reportedly postponed an appearance at Tampa Bay Comic Con this weekend after an “overzealous fan” had to be booted from the premises … which resulted in her filing a police report. According to a local report, Kate was set to…


Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Chris Brown Must Return $30k Fee, Says Tampa Club Where Singer Allegedly Punched Photographer

Chris Brown’s gonna take a huge hit if a Tampa club has its way — it wants the singer to give back the $ 30k it paid because he bailed on his appearance after allegedly punching the club’s photographer. Club sources tell us CB was hired to perform…


Chris Brown Must Return $30k Fee, Says Tampa Club Where Singer Allegedly Punched Photographer

Chris Brown’s gonna take a huge hit if a Tampa club has its way — it wants the singer to give back the $ 30k it paid because he bailed on his appearance after allegedly punching the club’s photographer. Club sources tell us CB was hired to perform…


Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Tampa Bay Bucs WR Josh Huff Cuts Deal In Gun Case, Avoids Jail

Good news for Tampa Bay Buccaneers WR Josh Huff — he just struck a deal with prosecutors in his gun case and will stay out of jail …. if he keeps his nose clean. As we previously reported, the 25-year-old ex-Oregon star was pulled over in…


Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Amy Schumer Mocks Tampa Crowd: Read Her Open Letter!

Okay, we admit it: we were wrong about Amy Schumer.

Earlier this week, the comedian put on a show in Tampa, stopping at one point to invite a Donald Trump supporter on stage.

Schumer wanted to hear some kind of reasonable and rational basis for why anyone would actually vote Donald Trump for President.

So she asked a man for his opinion… she listed while he basically said he was voting against Hillary Clinton more than for Donald Trump… and then she thanked him and asked him to sit back down.

And then Schumer laid into Trump, referring to him as an “orange, sexual-assaulting, fake-college-starting monster.”

But this was said to an audience in Florida, a state Trump might actually win. (Although a collection of polls currently has Clinton winning Florida by 3.6 points at the moment.)

As a result, many attendees were turned off by Schumer’s Trump slamming

They booed and they actually got up to walk out.

See for yourself:

So… how were we wrong about Schumer?

She issued a brief response to these displeased fans yesterday, telling Entertainment Weekly:

“I loved the crowd and my show in Tampa last night!

“I want to thank the 8,400 people who stayed. We had a great time! We have always depended on comedians to make us laugh and tell the truth. I am proud to continue that tradition.”

We took these words as meaning that Schumer did not give a you-know-what about those who left her set early.

But we were mistaken. She clearly has a few f-cks to give about them.

During her stand-up show in New York City last night, Schumer read an open letter to critics in Tampa (and around the country, really).

It started as follows:

“Dearest Tampa, I’m sorry you didn’t want me, a comedian who talks about what she believes in, to mention the biggest thing going on in our country right now.

“How could I think it was OK to spend five minutes having a peaceful conversation with someone with different views?”

As the audience began laughing, Schumer continued:

“After the show, I want you to know that I will go straight to a rehab facility that will teach me how to make all people happy.

“Both the rich, entitled, white people who are gonna vote for him and the very poor people – who’ve been tricked into it!”

And then Schumer concluded:

“And Tampa, I’m so sorry. I shouldn’t have said that he was an orange, sexual-assaulting, fake-college-starting monster. Shouldn’t have said that.

“I will never again say that he is an orange, sexual-assaulting, fake-college-starting monster!”

Prior to this show, Schumer had taken to to Instagram, claiming that she would put on a “squeaky clean” performance in the aftermath of Florida’s performance.

She included the hashtag “#tampaapologytour” with this message.

Maybe Schumer has a different definition of “apology” than most people.

Or maybe she was preparing folks for the hilarious open letter to come.

In the video above, Schumer asks the Donald Trump supporter the following question:

“Do you get worried at all with how impulsive he is, that he gets so fired up from Saturday Night Live doing a skit on him? Do you worry he’ll be impulsive and get us in a lot of f-cking trouble we can’t get out of?”

This led her down the aforementioned, unpopular path.

But it seems like a fair question to pose, does it not?

(Please don’t get up and go read another celebrity gossip website! We love all of you!)


Monday, October 17, 2016

Amy Schumer Slams Trump Supporters, Gets Heckled in Tampa

Amy Schumer and Donald Trump are too very divisive figures.

But while the former is a comedian who occasionally rubs people the wrong way with her political material, the other is an unhinged Cheeto-man who wants the nuke codes so that he can tease Putin with a guessing game next time they Skype.

Needless to say, they don’t represent the same level of threat to our way of life, which may be why Schumer felt compelled to go in on Trump during a recent standup performance in Tampa:

Now, you’ve ever studied an electoral map, you know that Florida is a true toss-up state, with a population divided between staunchly conservative bath salt addicts and more left-leaning bath salt addicts.

(And there’s the occasional flakka aficionado, who we assume will be voting for Gary Johnson.)

Anyway, it’s a risky state in which to voice a political opinion, but that didn’t stop Schumer from engaging with Trump supporters during her gig last night.

As you can see in the clip above, it went about as well as expected, which is to say, very, very poorly.

Schumer invited a Trump supporter on stage last night to ask what it is the guy sees in the Donald.

When the guy asnwered that he’s not voting for Trump but “voting against Hillary,” an annoyed Schumer dismissed him.

“I just wanted to know why one guy, who doesn’t seem like a psychopath, would want to vote for that orange, sexual-assaulting, fake college starting…” Schumer said.

Her comments were met with a chorus of mixed boos and applause.

There’s a pause in the recording, during which time things presumably took a turn for the worse, and Schumer can be heard telling the crowd:

“From now on, if you yell out, you’re gonna get thrown out. Everybody point to the people booing.”

Given the level of violence at recent Trump rallies, it’s actually surprising things didn’t get even uglier.

Depending on what part of the country you live in, it can be easy to forget the nation is still this divided with regard to who it wants calling the shots at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.

Even so, we’re a bit surprised this all went down at an Amy Schumer show.

Was a local radio station giving away free passes or something?

Did some Tampa residents really think that at the end of a week in which Trump was accused of sexual assault by more than a dozen women, Shumer was gonna take the stage and be like, “Ya know, I’m still undecided…”

We’re guessing a lot of season ticket holders for that venue were in the house last night.


Amy Schumer -- Booed by Donald Trump Fans at Tampa Show (VIDEO)

Amy Schumer made the mistake of trying to rationalize with some passionate Trump supporters, and it didn’t end well. The comedian went political for a minute during Sunday’s show in Tampa … even bringing a Trump supporter onstage, and asking…
